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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 161 KB, 376x360, 1583393629679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13746457 No.13746457 [Reply] [Original]

They fucking did my boy dirty.

>> No.13746479

Looks like he did himself dirty by not showering.

>> No.13746484

When is the day of reckoning we were promised?
Video absolutely related

>> No.13746486

I like him.

>> No.13746537

He's kind of an asshole.

>> No.13746547

He built Papa Johns and got fucked by insider conniving on the board of directors.

>> No.13746833

>40 pizzas in 30 days
He's more pizza than man

>> No.13746851

looks like they intentionally chose a bad location and harsh lighting

>> No.13747248

This. Fucking mutinous hit job. Same shit happened to the Men's Warehouse guy sans the n-bomb

>> No.13747252

amerifats are so retarded. they think the word is haunted and you can't even quote it (if you're white)
it's funny I saw some german headline that said the word in it

>> No.13747260
File: 13 KB, 480x270, papaasswipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit founder.
Shit ingredients.
Shit pizza.
Papa Shit Johns.

>> No.13747274

shit post

>> No.13747295
File: 49 KB, 500x311, kfc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking "Papa" defamed my Colonel
he deserved to lose his company

good riddance to bad rubbish
Papa Asshole Johns

>> No.13747312

The Colonel was straight up autistic about food for better worse, rather self-absolved and would not invite for grilling.
John is a good lad though.

>> No.13748899

These guys need to learn to promote from within the country instead of just hiring ivy league guys and expecting everything to be auto pilot. You gotta have underlings you can trust. I see this shit happen way too much.

>> No.13749025

what word? why wont you say it?

>> No.13749029


>> No.13749053

Ahh, Papa Meatsweats.

>> No.13749081
File: 980 KB, 500x276, hh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would you say that??

>> No.13749186

I ain't going down like papa john

>> No.13749482

The issue is that if you even neutrally refer to the word, you'll be deliberately misquoted by the press to make it seem as if you were using it as a slur, which is what happened to John.

>> No.13749506

Where's the audio of him saying it? Oh yeah, the accusers have provided no evidence.

>> No.13749526

Funnily enough, even the accounts of it basically say that he was saying it in context for some kind of presentation or meeting about being respectful and not insulting people for no reason. Context doesn't matter when money is involved.

>> No.13749559
File: 16 KB, 231x255, 1462223942913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he said Colonel Sanders use to say it but he didn't
Papa John is an asshole and the pizza is shitty

>> No.13749562

it's like the Mel Gibson case
Everyone making a fuss over him saying the gamer word,
when I finally listen to the audio it's just him yelling at his wife saying she was fucking a pack of niggers

I thought it was pretty fucking mild, he wasnt directly offending anyone (other than his wife), it wasnt even about black people, it was just him mad at his wife

>> No.13749579

>gamer word
Thought he was saying her going out dressed slutty would get her raped by a pack of gamer words.

>> No.13749583

I'm not fussed about his pizza. I also like KFC.

>> No.13749593

We live in an age where expressing yourself using stigmatised words is 100% not allowed, regardless of why. It's a bit sad, cause most normal people don't really care, regardless of race and background. If the media can make a few thousand people reply angrily, that's enough to sway a company.

>> No.13749618
File: 223 KB, 1600x900, 170522092440-02-trump-western-wall-0522-full-169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most people don't care but if you're in a position of power or influence you'll be held to task. Papa John's the company just want to hawk shitty pizza. Not be known as the nigger company led by a raging alcoholic. It's just business and bad press affects the bottom line.
If Papa wanted to keep his company he should have led better, not sold the majority of his shares, and/or kept the company private.

>> No.13749693

>cause most normal people don't really care
And that's where you stormers fuck up, almost everyone does care and is why you fagfucks continually get btfo, lol!

>> No.13749731


>> No.13749850

Just go lick some boots, you'll get it.

>> No.13749865

Bingo. Hire the nose, get the horn.

>> No.13749881

gonna remember that one

>> No.13749965
