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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13822146 No.13822146 [Reply] [Original]

What do you order at Starbucks?

>> No.13822148 [DELETED] 

a water. they have pretty good water.

>> No.13822152

one water?

>> No.13822160 [DELETED] 

yes. large

>> No.13822161

I don't. It's overpriced sugary shit.

>> No.13822165 [DELETED] 

yes. large.

>> No.13822167

that's a large water

>> No.13822218

Starbucks coffee is so fucking terrible it honestly baffles me how popular it is

>> No.13822234

Only cold drinks, their hot coffee is fucking awful.

Vanilla Sweet Cream Cold Brew

>> No.13822254

Most people that go to Starbucks don't even know coffee is in there. They go for the flavoring, cream, sugar, sauces and whipped toppings, coffee flavor and taste is just an afterthought. Truly plebs and simpletons.

>> No.13822260

Not being a gigantic fag, I get coffee.

>> No.13822434

It baffles me how much of a jerk you are, Tim.

>> No.13822436

One snowbunni to go. Extra thick.

>> No.13822442

>What coffee is good for you?

>> No.13822444

I'll usually see if they've got a Reserve coffee I haven't tried and get that made on the clover. If I've tried them all, whichever I like best, often Jamaica Blue Mountain. Sometimes, though, I'll slum it and have them do the Sumatra roast on the clover instead, I just like its spiciness

>> No.13822465

the bathroom code

>> No.13822480

salted cold foam cold brew with NO caramel
It's basically a black cold brew with salted sweet cream sitting in top of it... nice.

>> No.13822484

Thai Iced Tea if available. If not im not going.

>> No.13822537


>> No.13822548

It would be very painful.

>> No.13822570

he's probable referring to Tim Hortons

>> No.13822585

Starbucks sucks, McDonald's is better.

>> No.13822588

believe it or not this is true

>> No.13822623

I don't know what that is

>> No.13822632

It definitely is not.

>> No.13822645

t.2500 calorie rainbow unicorn soy sugar water drinker

>> No.13822648

I only get coffee there, and it is at least one tier above mcdonald's. Even most gas stations sell better coffee than mcdonald's these days

>> No.13822717

sure thing, fat a$$ s0y b0y

>> No.13822721

Nah. McDonald's coffee ain't bad.

>> No.13822842

red eye because its the only adequate coffee drink they can make. and its still stupidly overpriced anyways.

>> No.13822858
File: 59 KB, 512x344, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not a fucking thing. their coffee tastes like shit.

>> No.13822864

>a$$ s0y b0y
Reddit tourists go back

>> No.13822875

Their regular coffee is shockingly awful, their sugary drinks are diabetes inducing, and their espresso drinks are mostly okay.

However, their flat white is great and their blonde latte is perfect.

>> No.13822885

It's specifically the Pike Place that is so fucking bad and also their default for some reason. Their other roasts range and can be good. The reserves are genuinely good, though, if you live near a starbucks that sells them.

>> No.13822900

why are you mad, fatty?

>> No.13822905

I just don't like watching faggots lisp

>> No.13822908

Now I can tell you're just arguing just for the sake of arguing.

>> No.13822910

I'm not, Mcdonald's makes very bad coffee. You go to like a Kwik Star or a Race Trac, and you're easily going to get something that tastes better.

>> No.13822982

stay mad, fatty

>> No.13823159

for you

>> No.13823168

2 small Americanos, black

>> No.13823196

yeah if that's what you order be a fucking man and get an iced coffee like a normal person

>> No.13823204

Not going to pay those prices for a cup of damn coffee.

>> No.13823214

Starbucks isn't even expensive for coffee, every coffeeshop is about the same now.

>> No.13823215

>iced coffee
anon I...

>> No.13823262

Mutts law

>> No.13823369

I was there once and had espresso, hard to say if I am based or incel

>> No.13823370

Medium black coffee

I'll finish the rest at the bar station

>> No.13823417

You do know they have options that aren't sugary crap right. Their regular latte's are pretty good actually.

>> No.13823419

No. They burn all the beans so the more you can taste the coffee the worse it is.

>> No.13823428

Burned beans tastes pretty good in a latte. You know since it's 70% milk

>> No.13823433

My usual order is a double espresso. I don't ask for a "doppio" like a faggot either. I call it a "double shot of espresso". I only order fancy drinks if I have a gift card.

>> No.13823437

Tall black coffee
Panera has better, cheaper coffee, but the ones around me don't have a drive thru...so i default to starbucks.

>> No.13823541

They have more than one roast, anon. The blondes are obviously not burned.

>> No.13823557

Get their blonde espresso. It's good shit.

>> No.13823561


>> No.13823578

Nitro Cold Brew

really good

>> No.13823592

would you drink from the same straw as her

>> No.13823597

Can someone explain why people take photos like this? Is it so other men can pretend it's their girlfriend or something?

>> No.13823602

Venti-sized Strawberry creme frappucino with heavy cream instead of 2% milk.

>> No.13823764

I asked for a light roast and they said they didnt have one

>> No.13823775


>> No.13824114
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plain iced coffee

>> No.13824274

I dont give a shit what anyone thinks, pumpkin spice latte is delicious.

>> No.13824281

t. stacy

>> No.13824317

ill queef in your mouth

>> No.13824382

Sometimes they go days without one, especially if it is a lower traffic area. The average mook thinks dark roast is better and has more cred so people will order "normal" or dark roast most often. I do think that the light roast is pretty good if you can get it

>> No.13824410

nothing, though I did use to enjoy their frappachinos when I was a child

>> No.13824426

"biggest mocha you got"

>> No.13824441

XL medium roast 2 cream. Same thing I order anywhere.

>> No.13824452

You can ask for them to do a pour over, and they have to do it. They have the beans on hand, they just don't keep it brewed all the time.

>> No.13824972

Well, i like McCafe better.

>> No.13824983

Murica for you haters, land of the insuline resistant people.

>> No.13824988

Hello Stacy, can i lick your yummy toes my queen?

>> No.13825021

A small drip coffee so I can sit there for two hours using wifi and charging my shit

>> No.13825073

They don't even have espresso or brewed coffee on their menu anymore, if you're below a certain age you might not even know starbucks sells plain old coffee.

>> No.13825976

You could use lube. That would make it less painful for him.

>> No.13826003

plain hot milk. Fuck that overpriced burnt water they call "coffee".

>> No.13826029

wasp bussy

>> No.13826045
File: 158 KB, 640x426, Pumpkin_Pie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing I've gotten that was Starbucks-related were the frappachinos they sell in stores. Those were delicious. I've always been a fan of pumpkin pie, so maybe around Thanksgiving, I'd get the pumpkin spiced latte just to see if it's any good. It probably isn't worth the price though.

>> No.13826345

Or use a straw.

>> No.13826445

which is good because if you buy regular coffee at starbucks you're a blithering idiot

>> No.13827554

>Vanilla Sweet Cream Cold Brew
the patrician's choice

>> No.13827606
File: 131 KB, 850x724, 1574576277044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to wonder what kind of people made garbage threads like this, but now it's become clear: it's just some lonely neet who hasn't been outside in months or talked to anyone other than his mom doing a larp. You do realize that we're all on lock down because of a global pandemic and Starbucks is closed, right?

>> No.13827615

Large water or an iced caramel macchiato

>> No.13827616

very cute girl

>> No.13827624

nice projection

>> No.13827658

No, there really is this pandemic thing happening, and most people are just staying at home. Starbucks probably still has drive through, but you're not going to run into that girl you've been stalking on social media that way.

>> No.13827664
File: 93 KB, 500x300, facepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>start tinder app profile cause friends are non stop using it
>everyone matches with fat chick
>we all make fun of her
>she ends up matching with all of us over 3 times
>i finally say fuck it
>"you want to go on a date?"
>"haha okay, you guys are all hilarious"
>walk to bar
>meet her at her car
>we get in car to chat
>she is super fat, way fatter than in pics
>im scared
>its akward
>"so i work at starbucks, where do you work?"
>"i don't..."
>"oh... so what kind of coffee do you like"
>"i don't..."
>"starbucks has the best water! omg!"
>"its like the best water ever, its so clean and fresh."
>wont shut up about water
>finally go into bar
>get wasted on whiskey
>she daintly sips a gin and tonic
>ask if she wants to make out
>make out with whale
>grab her huge whale ass
>she gets upset
>we go back to her car
>ask her
>"hey you want to fuck?"
>"ohhh, that would nice, but I have school tomorrow and work too..."
>takes me to McDonland's drive thru
>"i wish they had water like starbucks here"
>"i seriously don't believe you that you think starbucks water is so good, its just water, it can't possibly be that great"
>buys me fries
>drops me off at home
>wake up next morning
>my wallet isn't on top of my phone
>not in my pants or in bed crack corner
>look at phone
>"hey anon, you left your wallet in my car! come by my work!"
>walk to her work
>she tries to show me off in front of her co-workers
>coworkers are visibly shocked that a skinny fuck like me would ever touch this whale
>"let me clock out!"
>"but here first! try this!"
>gives me a cup of water
>lie and tell her I dont remember anything from last night
>"oh, well you were pretty drunk..."
>"Do you have my wallet?"
>digs threw her purse
>gives it back
>all my money is gone
>look at her like "wtf?"
>she laughs
>she goes back to work
>i take a sip of the water as im walking home
>mfw it really was the best water ive ever had

>> No.13827728


Cool story bro

>> No.13827742

thanks dude.

>> No.13827805

starbucks actually does ship the same good water purifier to all of their stores so that their coffee doesn't change flavor based on what part of the world your in and the quality of their water

>> No.13827838


>> No.13827847

>thinking a whale wouldn't know good water

>> No.13828383
File: 584 KB, 491x215, Starbucks coffee.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What do you order at Starbucks?

I’ve only been to Starbucks once years back, stopping at one in Ohio while on my way from Detroit to Reading Pennsylvania to visit my cousin who was living there at the time and I got a regular coffee.

That shit was so fucking bitter and acidic (despite a ton of sugar and cream) that it felt like I was drinking xenomorph blood. Never again.

>> No.13828420

I usually get caffeine free tea at Starbucks because I go just to sit in public for a while (LOL). If I go there in the morning, I get a black blonde roast. I hate their coffee, though. It upsets my stomach and makes me jittery in a way that Dunkin does not.

>> No.13829939

it's probably because you go there for the coffee when everyone else goes their for the 128g of sugar glitter milkshake

>> No.13829942

>used "there" right first and then immediately switched it for "their"
what the fuck am i losing my mind why did i do that i didnt even notice

>> No.13829959

Why would I ever tell you that?

>> No.13829960

I want to drain my bag on her face, but I can't get hard enough to cum at this point. It's like tugging on a wet sock.

>> No.13830008

Short cappucino doppio. Nothing else. Ever.

>> No.13830041

I work at starbucks and desu, the only reason I drink anything on this menu is because I can for free. The only things that are genuinely tasty to me are the chai, the refreshers (basically juice) and lemonades, and some of the frappuccinos. I don't even touch the coffee even though I usually like it, because I don't like coffee from there. Plus, all the drinks are horrendously overpriced except the (shitty) brewed coffee.

I do like the food, especially the bacon egg bites and the grilled cheese, but it's so overpriced - once again - that I wouldn't dream of ordering it if I wasn't an employee.

I can confirm we have really good water, though, no joke. Like another anon said, all of the franchises ship in these high quality water filters, and they do their job like a harm.

>> No.13830043

People are human garbage, why do you care?

>> No.13830047


Sorry I just wish you people would shut the fuck up and do something useful.

>> No.13830408
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>> No.13830413
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Nothing. I'll go to Starbucks when they start paying their taxes.

>> No.13830415

I got the Toasted white chocolate mocha thing back in December. That was my first time trying Starbucks and it wasn’t bad, i just don’t go there often enough to try anything else out.

>> No.13830539

Literal autism right here.

>> No.13830638

for me it’s the the sweet cream cold brew (don’t knock it until you try it) but lately it doesn’t even wake me up at all. I think they’ve watered down their cold brew.

>> No.13831057
File: 919 KB, 1291x1150, 2020-03-26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13831410

My brain changed it to
>for their 128g
Your fine

>> No.13831522

I piss all over their toilets. Suck it, lefties.

>> No.13831524

have you ever worked at a location with one of the clover machines? those are decent

>> No.13831554

It's not "lefties"' fault you're a friendless virgin.

>> No.13831757

i leave and go to dunkins

>> No.13831761

Yes it is. I'm not the one who declared it socially unacceptable to have different views.

>> No.13831766


>> No.13831767

>Yes it is. I'm not the one who declared it socially unacceptable to have different views.

I've seriously lose some "friends" over politics, but those liberals ended up living with their parents in their 30s or bussing tables while bitching about the minimum wage. So overall, I'm better off without their influence.

>> No.13831776

i don't have a starbucks in my town. but i remember ordering some milkshake kinda thing when i was just a wee lad.

>> No.13831782

Last time I went to Starbucks must have been like 6-7 years ago.
But when it was warm, I'd get a caramel frap, when it was cold I'd get a caramel machiatto

>> No.13833126

An americano

>> No.13835046

Pink drink