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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 156 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13521950 No.13521950 [Reply] [Original]

> 1:25
"Yes, she really does weigh everything!"

holy shit shut the fuck up you insufferable prick

not everyone is as obsessed with you are as living a hyper-convenient life in which basic cooking fundamentals are dropped in place of precut vegetables, boxed cakes, and icecube bean trays

some people actually enjoy the process and care about the product they create because they respect the craft and science and just really like to cook and dont wanna fucking rush through everything

anyone else hate this prick

>> No.13521956

I'm not even redirecting you to /tv/ anymore.

>> No.13522073

someone post the stove top autism

>> No.13522124

I wish I saved that screen cap of that ragusea YT comment where he lost his shit on someone and went full autism

>> No.13522150

what was the context? i might be able to find it

>> No.13522190

Ok but seriously though, do you think they had sex ?

>> No.13522220

she's out of his league

she just wants the internet fame

smart move on her part

>> No.13522251

I cannot believe people actually cook like this. How did they ever make it back in the day.

>> No.13522284

>she's out of his league
Yeah obviously but he's getting more and more famous and rich, the fact that she was ok to make this video is already huge I reckon, even though obviously part of it was for the fame. Only thing I know is that Adam sure tried to devise a way to her pussy.

>> No.13522285
File: 185 KB, 1011x974, CD2D5E31-D19A-4990-BAB2-152D21C2D23F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"You may laugh, but I suddenly find myself in the position of being a 37-year-old man with a large audience of much younger men. I am seriously worried about the concepts of masculinity that I see metastasizing among young men these days (especially in certain online communities), and I feel an obligation to offer a model of masculinity that I believe is better for the world. I know that when I was a teenager, the male role models society offered to me were either the same-old unenlightened meatheads or painfully ineffectual and unsexy '90s men. I had no idea how to navigate between those two extremes until I found two male role models who taught me, in large measure, how to be the man I try to be today: Henry Rollins and Anthony Bourdain. It's possible to be an enlightened bad-ass — to care about other people's feelings, to be smart, to be nurturing, and also to be resilient, assertive and, frankly, fuckable. I learned that from Hank and Tony, and if I can pass that wisdom to others, I will. The kitchen is a place where I think a lot of these issues come up."

>> No.13522293
File: 101 KB, 430x613, 4161A146-7AB7-445B-B7C0-67C146FB1831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>..and, frankly, fuckable.

>> No.13522295
File: 209 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is adam such a spenny

>> No.13522347

he looks like my middle school art teacher if she tried to become a man.

>> No.13522424

Pretty cute bottom tbqh. I'd give him a reach around.

>> No.13522507

the fuck do you mean she's a chubby hunchback with a huge pineapple on her arm.

>> No.13522548

Yeah ? She looks really great compared to Adam.

>> No.13522584

adam probably doesn't even have sex with his wife

>> No.13522778

the ol' thumpa thumpa

>> No.13522871

saw one where a guy joked about his electric stove and he went apeshit

>> No.13522903

That’s the one I was looking for. Parsed through a few archived threads to no avail.

>> No.13522929

>she's out of his league
>she just wants the internet fame

theyre both married

>> No.13523386

Please find this. I hate this "man."

>> No.13523485
File: 121 KB, 1920x1080, wiens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally who youtuber
you claim to hate this person yet promote them?

fuck outta hear

>> No.13523629
File: 3.35 MB, 5040x3360, 578a8143-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he must get pegged hard by his sjw wife.

>> No.13523766

Is this the guy who said he won't cook certain food because of "cultural appropriation"?

>> No.13524301

Boxed cake tastes like fucking shit. It's always dry and never rich enough.
Yep. He apologized for his enchiladas being inauthentic. Meanwhile based Chef John doesn't give a fuck and cooks whatever he wants however he wants.

>> No.13524606

How anyone with such fucked up teeth even dare smile for a photo?

>> No.13524635

a confident woman who wears a 9 inch strap

>> No.13524648

What the fuck are you even talking about? His pizza and lasagna recipes both take three days. How is that rushing through everything

>> No.13524664
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>> No.13524668
File: 530 KB, 1080x1920, 1W5rpGo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was on the first page of google, retards

>> No.13524691

What a terrible move on his part. Why would you not just ignore comments like that

>> No.13524711

God my comments keep getting fucking deleted instantly when I post on his videos

I wish I could relentlessly abuse him like I abuse the twitch streamers I hate

>> No.13524729

lol @ him chatting shit at internet shaquille, an actually good youtube cook that does to the point, two minute videos without clickbait bullshit
you’re out of your fucking element ragusea

>> No.13524732

which twitch streamers do you hate?

>> No.13524745

joshimuz primarily, I really enjoy abusing him and his landwhale of a gf

>> No.13524746

Why do you spend every waking moment obsessing over things you hate? That sounds unhealthy

>> No.13524749

hating shit is fun

>> No.13524762

He sounds like he's quoting a movie because he's so uncomfortable being aggressive or confrontational. Faggot is having a hissy fit.

>> No.13524775

Stop. I can only like him so much.

>> No.13524827

You probably only think that because there's nothing actually enjoyable in your life

>> No.13525008

it's sad. i was really interested in the subject matter and i was thinking if i could improve my chocolate cake recipe somewhat. but this fucking prick keeps focusing on his shitty girlfriends and other normie shit. also the preview thumbnail showed his colors getting inverted which makes me think if he's already doing shitty meme edits.

>> No.13525086

im sure to comment why i prep my wife and not the bull on every video adam if you see this im going to turn laura into my bbc bimbo

>> No.13525089

>implying she already isn't

>> No.13525106

Whassssup my vinegar legates!!

>> No.13525118

could be construed that she's already a bbc bimbo im only going to convert her to my nigger dong so btfo

>> No.13525130

What pisses me off about him is that he acts as if he were the absolute authority on all the topics he covers.
Then he posts this video shitting over MPW for his Knorr deal like he's a better chef than that because LOL he uses a stock cube.
Shut the fuck up Adam you piece of rotten Italo-Mutt shit.

>> No.13525143

>half an egg
just bake two cakes then, dumb bitch

>> No.13525175
File: 47 KB, 852x439, 43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watch me instead, /ck/

>> No.13525176

>youtube man bad

>> No.13525185
File: 92 KB, 823x835, pro home cooks (formerly brother green eats).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i prefer to watch this dude's older videos, his recipes are simple and he focuses on them in his videos. really gives me quang tran vibes but without being supremely annoying.

>> No.13525190

>What pisses me off about him is that he acts as if he were the absolute authority on all the topics he covers.
this is what a cultural obsession with science does to people

>> No.13525195

You do know you can just not watch things you hate?

>> No.13525196

>please watch this kike!

have sex

>> No.13525197


made this video a while back, sorry for the poor quality im pretty new to all of this shit

but ragusea is some libtard crackjob who teaches journalism at a college and acts like that means anything

i bet he seasons his foreskin before todd sucks his dick

>> No.13525202

you know, i could also have some fun and talk shit about this fucking normie cuck.

>> No.13525208

>shilling for a channel with 1.5 million subs

>> No.13525241

based mentally ill poster

>> No.13525251

thanks please subscribe

>> No.13525269

I watched the entire video and it was weird.

>> No.13525273

Boring video.
Just some incoherent ranting. You sound 19 years old which makes it even more cringe.

>> No.13525289

nah im 24 and havent ever made a video like that before, it was also 3AM and i was very tired

i could do much better today

>> No.13525292

>Ramen, which I know a lot about
you're also a cringe weeb apparently

>> No.13525293


>> No.13525295

I appreciate all of the hate guys <3

>> No.13525329


>> No.13525333

adam up at 4am? bet

>> No.13525339

*Teleports behind Faguea* *Tips fedora* Hope you like your whole family being trolled by legion. Do. Not. Fuck. With. Us.

>> No.13525371

illidan stormrage is that you

>> No.13525495

Yo, I like this nigga, but LMAO!

>> No.13525538

literally could've just added "fuck you" as a final bullet point if he wanted to be witty, this is just embarrassing.

>> No.13525566

lol at shaquille chiming in, looks like the whole lot of arrogant youtuber cooks decided to gather.

>> No.13525568

>hurr i'm too poor to get a gas line
>lmao dumb poorfag, don't you know that the most expensive high end stoves outperform gas stoves
very cool adam, thank you for sharing

>> No.13525569

Wait a minute did you really think you sperging out on some chat had any kind of impact to the point that you auto labelled it as abuse ? Get real anon.

>> No.13525572

>absolute authority
He has a complex, the authority he's trying to have in video, the condescending tone in comments, adoration for MPW, and lastly the fact that he's lifting, I'm not judging lifting as a whole but he doing it makes me cringe.

>> No.13525574

holy shit, fucking BASED Redpillgusea BTFOing anoncucks while he counts millions in profit from Squarespace and sticks his giant cock inbetween his wife's tooth gap

>> No.13525577

did you see his home gym? LMAO

>> No.13525583

Ragusea's videos have gotten way worse as he got more popular but some people here are obsessed with disliking youtube mans till the point of mental illness themselves.

>> No.13525587

I think Adam's banking on that, he still has some interesting videos but some other are uninspired and the filler he chose for these moments was relying on clashes and the likes.

>> No.13525590

how is it that chef john's channel hasn't turned to shit and he's been doing it for YEARS

>> No.13525593

Because Chef John doesn't try to reinvent himself every few videos, nor does he try to butt heads with anybody all that much.
I don't dislike Adam but he just comes across as a bit of a goofball cringefest at times.

>> No.13525595

this guy makes good videos but he's so fucking annoying

>> No.13525598

>i hate this guy so lets advertise for him
if his ugly wife ever divorces him at least he can always live rent-free in your head

he sperg'd out big time and would have been better off ignoring. no doubt the runt who made the post has a lot of pride in his gas stove for some nonsensical reason

>> No.13525606

Chef John learned his trade and is just cooking.
Adamn Italomutt is trying to be some quirky IFUCKINGLOVESCIENCE redditor homecook spazz who thinks he needs to reinvent everything.

>> No.13525645

josh's videos have always sucked. he's always been the weak part of that channel. now that he's fucked off every video mike makes is quality.

>> No.13525688

Based. I love stoner food and his videos are maximum kino.
Cringe. Enjoy episode 1000 of how to make sourdough bread.

>> No.13525700

Hi, Reddit!

>> No.13525701

LMAO i love internet shaquille

>> No.13525706

chef john is a real chef therefore based and red pilled

>> No.13525734

I asked a question for his next AMA


please upvote

>> No.13525735

>has a reddit account since 2017
unironically kys

>> No.13525738
File: 7 KB, 270x187, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>omg le reddit bad xD

remember coolface? wow those were the days like oldfag style!!

>> No.13525741

dumb pencildicked chink

>> No.13525768

>respect the craft and science
get a load of this pretentious asshole

>> No.13525776

"internet shaquille" is a fagget
chadam would fuck him up

>> No.13525780

hahaha gay little nerd removed his video

>> No.13525792

>yellow fever expat
lmao just heem urself you pathetic wastrel

>> No.13525797

>*voyageur d'amour
>*foot connoisseur

fixed that for you

>> No.13525812

fix this
*heems you*

>> No.13525816

You can't possibly heem me because I am protected by all the toes in my mouth

>> No.13526037

What's wrong with electric, huh? I can't have an electric stove just because YOU said so?
Let me tell you, even IF gas is better than electric, it's still takes too much time and money to pipe gas in. So yeah anyone could pipe gas in if they wanted to. But it's not worth it.
And I'm a home cook. This is a home cooking channel. Plenty of home cooks use electric stoves without a problem. This isn't a three michelin star channel, it's for the average person. And even if these videos were for professionals, there are plenty of chefs who use electric stoves. Those professionals wouldn't appreciate you mocking them.
But all that's irrelevant because it's not a pro chef channel. This is MY channel and I make recipes that suite ME. You can make your own channel with a gas stove and there's nothing wrong with that. I won't shame you for using a gas stove like you're doing to me right now.
And actually really if you think about it, electric stoves are superior to gas. You don't have to worry about a leak burning down your house or causing you and your loved ones danger. It's much safer because there's no open flame. And it's easier to clean than a gas stove. So it's a no brainer why anyone who actually cooks at home would prefer an electric stove.
So yeah you can have your own views on stoves, but how about we let the person reading this decide for themselves.

>> No.13526041

based and electric stovespilled

>> No.13526086

From now on, you'll be known as the son of Adam.

>> No.13526101

based and redpilled

>> No.13526107

It’s an unpopular opinion, but I find him pretty comfy. Don’t agree with everything he says but his videos are at least enjoyable enough to watch.

>> No.13526113

This guy looks like he touches children.

>> No.13526656

He has a reddit account, you can just message him instead of trying to comment on a thread with 500 replies.


>> No.13526660

>When OP doesn't realize he's on the wrong board sets off his mass reply bot anyway

>> No.13526711

>I think the entire "smoke point" thing is really overstated. I've seared many steaks in olive oil, I've seared many in "high smoke point" oils and never noticed a difference in the finished dish. I tend to use olive oil because it's what I have at hand, and because certain high smoke point oils (like veg oil) can often stink up the kitchen at high heat.

>When you say you "just don't care if [you're] 'appropriating' another culture," what you're saying is that you don't care about other people's feelings — feelings which often stem from very real grievances involving colonialism, slavery and other means of subjugation and exploitation. Maybe that really is the kind of guy you are. If so, then you're not the kind of guy I want to know. And for the record, we were discussing what you apparently think I should worry about, not what you're worried about.

What a fucking idiot/cuck.

>> No.13526729


Spenny is a solid citizen!

>> No.13526730

Get help fag

>> No.13526753


>> No.13526839

shaq is the best on yt imo, funny, quick and real food.

>> No.13526859

just goes to show how obnoxious adam is when even the nr 2 is weirded out
checked btw

>> No.13526865

its called knowing your audience
you should try it next time you think about using all caps

>> No.13526873

based as fuck

>> No.13526890

>talks shit
>but ragusea is some libtard crackjob who teaches journalism at a college and acts like that means anything
>bawwletes his video when anons bad mouth him
my fucking sides, it's like those people who screech about people getting triggered and end up being sensitive cucks

>> No.13526891

I bet it's Shaq behind these Ragusea hate threads though. Seriously I've never seen a more obnoxious person on Raguseas videos. He really likes to rile him up over the most retarded shit. They're both retards with inconsistent content.

>> No.13527090

Internet Shaq is a fucking beaner faggot. Good on Ragusea for dabbing on that twerp.

>> No.13527485

based chadam triggering the /pol/cucks

>> No.13527512
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>> No.13527537

Adam used to be Chadam but the fame has gone to his head. he cant handle it, and now he is just as terrible as these others gay vloggers. There is this one comment where he even says "and my girlfriend is hot". she is not. You can fit a car between her front teeth.

>> No.13527559

I used to dislike adam because he is an insufferable person who pretends to know shit about cooking. But now I just feel bad for him. you literally couldnt make this pasta up even if you tried

>> No.13527561

He sounds like the kind of guy that parrots the idea that the USA should use metric, without ever once thinking about why or why not.

Literally the most NPC of NPC's I've ever seen.

>> No.13527587
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>> No.13527600

Funny enough, Adam RaguSOYa made a video about how he doesn't like the metric system.

>> No.13527624
File: 3.80 MB, 2848x4272, Lauren-Morrill-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, Adam's wife would be pretty if she grew out her hair and fixed her disgusting teeth.

Here she is with longer hair and her mouth closed.

>> No.13527634

Ah give or take a 55 id say
if maxxed a 70 is probably the best she can hope though.

>> No.13527639
File: 1.21 MB, 1400x2015, 1572997459619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cringe weeb
cringe lack of self-awareness

>> No.13527644

Do you think Adam is scared of getting cucked so she makes his wife wear ugly clothes, have a horrible dyke haircut, and prevents her from getting her tooth gap fixed?

>> No.13527655

Probably meant hotwife
Either way, it's pretty sad that the first positive attribute about her he mentions is her looks.

>> No.13527660

thats a dude

>> No.13527674
File: 174 KB, 566x377, 578a8143-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya don't have to tell me twice.

>> No.13527678

>You can fit a car between her front teeth.
I think the best one I heard was something like her teeth were on a different time zone.

>> No.13527683

lmao the fucking guy looks like a woman and his wife looks like a man

>> No.13527722

please dont make me write "haha" over and over in caps. she is completely average - maybe even a bit on the uglier side - and by absolutely no means "hot". but at least its good that adam tries to make her feel good about herself. The sad thing though is I really doubt that was why he wrote it, I think he genuinely believes deep down that he is a soychad with a hot gf.

>> No.13527774

What the fuck is a soychad?

>> No.13527800

OK do you really wanna know? its a term he fucking coined HIMSELF. I think he realizes he is the epitome of a soyboy, but wanted to be chad as well

>> No.13527804

Holy shit. I have to see this. What video does he say it in?

>> No.13527843
File: 46 KB, 630x223, 1289312839218321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as far as I know, no one has ever called him "soychad" before this moment. this has also been reiterated by a number of anons

>> No.13527853
File: 33 KB, 625x165, 1293872198473298742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I promise they called me that!"

>> No.13527861

well, I guess dubs confirm I am a faggot. I still think he's retarded, though.

>> No.13527900

i unironically thought this was his face shopped on his wifes body.

>> No.13527919

who dis?

>> No.13527937

adam is the very definition of skinnyfat. i dont really care about that - for instance, chef john may be obese for all I care - but when tiny insecure adam tries to brand himself as a guy who lifts, yet looks like a doughy womanlet, holy fuck is that hilarious. at this point I just feel bad for adam

>> No.13527943

It's cute how she feels odd getting her face close to the cake. Really shows how humanity she is, not some fancy elite.

>> No.13527949

Give me permission to view your video you asshole. My YouTube account name is pewdiepie.

>> No.13527953

no he didn't
ppl here were calling him a soychad early on and he confirmed that he lurked here a couple times. he didn't coin it himself you fucking retard.

>> No.13527957

post body

>> No.13527970

damn It's a shame this SOY STUD gave up meat

>> No.13527971

he's a control freak with body image issues
though i love his bolognese recepie, also pork with pan sauce

>> No.13527976
File: 619 KB, 1817x2468, F68D0046-E2DE-443B-9CD5-68CE0078FFD7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13527978

have we moved on from babish? I feel sad now

>> No.13527980

ok adam

>> No.13527982

Holy shit what the fuck? At that point it would be a legitimately better option just to gain more weight. It’s better to look like a normal fat man than a pregnant woman.

>> No.13527985


>> No.13527987

But I'm a pregnant woman.

>> No.13527996
File: 42 KB, 624x624, 1578863308370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's not him
is it...? no, right?

>> No.13527998

It’s hard. BwB has a boring and bland show that is reflective of his boring and bland personality.
Adam, on the other hand, is hateable due to his control freak personality and fake aura of authority he displays.

>> No.13528010

>this is the guy calling you soyboy on 4chan

>> No.13528044
File: 10 KB, 640x145, 0134AF13-1631-4D1E-9C0A-73AC587266D0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did Adam drop his knife in the street? Why did he have a kitchen knife in the street? What was he doing? Was he trying to threaten an innocent black man into coming over to his house and fucking Lauren?

>> No.13528053
File: 159 KB, 651x768, IMG_1436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that dude is a meme on /sp/ I recognize his body on the senators logo

>> No.13528063

>adam makes a video saying to leave your turkey dry because it's not worth cooking, and just smother it in gravy
>based NACS makes a simple turkey recipe in response
>Anybody who tells you to just forget about the bird, "It sucks. Worry about the sides. Don't even try to get the bird tasty", Don't listen to them, run away from them. They're not giving you good advice. All you need to do is understand a few basic principles of cooking.


>> No.13528077

His videos are good but are too long, which doesn't work for most audiences. It's his fatal flaw desu.

>> No.13528079

The funniest part is that at the end of that shitty video Adam made he makes a terrible analogy about pleasuring your wife with other things besides your dick.

What did Adam mean by this?

>> No.13528099

>adam makes a video saying to leave your turkey dry because it's not worth cooking, and just smother it in gravy
what's wrong with this?

>> No.13528104

Having dry turkey and putting gravy on it is fine, but Adam tries to put people down if they attempt other turkey recipes to get juicer turkey.

He’s a pretentious hack.

>> No.13528106

>based and red pilled
>from san fagcisco

>> No.13528115

Clint Eastwood is from San Francisco too. I don’t think the environment makes the person. Rather, the person decides whether or not to incorporate.

>> No.13528122

>but Adam tries to put people down if they attempt other turkey recipes to get juicer turkey.
I didn't get that impression from the video. It was more the opposite: people should stop breathing down other people's necks because they don't want to bother putting a ton of effort into a shitty bird once a year. Turkey is for the family photos, not for flavor.

>> No.13528127

I don't think you watched more than 20 seconds of the video. Or if you did you were drunk at the time.

>> No.13528135

First of all he's old and every part of the culture he was raised in has fuck all to do with what's going on today, and secondly he's actual a pussy fag like the rest of them and just plays a tough guy on tv.

>> No.13528138

so is he part of the culture or not? make up your mind.

>> No.13528141

Both things he said can be true at the same time.

>> No.13528142

She used to do roller derby, talked about it in one of his vids. Not even a joke.

>> No.13528152

Talked about what? Getting pegged? What is roller derby? Like rollerskating?

Is there a certain stereotype about women rollerskating I don’t know of?

>> No.13528159
File: 26 KB, 343x580, powerful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're hot, that's all.

>> No.13528162

His pizza video was pretty good, it didn't take long for him to become opinionated though.

>> No.13528178

Girls who are into roller derby are all butch lesbians.

>> No.13528207

The title of the video is literally "stop trying to make turkey taste good"

>> No.13528224

Holy fuck she hit the wall hard. Is she the same age as Adam? Adam doesn't look that bad for 37. She looks like she's 50.

>> No.13528225
File: 177 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But you wanna know what else I hate? B-roll.

>> No.13528265

I hate this fucking guy so much.

>> No.13528450

his humor is very 2012-esque

>> No.13529121

I mean that pantry one was 30 minutes but that's rare, most are 10-15 minutes if that.

>> No.13529144

he's fine just close the tab when b roll starts

>> No.13529836

I feel like Adam Fagusea will be in one of those Fredrik Knudsen videos about the follies of internet fame.

>> No.13529843

Only if he Benoits himself lmao

>> No.13529885


>> No.13529908

Roller derby was a 'sport' that was popular for a Texas second in the 80s. Turned out it was fake like pro wrestling and promptly died.

>> No.13529913

Adams biggest flaw is how GOD DAMN wrong he is at times. He has all these weird opinions, and he even thinks he know better than gordon and mpw. Who the FUCK does he think he is? He’s a mediocre cook at best. MPW is 100 % based and the youngest chef to achieve 3 michelin stars. Adam is so fucking cringey and delusional

>> No.13529952

Please post this on his next video so we can see him flip out

>> No.13529986

spenny knew his role in the duo and played it well
adam does not know his place in the foodtube community and is standing on the backs of giants while his wife fucks black men

>> No.13530080

that has to be one of the whitest chicks i have ever seen. she's so unbelievably bland that she doesn't even have facial features.

a literal NPC.

>> No.13530133

That chick is actually really good. Adam Ragusea is just hipster incarnate and not really to be taken seriously. His passive aggressive answers are legendary.

>> No.13530147

it was just a phase, MOOOOM

>> No.13530157
File: 21 KB, 349x328, glee3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn, you roasted his ass so bad he privated the video.

>> No.13530159

Oh, it's another incel seething at the bad youtube man thread.

>> No.13530165
File: 136 KB, 283x272, Screen-Shot-2016-08-17-at-10.57.22-PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't mind him. He just has that insufferable know-it-all personality he probably can't help. He's also a college professor which I assume can only feed his ego and reaffirm that he does, in fact, know what he's doing. Someone like that has no reason to doubt what he's doing if he perceives all negative comments as something haters post.

>> No.13530297
File: 125 KB, 640x1136, 88B43F76-3AF2-4FDF-8347-27F89EA8CFE9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13530324


>> No.13530365


>> No.13530395

"Dropping knives in the street" is a cool name to be honest.

>> No.13530403

Clitoris. He meant clitoris.

>> No.13530416

Adam I don't think your wife would appreciate what you are doing right now.

>> No.13530424

lol I upvoted history

>> No.13530425

Does anyone have the white wine breath copypasta? I swear I can't find it anywhere.

>> No.13530434

>this comment is missing
what was it

>> No.13530436

>most are 10-15 minutes if that.
Even then that's too long for an average cooking video. 5-8 minutes is the sweet spot. There's some rambling and fluff he could cut out or just do voice-overs instead to save a few minutes but hey it's his channel.

>> No.13530482

Reminded of his retarded comments on why he doesn't use metric and the fact that he completely lost the point of why anyone measures shit for recipes ie. portion sizing. He went full autistic with one guy.
Also the dude has no clue about ratios and that these are adimentional, thus, you can cross recipes either with metric or imperial.

>> No.13530490

Fuck he even went full autistic on why he doesn't like to leave leftover raw pasta from a smaller recipe on the box.
Lmao at that guy.

>> No.13530493

His videos on coffee made me realize how much of a clueless fag he is.

>> No.13530500

I don't usually do this, but there are so many fixable problems here:

Teeth (braces)
Denim jacket covered in buttons/badges
Hitler hairstyle
Transparent-frame glasses
Stars-and-stripes scarf

Ditch all of these and who knows what she'd look like.

>> No.13530504

I'm not gonna watch it. What did he do wrong?

>> No.13530507

>no doubt the runt who made the post has a lot of pride in his gas stove for some nonsensical reason
He probably browses /ck/.

>> No.13530525

His video was about espresso but essentially all he did was teach you how to use a Breville.
I'm not sure but he even used the model that includes a grinder that is absolutely dogshit. Never mentioned anything about how to take a proper shot based on grind adjustments, time and weight. Nothing about tamping force.
Basically a glorified sponsored by Squarespace tutorial on how to use the shittiest Breville.
God I hate these pretentious Youtubers.

Also, speaking on youtubers, that Hoffman guy is legit about coffee. At the very least he was the best barista in the world. Love his how to dial espressos video

>> No.13530549

>Yes, she really does weigh everything
It's like he's never baked anything before. If you can eyeball that shit I'd be legitimately impressed.

>> No.13530677
File: 927 KB, 811x622, ragusr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that the dust has settled, what do we think of Ragusea Senior?

>> No.13530682

he's a fucking cuck NPC wh*toid brainlet soyoby normie.

>> No.13530761

People still play it. I got free tickets to a roller derby bout a couple years ago in Wyoming and it was really fun.

>> No.13530781

I bet she makes a good SpaPeggy and Meatballs.

>> No.13530788

what an asshole

>> No.13530806

Really dislike the guy. He's also obsessed with us brits. You just know he spergs over doctor who and bake off.

>> No.13530812

This. I'm not even British and that annoys me to no end. "Or as the Brits would call it...". Shut the fuck up. Ironic how it's the same guy preaching about cultural appropriation.

>> No.13530813

being and then acting like a fucking vagina is an act of hedging bets. All coasters are like this. It's why you stay in continental as much as you can.

>> No.13530824

This. And Keith Floyd is too based for ragusea to like him

>> No.13530902

cool shirt

>> No.13531066

just vomitted a little

>> No.13531069


>> No.13531171

The Chad Rage

>> No.13531255

He's got a punchable face but he's an all right guy i suppose his videos are straight to the point and he's smart about snatching the jewtube bucks, but he's bound to run out of content sometime i think; i wouldn't want him to become a staple of foodtube like babish or some shit like that

>> No.13531264

think about how you make others feel. imagine being ragusea and coming onto /ck/ and seeing a ‘hate thread’ on the first page. you should be ashamed of yourself! saged, loser.

>> No.13531302

dude, that shit is so funny. Ragusea is a fucking cuck NPC. he's also a shit cook who uses a fucking electric stove top.

>> No.13531335

I'd be half surprised if he was the one making these threads, both for advertisements and because deep inside he lives in such a trashy mindset.

>> No.13531341

why does ragucuck use so much fuck in his videos? doesn't he know swearing is bad?

>> No.13531345

Who cares. He is a youtube prostitute in the public eye, he deserves everything he gets.

>> No.13531785

He probably tried his best but there is only so much a father can do to prevent his son from becoming a cuck like Adam. A few generations prior things were easier because there was no internet and fathers were respected more.

>> No.13531846

I love this guy

>> No.13531890

A real italian...

>> No.13531905

>reads a youtube comment

>> No.13532094

It's like telling people to cook dry crumbly hamburgers and just smother them in sauce because trying to cook a juicy hamburger is stupid and pointless.

This in spite of the many, many easy recipes that result in a juicy burger.

Like, If you can have juicy meat AND delicious gravy, with very little effort, then why not just do that? Why choose to make a worse meal for literally no reason, and then tell everyone around you that your poor decision is good actually, and the best choice you could have made?

Its low effort, defeatist, cope bullshit and he's preaching it to other people.

That's what's wrong with it.

>> No.13532476


>> No.13532555

Fuck the youtube algorithm for getting fagusea publicity but not this based channel.

>> No.13533135

>hate thing
>constantly indirectly shill it by talking about it
Adam, please fuck off.

>> No.13533140

I think what he failed to communicate because he was too busy using provocative clickbait language is that turkey being a naturally drier meat than chicken doesn't mean it's too dry. It does mean that there is a smaller window of opportunity before it overcooks and dries out completely, but a turkey properly cooked will have a good palatable texture even without brining. People who act like everything has to be exploding with juices or their tongues are going to become the Sahara Desert are dopes.

>> No.13533218

he browses this board?

>> No.13533512
File: 481 KB, 853x480, screenshot-www.youtube.com-2020.01.16-20-35-25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I noticed in his Croissant video he doesn't cut it open to show if the interior has that honeycomb crumb that it's supposed to have. The video ends before the croissants go into the oven. The video does start with him tearing open a baked croissant, but it looks more bready than flaky. Looks like he just ended up with a pillsbury crescent roll rather than a croissant.

>> No.13533527

oh noes, he gets an extra $5 youtube monies a month because he's posted on /ck/

>> No.13533978

I wanna fuck this guy so bad

>> No.13533986

Need an edit of this with Babish as the bull

>> No.13534220

Who do you think made this thread?

>> No.13534241

Based Taiwan bro.

>> No.13534257

go to bed adam

>> No.13534274

>Like, If you can have juicy meat AND delicious gravy, with very little effort, then why not just do that? Why choose to make a worse meal for literally no reason, and then tell everyone around you that your poor decision is good actually, and the best choice you could have made?

I think the basis for his approach was "people put too much salt in the brine and ruin the gravy" which lead him to believe turkey has to be dry to create good gravy.

>> No.13534280
File: 94 KB, 900x900, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You KNOW he follows everything people say about him online. He looks like the type to do so and then get passive aggressive about.

>> No.13534287

>I think the basis for his approach was "people put too much salt in the brine and ruin the gravy" which lead him to believe turkey has to be dry to create good gravy.
In another video he literally criticizes seasoning meat before cooking because it made his pan sauce saltier. Jesus christ it's like he wants to cook with as little thinking possible.

>> No.13534773

>shits on metric system
Latest video with the baker is in grams

>> No.13534850
File: 17 KB, 705x205, adgf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>accountable for what i say
>constantly spergs out in his comments and deletes it afterwards

>> No.13534888

Is this guy’s stovetop electric or induction?

>> No.13534920

he may be dumb but this video wasn't actually bad
it was generic but not bad

when it comes to 'baking' I prefer these japs https://youtu.be/s-ePYkfqvGg
there's tons of these fuckers doing the exact same style

beats western style videos imo

>> No.13534958
File: 52 KB, 734x960, 1578104985034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who has the best Sauerkraut recipe ?
Brad "Chad" Leone or B-roll ?

>> No.13534979

Imagine arguing with a tofu platter online

>> No.13535040

When did he mention Keith Floyd?

>> No.13535248

not a good attitude, anon

>> No.13535674

Adam if you are here you should chill the fuck out

>> No.13535989

It's electric. He claims he can't use an induction stove because it makes too much noise somehow.

>> No.13535995

From Adam's Ratemyproffesors page.

>Every day he dresses exactly like how you'd expect any millennial journalist to dress: bangs, plain v-neck, black-frame glasses, blazer, jeans or chinos, and sneakers.

You can't make this shit up.


>> No.13536002

He's the embodiment of slave morality. You can tell that behind his cringey little "you do you!" shit and starting his plebbit comments with "friend, ...", there's real contempt hiding. He speaks this way because he's terrified of confrontation and has no idea how to handle disagreement. It's quite evident that he genuinely thinks he's the shit, but he's just too much of a coward and a mental weakling to face any critique head-on and honourably. That's why he hedges with these weasely little phrases, why he pre-empts all possible criticism with a pre-written and pinned FAQ, and why he saw the need to make that bizarre and incoherent video on why he refuses to use metric conversions.

So it doesn't surprise me that he's prone to the occasional outburst of impotent anger in his comments section from time to time -- he clearly has an ego and a measure of masculine rage, but has never learnt what to do with them, and has spent his life being afraid of any kind of self-affirmation. Why, for example, did he overreact with such vitriol to this relatively benign comment about ceramic stoves? Why does he get so upset over a very gentle quip about the narration? Because that's the kind of language in which Adam would himself codify his criticism. He interprets the slightest of gibes as full-frontal attacks because that's the way he'd make a criticism. Simple, honest and straightforward language is not for him; he lacks the courage to be direct.

As other anons have said, all of this has probably been reinforced/cemented by his having been a professor, where he's been able to go mostly unchallenged in his little fiefdom for years. Now he's suddenly exposed to the internet, where everyone is way harsher, and more importantly, don't need to please him to pass a class. I guess he's struggling to adapt a bit.

>> No.13536024
File: 42 KB, 550x400, if adam was a middle school teacher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of people who have careers in education (elementary to college) have horrible attitudes similar to Adam.

>> No.13536028

>He claims he can't use an induction stove because it makes too much noise somehow.
his mic picks it up because magnets

>> No.13536033

I actually don't hate the actual substance of his videos. The worst part of Adam's videos is Adam.

>> No.13536037

How does that matter if 90% of his audio is just voice over he does AFTER filming?

>> No.13536063

reminds me a lot of ja/ck/, he's just not as immediately bad of a cook. both he and ja/ck/ take the 'lazy mans' way out and will often excuse their lack luster content with 'I could do this interesting thing, but that would take a lot of work lol' and they both love to pretend to be anti-snob but they both obviously have very harsh opinions.

ja/ck/ had a stroke and adam will be cucked

>> No.13536112

>ja/ck/ had a stroke

When did this happen? I knew Jack was an unhealthy fat fuck, but I didn't know he had a stroke.

>> No.13536124

divine punishment found jack, he lost the use of his right arm and his speech got all fucked up, allah be praised

>> No.13536126

Are you okay

>> No.13536227

More like adam fagusea lmao

>> No.13536424

Ragusea probably reads nietzsche as much as you, friend =D.

>> No.13536590

Anon you always play psychologist with us

>> No.13536788

He had 2 and then went on keto against all medical advice. Devastating stroke 3 is in the wings, poor fatfuck.

>> No.13536803

>instead of seasoning my bull first i season my wife

>> No.13536830

what's the proble mwith seasoning the board ?

>> No.13536836

chadsoy bleeeeeeeeoown the fuck out

>> No.13536971

Shut the fuck up retard.

>> No.13536979

oh my fucking based

>> No.13537007

Nothing but Adam Ragusoyboy gets a very smug attitude about it.

>> No.13537055


>> No.13537111

you definitely have a point. He gets triggered very fast and why on earth would he even bother to write that wall-of-text faq on literally every single vid? The people he reminds me of are very insecure and touchy

>> No.13537628

You suck at lying Adam. The first post to ever use the phrase "soychad" or "soy chad" on /ck/ was a thread that was made less than 24 hours before Adam made his post on twitter and it got less than 20 responses. In all likelihood Adam wrote the post that he referenced in his tweet

>> No.13537650

Based Soychad

>> No.13537658

Cringe. Just imagine actually verbalizing what you just posted

>> No.13537668

Can this be the new copypasta posted on all his videos?

>> No.13537695

nah his videos are shit now. they were good before sponsorship. Then he ran out of ideas

>> No.13537706

yeah, it appears he wanted to stir up views from the chans by astroturfing himself using chan culture, but couldn't stand to refer himself as a 'soyboy' so he invented a new, more positive term

>> No.13537714


>> No.13537780

>so insecure that he can't even falseflag against himself without softening the blow

>> No.13537840

Much like Babish, he has some recipes that are good and he can give genuinely decent advice some times. However, I irrationally hate him (I'm indifferent about BwB). I find him annoying to look at and listen to.

>> No.13537909

This can't be real

>> No.13537922

It was taken down. I wish I'd saved it. People here make fun of his wife, but she's quite a trooper in the sack.

>> No.13538135


>> No.13538182
File: 133 KB, 700x933, 1577337321846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's the best and most legit YT cook then /ck/ ?

>> No.13538426

That was poster's video, retard.

>> No.13538500

Seems pretty cool, probably used to cook a bit when he was young, would whip up a dish or two for his kid. If only he knew...

>> No.13538669

Bruno Albouze

>> No.13538685
File: 415 KB, 500x750, damn_straight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13538841

I'm gay, btw. Not sure if that matters.

>> No.13538844

I actually like his channel but that shit makes me cringe.

>> No.13538886

I think you're onto something here.

1. Big fan of Alton, who has the same (although deserved, imo) authority in his content

2. Fucking college professor, probably used to living in that space and feels mo ssd's t comfortable when he can send people out for pointing out how wide his hips are

>> No.13538989

They both suck and they always have. Affluenza faggots posing as blue collar cooks. They are both sheer and utter morons who know nothing about cooking, even today, 10 years later. The guy who runs the channel just calls other people in to cook on his channel. Pathetic.

>> No.13540153

>cuck NPC
You have to go back

>> No.13540156
File: 286 KB, 3400x2300, chad reddit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13540157
File: 26 KB, 291x380, ss (2019-07-23 at 12.00.26).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13540168


Chef here who has a ceramic stovetop at my condo because it came with it.

Currently figuring out how to pipe in gas because I'm not a mong.

>> No.13540196


>> No.13540330

He doesn't deserve any fucking money you soycuck

>> No.13540572

You can't make this up lmao

>> No.13540725

I think he bought his Nintendo Switch so he could be distracted while his wife is getting rammed by Jamal.

>> No.13540743

I'm at around 26:00 now I wonder if 4chan will be mentionned indirectly.

>> No.13540858

Reminder that this faggot is aware of the 4chan threads about him and likely shills/posts here

>> No.13540928

If he wanted to play classic nintendo on his television, as he says, and he has plenty of money and limited technical knowledge, why didn't he just buy a classic nintendo? He seems kind of retarded like the retarded type who can't even begin to understand how to use 2019 technology.

>> No.13540956

100% he's been in this thread. Wish he'd learn from them though

>> No.13541658

Honestly when it comes to pastries and baked goods I always rate Bruno above Joshua Weissman. Bruno always posts intricate products that takes tones of work and requires a ton of technical knowledge as well as a few original creations. The stuff Joshua posts tends to be the most basic pastries you can make, like dinner rolls, pretzels, donuts, cinnamon buns, etc.

>> No.13541729
File: 151 KB, 696x590, ragusea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does he look so tense and scared when he speaks?

>> No.13541782
File: 846 KB, 1125x2436, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why even respond to comment? Does he want to look bad

>> No.13541800

There's a few other times where he told someone in his comments to fuck off. I think being a university professor gave him a big ego.

>> No.13541818

If he keeps this up it's going to bite back at him

>> No.13541877


>> No.13541891
File: 157 KB, 1000x1193, ragusea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
