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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13574130 No.13574130 [Reply] [Original]

I weigh 185 kilograms and need some food ideas.

My plan is to start everyday with a high fibre cereal. For lunch I will have a smoothie. Everytime I start feeling hungry in between meals I will drink Earl Grey tea with a splash of milk. Tea contains caffeine which suppresses appetite.

My only dilemma is what to have for dinner, that's where you come in /ck/.

TL;Dr, please suggest some healthy food ideas for dinner.

>> No.13574139

Just measure and record your food you fat fuck. It's not fucking rocket science.

>> No.13574142


>> No.13574146

>185 kilograms
how much is this in white people units

>> No.13574163

Chicken and vegetables

>> No.13574166

>Earl Grey tea with a splash of milk
This is incredibly gross and you're a heretic for suggesting it.

>> No.13574221

a spoonful of heroin will fix you right up

>> No.13574222
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>I weigh 185 kilograms and need some food ideas.
Here's an idea: Just stop eating, fatty.

>> No.13574254

>I weigh 185 kilograms
At first I misread it as 85 and said that's not so bad, but 185 fucking kilograms is like 400 goddamn pounds. Eat chicken and veggies you fat fuck.

>> No.13574289

what will be in your smoothie? how much of each ingredient?
How much cereal and milk will you be eating? Measurements are important. I'd also consider cutting the milk from your tea. You need to learn to go between meals without ingesting calories. It'll suck at first, but not for long.
Dinner should be at least 2/3 vegetables. The other 1/3 should be a lean protein. That said, you would be better off also having vegetables and protein for lunch, too. Liquid calories aren't as satisfying to consume.
Invest in a portable kitchen scale.

>> No.13574308

Smoothie ingredients:
Celery, spinach, apple, pear, banana, lemon juice, berries, cucumber.

I use light milk in my cereal and tea.

>> No.13574314

Hey, if you weigh roughly 400 lbs and you can make the lifestyle change to that garbage, you can do anything you set your mind to my man

>> No.13574329

Thanks Anon. Your encouragement has motivated me.

>> No.13574392

It's great that you're looking to make a change. It looks like you need a lot more protein. All of these foods would also keep you fuller for longer if you had to chew them. I also think you'd have better energy levels if you spread your macronutrients out throughout the course of the day. Every calculator seems to suggest at least 120g protein a day, with more being better.
Since it looks like you have busy mornings that don't allow you time to cook, I'd suggest 0% or 2% unsweetened Greek yogurt with berries. Maybe some carrot sticks or other vegetable on the side. For lunch, you could make a salad with vegetables and chickpeas. Add chicken or hardboiled eggs for protein and use mustard, salt, and pepper with either lemon or a vinegar you like. Add more spices as you see fit. For dinner, chicken is a great choice. Eat it with a variety of vegetables. The best thing you can do is take the time to weigh everything for the first few weeks, and then after you get a feel for it, do checks every week or so to make sure you aren't experiencing portion drift.
If you need more fiber, beans are a great source. You can also make yourself some vegetable soups to give yourself something to keep in the freezer for easy reheating. It's also good to have some variety when you start getting bored.
A doctor might be able to help you plan a diet that best suits your needs in the long term.

>> No.13574833
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29 stone

>> No.13574900

>185 kilograms
>400 lbs
Fucking hell just sew your mouth shut you fat fuck
Seriously it worked for Snacho I of Leom

>> No.13574938

do keto


>> No.13574944

mate, go on the carnivore diet. It is so much easier not to eat when all you are allowed to eat is steak with water.

>> No.13575036
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the only good thing about your diet plan is drinking tea when you're hungry and even that is fucked up by the splash of milk, holy shit.
if you want breakfast have some rolled or steel cut oats with a bit of fruit, don't have fucking cereal.
have fruit instead of a smoothie. it'll last longer and keep you full for more than 15 minutes.
if you NEED dinner, go for chickpeas or lentils or beans or a (plain) baked potato or sweet potato, just something fibrous and filling and not very high in calories.
forget that you like food, you eat food to have enough energy to make it through the day and no more.
drink fucktons of water. always be drinking water. trick yourself into being full. you cant eat if your stomach is full of water.
brush your teeth right after your last meal. no midnight snacking.

good on you for making the change, but your never gonna make it like that

>> No.13575147

Try /fit/.

There are daily threads with fellow anons trying to lose weight and keep it off. The sticky also has information on beginner's diet and exercise with meal plans on a budget.


Good luck.

>/fit/ has better memes then /ck/

>> No.13575151
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>how much is this in white people units

>> No.13575154

>food plan

Eat nothing

>> No.13575159

>high carb breakfast
>high carb lunch
>already out of ideas

good luck with all 4 hours of your new diet

>> No.13575166

>even that is fucked up by the splash of milk, holy shit.
the amount of calories you add with milk in your tea is so minuscule to be entirely insignificant

OP should figure out whatever foods satiate his appetite the most, instead of relying on meme diet advice like no carbs or keto that change every 10 years.

>> No.13575167

also CICO. calorie counting is all that matters, even if you're literally just eating junk food

>> No.13575169

Literally all developed countries with low BMI have high carb diets.

>> No.13575656

>cereal for breakfast
Pick some with not much sugar.

>smoothie for lunch
It could work but don’t make it with all fruit. Make half of it with leaf veggies (spinach or so), then add ONE piece of fruit for flavor and some other vegetable (carrot, beetroot, celery....) and some nuts for healthy fats and proteins. You may add some protein powder.

>And for dinner
High protein, low carb is your go-to
Eggs, cottage cheese, chicken meat, fish etc. Just limit portion of side dishes (and make sure it’s cooked, not fried) and extra veggies.

The most important thing is to cut all the fucking sugar and limit your portions. Drink water only or non-sweetened tea/coffee. And don’t starve yourself, it would make it even worse.

>> No.13575659

mutt detected

>> No.13575662

>calorie counting is all that matter
Not sure if retard or trolling

>> No.13575694

>caffeine which suppresses appetite.
That's a meme, it's not the caffeine itself
A decaffeinated coffee is more effective than a caffeine pill at calming hunger

>> No.13575696
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Myyyyyyy niggaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.13575790

boogie2988 pls go

>> No.13575793

that child is probably well over 200 kg

>> No.13575798

intermittant fast. fuck the smoothie off

>> No.13575804

not even that anon, but calories in and calories out is truly all that matters. Yes, there are some biological mechanisms that make you burn or gain calories faster (like eating a big meal before sleeping), but the point still stands. Unless you don't believe in thermodynamics

>> No.13575809



>> No.13575843

i don't even believe in the holocaust

>> No.13575889
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>> No.13575894

have you tried not shoveling food into your mouth?

>> No.13575914

To avoid feeling hungry, stuff yourself with low calorie foods. You can eat more than a snack 5 times a day if you fill up with greens, non-exotic fruit, chicken, fish and wholegrain. The latter has quite a bit of calories but also fills fast and sates longer while much harder to overeat than the regular whiter stuff. Don't aim for "trying to live with myself being hungry" as it's just a pain and makes you question your choice. Helping a little with plain tea is still a good idea.

>> No.13575918

Don't do keto, it's a meme diet that will bounce you back to your original weight
It has been debunked time and time again

>> No.13575947


>> No.13575953

All diets tend to fail and bounce you back because few adopt it permanently and shows easy loss at the start which quickly tapers out. People need long term change in routines, not quick fixes.

>> No.13576000

>bounce you back
lmao, keto may be a meme, but "bouncing back" is even more of a meme, the only reason you "bounce back" is if you start stuffing your mouth with garbage again

>> No.13576027
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Hi OP, here are a few pieces of advice from a former fatty, not as heavy as you are, but at 1.90 mt used to weight 130+ kgs, now I hover around 90, 95, I still have 5 kg more to go but it was a long way.
First of all you need to set your mind, it is a long and difficult process, there are no shortcuts, only hard discipline. First couple of weeks should be the hardest in psychological terms, your brain is fucked up from rewarding it with so much food, but after you start seeing results it will get progresivelly easier, just be patient. Setting your mind is not something that will happen overnight, but rather a process composed of many small steps; understanding that steady sacrifice and hard work will get you where you want is a part of maturing
When it comes to diet, a lot of people will give diferent advice, but my own piece of advice is that you should read about nutrition, there's a really useful article in /fit/ sticky that gives You an introduction to understanding what you eat. In my own experience fasting is what gave me the easiest path to losing way, but I know many people that have a hard time fasting, just do a research and be willing to be flexible and try different things.
When it comes to excercise my recommendation is that you lift, cardio will help in your overall health, but if you aim at losing weight lifting is your best choice by far
Relapsing is something that will happen, more often than not. Some days you will feel miserable, you won't see results, you will feel weak. Just remember that it is a hard path, but absolutely rewarding if you achieve results.

>> No.13576306

oh cool let me know when one of them makes a thread here, this is a fat fuck who is going to spike their insulin and give-in to cravings the second they get "hungry"

>> No.13576395

Skip dinner completely OR make your last meal early, like 4 or 5pm.
And just stick to water. Chugging a bottle or two whenever you get hungry can suppress hunger pangs pretty good.

>> No.13576405

Oh I forgot....
Try and get used to feeling hungry. Not in some masochistic way, but after awhile I started to enjoy the feeling of being hungry and almost wouldn't want to eat b/c the blasted feel after a meal would make me feel like shit.

>> No.13576412


I would eat a peice of chicken breast with salt and pepper and fast every few days.

Feels amazing

>> No.13576560

you're missing all the important nutrients and actually eating starchy shit that will make you binge
just do keto and fast fatass
and work out too, but you're probably too weak to do it anyway

>> No.13576632

waste your time on dipping your toes into a diet and running away the second you get the munchies, or face the facts that you're a food addicted lard-ass and break the cycle.

>> No.13576640

The key to successful weight loss is to get used to being hungry, fatty.

>> No.13576644

>just do keto
This post can be safely ignored.

>> No.13576906

The largest study they ever did was a reduced calorie low fat one and the people in the control group lost more weight than the ones on the diet

>> No.13576943

Eat less. At that weigt it's only important that you stop shovelling shit down your gullet. You could eat 4000kcal and still lose weight

>> No.13576945

Why is your mind that of a 40 year old black housewife.

>> No.13576972

Take bronkaid and caffine pills, you won't want to eat and you'll loose fat not muscle fast

>> No.13577442

based stackposter

>> No.13577510
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Read the sticky

>> No.13577518

Fish, eggs, lean meat and vegetables mushrooms.
Just count the calories so it's less than what you need for the day.
Just figure what vegetables you like weigh them add it up add calories for olive oil and just roast them.
Don't roast them without oil or they will go gross and not all oil is terrible.

>> No.13577524


I was 250lbs and after 2 years of struggling to lose weight, I lost 30 lbs in
2.5 months and still dropping

My secret? Class 2 stimulants. Adderall, Ritalin, Vyvanse, take your pick; your eating splurges will dissipate and you'll literally FEEL those pounds melting away. All you gotta do is go to the doctor and BOOM

>> No.13577566

you can survive without food for atleast a year fat motherfucker

he already said 185kg

>> No.13577596

just eat whole plant foods


>The key difference between this trial and other approaches to weight loss was that participants were informed to eat the WFPB diet ad libitum and to focus efforts on diet, rather than increasing exercise.

>ad libitum

Don't put dairy in your tea. Casein binds to and nullifies antioxidants. Plant proteins are shorter and don't do that so plant milk is an option if tea is too spicy for you.

>> No.13577602

fasting isn't a good idea for fat people because they're already nutrient starved. Fat people food is high in energy but very low in nutrients.

>> No.13577741

>milk in tea
>milk in general
never gonna make it bro

>> No.13577817
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>185 kilograms

>> No.13577891

Is ma huang okay?

>> No.13578636

at your weight you could literally go on a long multi-day water and salt fast
look up some fasting guides on reddit
to do it successfully you're gonna need to get potassium salts to make your own sugarless gatorade type drink

>> No.13579633


Couldn't he just buy a fuckload of powerade zero

>> No.13579782

>my plan is to...
Based waiting to make a change instead of actually making a change fatty

>> No.13579984

>Carbs for breakfast, with no fat and protein
>Sugar for lunch

Good luck on losing weight

>> No.13579999

Doesn't mean they only eat carbs and sugar. Rice for example is eaten with vegs/fish/meat/raw eggs in Japan, not just by itself.
Smoothies are a meme and won't help OP feeling full for more than 1 hour after drinking them

>> No.13580017

Source on big meal before bed = weight gain?

It shouldn't matter much as long as you get the same amount of cals throughout the day

>> No.13580235

Forget about weight change your habits.
For example if you are drinking a lot of alcohol/soda, do cut it for 1-2 weeks but eat whatever you wish
Then cut junkfood but eat as much meat you want etc etc
Make your way downwards in eleminating every unhealth shit. Then prepare your diet
Eat your diet without limit, if you have to eat 4 apples just buy 20 and cugg them as much as you want. Then slowly began to cut off your food intake then and only then.

I was going between 100-110 kg for 3years and imho my problem was going to an extreme diet suddenly. Now my "pallette" is used to the diet due to my method above, I don't crave junkfood.
But yeah to ask someone who eats junkfood all his life to cut all of it at once is absurd.

Think of it like cigarettes, you don't go cold all of a sudden, for some that might work but for many it doesnt. Take it slow

>> No.13580236

iirc the logic is that you burn your food during the day while you dont do much shit durin night.
So it is better to eat big in morning and smol at evening.

but ofc what matters is calories, if you eath nothing at brekfast and eat one big celery in evening you will still lose weight

>> No.13580337

cut out cereals and breakfast in general
cut out seed and vegetable oils

>> No.13580492
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>keto bad!!! I just loooove having my blood sugar spikes all day long!!!

>> No.13580497

Well there are higher and lower rates for that tho. The highest rate of people sticking with a diet is for mediterranean btw

>> No.13580501

You dont have much blood sugar spikes on a medi diet. You are just too retarded to prepare medi food. Must suck to be a brainlet

>> No.13580579

It's time to stop this bullshit. 500 kcal worth of chicken breasts are not going to be processed the same way as if you chugged down 500 kcal worth of olive oil.

>> No.13580611

Look into water fasting and the keto diet find out how to do each correctly do the ketogenic diet for a week or 2 then start a long water fast being in ketosis for the firt week or 2 will make the water fasting not so hard then once you've started water fasting just keep going till you reach the desired weight moist weight loss stuff out there is bullshit and won't work the method i have described if stuck with will work extremely fast and after a while you will stop feeling any hunger but given you weight i would say its still gonna take many months to reach a normal weight good luck

>> No.13580617

Go vegetarian for a while, I dropped 10 kilo and was eating huge meals.

>> No.13580648

Water fast every other day

>> No.13580674

Don't eat carbs if you just want to lose weight, carbs are for building.
If you want to just slim fat-based diet is best.

>> No.13580741

13 and a half stone, roughly.

>> No.13580772

Go ketogenic, and count your calories. That's literally it. Just try and lose like .5 kilo a week. That's literally it.

>> No.13580799

quick oats are goat
you can eat a cup of oats (with two cups of water/skim milk) as a huge breakfast, and it shouldnt even get to 2000kj(500 cal)
combine that with skipping lunch or dinner, and you can lose massive amounts of weight

>> No.13582039

>you're either doing keto or drinking HFCS

complex carbs dont spike and drop your blood sugar "all day long" you fucking retard.

>> No.13582075

There are 2 glaring problems with your plan.
1. If you go from being a lardass shoving everything in his mouth to only eating cereals and smoothies, you WILL fail because the hunger will overpower you and you'll just eat twice as much.
2. Smoothies and cereal are high in sugar. Sugar is the worst thing to put in your body.
The bulk of your diet should be lean meat, other protein sources (e.g. legumes) and vegetables. Actually a little bit of fat is ok every now and then, because fat makes you feel fuller and you need that for now to avoid chimping out and over-eating because your body thinks you're starving. Cut out any and all sugars and fast food. That sorta includes fruit and fruit juices (you can eat fruits but they should not be the bulk of your diet as you are currently suggesting). Learn to cook for yourself. Pre-prepared food typically contains hidden sugars. The only way to know what you're getting is to make it yourself from scratch. You can do it my man, but only if you approach this reasonably.

>> No.13582337


>> No.13582371

How to fail a diet 101

Just eat less, you fat fuck. You can enjoy food, you just don't need to have 4 servings of everything you eat

>> No.13582379

>The bulk of your diet should be lean meat, other protein sources (e.g. legumes) and vegetables
Even if you don't use the word, you retarded ketofags are easy to spot. There's nothing wrong with carbs.

>> No.13582400

I'm not the guy you replied to, but no ketofag recommends legumes. his advice is still bad, but not keto-tier retarded

>> No.13582439

rocket science does not require self control or respect

>> No.13582963

try keto and IF it really squashes cravings