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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 101 KB, 512x510, grillchee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13668015 No.13668015[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

do you guys actually eat food/know how to cook or are you just like /v/ and don't know what you're bitching about? image unrelated.

>> No.13668019

I made some sketti last week

>> No.13668020

was it good?

>> No.13668024

I cook all the time. It's not all amazing but I make dinner every night, I usually just buy something for lunch since I almost have to for work. I don't eat breakfast. If it's the weekend I tend to cook every meal unless I go out with friends or something.

Every time I cook for others they say that they love it, except a few times when it's super obvious I did something wrong.

>> No.13668028

i cook every day. i would never cook for others because i'm a taker not a giver.

>> No.13668030 [DELETED] 

they are american, so only the non americans can actually cook

typical american

it was american, of course its not good

>american thinks he actually cooks

no, you dont, american

>> No.13668033

it was ok. I diced up some cheddar cheese filled hot dogs and threw them in.

>> No.13668035

Hell yeah I cook and I'm good at it but I mostly lurk for the cringe

>> No.13668037 [DELETED] 

no, you dont, american

why lie on the internet like this? i know your american but come on...

>> No.13668043

fuck off buddy, YOU'RE the ameircan

>> No.13668045 [DELETED] 

fucking disgusting, american


1, you cant cook, you are american

2, only thing cringe is you posting, american

>> No.13668047

it was pretty good. what did you cook?

>> No.13668051 [DELETED] 

said the american, why are you shitposting, american?

no, it wasnt good, you are american

>> No.13668056

I can make a lot of different foods.

>> No.13668057

I'm Swedish.

>> No.13668062

no you cant, american

typical american, lying on the internet

>> No.13668064

OP here, this is the gayest anon i've ever seen in my life. are the people on this board really like this? i'm legitimately curious.

>> No.13668067

I also own seven guns and two cars

>> No.13668068

Lol I'm really not a yank you fucking retard. What makes you believe that I'm American?

>> No.13668070

In what third world shit hole do you put commas after numbers in a list?

>> No.13668071

said the american. go cry your tears of lard you obese shit stain

no one cares about your imaginary bullshit, american

said the american

>> No.13668079

Still not american. You sound like a salty french cunt thinking that no one else but the French can cook.

>> No.13668081

"It gets funnier every time I post it! Maybe if I post it more, I'll force a meme!"

>> No.13668092
File: 264 KB, 783x2072, 1581198350876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this over the weekend. It was breddy gud. Very garlicky. It says 3-4 cloves, I used 4 BIG cloves... will use 3 regular next time.

Added some feta cheese with the tzatziki. Might want to include some spinach amongst the tomato and onion, idk.

>> No.13668099 [DELETED] 

they are american, they cant cook

no, it was american

no you dont, american

fucking disgusting, american

no, you cant cook, american

said the american

americans cant cook so it wasnt good

no you dont, american

lying american

only americans are as gay as you, american

fucking disgusting, american


1, you cant cook, you are american

2, only thing cringe is you posting, american

not america, thats for sure, american

said the american

only americans force meme, american

>> No.13668100 [DELETED] 

typical american, spewing cooking buzzwords but you cant cook

>> No.13668105

Did it taste close to the flavor of gyro meat? Would you run it through a food processor to get a smoother consistency?

>> No.13668106 [DELETED] 

no, it didnt, american

>> No.13668141

lol the guy who kept posting american got owned

>> No.13668143 [DELETED] 

no i didnt, im still here, american

>> No.13668151

I love being American. Wouldn't want it any other way. Especially nowadays.

>> No.13668167

It was pretty close. I thought maybe it would need more lamb but nope, that's a good ratio.
>Would you run it through a food processor to get a smoother consistency?
I ran the onion and garlic (too much) through a food processor and worked the rest by hand. That's probably a good idea though...
Oh and for bread crumb, I used pita bread that I ran through the food processor and dried in the oven for a bit.

I'll definitely try this again with tweaks.

>> No.13668174 [DELETED] 

i feel sorry for you, american

too ignorant to see how bad you have it, typical american

wrong, it wasnt close, you are american, you cant cook

>> No.13668200

Maybe get our American cocks off your mind fren

>> No.13668214 [DELETED] 

your the only one talking about cocks, american

mutts law in effect, american

>> No.13668220

You are not American. You wish you were, but you are not. You don't matter. You think you matter, but you don't. This makes you seethe with jealousy and rage. How does it feel knowing that you don't matter and never will? You are envious of our abundance, our retched excess of, well, everything... eh I'm tired of typing and you're not worthy of my effort.

Do the world a favor and kill yourself.

>> No.13668224
File: 52 KB, 1024x576, 1580938618990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show us on the dolly where America hurt you.

>> No.13668228

I cook all my meals because it's way cheaper and I'm broke

>> No.13668230 [DELETED] 

>You are not American

thank the heavens im not!

>You wish you were

sure thing american, keep delusing yourself

typical american so far his head up his ass he cant even conceptulize that no one wants to be an american

only americans get upset when called an american, american

>> No.13668233
File: 221 KB, 374x376, 1581863570548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must be from a country that had oil that we freedomed

>> No.13668238
File: 3.07 MB, 720x720, asfsdafasdf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay mad stay sad my rustled little tater tot.

>> No.13668245

OK smart guy, America sucks. Where to?

>> No.13668292

for at least 7 years now /ck/'s just been a loosely food-themed /b/ for shitposting and bait threads.
the main goal of this board is to get maximum (You)s for your pretending-to-be-retarded post.
usually the winners are tipping threads and coffee threads.

>> No.13668301

Are you trying to make it so that being an American into a meme on this board? There are lots of American chef's that are amazing chef's. Still, I'm not american, I'm Swedish and I cook at home most every day.

>> No.13668439 [DELETED] 

wrong, american

stay obese and retarded, american

australia, best country on earth, american

only for americans

only americans give a fuck about memes, american

>> No.13668566

I'm an American.

>> No.13668579

I've never cooked in my life

>> No.13668585

american. can't cook.

>> No.13668611

I eat food

>> No.13668763

prove it

>> No.13668793
File: 3.25 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20200216_193013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a pro by any means, but made chicken dumpling soup tonight.

>> No.13668798
File: 1.51 MB, 4032x3024, 00100lPORTRAIT_00100_BURST20200216202631475_COVER_compress60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also made cherry almond coffee cake.

>> No.13668800

op here. can i have some?

>> No.13668806
File: 2.08 MB, 4032x3024, 15819225919522960210986358129668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13668815

thanks for the recipe but i was hoping you'd come over to my house and feed me some of it while i make you watch the latest episode of the simpsons.

>> No.13668819


I've never watched The Simpsons, I'd be down.

>> No.13668842

this is the only good interaction i've ever had on 4chan.

>> No.13668904
File: 66 KB, 1626x468, Masterfoods-logo.gif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why cook when you can create?

>> No.13669035

Learned to cook quite well, then got bored with it. Been a couple years since I made anything fancier than spaghetti bolognese. At times I'm feeling like making good goulash or baked beans or even cucumber soup. Then I recall all the chopping, preparing stuff, then the clean-up afterwards, washing dishes, and my will is gone. Cooking is cool. Cleaning after cooking is not.

>> No.13669274

rent free

>inb4 murican

>> No.13669318
File: 1.21 MB, 4032x3024, 20200211_172132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to cook all the time and then I had to break up with my ex so now I live with roommates and I hate cooking while they're home.

I guess on the upside I get to eat out a ton.

>> No.13669321

Why did you have to break up with him?

>> No.13669457

Depends on what you call cooking. If you expect me to make *** dishes every time I eat, hell no.
90% of the time I go for nutritional value and taste > looks.
I save fancy shit for when I actually I am in a mood and actually have time.

>> No.13669463

It's not funny when you have to try this hard.

>> No.13669511

Based mods.

>> No.13669517

He does this every day or two. On Saturday I asked him if it's how he spends his weekends and he flat out said yes. It doesn't matter what you're talking about or where you're from, he just spams calling everyone American as though it's an insult and refuses to let anyone actually talk about food. Kinda retarded.

>> No.13669525

was a chef for a couple of years, but couldn't stand working with retards and drug addicts, I miss the waitresses though.
I make way better food at home than I did in commercial kitchens, don't have to cater to tastelets anymore

>> No.13669549

Cook for them anon, if they like it it'll make you feel less uncomfortable about it and would surely give you a big confidence boost in your cooking too

>> No.13669677

70% of the threads are fast food amerishart food
Take a guess

>> No.13669679

I found cooking to be a lot easier once I started looking for better recipes. Videos are a far superior method of teaching cooking to conventional recipes, although those Tasty guys still make a lot of dumb mistakes. Seriously, stop putting salt on your meat BEFORE cooking it unless you have no other option like in a dumpling or something.

I've made carbonara, honey mustard chicken, orange chicken, stroganoff, bulgogi, plov, pelmini, German pancakes (those are shockingly easy to make by the way), french omelettes, a couple of different casseroles, coleslaw, poutine, sausage burritos, cream gravy, tikka masala, and carrot bread

Man it's been way too long since I've baked carrot bread. Maybe I should make some tomorrow.

>> No.13669699

Cooking all the time for myself. Trying low carb diet now, more like trying to break my sugar addiction. So i cook some healthy stuff for myself.

>> No.13669710

I cook, but not very often. But....when I do its like angels open their mouths and gods love pours down your throat you fucking nigger.

>> No.13669755

Cook for me and my girlfriend every day, did steak au poivre and twice baked potatoes + asparagus for valentines

Also this is the first time I've posted on /ck/ all decade

>> No.13669763

I hope its the last unless you post a picture of your meals.

>> No.13669817

>gyros were sliced meatloaf this whole time
I feel retarded for never noticing.

>> No.13669915

Of course I eat food, but my cooking goes as far as following a recipe or really simple shit like cooking a Thanksgiving turkey/grilling some shit.

This board's definition of "cooking" is pretty autistic and if you don't home cook every single meal from scratch without any instructions you apparently are an evil person.

>> No.13669939

What the heck is an au poivre?

>> No.13670004

all humans eat food, moron

>> No.13670123
File: 2.86 MB, 3024x3024, 20200217_115908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm cooking right now.

>> No.13670601

what are you making

>> No.13670607

prove it

>> No.13670660

I made a frittata, pepper, onion, smoked ham, with crispy hashbrown on top.