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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13638598 No.13638598 [Reply] [Original]

I know 4chan has a lot of people from all over the world and we all come here and talk and rag on each other. But honestly, what do you non-Americans really think of American cuisine and food in general?

>> No.13638605

Do they really?

>> No.13638841

America has the most food variety in the world. In no other country could you find a mexican, italian, chinese, thai, vietnamese, and indian restaurant on the same block.

>> No.13638848

It is nice and unique, I like it much better than some other foods, like British.
I like bbq, apple pie, hamburgers all those classics.
I hate american candy though, something weird about them, I get the puke smell, which many foreginers do also, I think its something to do with chemicals.
I also hate the high fructose corn syrup on almost everything, but methinks that is a global and not american specific phenomenon.

>> No.13638856

but all those you mentioned are common in every major city around the world

what really is american cuisine? what is exclusive to america? practically nothing other than actual degenerate shit like uncrustables, pop tarts etc

>> No.13638860

>what is living in a civilised country

>> No.13638880

>but all those you mentioned are common in every major city around the world
yeah but in america its like that in even small towns with 2k people. no where else is it like that

>> No.13638908

>about american cuisine
nothing really
>american food in general
the thought of smelling mac&cheese makes me gag
grilled cheese is boring and tasteless
NY pizza is just pizza but with so many pizza autists in NY I guess some are better than in Europe

>> No.13638934
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I'm from Hungary. I don't have a problem with Yankees per say and I've been to the states a couple times. Your foods however are cangerigenic heart-attack inducing health hazards. They are not necessarily bad, but you don't have any eating discipline and crap foods are extremely cheap and unhealthy. Sugar sugar and more sugar. Carbs on carbs with a side of carbs. Fried ham, with fried fries with a fried plate. Not to mention that you hardly do any walking you fat fucks, going using your car for every single thing. In Japan for example, the same version of greasy every day foods are rare and quite price while most foods tend to be more natural and healthy. In your cases, the roles are reversed.

>> No.13638935

US Cuisine is really just an amalgamation of different ethnics. A literal melting pot. I like the seafood-side of US cuisine a lot, but everything else is meat + sides really.

>> No.13639106

Tbh i Like Burger. I dont really know what else counts AS American Cuisine.
So according to this i would say the American Cuisine is pretty Bland. I also think burgers are initially Not from america

>> No.13639113

It's disgusting artificial and preservative laden shite

>> No.13639358

Usually a little bit too sweet and a little bit too fatty, But that just means their junk food and deserts are top notch.

>> No.13639369
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you don't think every country's food is pumped full of
preservatives and hormones

>> No.13639441

Depends on whether their opinion is based on actual knowledge or just american movies.
I'm pretty ignorant myself about the US cuisine, so I grew up thinking americans have few traditional foods and just eat burgers, fries, pb sandwiches and hotdogs.
It's obviously not like that, and I would like to see more threads about regional dishes in the US on /ck/ instead of the daily Mc, sardines, and bay threads

>> No.13640244

hamburgers are good when you're fucking hungry.

>> No.13641268

American food is a lot like modified European/Asian food with Little Native American influence, also your going to get different things depending on the region. For example, the southeast is known for it’s bbq, grits, andouille, and huspuppies.

>> No.13641273

It’s basically the guilty pleasure: the cuisine.

>> No.13641386

>Corn bread.
>fried chicken.
>ice cream cones.
>Hamburgers. (Inb4 seething yuropoors try to claim burgers are theirs because German immigrants made it, they were American citizens living in America.)
>Dirty rice (similar too jumbalaya but less liquid.)
>Po' boys.
And many other foods.

>> No.13641453


>What really is american cuisine? What is exclusive to america?


Californian experimentalism (BBQ chicken pizza, vegan recipes, home of "american chinese" food, generally trendy expensive shit)


Bison meat, cornbread, huckleberries
Burgers/hot dogs

Southwest (including texas):

Texan barbequeue
Mojave cuisine (fry bread, pine nuts, New Mexico chiles)

Deep south:

All of Cajun cuisine (including gator meat)
Sweet tea, whiskey

New England:

Philly cheesesteak
Maple syrup


Pretty much everything, it's an isolated island

>> No.13641581

this was probably true like 40 years ago, but thanks to globalization every major city is the same now
honestly the gimmick was probably interesting when it was unique to america but now it's fucking depressing to me

>> No.13641618

There is some mor things I should add


Publix, swamp cabbage(heart of palm), stone crab, key lime pie, and orange juice

>> No.13641681

not a mutt so this isnt some personal tirade, but i always thought of hungarian food to be just as bad as mutt food if not worse in terms of fat at least. like i remember trying to make a goulash and it called for quantities of fat that made me sick. sugar is of course a completely different story. considering 102 years ago the average hungarian was on sub sustenance levels of food intake, it kind of makes sense to have food overloaded with fat as a tradition, but mutts in no way should considering the near post scarcity of 21st century society

>> No.13641732

lard isn't inherently bad for you, and mangalica fat is some of the best cooking fat in the world. Plus, there's nothing wrong having lots of natural fat in homemade food if you don't stuff your face. The latter is where Hungarians fuck up, because they have meat & carbs for breakfast, lunch, and dinner

>> No.13641763

philly isnt in new england dumbass

>> No.13641771

Is good. I be obese too of I lived in America

>> No.13641832

>orange juice
ah yes, drinking the nectar of a 2000 year old chinese water based plant that europeans have grown for 500 years, was actually invented by americans

>> No.13641836

American food is European food. Soups, stews, pot roast, meat loaf, eggs, bacon, ham, steaks, roasted chicken, pies, cakes, ice cream, etc.

We have regional dishes like fried chicken, shrimp and grits, philly cheese steaks, pizza, Cuban sandwiches, cheese curds, breakfast burritos, Tex mex, barbecue, burgers, sub sandwiches, eggs Benedict, pork rolls, crab cakes, runza, scrapple, buffalo wings, dirty rice, Cobb salad, French dip, Italian beef, lobster rolls, rueben sandwich, pork tenderloin sandwich, sloppy joes, clam chowder. I could go on and on.

But mostly we just eat meat with a couples sides.

>> No.13641857

what exactly do you mean by "gimmick"? having different types of foods is a gimmick?

>> No.13641880

philly is like 100 miles south of NYC my man

and stuff like clam chowder, lobster rolls, super thin crispy pizza (apizza) should be in the New England section.

and you just left out a ton of shit in general.

bad/incomplete list... 3/10

>> No.13641922

Wut? Citrus is native in both the Americas and Asia. Were cats invented in Asia, too? Mountain lions roam my local state park. I suppose they were Asian imports

>> No.13642296

I know that oranges are Chinese, it’s just that Florida has a lot of oranges and orange juice

>> No.13642330

i hate ameicans

>> No.13642937

Love hamburgers me. Love ribs as well. 'Ate pakis.

Not related, just hate em.

>> No.13644514
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>> No.13644521

>>Corn bread.
>>fried chicken.
>>Po' boys.
none of these are "american" fucking retard mutt

>> No.13644548

what is so bad about the dutch?

>> No.13644560

I'd say that three foods are quintessentially American:
Pizza (nothing at all like original)
Their cuisine gets a 6/10.

>> No.13644576

we make better beer than germany and belgium, I know this because I went there and their beer is not as creative and rich as American craft beer

>> No.13644577

None of those things are American, though. They don't actually have a cuisine that is uniquely their own.

>> No.13644588
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i'm swiss and i've travelled america. you'll find everything from absolute new world order processed food abominations to some of the finest agricultural produce and artisanal foods you'll ever eat like cheeses, breads and beers. their traditional regional kitchen is also very good. i've had lobsters and crab soup in boston, pizza in new york, amish apple pie outside of philadelphia, southern food in atlanta and just classic provincial diner food in the rust belt.
ethnic foods are likely pretty good, too but i honestly never liked those apart from japanese food, so i don't care.
american food is legitimately good and the people equating it with twinkies are zoomers who have no clue or american europhiles who have problems with their identity.

btw i spent legitimately 4 minutes solving captchas, it's getting out of hand

>> No.13644594
File: 37 KB, 647x404, non-american.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They don't actually have a cuisine that is uniquely their own

>> No.13644618

Do you actually believe this?

>> No.13644619
File: 535 KB, 1920x1080, jas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is exclusive to america?
The USA is a cultural melting pot, so any dishes we have (other than native american dishes) were all imported in the colonial period or "fusions" of other cultures that were improvised over time.

Unless you consider things like roadkill cuisine an american dish, even that exists in Wales and other nations with lots of rural territory.

So if you want a non-shitposting answer, colonial dishes are the only authentic cuisine in the states.
Here are some links I expect NO ONE to read:

>> No.13644622

absolute unit

>> No.13644699

By that logic, given the mexicans immigrated and settled here before before the anglos, it would be mexican food.

>> No.13644780

Except whatever dishes the natives were eating then are probably completely different and non existent now.
As I said, cultural melting pot. Colonists came here and adapted all of their home recipes with the food items and game meats that they found in their new territories. Everything evolved from there. We have Tex-Mex, barbecue, fried chicken, etc. Most of our modern cuisines are "fusions".

>> No.13645301

Its the truth. In any place in the USA you can find any kind of food you want from the smallest town to the biggest city. your trash europoor cities can only afford such luxury in the capitals

>> No.13646570

I dont really think a lot about it, the good food that you guys have is just the same as the good food we can eat in Europe, and the bad food is also the same, because I never craved for absurdly cheesy anything.
Generally I do not care at all about American cuisine, its more the american diet that kind of disgusts me, because cuisine and diet are obviously wildly different.

>> No.13647107

All the food Americans seem most proud of caters for baby palette, no technique cooks/consumers - ingredients cooked with skills rarely exceeding grilling, searing or boiling. Then some assortment of artificial crap taken out the fridge, probably in a jar (even if it's fucking 'cheese') and piled on top and melted together into a big tragic mess. Hardly much there to be proud of. Theres good money to be made selling this shit though.

>Inb4 muh foreign fast food in buttfucknowhereville

All the ethnic places like that are watered down to cater for this pallette and barely resembles the genuine article. And saying that's a good thing is hilariously delusional and naive. America's culture and it's food is a watered down facsimile of other places, and it's inhabitants are blissfully unaware.

>> No.13647113

They think. They think a lot. Which brings me joy. Who else can claim superiority whils eating a burger?

>> No.13647127

Cute. Retarded, but cute.

>> No.13647131

They were responsible for the monetary inflation of a good that would make kikes blush, I suppose.
Otherwise, I don't hold much against them.

>> No.13647141

>oh, cool, beaner food, not bad
>wait, why is my country collapsing, don't illegals assimilate?
Not worth the trade off.

>> No.13647158

I'm sure they would hate you too if they gave you any thought.

>> No.13648035
File: 39 KB, 474x355, downloadfile-779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your opinion on the most based American candy of all: salt water Taffy and charms?

>> No.13648056


Rockie mountain oysters

Mid Atlantic:
Scrapple, Salt water Taffy, Hersheys chocolate, Buffalo wings, Manhattan clam chowder, Long island duck, Blue claw crabs, Oysters, NY deli culture and diner culture, General Tso's chicken

New England:
New enlarged clam chowder
Anything involving Atlantic lobster

Almost all of America:
Turkey, making stuff with Venison in the country side.

>> No.13648068

Most of these foods are Americanized

>> No.13648069

They're common because they were popularized and spread by US companies, or American entrepreneurs and cooks popularizing it.
>I also hate the high fructose corn syrup on almost everything, but methinks that is a global and not american specific phenomenon.
Yeah, I wish more people would realize this has nothing to do with American culture, but international corporations, and arguably government regulation has something to do with it. Because the moment they realize that, they'll properly identify the root problem rather than with base and perpetually unsolved complaints about America.
It's a global phenomenon that's just been popularized here, first, and it really only started in depth in the 70s. Frankly, it's just as bad for countries like Mexico.
And it's spreading worldwide. They should be forced out of business for making a world health crisis.
That just shows ignorance about the culture and history of food. Cuisine is almost always cross cultural and adapted into regional variants. Just look at bread, rice, and dairy products. Italians didn't invent the original pasta, they adapted it from elsewhere, but since then, their version of pasta has been unique in the world.
American BBQ, for example, is unique not only to the country, but to specific regions. Real BBQ isn't throwing meat on the grill, it involves specific meats and uses of sauce and vinegar, along with the right mode of cooking, like smoking. And this is, in part, because it descends from rural southerners, homesteaders, and frontiersmen using what they had, and another part is because of the unique interaction between natives, Euros, and the slaves.

>> No.13648087

Oh I forgot peanut butter which seems to be impossible to find anywhere outside America (probably because only Americans and SE Asians actually eat peanuts). The concept of chips, arguably almost all junkfood and most importantly marshmallows.

>> No.13648176
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>38856 >>13638860 >>13641581 >>13644618 >>13648068
>America has the most food variety in the world. In no other country could you find a mexican, italian, chinese, thai, vietnamese, and indian restaurant on the same block.
> Anonymous 02/10/20(Mon)20:19:33 No.13638848▶>>13648035 >>13648069
>>>13638598 (OP)
Sydney is fucked