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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13686054 No.13686054 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine willingly eating green vegetables

>> No.13686069

I do because they taste good next time don't overcook them

>> No.13686076

Just put salt and butter on your veggies. Doesn't matter what veg it is salt and butter makes it good.

>> No.13686098

kids only hate vegetables cuz their parents don't know how to and refuse to cook them fresh

>> No.13686103

Imagine having the palate of a four year old

>> No.13686135

Masterrace here, we eat raw greens for fun and if you don't, fuck you and get good, shitter.

>> No.13686173

more like they give their kids soda at the age of 2

>> No.13686176

I had soda when I was a toddler
always loved steamed broccoli and canned peas
canned peas are GOAT mixed with mashed potatoes

>> No.13686182

This fucker never had green beans with hot sauce

>> No.13686184

Kids hate vegetables because they taste bitter to prevent poisoning, your palate develops as you grow older. But yeah majority of parents are inept retards who only superficially care about their kids.

>> No.13686342

I don't know, some vegetables can be bitter, but a lot of canned vegetables and shit just aren't good and I still won't eat them. I can't think of a time ever thinking something like green beans were bitter though.

>> No.13686367

I cooked maple roasted brussels sprouts for a bunch of kids ranging 2-10 years old
they ate them all
even grown men won't eat greens if they taste "bitter", you have to cook them right for every spectrum of autism

>> No.13686513

>kids ate caramelized sugar sprouts
I believe you
>even grown men won't eat greens if they taste "bitter"
Yeah but thats because they are manchildren, not because their palate is like a childs.

>> No.13686573

my shit was green. brownish-green...it stank, it was sticky...but it wasn't just one passing. twice today, two healthy logs of 12" lengths. rather than shitty one 6" a day...I had two that equalled 12". I feel...clean...lighter...despite the discomfort of bloating earlier. why...why some of you may ask? because I'm eating more veggies of recent; and I feel like a demi-god. can any of you say that, can any of you write that? I doubt y'all can...I doubt y'all ever will

>> No.13686580

have you ever met a man who was like "oh i fucking love dandelion greens!!"?

>> No.13686693

look man, i dont know what to tell you. if you hand me a plate of greens, i will eat the plate of greens

>> No.13686711

with or without flavor enhancers

>> No.13686717

what do i do for vegetables aside from steaming broccoli?

>> No.13686724

Spot the american

>> No.13686895
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>Typical "iT wAs JuSt CoOkEd WrOnG" pseud bullshit
It's not that. Broccoli has a strong taste to it that lots of people don't like and this isn't magically created by boiling it for too long or whatever other just-so story you fell for. I don't know why you smooth brainers are so determined to ignore this really straightforward and obvious truth here. Modern crop breeders go out of their way to systematically identify and eliminate the chemical compounds responsible for the generally offensive bitter taste everyone knows is an issue with these different kinds of stereotypically hated green vegetables so it's ridiculous to keep pretending the problem was cooking.

>> No.13686917
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>Tfw grew up liking vegetables because every time my dad would bring home some weird looking meat that ended up just being a different cut of pork or beef he would say it was a (cow's, Pigs, Lamb's, etc) anus, brain or testicles or something
Now I love vegetables but have the meat pallet of a 4 year old and refuse to eat anything weird looking, weird smelling, or has too much fat or cooked medium well or rarer.

>> No.13686919

who the fuck willingly buys and eats peas of all things? peas are trash and they're never good. peas belong with diced frozen veggies and those belong in the trash

>> No.13686933

Peas belong in hamburger helper to pad the portions out.

>> No.13686947

that's white trash single mom food. you don't need to ruin hamburger helper with peas "to pad the portions out". boil a potato or something if you need to pad out your meal or eat a more appealing vegetable on the side.

>> No.13686959

with the exception of sweet/english peas, they're good.

>> No.13686961

>canned peas
>canned peas are GOAT mixed with mashed potatoes
no. just fuck no.

>> No.13687191

you have no clue what you're talking about senpai.
canned peas, mashed potatoes and little veal wieners!
fucking CHOICE

>> No.13687336

If you like them eat them. BBBUUUT. Plants do Nothing... NOTHING for nutrition. This huge lie is like 200 years old. Green veg causes kidney stones. Fiber is 0.. ZERO needed in diet. every thing is a lie.. Fat is great for you. Grass fed beef fat is awesome. Sardines are prob the healthiest food on planet earth for humans.. We can tolerate veg.. but NOT needed. Our stomach PH is same as vulture, we evolved eating rotten brains out of dead animals. like a vulture. Kale is Horrible for you.. but all docs will say its a "Super food".. FUCKING SALMON ROE is 100,000x better for humans.

>> No.13687341
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>always love veggies as a kid
>except when they were cooked because the texture always made me gag
>ended up just eating a shitton of raw brocccoli/cauliflower with every meal
my friends and parents bought thought i was fucking weird

>> No.13687342

I do not force feed my kids green slop. Veg is not needed for humans. So I buy lots of Grass fed beef and organic fatty meats. I do the German diet, sausage cabbage and beer lol. I make sloppy joes for the kids and flour added to keep fat and high qual meat. Kids are still skinny despite me "fattening them up"

>> No.13688063

Either or, I can eat a plate of greens without spitting it out if thats what youre after but Im not sure why I would want to, butter and s&p is great on greens.

>> No.13688065

you're fat tho

>> No.13688094

This, my mom is a fantastic cook and I loved veggies as a kid, meanwhile one my friends fucking hated them but when he came to my house and ate dinner there he loved that shit

>> No.13688107

Ye Ye

>> No.13688144

>he never ate peas with boiled buckwheat and canned stew

>> No.13688186
File: 19 KB, 300x299, Popeye-Spinach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13688192
File: 318 KB, 1200x777, The_Lexx-17264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo Way Yo, Home Va-Ray,
Yo Ay-Rah, Jerhume Brunnen-G
Yo Way Yo, Home Va-Ray,
Yo Ay-Rah, Jerhume Brunnen-G

>> No.13688199

how cooked brocolli made you gag?

>> No.13688202

Black eyed peas with French cut string beans cooked in bacon grease is a good one.

>> No.13688205

oven roasted spinach with some sea salt is the shit tho

>> No.13688229

That sounds good, cooked in duck grease.

>> No.13688235

Imagine unwillingly eating them, like a child

>> No.13688246

Popeye The Sailor: Let's Sing with Popeye - "I'm Popeye the Sailor Man"

>> No.13688255

Popeye The Sailor- Spinach Montage

>> No.13689058

Imagine willingly eating.

>> No.13689068

Just need to figure out the perfect cook time. End up eating broccoli & cauliflower most of the time compared to everything else.

>> No.13689093

why are americans like this?