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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13828274 No.13828274 [Reply] [Original]

How do you make sourdough bread? Got any tips and tricks for beginners?

>> No.13828284

this is the guide I used

>> No.13828287

Make a sourdough and use that instead of conventional yeast

>> No.13828293

why don’t you google it?

>> No.13828294

>1. Make sourdough starter
>2. Make sourdough bread
Bumping because I also need help with both the starter and the bread, I’ve never done this shit before. How do you know when the starter is ready? What specific things should I look out for?

>> No.13828296

why don’t you google it?
surely a recipe for sourdough starter will tell you how to identify when it is done

>> No.13828297
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Can you not look it up yourself? There are thousands of guides available online. You could even download a book. You have so many options. Why would you ask retards on 4channel.org?

>> No.13828298

>why don’t you google it
Gee, bill, I dunno, maybe because googling anything food related yields dozens of blogs that are basically copypasta recipes and 90% worthless drivel

>> No.13828307
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>> No.13828312


I did, but it’s such autism. Literally there’s dozens of blogs where the recipe is almost the exact same, just with slight modifications to the proportions, surrounded with walls of text about some idiots shitty life.
And by “its almost the same”, i mean the wording is literally the same. I am aware that it only takes flour and water to make starter, but when every single blog uses the exact same wording to describe the texture, it gets pretty obvious they’re all just stealing from each other and none of them have any real experience.

>> No.13828320

Try reading some and also read this
And stop replying so fast you bored /pol/ack this is a slower board than /x/

>> No.13828322

and maybe if every single recipe on google is the same that should tell you it’s right?
stupid fucking faggot. just follow the king arthur recipes and get this handholding zoomer retard question thread shit off the board

>> No.13828325

So you have two options. You can either consult someone that is probably older than you and has real experience, or you can ask someone that’s making shitty blogposts for clicks while getting paid minimum wage.

Who do you ask?

>> No.13828328

how did this become the latest meme food?
it was never ever the top 5 breads out there

>> No.13828333

>hurr durr buy muh King Arthur flour for your sourdough starter
That one is the quintessential advertisement recipe. You’re a fucking moron and I bet you’ve never even cooked a god damn egg you double nigger.

>> No.13828336

king arthur is a flour company and only hires professional bakers to post recipes
so you can ask (read) recipes written by professional bakers or ask people eating fast food

>> No.13828347

>literally every paragraph
>add to the remainder a scant 1 cup King Arthur Unbleached All-Purpose Flour

Because I need King Arthur flour to make sourdough and before that it just didn’t exist. Eat a bag of dicks.

>> No.13828354

>How do you make sourdough bread?

>> No.13828364

Here anon, I found this for you
The best part is, you only have to choose one

>> No.13828379

>flour company with recipes from professional bakers lists their flour in the recipes
>they must be bad
can't just substitute king arthur flour for whatever flour you have? or...what's the problem?

>> No.13828388

Apple, sugar, and flour I think

>> No.13828390
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Use whatever flour you want. Are you autistic?
Also, measuring out your ingredients is for spergs, just add until it feels right

>> No.13828395

That OP asked for tips and tricks for beginners and all you did was shitpost about how he could google a recipe when he clearly wasn’t asking for one.
You realize you can just ignore threads right? You don’t have to act like a tremendous spazoid every time you see something you don’t like, this isn’t /pol/.

>> No.13828398


They're obviously going to recommend using their own flour - they're giving this information to you for free after all. You can use any brand, but King Arthur is at the end of the day the most reliable and quality brand easily accessible in the US.

>> No.13828400


>> No.13828403
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>> No.13828406

It sounds all great and fun until you've been feeding your sourdough started like a god-damn pet for 6 months and at this point you're exhausted from making bloody sourdough bread on the regular, and no-one wants to take any more of your starter off your hands.

But, no, no no, the feeding must continue, otherwise you've got a 2-week wait time before you can get your starter up and running again.

Sourdough bread making turns into a chore rather fast. Don't keep your own starter, just ask around of local Facebook or some shit and see if anyone has any starter to spare instead.

>> No.13828408
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Posting this here so y'all will quiet the fuck down, though.

>> No.13828409

their first sentence was "how do you make sourdough bread"

>> No.13828411

You’re clearly a newfag so let me spell this out for you: samefagging is when someone replies to themselves or consistently contradicts their own original argument just to spur more arguing.
Next time don’t out yourself for being a MAGAtard that migrated from r/theDonald to /pol/ and then got bored.
$0.05 has been deposited into your account, good day

>> No.13828416
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A starter can last in the fridge for months. Dry it out and it can last for years. Takes a max of two days to resucitate. Storing I'm the fridge for less than a week you can use it straight away.

>> No.13828427


OP here. Thanks.
What's the difference between whole-rye and medium rye flour? Can I use regular flour? Why the honey is added? How do I keep the initial mix hot? Is white flour the same as regular flour? How do I know the protein content of my flour? How do I turn this into sourdough bread?

>> No.13828430
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I'm a professional baker. I've used every other brand of flour and KA is the only one that is consistent enough for my standards.

>> No.13828431

Which could potentially mean that he’s already tried and fucked up repeatedly, thus he’s asking for tips and tricks because not everyone is naturally gifted at baking/cooking.
The fact that you’re so far up your own ass that you think you know the context for every last post on 4channel.org shows how autistic you must really act in real life.

>> No.13828433

>$0.05 has been deposited into your account, good day
>complains about MAGAtards
why am i not surprised a /pol/fag is the one coming here spamming for recipes instead of using google

>> No.13828435
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>> No.13828443
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>> No.13828447

Thank you anon, but the real question is, how do you ensure your bread rises properly? Also, any tips for kneading the dough?

>> No.13828448

>any tips for kneading the dough?

Beat the absolute cunt out of it.

>> No.13828490


>What's the difference between whole-rye and medium rye flour?

Typically light, medium, and dark/whole rye flour are on the spectrum of "white" to "whole grain" in that order.

>Can I use regular flour?


>Why the honey is added?

Additions with simple carbohydrates are sometimes included to give the wild yeast easy to digest food from the start.

>How do I keep the initial mix hot?

Turn the heat up.

>Is white flour the same as regular flour?

"White flour" generally refers to regular wheat flour. In the image I linked the recommendation is to use rye, and to use rye that is darker (i.e. more "whole grain") than white rye.

>How do I know the protein content of my flour?

If it doesn't say on the bag it should be accessible with a search online.

>How do I turn this into sourdough bread?

I'll post a decent recipe in a bit.


>how do you ensure your bread rises properly?

Wait. If it's cooler in your place you'll just have to wait longer.

>Also, any tips for kneading the dough?

I don't really like kneading by hand. If you don't have access to a spiral mixer, which you won't unless you're a professional baker, do the stretch and fold method or any of the other no knead methods.

>> No.13828517
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this book explains everything

>> No.13828520
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>> No.13828528
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>> No.13828536
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>> No.13828539

if you don't want to buy it you can find everything on this blog
starting with the starter

>> No.13828544
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Okay so I have some questions about the starters consistency and appearance.
When the starter is ready, what will it look like? I’m aware it’s supposed to have bubbles, the capacity to grow, and alcohols on the top from fermentation. But how do you know that it’s actually ready? Are there any obvious signs I should be looking out for?
Secondly, i can’t tell if my starter is too thick or too watery. If I stick a fork into it and pull it out, how much starter should be sticking to the fork? Should it be similar to cake batter, or should it be less/more thick?

I honestly think my starter might be ready but I also have never done this before. I haven’t wasted any, I just kept splitting it into different containers and maintaining those as well in case any of them individually went bad. Also I don’t like wasting things.

>> No.13828586


Starter is ready essentially at peak rise. If there's a "high water mark" it's fallen and is overripe. This is most often in the realm of 10 to 14 hours after feeding assuming a room temp of about 74 degrees. Liquid levain is generally maintained at about 125% baker's percentage. Don't eyeball anything when baking.

>> No.13828591

>i think my starter is ready
a starter takes at least a week minimum and doesn't look like fucking pancake batter retard

>> No.13828592

Dude I just leave mine sitting out and feed it once a week. Make savory pancakes with the discard; grated carrot and green onion for a snack. Shit is awesome. It's not hard to maintain this thing. Fuck man a cat you gotta clean the shit box once a day and feed it at least once a day in order to keep it alive.

>> No.13828596

Equal parts (by weight) water and flour to start it, equal parts (by weight) starter, flour, and water to feed it. In a week it will smell fermented. You can’t miss the smell.

>> No.13828599


Oh, did you mean ready as in when is it first ready to use after starting it from scratch? That generally takes 1 to 2 weeks.

>> No.13828610

My biggest problem is the lack of a good scale, so I’ve been doing it all by volume. I’m assuming this means I need to add more flour, and pray to god I’m not fucked when I make the final dough.
I also think this means my starter is ready, so I guess I’ll try baking some bread tomorrow. Thanks for all the help bakeranon.

>> No.13828619


You can get a digital scale on Amazon for like 15 bucks. Highly recommended.

>> No.13828621

It’s been a week, and I just fed it like an hour ago. As I said here
I think there’s too much water and not enough flour because I don’t have a scale. I’m thinking I’ll just add some flour and not any water the next time.
There was a reason I was asking about the texture, I’ve never done this before, and I can’t really tell what it’s supposed to look like. It is just a tub of microorganisms after all, it’s not that hard to correct some mistakes.

>> No.13828625
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just one more OP

>> No.13828627

>How do you make sourdough bread? Got any tips and tricks for beginners?
add acid to dough
sour bread achieved.
there is no need to ferment for ridiculous amounts of time to get a very mild sour falvor.

>> No.13828635

you can cross off no money since he says >>13828610 he can’t buy a good scale
and scales are $10

>> No.13828656
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>> No.13828665

I didn’t say I couldn’t, just that I don’t have one. I’m also not planning on buying one now that I’m already a week into the process because I don’t plan on restarting either.

>> No.13828674

why not bake bread in a mold?

>> No.13828701

its called a pan

>> No.13828962

Any tips for cooking sourdough without an oven? I'm a poor third worlder.

>> No.13828970

>I'm a poor third worlder.
i'm sorry anon, we shouldn't interfere with natural selection.

>> No.13829693

Just make an oven with bricks, unlike with cooking, there’s surely a guide to building a brick oven on the internet. You can’t make 50 meme blogposts about building a brick oven because women don’t care about real world applications.

>> No.13831035

so you can access the internet but don't have an oven?