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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13532461 No.13532461 [Reply] [Original]

Don't let your dreams be dreams
be the cook you know you can be

>> No.13532482
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I was just starting some fairly basic butchery, just cutting this slab into some steaks and noticed I had a lot of a secondary ingredient
this beef blood smells quite nice, a little bit like beets, a little bit like butter.

I'm open to suggestions for the blood, i'm considering incorporating it into an egg sauce for pasta or something, I'll be slicing and bagging for a bit before I start doing anything with it

>> No.13532595
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now just gonna packem up i guess, didnt count but probably about 15 slabs of cow
I got quite a bit of groceries done past few days so I'm a lot better stocked
broke down some packs of chicken last night, whole legs, got a bunch of suet, a whole full sized pre-cooked ham (christmas overstock)
apples, mushrooms, all sorts of shit

>> No.13532754
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roll your bags back before bagging, keeps things nice and clean, no poor seals and no stickiness
this is especially important if you use a heat sealer

>> No.13532778
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was 17 slabs total, tossed two uneven ones in a bag together to probably get chopped up for a stirfry or something i dunno
tossed out 40kg of ancient expired pork so the deep freeze has plenty of room now, considered getting more of those christmas hams and tossing them in here but i'm so damn sick of pork don't ya know

>> No.13532855
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alright so back to the important bits since nobodies spoken up with suggestions
The blood
blood has been used and eaten as long as we've slaughtered animals
one of the primary uses, is as an egg substitute since it has similar properties. (Really reminds you an egg is a bird period doesn't it?)

now, one obstacle, what I currently have is called 'purge' which is all the general liquids that come out of meat, not necessarily just blood, but all the oils associated with the flesh as well, which is why it has the buttery smell to it.
so before anything, I will be filtering it, this will help remove most of the debris and most if not all undesirable bits
depending on the amount I retain, I will be mixing it with 1 or 2 eggs to make the sauce

>> No.13532883
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simple as
just like making coffee

>> No.13532887
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I made some soup earlier, you want some? >>13532198

>> No.13532889

that looks like a mutant fish from the thumbnail

>> No.13532897
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action shot of the pour

>> No.13532899

have you considered getting/making a centrifuge to spin the blood/meat juice down?

>> No.13532906

>suggestions for the blood
if you combine the blood with egg you can steam it in a bowl and make blood tofu.

>> No.13532947
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this is going a fair bit slower than I thought it would, i have to sort of shake it to keep it going

ya man just mail me some fucking soup

nah i don't wanna separate the plasma, when you do that it separates into 3 sections
if I had a large amount though i'd certainly consider fucking about with the blood concentrations of the plasma, whites and reds but they don't really sell blood here in canada

I already have something that would work as a centrifuge though if I do ever need to do this

the rough plan right now is some sort of hollandaise or carbonara

>> No.13533056
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had to switch out the filter, feels like it'll be a 3 filter job though

the filters are doing a very nice job though, but it's got me wondering if i'm weakening the coagulative properties too much now

>> No.13533100

>weakening the coagulative properties
nah. but weakening is a good thing. add some vinegar to stop it curdling for a smoother sauce.

>> No.13533136
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not so sure thats an option with the cream involved

>> No.13533149
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2 eggs in, bit of whipping cream, and action shot of the pour

I haven't even made the pasta but the more i toy with this the less confident I am about an egg sauce

>> No.13533185

guys I might just have to bite the bullet on this one, it's not really coming up how i'd like and the smell is a bit off putting.
I simply don't have enough experience cooking with blood sadly.

the consistency as I heat it is, odd.
I suppose it has to do with how blood and eggs coagulate at different temperatures, in a similar way to how fats melt at different temperatures

I think this will still technically be edible, but I'm not certain on how it will be, and I ate a pizza sandwich I drenched in the sink.

>> No.13533222

It's not blood, idiot.

>> No.13533231
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>> No.13533242
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>> No.13533249
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at least im not the bloody idiot if you're right then

but sadly it is still blood, just not good enough quality for what I was gonna use it for
my stomach is angry with hunger pains but the smell and look of this shit is killing my appetite

>> No.13533295
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well it's basically just an egg burger now i guess , I want to try some of it for posterity but each time i do my gag reflex activates from the smell

>> No.13533324
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there is just something wrong about this
it looks perfectly edible from the photos, like some sort of minced chicken burger or something
but I can't even get a piece into my mouth without my body wanting to heave

it smells like a very concentrated form of kibble, but mixed with the smell of cling wrap

>> No.13533344

No, it's not fucking blood. It's a solution of myoglobin and water. Myoglobin is not hemoglobin, and that liquid is not blood.

>> No.13533412
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ahh I see what you're saying now
I actually hadn't realized the 'blood' inside muscle tissue differed that much from the blood in the veins.
Does explain a lot about why none of this worked out.
Man people talking about rare steaks must bother the shit out of you
I guess it makes sense though, no reason to have coagulative 'blood' in the middle of muscle tissue

You don't happen to have any nugget of knowledge about masking the smell of baked on myoglobin do you?

>> No.13534143


>> No.13534167

stop wasting time taking pictures and writing paragraphs about what you’re doing, it’s the reason it turned out like shit.

>> No.13534682


>> No.13534696

Op your insane recipe has brought me incredible laughter. Thank you

>> No.13534698

brother. you're making scrambled egg not hollandaise or carbonara

>> No.13534719

Why did you even drench that sandwich? What motive did you have? It still bothers me

>> No.13534759

Anon is this a human arm or leg ?

>> No.13535158

your kitchen has an aura of evil about it

>> No.13535174

Dino tendies flashbacks

>> No.13535369
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I ended up putting lemon juice, lime juice, and cracked pepper into a pan with a little waters

it wasn't on the heat, the right burner is the hot one


it was too hot

that is my hand

>> No.13535408

>Man people talking about rare steaks must bother the shit out of you
Most people don't assume it's blood. Though some do but those usually eat it well-done because they're poor fuckers.

>You don't happen to have any nugget of knowledge about masking the smell of baked on myoglobin do you
That green stuff you always see on steaks isn't just decoration. It's there to do just that.
Hell if I remember the name, I don't care about the smell of meat.