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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.36 MB, 4032x3024, TB 2 25 20 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13710484 No.13710484 [Reply] [Original]

>tuesday is the new friday
I made a mondo burger, drank whiskey, and picked up some Taco Bell for good measure.

>> No.13710496

oh look the fat fuck went to taco bell again and took a picture. quality fucking content you fat fuck

>> No.13710504

personally i'd just make two sliders, taco bell is nasty

>> No.13710516

That is the same burger from the last thread. You aren't fooling me OP.
Do you store it in the fridge to keep it fresh? I must know!

>> No.13710530
File: 1.89 MB, 3264x2448, DSC02519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That burger is not made right. A proper burger is flattened as much as can be before cooking. Pic related, the burger I just made for supper.

The bun also looks extremely soggy, which means you did something wrong too.

>> No.13710599

he is a burger flipper and brings them home from his work. it's really sad that not only does he eat taco bell daily, but he's so poor he has to supplement it with food from work

>> No.13710658

I think OP finally died, he hasn't posted again in the thread.

>> No.13710697

ay its the troll again

how you doing?

>> No.13710822

you are slowly dying but you are accelerating it rapidly

>> No.13710914
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pic related is op and his thread

>> No.13710918
File: 210 KB, 493x490, 1563774667027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is you. Just fuck off back to feelthebern niggers

>> No.13710931

pretty kek thread

>> No.13710942

Ah, the fat fuck /general/ always a productive discussion.

>> No.13711382
File: 2.03 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20200225_213319408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a lot of meat.
I finally tried the buffalo chicken burrito for the first time. It was much better than I was expecting it to be. As said in a previous thread, the combination of the buffalo sauce, sour cream and pico really go well together.

>> No.13711461

What do you mean? You don't like the food at Taco Bell?

>> No.13711470

The dude looks like he spends over a thousand a month on alcohol though. That's not "poor".

>> No.13711484

hardly, he keeps showing off the same bottles, might have gone through the bottle of seagrams


>> No.13711562

I am getting increasingly convinced he had this meal once and took 30 pictures from different angles so he could post them over and over for... some reason. Maybe bait at first, some time ago people complained at the pink burger, etc. Now it's just kinda sad, this has been going on for at least a couple months.

>> No.13711995
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>that's a lot of meat
It's twice the size of the burgers I usually make. Yeah, the buffalo chicken stuff is pretty good, but I wish they had something with those ingredients on the dollar menu. You can't even add buffalo sauce on the app for some reason (you can swap it in for nacho cheese sauce if you buy the nacho fries, but I think that's it).

>> No.13712026
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Bun got a little squished in the box, but it's okay.
>also looks extremely soggy
I toast the bottom bun extra so that it doesn't get soggy on the trip home. Also, nobody likes you.

>> No.13712110
File: 2.09 MB, 4032x3024, TB 2 25 20 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nailed it.
>he is a burger flipper
I'm not a grill cook, but I can work any station.

>> No.13712121

Meat is raw in the middle.
Underdone meat is great, underdone mince meat is disgusting.

>> No.13712135

Looks fucking delicious.

>> No.13712141

>those raw bits of ground meat flaking off
fucking disgusting.

>> No.13712149

Daily reminder that if you don't do smash burgers, you are doing your burgers wrong.
If you want more meat, make it a double.
Don't put underdone meat loaf into your burger.

>> No.13712175

>Don't put underdone meat loaf into your burger.
imagine liking well done burgers

>> No.13712277

>imagine thinking a smash burger can be underdone
>liking underdone ground meat
pleb and don't know about burgers. it's not a steak retard. It's a health hazard and quite frankly disgusting. Biting into a large mountain of meat and chewing raw crumbs of meat is not good.

>> No.13712289

People eating alone at their computer desks never ceases to depress me.

>> No.13712292

everyone laughs at you and your pathetic attempts to impress people. you’re a faggot, no one likes you, your threads are shit, and you sit around drinking and stuffing your fat face alone because you have no friends or the love of a woman. When you die, no one will mourn you. You will leave no legacy behind. You are a nobody, and your attempts to be somebody are fucking pathetic. I’m not sure why you haven’t killed yourself yet, but I’m glad you haven’t, because I take pleasure in your miserable existence.

>> No.13712296
File: 90 KB, 480x480, B2EE0888-08BF-4C6F-9721-FBD7A8C23331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>smash burgers
I prefer the Oklahoma burger

>> No.13712297
File: 35 KB, 433x430, b13NxU5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw doing exactly that

>> No.13712300

I like him. Fuck off.

>> No.13712301

>I’m not op guys
>but op is a cool guy so leave him alone

>> No.13712304

Are your burgers infested with worms? I think I finally understand well done fags; I'd eat burgers well done too if I lived in flyover land where all the ground beef is infected with parasites (actually I'd probably just eat tofu).

>> No.13712305

I see a lot of my old self in him and I miss reckless drinking and eating like a pig.. So I enjoy his OC.

>> No.13712306

>hurr are those onions worms
>I’m a colossal faggot
good post

>> No.13712316

Reckless drinking? He drinks a shot a week. I probably get more alcohol content in a week from using mouthwash in the morning than he gets from drinking.

>> No.13712326

This guy is SEETHING!!!!!

>> No.13712328

I just see lots of bottles of hard liquor and I miss having them around me... I'm sober now but I was a massive functional alcoholic, hate to say it but it WAS a fun time. OP has good looking burgers and booze whats not to love?

>> No.13712333

No, I’m not a leftist on twitter. I spoke my mind. Just because you have the emotional stability of a woman on her period doesn’t mean the rest of us cannot control our emotions.

>> No.13712334

Jesus has your diet of tendies and mommies milk deprived of you knowing what an onion is?

>> No.13712342

Oh the irony

>> No.13712344

>what’s not to love?
I utterly despise fat people, and I utterly despise people who try to use liquor that costs more than $20 a bottle as a substitute for a personality.

>> No.13712347

Have you tried fucking off faggot?

>> No.13712350

If those are onions they honestly look like they're trying to escape from the burger due to the encroaching heat, only to die quickly once they get out and realize that it's nothing but grill. I also don't draw much of a distinction between Oklahoma and Ohio, so thought it was spaghetti at first glance.

>> No.13712354

Do you faggots ever say anything of substance? Or is it always just
you faggots with your repeat buzzwords are so fucking boring...

>> No.13712362

Why? This isn’t your safe space. I will go where I want. If you don’t like it, you fuck off.

>> No.13712364

It’s literally a smash burger on top of a bed of caramelized onions
What’s not to like?

>> No.13712372

You're the one crying you little fag

>> No.13712381

I understand what it is, and I'm sure it's pretty good. Still, those aren't caramelized onions, and you have to admit that it looks like the flying spaghetti monster.

>> No.13712383

I’m not crying, I’m laughing at op for being a faggot, and laughing at you faggots for calling is thread oc when every one of his threads is a hamburger, some tacos, and the same 4 bottles.

>> No.13712397

liberals don't like burgers unless it's in a lightly toasted brioche bun with quinoa salad on top and of course the finest wagyu beef, just lightly kissed by the flame.
They don't get what a burger is about.

>> No.13712400

Only thing I have against a doublestack smash is that I feel obligated to put on extra cheese, from an aesthetics standpoint. Maybe I should just do cheese between patties, then whatever toppings that day...

Could actually work....

>> No.13712401

Oh and of course the patty needs to be FAT and raw in the middle.
It's a liberal thing.

>> No.13712405

damn did you really type out all of that then hit post nigga

>> No.13712410

Of course you put cheese on each patty.
You smash, salt, pepper, flip and cheese.
With each and every patty.

>> No.13712422

I'm not a fan of giant Ramsay burgers, but I absolutely don't understand having a functional kitchen and using it to try to recreate fast food style burgers. Like, you know you can make good food too, right?

>> No.13712433

Cause that's what a burger is.
Good food doesn't have to be fancy.
Some of the best foods are simple as shit.
You sound pretentious.

>> No.13712438

Post something you made.

>> No.13712465

Your spaghetti must be shit if it looks like onions

>> No.13712509
File: 943 KB, 3264x1684, DSC06661832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also, nobody likes you.
I don't post on 4channel to be "liked" faggot, but I will post in every one of your shitty /soc/ threads now because I know it bothers you.

Also, your burgers suck and you can't cook for shit. If you toast the bun, it wouldn't GET soggy in the first place, and your buns are soggy as shit. Whatever shit restaurant you work at isn't even middle America diner tier, it's not even Red Robin tier, it's meme Gordon Ramsay cringeburger tier trash for pseuds.

>> No.13712533

Did you also poop yourself based diarrheaposter

>> No.13712566

Get a job, pony fag. If you posted anything other than cold fast food that your mom brought down to your dark basement people might find your threads interesting. Kind of funny how you're jealous of OP; I never thought I'd ever see someone sink so low.

>> No.13712590

I made shashlyk

>> No.13712600

Holy shit, fucking Americans... I can't eat all that food in a day, what the fuck.

>> No.13712608

Looks good.

>> No.13712615

>sissy doll
Fuck Americans honestly LOL

>> No.13712655
File: 145 KB, 960x1280, photo_2020-02-26_20-30-42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it tastes much better than it looks

>> No.13712690

It looks like it’s drier than a woman’s vagina after you tip your fedora at her.

>> No.13712714

Its well-done pork, very lean, with crispy charred bits on the outside, but it's nice inside because it was marinated. Nice vinegar smell to it. I love it this way. It's also great in the morning as cold cut.

The only difference from the summer open fire version is no wood ash stuck to it and no wood smoke aroma.

>> No.13712728

You are every bit as bad as him you fat faggot, don't act like you're somehow any better when you do the same shit just as obnoxiously

If I got news that the two of you collided your vehicles head-on and both died, I'd celebrate and throw a party in a dark room, with Taco Bell for good measure

>> No.13712768

i look forward to everything you post.
i come back to CK for you.
You should start a cozy asmr youtube channel. id subscribe.

>> No.13712770


>> No.13712774

I’m not the OP, no, but you definitely are a whining little bitch cunt. What now?

>> No.13712808

>what now?
I’m going to call you a nigger instead of a faggot. nigger

>> No.13713154
File: 2.26 MB, 4032x3024, TB 2 25 20 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have around 25 bottles of whiskey I've purchased in maybe the past year and a half, and usually say if a bottle is new. Last time I bought a new bottle was a couple weeks ago and I made a thread about spending $300 at the liquor store. The Aberlour in the OP is from then, and the other two bottles are older, but probably my favorite pairings with Taco bell. If I ever include a bottle of vodka it's new, but Seagram's goes for ~$13 a handle, so even a dozen handles a month is nowhere near $1000.

>> No.13713291

>people who try to use liquor that costs more than $20 a bottle as a substitute for a personality
What the fuck are you even talking about?

>> No.13713302

I can't imagine what would incite a person to carefully cook a multi-step dish at home and then go out and get some of the lowest tier fast food there is no go alongside it. The whole point of takeout is not having to cook or clean up.

>> No.13713305

Smash burgers are nice

>> No.13713312

How are none of you retarded NEETs here aware of the fact that today isn't even tuesday?

>> No.13713336

>every one of his threads is a hamburger, some tacos, and the same 4 bottles.

He has a small piece of carrot cake today. I like a good carrot cake.

>> No.13713353

its thursday, you spastic.

>> No.13713582
File: 2.05 MB, 3024x4032, TB 2 25 20 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>like a good carrot cake
I'm not much of an unfermented sugar guy, but a nice gas station carrot cake is a treat every now and then.
>its thursday
What? No. I fucking hate Friday.

>> No.13713761
File: 2.25 MB, 4032x3024, TB 2 25 20 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's neither cooked at home nor takeout, silly. And Taco Bell is the highest tier fast food. I honestly don't understand why you'd pay for anything other than Taco Bell instead of just carefully cooking a multi-step dish at home, or just going out to a real restaurant.

>> No.13713817

is that a metal straw?

>> No.13713818

>I'm not much of an unfermented sugar guy,
oh because you're so fucking healthy

>> No.13713838

Fuck off kike.

>> No.13713846
File: 2.46 MB, 3024x4032, TB 2 25 20 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a bombilla. I might make some mate in a bit.

>> No.13713852


Silence onion racist.

>> No.13713994
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Made some mate. It's pretty good.

>> No.13714007
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where r u anon? not in every country with taco bell u can take some mate after dinner with a proper and good yerba for it

>> No.13714012

also fucking nice mate anon

>> No.13714051

>cruz de malta
good choice

>> No.13714063

this word is only used by cancerous faggots

>> No.13714071
File: 1.85 MB, 4032x3024, TB 2 25 20 18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't usually eat with my mate, but I took a couple sips and realized I haven't had anything in hours (I'm a little sensitive to caffeine).
>where r u
Murrica. We really do have everything, as long as you have a job and an imagination. (Mate energy drinks are also kind of a meme - or were a few years ago - so most people at least kind of know what it is; I also used to dabble in Argentine tango, which is how I was first introduced.)
I like it.

>> No.13714077

How often do you eat burgers? I have like 2 a month between may and September, any more seems like too much.

>> No.13714095
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yeah i bet u re canadian or from bush era m8, now trump fan, american fag

>> No.13714105


>> No.13714220

What do you have against burgers in Winter?

>> No.13714371
File: 2.08 MB, 3024x4032, TB 2 25 20 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few anons have recommended custom items, but the one I've actually come back to more than a couple of times is the fritos burrito, no fritos, add seasoned fries, jalapenos, and pico (grilled, obviously). If you could add buffalo sauce on the app it would be great, and still a lot less than the buffalo chicken nachos fries burrito.

>> No.13714490

Nothing, I just dont eat them often, and tend to only eat them when I can grill outside.

>> No.13714503

>only eat them when I can grill outside.
Okay boomer.

>> No.13714511

look at this fucking faggot

>> No.13714521

Lmao, I live in NY, last week was 8 degrees. And you're probably older than me...

>> No.13714549

>your burgers suck and you can't cook for shit
Men in glass houses

>> No.13714638

>you're probably older than me
Flyovers age faster than normal people, and that's not a good thing.

>> No.13715184
File: 2.41 MB, 4032x3024, TB 2 25 20 20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, I went on a stupid fucking goose chase tonight. Some anon in the last thread recommended Wendy's fish sandwich, which took me way out of my normal stomping ground, but to a busy area with a bunch of places, but half of them closed before the hours listed online. I was planning on picking up the Wendy's fish sandwich, a root beer float (in the glass mug, which I already use as my main drinking glass, so figured I'd get a back-up) from A&W, and some Taco Bell. Turned out only Taco Bell was open, and when I pulled out I found myself in (I think) a Carl's Jr. drive through, and the guy at the window was Indian...

>> No.13715210
File: 2.91 MB, 4032x3024, TB 2 25 20 21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what $5 gets you at Carls Jr.

>> No.13715225
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How come Indians are super friendly and accommodating at Indian restaurants, but if they work at fast food or motel chains they're always, in absolutely every case, complete, absolute assholes who act as though everyone is out to literally mug them? They didn't give me any dipping sauce with my happy meal, or even ask if I wanted some. What in the actual fuck was I supposed to do if I actually had a daughter and brought this travesty home to her? (I used some off brand mae ploy).

>> No.13715229

Are you from Oklahoma?

>> No.13715233
File: 1.77 MB, 4032x3024, TB 2 25 20 25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually ask the guy if they had different toys for boys and girls (he was just like, "NO" [in Apu accent]), but I was honestly surprised when I got home and he gave me anything. It's kind of cool that it's a Persona 5 figure, even though I only have a Switch and Persona isn't on Switch yet.

>> No.13715268

i am and onion burgers are pretty good

>> No.13715274

Are you in the metro?

>> No.13715275

tulsa area

>> No.13715280

Ah man, wanted to know if you knew any good local places but I hardly go up to Tulsa.

>> No.13715293

i usually make my own burgers but flo's is pretty good if you find yourself in the area.

>> No.13715317
File: 31 KB, 480x360, dr manhatten.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, I just got it. Tulsa burgers look like flying spaghetti monsters because you guys were just hit with a bunch of squid falling out of the sky.

>> No.13715318

I'll right that one down, thanks my man.

>> No.13715331

Please delete this show.


>> No.13715357

Raw burg taco bell drive thru flask scotch pairing op has a bombilla for mate and dabbled in tango? What a world

>> No.13715416 [DELETED] 
File: 1.68 MB, 4032x3024, TB 2 25 20 19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can also play the sitar and juggle 5 balls, what about it? And Argentine tango is based. It's like being a really good puppeteer and moving a girl around however you want while she completely submits to your will (or vice versa), but you both have to be very good, and if you're good together you're probably good together in other ways.

>> No.13715444

when this baby hits 88 dollars you're gonna get some serious vinegary shits

>> No.13715584

How does it feel to be a fat loser

>> No.13715728

I don't think I've ever seen an Indian working at a fast food place.

>> No.13715751

>NY is a flyover
Being this retarded

>> No.13715788

t. puts goat cheese on a hamburger
pretty laughable.
Make fancy food or make fast food.
These half assed attempts at gentrifying what is essentially just a beef sandwhich make you look incompetent at best and autistically pretentious at worst.
>Look at my goat cheese wagyu burger with gold foil and caviar
That's not good, that's just expensive. You use expensive ingredients for a simple dish (instead of attempting something challenging) to mask the fact that you
Funny thing is, I'd take this guys >>13712410 burger over yours every day. Cause I know he's not a try hard and just about making delicious burgers.

>> No.13716941

>Two recognition-starved doll-owning faggots being pissy to each other.
Shit thread but good laugh.