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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 122 KB, 831x1024, 1582561913071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13851257 No.13851257 [Reply] [Original]

Do you like Beyond vegan food?

>> No.13851260

I love soy.
And my budding new breasts.

>> No.13851275

Why do they continue to take pictures like this? It's already one thing to show you got some fucking KFC, but why the whole mouth thing?

>> No.13851288

are they giving free blow jobs?

>> No.13851296

it gets more clicks on youtube, plain and simple.

>> No.13851303

because nobody actually cares outside of the bubble. it's literally just the standard way to show excitement in a picture

>> No.13851307

This. Anyone who can't appreciate supple plant-boobs is a insecure nigger.

>> No.13851308

But who the fuck would want to see such a stupid looking expression on the most fucking punchable faces? I refuse to believe such things, it just can't be.

>> No.13851315

they're at work, this face pleases their boss, "the algorithm".

>> No.13851320
File: 37 KB, 493x534, 0343_-_fGHAd2j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I deliberately sexually harass my vegan female coworker. I've slipped a vibrator in her purse, and made her smell my balls by rubbing them on her computer mouse.

Eat my sausage you anorexic bitch.

>> No.13851321


>> No.13851354
File: 29 KB, 283x279, 1579318145694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never tried it, not interested. Also that :O face is the worst thing to happen to photography since duckface.

>> No.13851361
File: 32 KB, 490x313, 2-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's kinda funny how older pictures and even painted portraits were always serious. Your portrait is your "face" to the outside world. Why make yourself look like a clown? Smiles are for friends and family, not strangers.

>> No.13851399

Cucks aside, I'm pretty excited to try the beyond chicken. Seitan "chicken" and waffles was the tits, one of my favorite things from Veggie Galaxy in Cambridge. But it wasn't super chickeny. I've got high hopes, I like beyond a lot more than impossible. Honey Mustard just doesn't go as well on fries, I need a better use for it.

>> No.13851405

>all the emulsifiers and texturizers needed to turn bean paste into fake meat
It's literally deep fried margarine.

>> No.13851411
File: 94 KB, 567x615, 1585604128240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never tried it and I never will.

>> No.13851417

>deep fried margarine
As though that could be anything other than delicious. We had a whole episode of South Park about this shit, everybody knows it's not a health food.

>> No.13851425

Post a pic of how manly and high test you are, since you're so careful to avoid accidental estrogen ingestion.

>> No.13851426

That's a lot of estrogen.

>> No.13851432

Don't expect too many "people" to understand. I've been saying it my whole life. Unless the intention is comedic, having a fake smile on your face when having your portrait taken makes you look like a tard no matter who you are. I have never smiled for a picture no matter what the circumstance and "people" respect me. Russians have the right idea.

>> No.13851446
File: 75 KB, 600x1040, 56becf8918076532b63e5a187e18f726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whaaat? you don't eat copious amounts of estrogen?
>post yourself so I can masturbate to you

>> No.13851458
File: 69 KB, 1024x576, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think it's kinda funny how older pictures and even painted portraits were always serious
It's because painting takes hours, early cameras had long-ass exposure times too, and back then most people had rotten teeth anyway.

>> No.13851459

Yeah, I figured you'd bitch out.

>> No.13851472

This isn't >>>/soc/

>> No.13851479

Is this your first time encountering normie culture?

>> No.13851491

It's not normalfag culture, it's soy culture.

>> No.13851514

You sound like you're 2 years old.

>> No.13851636

But Beyond doesnt use soy.

>> No.13851642

I've been eating soy products for about 7-8 years and I've yet to develop any man breasts.

>> No.13851649

>Smiles are for friends and family, not strangers.
What? Smiles are for everyone.

>> No.13851670

Ignore him, he's just another asshole who communicates his masculinity by wearing his father's oversize suit and telling everyone he wants to be just like his daddy when he grows up.

>> No.13851676

He's right, you know.

>daddy issues
That's a lot of projection there

>> No.13851714

Btw im gay, dunno if it matters.

>> No.13851717

I share your enthusiasm brey.

>> No.13851723

Does the estrogen resist gastric acid?

>> No.13851727

Estrogen or fito estrogen? You see, trannies dont use fito estrogen because it doesnt do shit.

>> No.13851731

Normie culture became soy culture, see drag queen shows for futher reference.

>> No.13851733

Jelly fella? Of course you are.

>> No.13851734
File: 704 KB, 2728x2128, 1585583552363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trannies dont use fito estrogen because it doesnt do shit.
You mean phytoestrogen? The evidence seems to disagree with your assertion.

>> No.13851737

Time to go to work in shortpants i guess, anything for curbing my toxic masculinity

>> No.13851751

>unironically sourcing from an anti-vax website

What did she mean by this?

>> No.13851768
File: 13 KB, 201x251, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my vision of masculinity is dated I conceive of going to work in shorts as a horrific PC compromise
What's it like being a cartoon character?

>> No.13851773

Fuck yeah. And here I was lamenting that I would never get to experience the joy of breastfeeding my own child.

>> No.13851783

>injects xerself with mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, polysorbates, tri butylphosphate, latex rubber, glutaraldehyde, gentamicin sulphate, polymyxin B, beta-propiolactone, and genetically modified yeast, bacterial and viral DNA & dairy/egg components
What did xer mean by this?

>> No.13851794

they look more like children than homos. young boys and girls typically make this face when they get excited about something because they still have mushy chimp brains with little control over their emotions. this isn't how adults are supposed to behave. literal manchildren.

>> No.13851823

thread badly needs a dose of masculinity


>> No.13851826

None lad, just curbing my toxicity. Lets floss together to mend it.

>> No.13851829

It's because in order to appeal to as broad an audience as possible, they attempt to shave from their faces every feature which could be perceived as threatening, masculine, or intimidating. Their (e-cucks) audience is largely children and women in their teens, so they have to soften themselves up as much as possible to be accepted. They open their mouths without showing their teeth like "go ahead, stick it in, I won't bite"

>> No.13852042

Left looks like he has a small forehead, while right has these beady, soulless eyes.

>> No.13852087

I don't love the taste of anything so far, but I eat it cause it has the best macros of any meat substitute and doesn't have soy. I have high hopes for the friend chicken.

>> No.13852137

You really think people would tell lies on the internet?

>> No.13852148

Or just take a picture of the product

>> No.13852149

10 times a minuscule amount is still a minuscule amount.

>> No.13852153

You're posting on 4chan's cooking board. No one respects you.

>> No.13852159

Half the posts in here claim vegan food is processed when cows don't look like steak either... its the same old thing we heard already except people admit vegan food is processed but boomers never can admit it

>> No.13852160

Shhh you're ruining their hysteria.

>> No.13852166

you don't make as much $$$ that way

>> No.13852168

*boomers and anti-vegans, and animal farmers can't admit that cows have to be processed into steaks

>> No.13852169

This is so sweet.

>> No.13852172

18000000 times a miniscule amount is no longer miniscule.

>> No.13852175


>> No.13852177

Imagine being this obsessed with another person you don't even know... You're why restraining orders exist.

>> No.13852188

Based serious and realistic anon

>> No.13852206

generally, it's pretty good. if a place doesn't offer it I won't care, but if it does i'll grab it. at home we stick with it for burgers, but cow for steak.

>> No.13852243

Why the fuck would I when I can just eat meat? It tastes better, it is way more nutritious, it contains way less obscure shitty ingredients (ideally none at all, but that's not always possible) with unknown long-term effects on the human body, it promotes muscle growth way better which is important for me since I work out regularly and don't want to compromise my gains. And finally, it's just more readily avaliable and offers more variety through different source animals and cuts.

>> No.13852250

its beyond bullshit. your eating someones science experiment.

>> No.13852776

t. narcissa

>> No.13852796

Soy has taken on a new meaning: "bugman faggot stuff"

>> No.13852819

It also gets the most clicks on Reddit.
Where all the soi-fags live.

>> No.13852821


>> No.13852830

The Redditors love this shit, they are all one in the same, soyboys.

>> No.13852843

>being pro-vac

>> No.13852959

what's the american equivalent to sopa de macaco UMA DELICIA?

>> No.13852966

you clicked on the thread bro...

>> No.13852990

You can say soy on /ck/ you dumb tourist.

>> No.13853307

I mean, a DOCTOR said it, so it must be true.

>> No.13853455 [DELETED] 
File: 160 KB, 1180x927, Swastika-Spiral.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill niggers.

>> No.13853498 [DELETED] 

it's obvious you are either hebrew, not white, or just retarded. people of african descent aren't the enemy of whites...they look up to and depend on whites to help them survive in this world. the real enemies are those that try to keep focus in the wrong direction

>> No.13853499 [DELETED] 
File: 289 KB, 142x146, swastika3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>responding to a post from 25 minutes ago
fuck off kike

>> No.13853502

you are very edgy and original my child

>> No.13853505 [DELETED] 
File: 326 KB, 500x281, GlaringAlienatedIberianchiffchaff-size_restricted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh no! not the racism! racism bad! racism bad!
kill yourself

>> No.13853589

>trying this hard

>> No.13853593 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 1920x1152, flag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill yourself retard

>> No.13853776
File: 1.23 MB, 1300x1800, Thriving Vegans 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make that a "no" for me.

>> No.13853794

It's fine, but its not a good replacement for meat. It only does okay in the context of comparisons against BK or McDonalds, which is like the lowest quality shit available. Their chicken replacement isn't much better than previously existing options.

t. younger brother is vegan and I humor him and try this stuff because it's preferable to his previous life as a meth addict.

>> No.13853829 [DELETED] 

So you're going to spend the next 7 months until the election spamming swastikas in every thread to demonstrate how frivolous it is to accuse Republicans of being nazis? Do I have that right?

>> No.13853843 [DELETED] 


dubs of truth

>> No.13853935

>you saved documented evidence of why over consumption of phytoestrogen does
>you're just obsessed REEEEEEEEEE
I don't even know who that is, lol retard

>> No.13854538

So is it health or not?

>> No.13854560

if it's just flavored plant junk why is it so expensive?

>> No.13854595

No I don't eat nigger food.

>> No.13854629

>be man who no want to eat meat
>do I
>simply not eat meat
>or pay extra to eat fake meat

>> No.13854653

>People will eat burgers that shrink their testicles for likes

>> No.13854682
File: 108 KB, 1242x1040, 17d27f6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>toothless antivegans crying themselves or healthier alternatives while using fakenews and fallacies

>> No.13854696

>"A&D are animal vitamins"
>someone actually made this pic
>someone actually saved this pic
>someone actually reposted this pic
Please stop being retarded, you're making omnivores look bad.

>> No.13854733

Amazing. Antibiotic free crunchy fried.
All you haters up here keep hating. Your kind is in free fall

>> No.13854773

Famous speedrunner Cosmo

>> No.13854787

even with makeup and filters her face is fat

>> No.13854788

No offense but you don't sound like the type of person people would take pictures with.

>> No.13854790

your body can't get to the nutrients in plants because they can't break down the fiber thats protecting them.

>> No.13854791

Not that guy but you're obviously a coping fattie.

>> No.13854792

how is it "beyond" vegan? is it super vegan? mega vegan?

>> No.13854797

That’s your schizophrenia medications

>> No.13854802

It's meat.

>> No.13854828

what's incredible to me is companies can't use the word "wings" to describe boneless chicken but these fags are allowed to call something with no chicken at all "fried chicken"

>> No.13855577

They look better than actual chicken, but let's get real, its hard to process a living being into perfect nugget. a 30 pound or so living being made into a nugget is hard to perfect

>> No.13856110

I made a lot of money on their stock so I can't complain too much. Impossible "meat" is much better though.
Every westerner who eats processed crap consumes soy. There is no definitive evidence that phytoestrogens have an impact on male fertility.

If you want to maintain your reproductive health (as if anybody who's afraid of soy will find a woman to have children with) then stay away from plastics.
That tranny still looks like a man; not sure how this is overrides evidence that phytoestrogens impact the male reproductive system. If he believes that it has the ability to turn him into a woman against all evidence to the contrary then you both are retarded.
The manufacturing process involved in creating newer imitation meats is pretty complicated.

>> No.13856129
File: 112 KB, 299x390, 1576950813455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Impossible meat was pretty decent last time I had it. Beyond not so much, had a lot of weird chemical flavorings, I work in a college cafeteria and we were giving it a test-run for chili. Eat less if you're worried about getting bitch-tits, do you have any idea how much soy you'd need to consume to have any reproductive or hormonal effects?

>> No.13856171
File: 242 KB, 898x1106, 1585341149609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey why aren't you posting the unedited version faggot?

>> No.13856191


>> No.13856528

If they had a fresh shave It would be more believable

>> No.13856576

Cancerous beta vegan faggots.

>> No.13856800 [DELETED] 
File: 59 KB, 1024x683, 1575174396098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know a single historic or living genius that is/was transexual. You trannies are defect, retarded and useless. You don't contribute to anything but slander and complains.
If you're a tranny, i suggest you accelerate your death by shooting yourself in the woods so your parents don't have to witness their sons bloodbath and flesh pieces on the floor. You're a burden to your parents and society. People don't accept you or think you're cool or doing the right thing, they're pretending because they don't wanna suffer the social consequences of being called a "mean" trannyhater.

Now eat some fucking meat like a normal human being you absolute pretentious morons.

>> No.13856875

>That tranny still looks like a man; not sure how this is overrides evidence that phytoestrogens impact the male reproductive system. If he believes that it has the ability to turn him into a woman against all evidence to the contrary then you both are retarded.
Soyboy retard cope. I dare you to drink 4 glasses of soy milk every day. p.s. you'll need surgery to remove those tits you grow

>> No.13856993

I don't get it. If you want meat texture in your mouth, just fucking eat meat you nonce. What the fuck is the point of this vegan shit when the end result is the same fucked up unsustainable farm bullshit.

>> No.13857014
File: 267 KB, 1237x495, 1569623726922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah it's one of the horrors of Auschwitz. SS Nazis would cut off the beards of Jewish men before they cremate them then take photos with the ashes while wearing their beards to mock them. Such horror. By the way be sure to donate to those starving holocaust survivors goyim https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkuWZVp9YRU