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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13578628 No.13578628 [Reply] [Original]

for me, its eggslut

>> No.13578700

it was pretty flavorless. Thoroughly disappointing

>> No.13578765

It's okay but basically just tasted of butter from what I recall.

>> No.13578805
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>> No.13578824
File: 182 KB, 1600x1201, A3D30908-58DE-43BE-B7AE-B0518E20C098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“Eggslut: eat here if you’re too poor to eat at Biscuit Bitch”

>> No.13578903
File: 441 KB, 720x1086, Screenshot_20200127-211318~01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me, it's Hitler Fried Chicken

>> No.13579161

The menu looks hipster as fuck, but I'll have a Gaucho if forced to eat there.

>> No.13579184

I do enjoy both eggs and sluts, surely the combination of these things will be greater than the sum of its parts.

>> No.13579220

Please tell me that drink is orange juice and not egg yolks.

>> No.13579226

Imagine the smell of your vinegary shits after eating that

>> No.13579248

not having countless other establishments to get a fresh egg sandwich wow

>> No.13579276

To me the name suggests an asian hooker squatting on my table, right in front of my face, and squeezing an egg out of her vagina onto my plate

>> No.13579316

Or a ladyboy squeezing semen out of her asshole

>> No.13579320

Ein Huhn, ein Laden, ein Oberst

>> No.13579331

Is that a scrambled egg drink? Truly fucking disgusting

>> No.13579360

>Three thin pieces of barely toasted bread
>That much egg

>> No.13579373


Or a chicken dressed up as a slut dropping eggs


>> No.13579874
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Fuck eggslut and their faggoty owner

>> No.13579888
File: 172 KB, 900x1200, eggslut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does this place have anything going for it other than a bad word in the name?

If it was called Soe's Place would anyone here know about it?

>> No.13579893


That looks simultaneously delicious and shitty. I'm not sure what to think. Like a perfectly cooked greast sausage round inside of a 2 day old stale bun

>> No.13579894

she's fucking gorgeous
good lord

>> No.13579905


It's a mediocre as fuck breakfast restuarant owned by some obese homosexual who thinks he's making some kind of social statement

>> No.13579914

why do liberals do things like that?

>> No.13579940
File: 36 KB, 912x516, 5aa1c84d0515d804b0000001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her name is Soe Gschwind-Penski and she is an announcer for a video game called Overwatch. If you go to the Overwatch generals on /vg/ here you will find people talk about her a lot, mostly about her nipples
(she is known to wear tight shirts and no bra very often)

>> No.13579941


Self-imporfance, and the belief that every single aspect of sexuality is positive and shouldn't be stifled. 3 naked gay men with aids fisting each other on main street is engaging and gives society freedom.

>> No.13579957


I had to stop watching the burger show on First we Feast and because you can literally watch him gain 30-40 pounds during the first few seasons. It's legitimately disturbing to watch.

>> No.13579974

I was curious if the owner was actually homosexual or if you weren't being literal, and when googling eggslut the site said something like "we don't want people to just have a meal here, we want them to have an experience" and that was so stupid I closed the tab and decided you were being literal

>> No.13579983

That is 99% likely to be a bad game because I've heard of most games before 2005 and I haven't heard of that one.

>> No.13579991

I understand the kneejerk reaction, but think about it more deeply. What's wrong with having an experience that involves your tastebuds? Do you expect a narrative every time you go to an art gallery? Food doesn't have to be about mechanics alone.

>> No.13580002

what's so special about an egg on a burger? I can get that at any number of dive bars near me.

>> No.13580003

the kneejerk reaction is because it is a self-important thing that every pretentious restaurant describes themselves as being able to do. When you're a restaurant with 3 locations that just makes egg dishes, how much of an *~experience~* can it possible be?

Oh wow this egg soufflé tastes good excuse me while I shit my pants in awe of this life-changing experience

>> No.13580016
File: 113 KB, 1280x720, 3584443-dek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

luckily for you the aforementioned general never talks about the shitty game, only which of the female characters we would most like to have sex with

Another fun fact, there is an overwatch cookbook

>> No.13580035

Oh I know who she is alright. I'd never seen that particular photo before.
Overwatch was released in 2016. If I could use spoiler tags here I'd say it was fun but I can't so I won't.

>> No.13580089

it's because it has "slut" in the name, it's supposed to make it deviant or something
cringe is what it actually induces

>> No.13580092

this. do these sluts even season anything?

>> No.13580105

if I go into the store and address every staff member as slut, is that how it works? if the word slut is in the name then I can say it over and over and over, right?

>> No.13580121

only if you identify yourself as Mr.Slut first

>> No.13580163

>Hi Slut, I booked a table for Mr and Mrs Slut at 7
>Here's your table Mr Slut
>Thank you Slut

>> No.13580169

biscuit bitch is fucking nasty, but a really good kind of nasty
absolutely saved my life the morning after a rowdy night at a metal show
eggslut is just overhyped and mediocre in the extreme
fuck alvin cailan

>> No.13580180

egg mutt

>> No.13580193

Unpopular opinion: there is no breakfast spot that can rival what you cook at home.

>> No.13580568

This place is pretty good, I've only been there once but I'm in the area fairly regularly, I should go again. I had the Canadian and I think my friend got the bitchwich. Both were excellent.

>> No.13580585

it's one thing to open a restaurant called Niggar's Hot Dogs, obviously you're doing it for shock value as your main selling point. But claiming to be an artiste and trying to offer a unique experience for your palate? Fuck off

>> No.13580637

that patty and bun looks like garbage

>> No.13580766
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>not KFJ

>> No.13580840

restaurants have the guts to always cook with more butter/salt/sugar/oil than i do. using a whole stick of butter for some of these recipes just sounds crazy to me.
i'm slowly learning to get over it but i still feel like i'm not quite there.