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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 3.85 MB, 3277x2458, sweet potato chorizo hash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13579178 No.13579178 [Reply] [Original]

what's for dinner, faggots?

made some spicy chorizo and sweet potater hash. how about you?

>> No.13579205

i drank rum and that's it.

>> No.13579211

>sautee some onions in olive oil. did a 1/4 red onion and 1/2 yellow onion.
>throw in a little bit of peppers, salt and pepper
>break up some sausage, saute until sausage is almost fully cooked, add some sriracha or whatever hot sauce you got around for a little more heat
>transfer to a plate, leave some or the sausage grease in and throw in a peeled and diced sweet potato
>saute a bit on medium high for a few minutes, add some salt, pepper, whatever spices you want, cumin, curry powder because you're a fucking idiot and grabbed curry powder instead of cumin, paprika.
>eventually turn down on low, cover cook until potato almost ready
>toss in sausage, turn up the heat, finish cooking both the potato and sausage.
it's fucking good.

>> No.13579224

anon please get it together

>> No.13579229

did you at the very least eat some ham?

also please don't drink on an empty stomach.

>> No.13579281

Why is drinking on an empty stomach bad?

>> No.13579297

well for one, it fucks up your stomach long term. you don't want to develop an ulcer you have to manage for the rest of your life because you were a fucking idiot in your 20s.

>> No.13579299
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>> No.13579319

In Soviet Russia, the dinner eats you.

>> No.13579332

Because that guy's a lightweight faggot and doesn't want you to have a good time or use your booze efficiently.

>> No.13579374

not bad anon. looks tasty.

>> No.13579384
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>> No.13579676
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Lamb and cabbage stew from Sunday

>> No.13579840
File: 2.49 MB, 4032x3024, beef barley stew 1-27-2020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I made beef barley stew, beef pasties and coffee cake. It all came out very nicely, even though the pastry on the pasties isn't very pretty. It was my first time making something like that and while they did turn out a little funny looking, they were delicious and the pastry was perfect.

>> No.13579852
File: 2.70 MB, 4032x3024, beef pasties 1-27-2020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here are the pasties. I made five in total. Filling is some cut up beef chuck, carrot, potato, parsnip and onion with a little garlic, herbs, salt, pepper and butter. Pastry is simple butter/water/flour/salt.

>> No.13579860
File: 2.83 MB, 4032x3024, coffee cake 1-27-2020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And here's the tasty coffee cake. I followed this recipe: https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/27491/aunt-annes-coffee-cake/

When I was making the crumb topping, for whatever reason it was difficult to get fine crumbs. Still crisped up nicely and still has the right flavor in each bite of cake, though.

All in all dinner was a success, everyone ate their fill and was pleased.

>> No.13580005

Attempted a Tika Masala. I fucked up though and put too much lemon in my chicken marinade. I guess I shouldve made the marinade in another bowl first (to taste) then putting it in the chicken. Oh well, now i know for next time. Other than that, it was pretty good with some rice. Everyone else's dinners sounds good too.

>> No.13580036

>Attempted a Tika Masala.

Shit happens dude, I'm sure you'll get it next time. Did you have fresh cilantro to munch with it?

>> No.13580047
File: 2.28 MB, 4032x1908, 20200127_123728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ham egg and cheese sandwiches, homemade bread. My stove was broken for months, so this was the first meal (not counting the bread i made last night) ive made since last summer that wasnt microwaved. Was very good

>> No.13580058

am I too much of a newfag to understand why the steak is on the bottom of the plate?

>> No.13580070

Wtf am i looking at. Eclare pork n beans doughnuts?

>> No.13580084
File: 56 KB, 607x341, amiriteeel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>use your booze efficiently
I bet this guy doesn't even buttchug

>> No.13580133

I didn't make anything, I just killed myself. I figured remaining alive wasn't worth the effort, and I didn't have any garlic left to make a nice dinner with.

>> No.13580136

of course

>> No.13580138

>really in the mood to panfry for some reason
>Have some hotdogs, and as always the ingredients for grilled cheese
>Trying a melt rn.
Let's see how it goes, lads.

>> No.13580140

that might be jsut his plate

>> No.13580160

Chili dogs, I'm a lazy piece of shit tonight. Pan-fried Nathan's hotdogs, Stagg chili, toasted buns, diced green onion, and grated cheddar. Tasty as fuck but I feel guilty about being so lazy.

>> No.13580197

Found some curry sauce that expired in May last year and bought a chicken to make it. It didn't have a strong flavor which I'm guessing is from it being old but otherwise I feel fine. Won't be sure until I wake up tomorrow if I got food poisoning or something.

>> No.13580202

old spices wont kill you. It aint like bacteria wants to grow there.

>> No.13580204

I can see that working. Might try it some day.

>> No.13580909

why do these look so irregular and gross lol? I'm sure they taste great, but bro at least try to make them uniform and pretty looking.
happens, just make sure you actively think about that and don't make the same mistake next time. i fucking love making tika masala. if you're looking for a solid recipe, here's one:
if that were dry curry powder, I'd agree, but plenty of shit can grow in a sauce, including mold. best by dates are a suggestion, but that's way too far out for me personally.
dang I could go for that right now. do you have a recipe for the bread?

>> No.13581244

https://www.browneyedbaker.com/white-bread-recipe/ you will not need 10 cups of flour, i used like 7.5, it's one of those things that you'll have to do by feel

>> No.13581246

I'm making shakshuka. Didn't snap pics of the process since it's just onions and tomatoes and spices simmered all afternoon anyway.
I guess I can post a pic of the finished thing later.

>> No.13581595
File: 225 KB, 1001x667, shakshuka-28-01-20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13581691

Looks very nice

>> No.13581729

I made a curry and left it simmering then went out
I caught the wrong bus
My house might be burned down by the time I get back
Pray for me anons

>> No.13581887
File: 2.69 MB, 2976x3968, IMG_20200128_210059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made some shakshuka too, with chickpeas and tomato sauce from yesterday. yolks weren't too overcooked, despite the look. next time will use more tomato sauce
nice one!

>> No.13581927

Currently baking two loaves of rosemary bread. After being done, they will be split and used to make artisinal or rustic or whatever the fuck bread pizzas with porcini mushrooms, spinach and seared pepper shrimps.

>> No.13582053
File: 2.75 MB, 2976x3968, IMG_20200128_205613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13583054
File: 3.34 MB, 1958x2977, 20200128_184054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homemade meatloaf and mac n' cheese, pretty good.

>> No.13583107

>it's one of those things that you'll have to do by feel
this goes against everything i know about baking.
>leaving the stove on and then leaving and going on public transport.
serves you right, you dumb cunt.

>> No.13583820
File: 2.84 MB, 3277x2458, hasta la pasta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit this thread's still up, good job.

made some pasta.

>> No.13584035


You fucked up the entire meal with that nasty ass boxed side

>> No.13584329

The pasties look shitty because it's my first time making anything like that and I didn't do a good job at making it visually appealing. It was delicious, though.

The coffee cake I explain in the post. Ideally, I would have gotten a smaller average size on the crumbs but it just didn't work out that way.

>> No.13584332

>Makes nice homemade meatloaf
>pairs it with box mac

y tho?

>> No.13584337

Forgot my share of the rent went up, so I misbudgeted. No big meals here. I did a ricebowl with a poached egg, chives, sesame seeds and oil, soy sauce, and then a bunch of kimchi on top.

>> No.13584338

Nice, don't see ribeye for $7/lb as much these days.

>> No.13584343

My guess is he already used the top side for a previous meal, but the bottom was still perfectly clean.

>> No.13584353

made stew, recipe called for a can of tomato sauce but I only had diced tomatoes so it came out thin with chunks of tomato

it was ok though

>> No.13584372

What the fuck? Is that what you do?