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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13783139 No.13783139 [Reply] [Original]

I only ever eat brown rice (whole grain rice), but I eat it a lot. Is a rice cooker worth buying?

I've tried to google, but every blog post reads like an identical advertisement. They use the same vague sentences like "cooked to perfection every time" but none really go beyond that.

I understand how a rice cooker works based on this video: https://youtu.be/RSTNhvDGbYI It's just a pot inside a plastic housing with a heating element and a thermostat.

Yet people keep saying how "you'll never go back to cooking rice the old-fashioned way!" (another one of those vague phrases that pop up everywhere) so do they have genuine advantages?

For the record I find cooking rice simple and easy and would rather not own an additional device taking up counter space unless it has legitimate advantages in terms of quality so I'm curious whether it can make (brown) rice better, not if it can make cooking it "easier".

>> No.13783145

Anchor baby invader here. Yes, they're great for brown rice. Personally I use the white rice setting for brown rice because if I'm buying brown rice I like the crunch and texture. But if you want it to be "like white rice but more nutrients" then the brown rice setting is for you

>> No.13783156

If you eat rice at least 3 times a week, every week, then a good Zojirushi machine is worth it.
If not, just get one of those cheap analog rice cookers

>> No.13783170

>If you eat rice at least 3 times a week
if you can afford a computer you can afford to eat at least once a day

>> No.13783176

The fuck are you talking about?

>> No.13783184

I'm just saying it's weird to see people talking about how they can't afford to eat, they can't afford rice, they have $20 to last a month, but then they're posting on a $1000 facebook machine

call your parents and tell them you need money, what's the big deal. you still mad at them because they won't send you to saint tropez for spring break? cope

>> No.13783190

>I find cooking rice simple and easy and would rather not own an additional device taking up counte
seems like you answered your own question

>> No.13783205

I guess I'm just confused as to why a pot inside of a plastic case is supposedly better at cooking rice than a pot on an oventop. They both seem to apply heat in the same manner.

Like I said I have limited space in my kitchen so I'd rather not buy appliances unless they offer genuine advantages and despite googling for information the best answer anyone seems to be able to provide is "trust me it's better". I'm not ready to discount them but there's this stange cult atmosphere around the whole thing where no one can really explain exactly why I should buy more plastic junk just that I should do it.

>> No.13783239

You can do something similar with a pot on the stove if that's what you're asking. Get a temperature probe, warm up the rice until the water is warm but not hot, let it go for a time (longer if brown rice), then bring it up to a low simmer, etc, etc.

People who eat rice a lot think that's a waste of effort, but hey we're on 4chan right? So it's not like you had anything better to do.

>> No.13783525

Who is talking about not being able to afford to eat?

>> No.13783533 [DELETED] 

will a rice cooker help me find a gf that will tongue my anus?

>> No.13783552

Personally, I never let anything brown in my house.

>> No.13783559

lern2reed moron

he meant three of his weekly meals include rice, not that he eats only three times a week

>> No.13783655

I have an older version of this rice cooker and it plays the twinkle twinkle little star song when the rice is done. You can cook rice multiple times per day and the song doesn't get annoying so there's literally no excuse to only eat once every few days like some people were saying.

>> No.13783666
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>> No.13783670

A) Rice cookers are huge huge fucking time savers, and a good one really does give you proper rice every time
B) They all sound the same because the functionality of them is...descriptively identical. You can't really describe "It cooks rice real good!" in a very large number of ways.

A good rice cooker:
1) Large capacity, you don't want to delegate yourself to a 4 cup pot unless you're single, no family, live alone, and never intend to date anybody
2) Pressure locked. Do not get a rice cooker that uses a glass lid top. The pressure always builds up and sputters shitty rice water all over the fucking place and makes a fucking mess.
3) Japanese. Nips eat a fuckload of rice and they have perfected all the nooks and crannies of a good rice cooker.

A super highly quality rice cooker is somewhere in the $80-100 range. It will last you 30 years.

>> No.13783676

I'm guessing the image is just random? That's the exact rice cooker I own and it's absolutely amazing at cooking brown rice. That's not why I bought it, but it was mentioned a lot in the reviews so I figured I'd try it out and, yeah, it's a lot better than you can cook in a pot on the stove. It's easier in some ways, but typically takes twice as long, and there is just as much to wash either way - but the Zoj absolutely makes amazing rice every time. That said, the OP image is a $170 fuzzy logic rice cooker, and works differently than the $12 rice cooker in the video you posted.

>> No.13783728

>sputters shitty rice water all over the fucking place and makes a fucking mess
stop overfilling your pots. At most, with analog cookers, the most you get is a bit of pooling around the rim out of the vent hole
stop shilling expensive rice cookers, cheap ass 25$ ones work just as fine

>> No.13783766

Have you ever *used* an expensive rice cooker?

>> No.13783781

For the more expensive ones it's usually about maximizing the time saving.

Regular rice cooker:
Cooks rice while you cook everything else.

Mid-range rice cooker:
Cooks rice with more specific settings like type of rice. Usually has a delay timer.

Expensive rice cookers:
Usually adds secondary shelves for steaming veggies with the rice, better cooking times etc. Only slightly better than mid-range in my opinion. Probably worth it if you're getting super huge ones for restaurants or families of 5 or more.

>> No.13783782

I'm single, no family, live alone, and never intend to date anybody.
It wasn't entirely random. While I didn't pick an exact model I would definitely get a proper nip cooker rather than some rip off from the local electronics store.

>> No.13783783

Those are all analog rice cookers, they're in an entirely different (worse) class to Japanese fuzzy logic rice cookers.

>> No.13783784

>I'm single, no family, live alone, and never intend to date anybody.
Why anon?

>> No.13783793

>That said, the OP image is a $170 fuzzy logic rice cooker, and works differently than the $12 rice cooker in the video you posted.
The thermostat works differently but the core functionality of a metal pot being heated from below remains the same.

>> No.13783794

Ah well. I can't see the point in that unless you are some sort of rice connoisseur. The grain of the rice and how fresh it is have far more of an influence on the taste of the rice itself. Some people like slightly harder rice, others softer.

>> No.13783795

>the core functionality of a metal pot being heated from below remains the same
Yeah, I make a mean frittata, whether in a Le Creuset enameled cast iron pan on induction or my $12 teflon egg pan I go camping with and use exclusively over a wood fire, because it's all the same core functionality.

>> No.13783801

The core functionality of a cast-iron pan and a teflon pan is not the same.

>> No.13783804

>reading comprehension

>> No.13783806
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>Pressure cooking helps turn beta starch into alpha starch
Alright I'm sold

>> No.13783809

The difference is that fuzzy logic ones control not only based on the temperature, but also the amount of rice, type of rice, amount of water, moisture, pressure, etc and changes the output on the fly based on all these variables. It's equivalent to someone watching over a pot for the entire duration.

You don't necessarily need it, if you are able to consistently use the same amount of water, type and amount of rice every time, the cheap thermostat ones will produce the same result consistently too.

>> No.13783810

As long as it beeps at me in hebrewjitsu I'm good.

>> No.13783822
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I gotta say I must be a fucking faggot because I really like the look of this smaller cuter one.

>> No.13784150

I don't know their name, this is 4chan and everyone is anonymous. but it's this person >>13783156

>> No.13784221

Actually yes, you find a qt azn gf and she'd be down to sample choco starfish if you cook her a nice rice dish

>> No.13784242

You are actually retarded; you do know that, right?

>> No.13784442

nuh uh, no u

>> No.13784737

He's based.

>> No.13785313


>> No.13785336

Is there any way to stop my rice from sticking? My parents got me a shitty Betty Crocker rice cooker and everything I've tried has failed to stop rice sticking to the "non-stick" bowl.

>> No.13785340
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Am I kawaii?

>> No.13785726

It's the convenience

>> No.13785743

For people who feel a perverse need to have rice available just about every single meal, to be clear. People who haven't embraced the benefits of globalization, who don't fully enjoy the rich variety of food options now available in every supermarket.

>> No.13785748

>Like I said I have limited space in my kitchen so I'd rather not buy appliances
Hey retardatron, you know you can put the appliances somewhere else than in the kitchen, so having a rice cooker actually frees kitchen space. That and it cooks jap rice much better than your typical pot. Unless you've got some fancy non-enameled ceramic lying around, but then those are usually bulky as fuck so it's back to square one with your shitty argument.
So yeah, you're dumb and fuzzy logic is good.

>> No.13785755
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>is it the video?
>it is the video

>> No.13785927

What kind of rice are you cooking? Are you rinsing it? Are you letting it sit for 10 minutes or so on a keep warm setting after cooking?
It's probably best to just accept the fact that some of it is going to stick anyway since you're using such a basic cooker.

>> No.13785951

I'm a bit of a noob at it so please don't seethe at my methods. I'm using converted rice, rinsing it, and allowing it to sit on the warm setting. I notice the rice on the bottom is actually browned and overcooked. I've actually tried using Pam (I know) and it obviously hasn't helped. I follow the instructions for water as well. Should I just try a different rice? I don't have any concept of how different types react.

You may be right though, it's a basic bitch machine and doesn't have any settings just on or off.

>> No.13786632

Oh yes why didn't I think of that. I LOVE having useless shit in every other room except for the kitchen, especially when those things are meant for cooking food. How silly of me.

>> No.13786637

>tomato bowl

>> No.13786949

I love that fat faggot. He's one of my favourite tech youtubers as of late.

>> No.13787036

A $12 cooker is a convenience that makes mediocre rice but is less likely to be burnt on the bottom like rice cooked in a pot. An expensive Fuzzy Logic cooker makes high quality consistently good rice. Rosewill used to make a great one that you could get on sale for $40, but they discontinued it. You're looking at a $120 investment at least for one now.

>> No.13787346

Yes, a hundred percent
If you eat rice more than once a week absolutely get a zojirushi fuzzy logic rice cooker
It takes 1m to wash the rice, then hit start and it's fucking done perfectly 30-45m later
No watching, simmering, no cooking whatsoever
my favorite part is that once it's done cooking, it can stay warm in the rice cooker for at least 2 days (haven't kept it in longer than 2 days but it was still grrat at 45 hours with the extended keep warm feature)
can't say enough good things about it, I got mine for 85 bucks in an open box sale, I would easily have paid full price knowing how good it is now

>> No.13787460

>less likely to be burnt on the bottom like rice cooked in a pot.
This has literally never happened to me in my life tbqh
Yeah looks like Zojirushis are the ones to go for. Too bad they have different models in Europe than in JP/US for some fucking reason so I can't get the NS-ZCC10 everyone recommends.

>> No.13787550
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The browned overcooked rice is likely just your cooker. My cheap little Aroma doesn't burn rice but I do end up with a bit sticking to the pot. It's pretty easy to clean up though.
I don't think you're going to get consistent perfection out of a basic machine but you can still get decent rice.

>> No.13787558
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This is the only rice cooker you need, bb. I've owned lots of cookers that couldn't process brown rice but this one handles it with finesse and aplomb delivering perfect chewy-tender whole grains every time. Buy this and be happy. Bon appetit.

>> No.13787657

I use my electric pressure cooker for brown rice. The anti burn coating in rice cookers doesn't last long. The stainless steel of my pressure cooker will last a life time. And it's handy for all kinds of dishes that don't have to be babysitted at the stove.

>> No.13787840
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Am gook, would recommend cuckoo rice cookers. Bit on the pricy side, but perfect rice every time.

Only downside is that it's pricy, and takes up room in the kitchen. Although, if you eat it a lot, it really is a vital addition.

Pic related is my model, Cuckoo CRP-M1059F according to amazon.

>> No.13787873

They appear to sell that exact rice cooker but with a different logo in my local store. Makes you think.

>> No.13787883

"Brown rice contains higher amounts of arsenic than white rice. If you eat large amounts of rice, the white variety may be a better choice"

>> No.13787889

I'm no gook so I don't eat rice on every meal and the water I cook with is exceptionally clean.

I feel like arsenic poisoning is a pretty minor consideration compared to the very practical advantages of whole grain rice (more fiber = more satiety and better poops).

>> No.13787900

It's not the water you add (although that can be bad), it's the arsenic already in the husk of the rice, which brown rice still has.
If you're having it every second day or so, it matters.

>> No.13787918

I've never understood why rice cookers are a thing. All you need is 10 mins and a pan of boiling water. Waste of money and counter space desu.

>> No.13787926

God I havent seen this pic in forever, ty satanic trips man

>> No.13787934

I have this exact model. Everything comes out perfectly, quick-cooking works well for making fried rice. When i initially got it I was a little annoyed at how much longer it took to cook compared to my previous one, especially when doing brown rice on the relevant setting, but it comes out perfect everytime so I've just gotten used to it. 10/10 would buy again

>> No.13788172

>It's not the water you add (although that can be bad), it's the arsenic already in the husk of the rice, which brown rice still has.
yes but water washes away a notable part of it unless the water itself is dirty according to the source you linked.

seeing as how other sources list leading causes of arsenic poisoning to be air pollution, smoking tobacco and being exposed to landfills or industrial waste all of which I am safe from living in sparsely populated northern europe with strict environmental regulations I'm gonna go on a limb and say a little bit of rice won't be the end of me if some people manage to live happily in areas where every one of those other sources of arsenic is much worse.