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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13780667 No.13780667 [Reply] [Original]

>Here's why i overcook my salmon


>> No.13780674

Adam, please...

>> No.13780768

get this neurotic jew off my board

>> No.13781012

I love this dude. He tells it like it is.

>> No.13781019

>Here's why I lube my ass and not her dick

>> No.13781042

Lord Adam fighting the haters with FACTS and LOGIC.

>> No.13781084

Man, he really does have a punchable face.

>> No.13781092

I learned a lot from this desu

>> No.13781338

No, /pol/

>> No.13781350

Adam is /ourguy/

>> No.13781430

Maybe for you. I want someone to hit his face with a crowbar.

>> No.13781714 [DELETED] 

lmao this nigga can't even cook the easiest fish ever

>> No.13781730


>> No.13781771
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>I want someone to hit his face with a crowbar.

>> No.13781777

Your wife's pussy is dry.
Get to work white boi.

>> No.13781796
File: 48 KB, 383x612, 78919484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sage is a herb lol.

>> No.13781799 [DELETED] 

kill yourself shill rat

>> No.13781810
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>kill yourself shill rat

>> No.13781816

kek it totally is

>> No.13781823

Who’s that new

>> No.13781831

someone should tell him he doesn’t have a post a video every fucking day,

>> No.13781837
File: 18 KB, 558x614, 664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have a post a video

>> No.13782092

How about we make Kulebyaka instead?

>> No.13782995

BASED CHADAM working the /pol/cels into a seethe

>> No.13783002

>wanting someone else to do it for you
why not you? can't do it yourself, cuck? need me to fuck your girl while im out too?
jk bro we both know you don't have one

>> No.13783098

It's actually incredible how pretentious this retard can be

>> No.13783137
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>> No.13783230
File: 146 KB, 442x284, 1568928331429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could definitely see him posting in this thread lol.
His replies to YouTube comments read the same as replies here.
Very defensive and aggressive.

>> No.13783232

This didn't need a whole video.

>> No.13783470

He’s Italian. Common mistake

>> No.13783484

>Compares two different pieces of salmon

How can you be so fucking retarded.
Not even bothering watching the rest of the video

>> No.13783565

he's italian, hence the last name.

hes big brain tho, probably has some ashkenazi blood.

>> No.13783587

I think he makes a good point about doneness.

not very interesting for a 10 minute video though.

>> No.13783733

whos the qt on the left?

new addition to the squad or just a quick cameo for a tasting?

>> No.13783738

>Very defensive and aggressive.
so every post on 4chan moron?

>> No.13783743

>Here's why i shit on my wife's chest

>> No.13783786

He's clearly been running out of video ideas the past few months, but this is a new low.

This is literally just him frying some fish in oil. Rest is filler, ads and some pseudo intellectual garble about the anatomy and life of salmon.

His sub and view count have been stagnating recently so hopefully he realizes sooner rather than later he got popular because of short, easy to make practical recipes, not running his mouth.

>> No.13783802

Do you prefer comparing 2 identical pieces?

>> No.13784064

Did you?
The farmed vs wild comparison he was comparing chinook (king) with sockeye. That is why there is a color difference. I have caught many wild chinook and they are the same color as farmed salmon. The differences have zero to do with how they're raised.He should honestly delete this video. Embarrassing.

>> No.13784088
File: 69 KB, 562x530, 1581251231385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's why I said I could see him posting in this thread you dumb Fuck.

>> No.13784092


>Without shrimp or krill, farmed salmon don’t consume naturally-occurring carotenoids.
>Well, many farmers end up adding synthetic astaxanthin, a naturally occurring compound in carotenoids, to their feed in order to achieve that pink color, so their farmed salmon better resembles wild-caught. Why bother taking this extra, costly step? Because it sells.

>> No.13784195

hey dipshit, if every post is aggressive and defensive, how can you differentiate and attribute that tone to ragusea specifically?

nice dubs btw

>> No.13784198
File: 552 KB, 785x456, Screen Shot 2020-03-14 at 8.46.58 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the farmed vs wild color differences are well documented m8

>> No.13784327

I'm a fellon, that's why I won't do it. Of course, what's more time in prison, I'll beat both you and him with a crowbar!

>> No.13784345

He's the only food YouTuber I actually hate. He's just got a cocky, know-it-all attitude.

>> No.13784367

If you raise your own pig and feed it scraps and greens it will have a red colouration instead of the gray/pink you get from commercial pigs
It will be closer to boar in taste and colour

>> No.13784384

>Wild salmon good for our oceans
I eat wild salmon, but it would be completely unsustainable if even a couple percent more of the population in Europe and the US started eating wild salmon every week.

>> No.13784553

i dont even see how what you said is a response to what you quoted. more like a tangentially related, nearly self-evident remark.

>> No.13784603
File: 675 KB, 2280x1080, Screenshot_20200309-214648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Adam Bigusea

>> No.13784606 [DELETED] 

enjoy your anisakiasis

>> No.13784659

just called your parole officer bro lets see you try to explain that one to him!

>> No.13784669

Good thing I already killed him. Cut him up and ate him

>> No.13784671

just called your parole officers parole officer bro lets see you try to explain that one to him!

>> No.13784677

it was a venetian merchant town full of merchants

>> No.13784680

Kek. Pure kek.

>> No.13784726
File: 15 KB, 320x320, 23-25-09-images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, no killing in this thread. That's it, I'm gonna transform into hyper muteki Ex-Aid and stop your menace

>> No.13784917


>> No.13785035

>Ragusea thread
>image replies are almost exclusively wojaks
How does this absolute CHAD manage to trigger all the r/pol faggots so effortlessly?

>> No.13785038

his eyes are too close together.

>> No.13785042

he's not actually italian though, with regards to how the entire rest of the world defines nationality. fucking yanks man, "it's my Irish that makes me a prick when drunk!"

>> No.13785078
File: 53 KB, 412x393, confused skaven_face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't eat crispy fish skin
It's contrast, motherfucker. Not to mention you cannot really season the fish so you season the skin.

>> No.13785121

people are just weird. I know a few who only eat fish fillets and you couldn't force them to eat the entire fish simply because they're don't know how to do it.

>> No.13785127


>> No.13785150


>> No.13785241

I hate this fucking redditor. His face is just so meek and bug like, I want someone to force him to live in a ghetto or something. Slap him back to reality.

>> No.13785253

>...or as the Brits would say... well actually, who gives a crap? I mean, come on, didn't our ancestors slaughter enough of those redcoat bastards for us to earn the right to say words how we want? This is what America is all about. Murdering Brits.
fucks sake adam..

>> No.13785274

Why does everyone on 4chan act like they use paint fumes for cologne?

>> No.13785706

Don't worry, I have permission from Hiroshimoot for this one.

>> No.13785725


>> No.13786449

>merchant town full of merchants

>> No.13787367

ITs actually good idea not to because removing the scales is massive amount of work for little amount of food.

>> No.13787464

aren't they usually sold de-scaled?

>> No.13787473

Maybe if they're single filet?
Most salmon sold isnt.

>> No.13787490

it's dubrovnik's old name. it was a slav city

>> No.13787536

Wouldn't you just season the cutting board?

>> No.13787539

What the hell kind of monster cooks salmon?

>> No.13787548

Wow, Adam looks like THAT?

>> No.13787561

He is a massive faggot so I could understand why you think so.

>> No.13787803

>removing scales
>massive amount of work


>> No.13787813

It's annoying to do and to clean afterwards.
If you just leave them on and not eat the skin you save time and effort.

>> No.13787815

That's @alizarae

She mainly writes for the mag

>> No.13787984

thanks nerd

>> No.13787996

How is it hard work? You scrape a knife against the fish with the tap running for less than 2 minutes. It’s harder to peel a butternut squash.

>> No.13788717

>hes big brain
Fuck off, Adam.