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13705469 No.13705469 [Reply] [Original]

Can we admit this is insanely fucked up

>> No.13705472


>> No.13705477

Why? It's an aquarium. Crowded? Yes, but no different than the holding tanks on the boats where they were caught.

>> No.13705478

I agree eating sea roaches is fucked up

>> No.13705480

Couldn’t think of anything clever for lobsters?

>> No.13705490


>> No.13705495

Theyre sea bugs. There are so many of them. If you saw a ton of roaches in a container like this would you feel the same way?

>> No.13705505

id actually rather see you in a tub like that crowded with other faggots like yourself

>> No.13705509

I miss live lobster aquariums at the grocery

>> No.13705608

Yeah I loved looking at them when I was a little kid. That's what makes asian mega marts fun to visit these days.

>> No.13705619 [DELETED] 

how the fuck do you think they behave in the ocean?

They crawl all over eachother down on the sea floor as well. Only difference is now they are doing it in a tank.

>> No.13705622

I have zero interest in preparing a live lobster from the store and I can't understand how at one point even very recently enough people were interested enough in that to make it a common grocery store thing across the country. Wack

>> No.13705628

Yeah, but I'd be disgusted for a different reason. At least lobsters taste good.

>> No.13705638

You have no idea how the ocean works, moron. Also, each other are two separate words.

>> No.13705653 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13705675

Man, I haven't thought about that since I saw it as a child, but you're right, groceries did used to have a live lobster tank. Shit is wild man. Not for coastal states, but I live inland. I bet it was the PETA faggots that ended it. I remember being fascinated by these as a child.

>> No.13705761

yeah shits fucked. i hope the liberals ban this

>> No.13705822

No, lobsters are not sentient

>> No.13705823

>Can we admit this is insanely fucked up

Are Lobsters even capable of quantifying their world to a degree that would constitute 'inhumane treatement'?

Like, they're dumb water bugs- even a dumb ass cow can scrap together enough brain cells to know when it's being tortured or living a miserable existence, but a bug is just a living robot is it not?

>> No.13705886

Yeah it's pretty fucked, but crayfish are most safely eaten when cooked alive.
A little bit like how we castrate pigs without anesthesia, knowing it's fucked up but it's to prevent boar taint (the difference is that the average consumer doesn't see that and this is done to improve meat quality instead of safety)

>> No.13705891

have you tried a roach? probably taste good also

>> No.13705892

do they rotate stock or are there lobsters hiding at the bottom that have been there for years?

>> No.13705943

Damn, I just realized you are right. Nobody still has these things.
As a child I thought it was just there for entertainment, I didn't even realize they were being sold alive. I thought they were store pets.

>> No.13705950

We also circumcise newborn humans without anesthesia.

>> No.13705962
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Sea snipperinos. Pinchy bois arell good bois. Oh shit, kill me!

>> No.13706013

Only the ones you raise for "food". Wild roaches don't taste good.

Now, lobsters on the other hand taste great.

>> No.13706514

I've been on 4chan a long time, I've never seen anyone accused of not knowing how the ocean works.

>> No.13706535 [DELETED] 

They aren't eating, just for display. Many have been there for decades. Lobsters can live over 100 years in the wild.

>> No.13706546

They aren't for eating, just for display. Many have been there for decades. Lobsters can live over 100 years in the wild.

>> No.13706551

Earth is just another aquarium.

>> No.13706562

Well, you're obviously not that asshole. Thank you for having basic understanding of the ocean, my good anon.

>> No.13706563


It probably just got too expensive.

>> No.13706579

>not understanding something makes it okay
By any chance, are you into lolicon and been on the news for sending nudes to a 11 year old? Because you have the mentality of a pedophile

>> No.13706607

I dont care about lobsters.

>> No.13706676

I bet you care about karma though.

>> No.13706681

Obsessed vegan

>> No.13706704

I only care about hating women on 4chan and loving Hitler, kid

>> No.13706712

Lobsters aren't real and the earth is flat

>> No.13706754


>> No.13706788

it's their equivalent of getting to go into space in a one way mission before they die

>> No.13706792

1) fuck animals feelings, they are inferior to our race.
2) what kind of retarded dogshit excuse for an argument is that, you leftist freak?

>> No.13706814

I live in New England and you can still find them in some stores. But even here most places seem to have gotten rid of them in the last few years.

>> No.13706827

I dont believe in Karma.

>> No.13706834

>he can't see the difference between those two images

>> No.13706839

My grocery store still has them.

>> No.13707363

It definitely is from a cleanliness standpoint. If even one of those lobsters dies in there, the entire tank full of them is contaminated and needs to be thrown out.

Not to mention all of them just living in their own shit in there.

>> No.13707368
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>Can we admit this is insanely fucked up
Can we admit that I just don't give a shit?

>> No.13707370

How's highschool going?

>> No.13707381

they'll cannibalize it. shellfish are great at eating literal rotting shit and turning it into edible delicious flesh.

>> No.13707385

Don't know. Graduated 29 years ago.

>> No.13707389

that's pretty gay to want to see, anon

>> No.13707399

it's called nitrogen fixing learn how fish tanks work

>> No.13707410

That doesn’t mean the holding tanks are off the hook. Not even arguing from a ethic stand point but it’s an objective fact that animals when treated delicately and in less stressful environments yield better food for human consumption. Those Chinese bugs that boil dogs literally get the absolute worst out of meat because of the adrenaline shooting through the veins of the animals they kill

Giving them breathing room makes for much better product. Also boiling them is fucking retarded

>> No.13707418

Must suck being a mentally stunted adult

>> No.13707472

It' s water and there are other lobsters.

Pretty much like the sea floor, which is where they live, you know?

>> No.13707474

Kinda. The memes that they're too stupid to know what's going on or experience pain in the same way we do aren't totally unfounded. If you're interested in an autistically in-depth examination of the subject I recommend reading Consider the Lobster, or listen to the book on tape which is on jewtube:


>> No.13707562

Literally none of that applies to lobsters. They're not even mammals, or vertebrates for that matter. Retard.

>> No.13707597


>autistically in-depth

david foster wallace was a writer, not a house-bound autist poring through every single academic article on lobster cognition. Consider the lobster is a fine piece of interesting writing that's deeper than your average forum post but it's not an autistic treatise

>> No.13707601

DFW is kind of the go-to definition of autistic writer.

>> No.13707604

Yes it does, animals that don’t react to stimuli or painful stimuli don’t exist otherwise they go extinct because of something called the food chain

Lobsters don’t stack themselves in confined spaces in nature so why do it in a market where they’re still alive?

>> No.13707616

Goalposts, huh? How about the fact that "producing adrenaline" is completely different than "reacts negatively to painful stimuli." Or that being crowded isn't natural, they crowd over dead shit all the time in the sea. Nothing about livestock is natural, but feeling empathy for an arthropod so incredibly removed from our classification in the animal kingdom and assigning it human qualities is beyond the pale of PETA stupidity.

>> No.13707617

Too expensive, if you lose one in the tank you have to sell about three to make up costs. Grocery retail has been on a death spiral for years due to constantly needing to drop prices due to the walmart effect. Most stores just can't afford a loss leader like this just to draw in higher end clientele.

>> No.13707653

It's not any more fucked up than how any other meat you buy gets processed, it's just that you're there to see it in person

>> No.13707675

it's 7 pages of meandering, tangent-prone essayese which takes 4 pages just to arrive at the subject. is it a maximally deep piece of scientific lit? no. is it opaque enough to scare off the average /ck/ poster? quite possibly yes, hence my disclaimer

>> No.13707688

Fucking retard comparison

>> No.13707693

Damn that's even more pathetic then.

>> No.13707715

>man what happened to those unpopular greasy tanks of sea bugs?
>must be liberals
Everything’s a problem for you, isn’t it?

>> No.13707722


>> No.13707759

>feeling empathy is stupid
rightist freaks in a nutshell

>> No.13707773

Dude are you projecting? How does lobsters translate to pedophilia? You’re a fucking odd one m8 stay away from kids

>> No.13707775

go cry for the ants you poison to keep out of your house, you may as well if you're going to set your standards so low as to shed a tear on behalf of lobsters

>> No.13707783

To be fair ant poison is pretty gruesome in its mechanism

>> No.13707801

You’re a retardo, kid. Lobsters probably don’t even feel pain like we do, nor is their nervous system organized like ours. Their experience of reality is such a far cry from what humans experience, the idea that you could even feel bad for them is stupid.
You’re basically feeling empathy for something with about as much brain power as a cockroach and the sensory capabilities of a spider. Imagine unironically feeling bad for literal bugs, animals don’t get “intelligent” enough to feel bad for until reptiles/birds at least, and there’s a lot of reptiles that are pretty fucking retarded too.

>> No.13707808
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>> No.13707817

im dying, good one

>> No.13707819

>lobsters cant feel pain
Does it react to stimuli? If so then it can perceive its environment. Even motile bacteria will flee from a toxin.

>> No.13707901

Are you still going apeshit blaming PETA for why grocers stopped carrying this dirty ugly expensive unpopular loss item? It wasn’t PETA, they’re just shitty

>> No.13707922

Don't bother. Carnists wheel out that broken down argument about animals not feeling pain every time to try to assuage their guilt over their unmitigated bloodlust.

>> No.13707925

some animals definitely experience pain in emotional terms the same way people do. lobsters aren't on that list though

>> No.13707933
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>> No.13707941

>Carnists wheel out that broken down argument about animals not feeling pain every time to try to assuage their guilt over their unmitigated bloodlust
you are aware, then, that plants feel pain and respond to it in a variety of ways, including but not limited to releasing hormones, releasing alarm pheromones, screaming (at a frequency and volume inaudible to humans), and physically withdrawing?
a lobster is literally an insect and doesn't have a nervous system capable of reacting in any way other than avoidance to noxious stimulus

Cephalopods, on the other hand are almost smarter than dogs, and people who torture squids and octopi are human trash.

>> No.13707943

Do you know cucumbers feel "pain" as well you stupidly hypocritical bastard.
And you sure do seem to have no problem with animals eating echoother alive while they are still screaming. No no "MAN BAD, HUMAN SHIT, HUMAN NEED DIE!!!!!"
"o look cote dolphins torturing puffer fish for their own amusement! how quaint!"

>> No.13707948
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most cooks will just instakill the the lobster by cutting its head in half, so I see it as a non issue.

>> No.13707950

Why you mad though?

>> No.13707952

Hypocritical self righteousness makes me mad, no matter the subject.

>> No.13707956

doesn't normally result in an instakill, as lobsters have a distributed nervous system with no brain stem

>> No.13707958


>> No.13707959

and to add to this, it's this lack of brain / cortex that makes me suspicious of the proposal that they deserve sympathy in the first place. it's also what lets me write off killing roaches on-sight with no remorse.

>> No.13707968

Just because they react to stimuli doesn’t necessarily mean it’s painful or imbues suffering, and if you’re gonna argue at me that bacteria feel pain, then you should reevaluate your choice to eat anything at all.
That’s not me, retard
You do realize that different species have different brains and different nervous systems right? You’re basically saying all species are created equal and that’s even more retarded than saying all skin colors or all genders are created equal.
You’re transcending egalitarian principles and entering a new philosophy where we value the bacteria in our shits more than not dying an excruciating death.

>> No.13707997

>Not dropping it in live
>Creating a big hole for the juice and spice to run out of
Why are you such a wiener?

>> No.13708027

That bisque is fucking RAW

>> No.13708144

Theyre just bugs dude

>> No.13708613


I've never gotten the chance to cook a live lobster.

>> No.13708616

Doesn’t matter, they’re gonna be cooked anyway

>> No.13708623
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>> No.13708625

Only thing wrong with this is I bet at least half of those are dead and they just keep adding more lobsters in the tank.

>> No.13708713

actually great

>> No.13708726

Meanwhile, there's a war vet starving to death in the gutter just outside.
I fucking hate virtue signaling.


>> No.13708773
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No, stop eating soy you banana gobbling bitch boy.

>> No.13708776
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>right wingers dont feel empathy

>> No.13708836

>different species have different brains and different nervous systems right?
>they aren't the same as my species so they don't feel pain
Keep trying to alleviate the overwhelming guilt over your carnist death cult, but it doesn't cleanse you whatsoever. You're like a christian who commits horrific evils during the day and pretends they're absolved when they mumble a magical incantation, lol!

>> No.13708899

He never said anything about liberals, you dumb fuck. Are you really acting like PETA are complete faggots that sperg out over petty shit like this?

>> No.13708908

>the overwhelming guilt
Bro, you are projecting, normal people don't feel guilty over it. You have a chemical imbalance.

>> No.13708909

If this is a problem for seabugs that only register pain as stimulus to avoid and naturally congregate for defense from predators, we need to start considering the welfare of insects and plants as well.

>> No.13708913

What are you on about? That's from a tv show

>> No.13708925

what kind of dumbfuck would kill it in-store, boiling it alive for maximum freshness is kinda the point

>> No.13708950
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>That doesn’t mean the holding tanks are off the hook. Not even arguing from a ethic stand point but it’s an objective fact that animals when treated delicately and in less stressful environments yield better food for human consumption. Those Chinese bugs that boil dogs literally get the absolute worst out of meat because of the adrenaline shooting through the veins of the animals they kill
>Giving them breathing room makes for much better product. Also boiling them is fucking retarded
This whole fucking post, then calling someone ELSE a retard. Exquisite.

>> No.13709008

>bet it was the PETA faggots that ended it
>b-but he never mentioned liberals
You know, you rightards need to get some other strategy than misdirection, subterfuge, strawmen and direct lies. It's too obvious to all but the 30% braindead base.

>> No.13709102

Stop projecting, reddit.

>> No.13709107

Imagine feeling empathy towards animals.

>> No.13709117

My grocery store doesn't sell them alive. They're just frozen tails on ice.

>> No.13709120

Many species do feel pain, things like shrimp and lobster are not those species though. Do you understand that concept? That there are families (mammals, reptiles, birds, rodents) that do feel pain and then there’s ones that are borderline sentient (crustaceans, insects, probably some amphibians, fish)

>> No.13709143

they had that at my local supermarket but no one bought that shit and it was removed like 5 years ago

>> No.13710072

why did they get rid of them?

>> No.13710139

>animals that don’t react to stimuli or painful stimuli don’t exist
Literally clams in the case of painful stimuli

>> No.13710148

Too expensive since hardly anybody wants to buy a live lobster when you can just buy the tails.

>> No.13710180

They still have these everywhere. My store will even steam it for you

>> No.13710196

Unironically lack of empathy towards animals is a trait of psychopathy

>> No.13710208

I think lobsters are incredibly stupid and unaware creatures just like most arthropods. Regardless I think all creatures, regardless of sentience, should be treated with some amount of dignity and care all the way to the moment of slaughter. Even if it can't experience mental anguish or lasting pain like a vertebrate, nearly all animals react to physical harm so clearly pain is a much simpler sensation than we tend to assume.
I don't think the lobsters care too much about the crowding but it's still undignified and (I could put anything here, nobody reads my walls of text) helps instill a mindset that makes the mistreatment of all animals easier for a community to accept. As far as I care, running low on fresh lobster at a seafood restaurant every now and then is a small price to pay to allow more intelligent animals a more dignified existence in farms/homes/kitchens.

>> No.13710220


>> No.13710223

This is probably the most sensible argument I’ve seen in favor of treating lobsters well
>if we set our standards low for these retarded animals, then we’ll set our standards low for other animals that are less retarded as well
There’s probably some validity to that, even if it’s on a subconscious level

>> No.13710224

You’re arguing over some fucking stupid lobsters come ON dude

>> No.13710230

Literally trying to adopt a right wing talking point and having it fall flat because it's blatantly untrue.

>> No.13710235

unironically projecting human feelings on to invertebrates is a trait of schizophrenia

>> No.13710330

They're food, I don't care.

>> No.13710344

Lobsters hate being near other lobsters so they stress to death. But its kinda hard to tell a store to get a 1000x larger tank. Remember kids when you boil your lobster just toss it in the pot, they feel no pain.. dont cut your hand off trying to cut through its pea sized brain.

>> No.13710399

I used to love staring at these bastards for several minutes as my parents did whatever when we went grocery shopping

>> No.13710649

Same. Live seafood is always great to see.

>> No.13710692

i never understood the rationale of people who complain over how livestock are treated, meanwhile predators in the animal kingdom eat their prey alive, and in most cases, carnivores start with the genitals.

>> No.13710694

He's not the one seething about literal sea bugs. Do you also campaign for the ethical treatment of grass hoppers?

>> No.13710763

>being this gay

>> No.13710779

That's just fucked up

>> No.13710956

Who cares they're all going to die soon anyways

>> No.13710961


>> No.13710969

they have to band their claws to keep them from ripping each other to death from the stress. Lobsters hate being around each other

It's like how they cut off pigs' tails in factory farms. If they don't, bored neighbors will chew them off

>> No.13710978

>Are Lobsters even capable of quantifying their world to a degree that would constitute 'inhumane treatement'?
of course not but you don't need to be a genius to be able to tell they would prefer not to be in that situation

I suppose the best way to think of it is like they are post lobotomy patients. They may be aware of their pain but don't know what to feel about it

>> No.13710990

You can have virtue signaling in a TV show too.

>> No.13710992

their nervous system is a series of ganglia along the underside of their bodies, and much like black people, the knife trick don't work

>> No.13710994


>> No.13711004
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how about you start with my genitals anon?

>> No.13711156 [DELETED] 

>mocking animal rights supporters
are you a nigger, a chink or a muslim?

>> No.13711168

Fuck off you vegan sjw roastie.

>> No.13711183

Looks like he's a Mexican

>> No.13711191

It's difficult communicating with someone who has a rudimentary grasp of english, Deng. How many years of shitposting do you have left before they'll let you see your wife and kid again?

>> No.13711347


>> No.13711441


>> No.13711473

Hooe you don't eat mushrooms as Fungi are genetically closer to us or lonster than any kind of plants and react to stimulus like being picked

>> No.13711477

plants also release chemicals when hurt that other plants can sense and react to

>> No.13711575

Hey you can say what you want about me, but leave the lobster out of this

Yes of treating the grasshopper better in turns creates a better product then I’m all for it. A ultilitarian mindset is a dead end because yes you can have everything as practical as possible and every building can just be a box and every car can be as aerodynamic as possible and every person can have a buzzed head but then no one wants to live. Because while art, music and happiness don’t have any survival value they give value to surviving

So yes it’s our responsibility as humans to ensure the best for everything because everything we directly effect directly effects us

>> No.13711600

>bleeding hearts for the brainless seabugs
>bleeding hearts for actual cockroaches
>bleeding hearts for cellular organisms
Where does it end?

>> No.13711620

Are you annoying, narcossistic or just a wannabe demagogue?

>> No.13711850

>Where does it end?
It doesn’t have to end

>> No.13711882

What was the removed comment saying

>> No.13713136


>> No.13713157

It's a fucking tasty sea bug.

>> No.13713528
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This thing was the best...I was two for two.

>> No.13713588
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>vegans: "wow eating meat is so barabaric and unethical if you really want animal protien you should just eat bugs, they don't have feelings"
>sees sea bugs (aka lobsters) for sale in a gorcery store
They're fucking sea bugs, they don't have feelings.

>> No.13713598
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I'm begining to think that vegans will never be happy until everyone is as uptight, pretentious, and miserable about the world as they are.

>> No.13713839

>an innocent human child is the same thing as an invertebrate crustacean
leftists are deranged

>> No.13713857

>vegans: "wow eating meat is so barabaric and unethical if you really want animal protien you should just eat bugs
Said no vegan ever. Are you carnists that desperate that you have to resort to the same disinformation tactics the right uses for all of their arguments? C'mon.

>> No.13713858

That’s bigoted of you. Some people love eating roaches.

>> No.13713863

>bleeding hearts for deadly viruses

>> No.13713867

>eat bugs
imagine being this retarded

>> No.13714005

Fuck off back to your discord, kike

>> No.13714035

Shut up kike, psychopath jews everybody

>> No.13714726

no, because then they'll be like everyone else, so a clique of super-vegans will arise and start the cycle over

>> No.13714738
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>That projection

>> No.13714750

its gross, they taste like the shit and piss they sit in for weeks at a time. Nothing beats freshly caught.

>> No.13714765
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>this autist made up a nonexistent correlation between lobsters and pedophilia

>> No.13715151

Something about lobsters literally crawling around on top of each other in the ocean like they're forced to in the tanks. Came complete with an image of about three lobsters in near vicinity of one another.
What a clueless faggot.

>> No.13715159


>> No.13715189

Lobsters and Roaches have different levels on conscious experience

>> No.13715230

They typically have filters and things to keep them alive and healthy. If one were to die without those things, it would ruin the other lobsters and they'd all die pretty quick. Stores don't want to lose a whole batch of lobsters, so they have proper lobster tanks to keep them alive and the water clean. Also, too many living things in an unfiltered tank creates ammonia from their waste, and in high enough concentration will smell like absolute piss.

>> No.13716346

nod rly