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13770836 No.13770836 [Reply] [Original]

Is the once hyped Corona beer any good and why would you add lime flavor to it?

>> No.13770849

to support lime farmers they need jobs

>> No.13770870

It's a middle-of-the-road lager. Basically meant to be an alternative drink in places where the tapwater isn't potable. The lime wedge is a part of the brand image, mostly, but Corona is pretty lacking in flavour so it does help.

>> No.13770974

How do you drink the beer if the lime is blocking it?

>> No.13770978

the lime is essential as the acid kills the virus

>> No.13770980

you break the lime

>> No.13770983

You push it into the beer.
This is known as putting the lime in the cocunut

>> No.13770987

You usually squeeze the juice and then push it down into the bottle. I don't believe you can get the deposit back for the empty unless you fish the lime out, though.

>> No.13770997

wow thats a scam. who's behind that jewery, big beer, or big lime?

>> No.13771003

you can really tell that corona is investing heavily in online marketing since this whole thing started. it's all over reddit, MSM and even here too.

>> No.13771017

Why do you know what is all over reddit?

>> No.13771031

because i go there about as frequently as i go to 4chan, and have been doing so for years. and you can do absolutely nothing about this beyond posting a soyjack and saying "dilate". and it still won't stop me :^)

>> No.13771032

Seeing as the gubmint is usually the one who charges and refunds the deposit, I'm gonna say it's them.
Word association, plus if you hear the word enough it gets into your head. Most of the people posting about Corona aren't paid shills, but then again, it'd be pretty shitty viral marketing if everyone talking about your product was getting paid for it.

>> No.13771045

no. no.. i do not like this post. downvoted

>> No.13771562

im seething

>> No.13771571

>and why would you add lime flavor to it?
A little acidity is good. It's why people like sour beers. But Corona is also pretty much always skunked and has off flavors and the lime covers that up.

>> No.13771581

Do we still do that thing where we pretend that there isn't significant overlap between the user bases of both sites, and then further pretend to get mad that someone would go on two popular forums?

>> No.13771648

I heard lime was originally to keep flies away

>> No.13771773

>and why would you add lime flavor to it?
Mexicans like putting a lime wedge in beer.
It doesn't need to be a Corona, it can be a Bud Light for all they care, they'll put a lime in it.
Corona just co-opted the practice in their advertising, it courts the Hispanic demo.

>> No.13772587

>actual reddit refugees who are too cool to not pretend they're from reddit anymore

>> No.13772605
File: 71 KB, 644x800, 377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It won't stop you, but I'm gonna do it anyway.

>> No.13772633

>acting like any variation of “wojak” or “Pepe” isn’t 100% reddit at this point, even beginning to border on being a straight up Facebook meme at this point

>> No.13772722

You're both too poor to afford cellular devices and internet

>> No.13772735

>Redditors don't bother hiding anymore
It's over

>> No.13772749

20 years ago workers were caught pissing in the vats

>> No.13772826

yea its standard procedure sorry lad give me a sec

>> No.13772829
File: 2.89 MB, 1908x1066, you have to.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13772853

>consuming anything from Mexico

>> No.13773421

It was pretty bottom tier. Right down there with American lagers like Budweiser.
You add lime because it's bad and lime isn't.
I don't think it will bounce back. People were buying for the brand, not the product.

>> No.13773425

If you squeeze it remove it. If you push it in it can stew, but much like tea it'll start tasting bad if you leave it in too long.

>> No.13773430

Its a shitty beer
Also you dont add lime juice to a beer

>> No.13773448

Only pendejos do that. I am a mexican citizen.

>> No.13773453

Recommend me some awesome Mexican beer cocktail, please. Shandy doesn't do any justice to me.

>> No.13773456

corona is skunked beer ruined by UV light


the lime is there to make it barely palatable

>> No.13773458

Corona with lime is pretty nice to drink in the Summer sun because it's so weak and mild. I don't want to drink a heavy stout on a hot day for example.
I usually just go with a local lager instead, though, since Corona is kind of expensive in Europe because it's imported.

>> No.13773741

Where's the harm

>> No.13773837

I had the misfortune of drinking a corona as the first beer I ever had and almost swore off alcohol because of how shit it was.

>> No.13773842

No i dont want to drink coronavirus

>> No.13773849

Do people really decide to stop consuming a product if it ends up coincidentally sharing a name with something bad like a virus?

I feel like even idiots should know better, its just weird to me.

>> No.13773856

This. I liken it to almost a sparkling water in its,flavor profile and mouthfeel, actually.

>> No.13773857

When I was in Mexico all the locals drank Modelo. Corona is overpriced pisswater for stupid gringos.

>> No.13773858

who cares if it good if it gives you the virus

>> No.13773866

EW VIRUS!!!!!!!!

>> No.13773867

The lime is antiseptic.

>> No.13773872

I'm sorry but I don't drink it because it has the coronavirus and I don't want to die.

>> No.13773879
File: 473 KB, 529x529, chelada_grande.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Green and Red on the right are delicious, they just made a mango chile one but it tastes too sweet to me.

>> No.13773883

omg why did you show a pic of corona now im gonna get virus!!!!!!!!1!!1!1????1.1,

>> No.13773893

Normie beer for people that don't like beer but wanna drink it to be social. Favorite of basic white bitches.

>> No.13773915

I needed this comment today. Thank you, anon.