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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13518797 No.13518797 [Reply] [Original]

When the shit hits the fan, and it will...how prepared will you be? If a major bomb goes off tomorrow and it all goes to shit, at least 90 percent of you will be dead within a month. Start a survival stash now.

>> No.13518802

What makes you so sure

>> No.13518805

>major bomb goes off tomorrow
>take a makeshift weapon and raid every old persons house around me
>major bomb goes off tomorrow
>retreat into my wooden basement and let feral apes destroy my home praying they dont hear me opening a tin can

>> No.13518806

>90% will be dead
>start a survival stash tho
Lol why, fucking doomsday prep retards I swear

>> No.13518809

seeing as I dont live in a shithole backwater; if a bomb goes off tomorrow, I will die.

>> No.13518810


>> No.13518813

That's not how airburst MIRV nukes work.

>> No.13518823

still waiting on the prepper to tell me why he'd survive in his basement bunker longer than i would going on a neighborhood crusade for supplies and cash

>> No.13518824

I live by a major airport, a state capitol, and both a naval and army depot. I don't give a fuck, i'll be a smoked radioactive sausage in a flash of hellfire.

Whatever, man. That's life.

>> No.13518826
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if the world wants me dead

then i will be dead

>> No.13518828

>90 percent of you will dead within a month
This is America you dumb bitch. 60% of us have 3 months of calories stored in our bodies and water literally falls from thr sky.

>> No.13518833

>When the shit hits the fan, and it will...how prepared will you be?

guns right here. 1 for my dog then 1 for my girl then 1 for me

why would anyone want to live after "shit hits the fan"

>life is constant anxiety about starving, being killed, dying of disease
>everything sucks
>everything you knew is gone replaced with caveman existance

just take the exit bro

>> No.13518837

Immediately raid the gas station 1 min away for booze and chips.
Yeah, I'm thinking I'm good.

>> No.13518845

90% of who?

>> No.13518850

If you think canned goods are going to save you post apocalypse then you’re in for a rude surprise after the shit hits the fan.

>> No.13518856

I have about a months worth of food and water. I also have some other “necessities“ That’s all I can afford and store atm. Lots of duct tape tho

>> No.13518860

>bomb goes off and wipes out most of civilization
>who would want to live bro
another country would immediately raid the united states for the land and slave labor under the guise of humanitarian aid
you would just want to wipe out any immediate threat and collect what you can to sell off in your new country

>> No.13518862

>he doesn’t want to larp as a road warrior
Not saying I wouldn’t save a few bullets but I’d at least try to survive for a bit

>> No.13518876

If we're hit that bad. The northern hemisphere is a wasteland.

>> No.13518879

No one said that. But To think that one couldn’t survive by eating off canned goods is ridiculous. There’s many things that a person would need in this type of situation. But Food and water are essential. Everything else is second to that. Prepare and be smart. Survive

>> No.13518883

If I can't eat tendies and play video games, what's the point of living?

>> No.13518895

>larp as road warrior
>10 minutes into your larp while you're robbing one guy, his hands in the air, you black out
>his friend hit you from behind with a rock in the head
>what's that..my ass hurts
>what...OH GOD

yeah, fun existence

>> No.13518901

You’ve got a lot of quit in you

>> No.13518906

>larp as a bunker survivor
>10 mins into your larp start getting hungry, dig into a can of tuna
>glass shatters above
>basement door kicked in
>entire family is murdered and raped by chad survivors

>> No.13518942

Food is too expensive to hoard for me, I'll eat my two days worth of food before cannibalizing my fatfuck neighbor.

>> No.13518962

Good i wanna die if that means I have to deal with you in the bomb shelter

>> No.13518982

youve got a lot of dreams in you. if "shit hits the fan" you know what will happen?

the physically biggest people will rape, kill, and then eat everyone else. it's not very fun existence.

>> No.13518997

>physically biggest
Just bigger targets
t. Texas

>> No.13519017

A 2,000 pound Angus bull can be dropped with a single .22 caliber to the head, the fuck's this about the "physically biggest people" will rule?

>> No.13519033

this is america, mcdonalds will be back up and running in 3 days

>> No.13519049

I live in a first world country. I probably have a month's worth of food in my pantry just incidentally, but hoarders are retarded.

>> No.13519178

I own a farm raising my own meat and fruit/veggies with a 30x20 greenhouse. I have canning/curing/drying weekends. Prepping is what I do every year because I make good fucking food myself.

>> No.13519191

Considering I know what the acronyms for these scenarios are, I'd probably be doing better than you. I can comfortably fast for three days. I'll be fine, but thanks.
>salt, oil, grains, cured and pickled meats
>alcohol and tobacco
>all good

>> No.13519203

I'll find the weakest youtube prEpper and take over their base.

>> No.13519471

>life is constant anxiety
>everything sucks
>everything you knew is gone replaced with globohomo existence
With a few tweaks this is life now.

>> No.13519493

>after a long day of cowering from the hordes and scavenging for supplies, decide to reward myself with a tinned meal
>cautiously turn the tin opener
>*boom boom crash*

>> No.13519506

Nearly spat my drink out over this, thanks lad

>> No.13519544

Right now I'm fucked after a couple of weeks. But if I can get to the point, I'd like to stash several years worth of calories. I don't live in a large city, and it would take several days for a raiding party to reach my little town. I'm mostly secure, and given my background I would likely be a militia commander gifted some farmland that's been abandoned or the original owners died with no heirs around.

But until then I'd live off of several years worth of bean and victory gardens to spice it up with veggies and seasoning. Its mostly old people here, they won't last super long.

>> No.13519581

>The End Of The As We Know It
You're a mess anon .

>> No.13519596

People really overestimate nuclear bombs. They just blow large holes in cities. They don't do shit to the countryside.

>> No.13519615

>Wanting to prolong your time living in a post-apocalyptic irradiated nightmare
You'd be mu h better off making sure you have access to multiple reliable methods of suicide in the event something catastrophic happens and you're left alive.

>> No.13519620

Radiation is defeatable, the biggest issue in the country side is scraping away the top soil. If you have a healthy store of food and water in the basement, all you need to do is cover the walls, doors and ventilation openings with plastic. You'll be good to go after a few weeks, given its a low altitude airburst.

If its a groundburst you're largely fine outside the blast radius.

>> No.13519624
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>this is america, mcdonalds will be back up and running in 3 days
^This. I have more faith in major brand name food and beverage companies than I do in natural resources like clean air and water to be honest. Reminder that easy access to Coca-Cola predates access to life or death needs like antimalarial drugs in the poorest regions of the world. And when they did get access to their life saving medical supplies it was delivered using the Coca-Cola distribution network.

>> No.13519626

Back to >>>/x/ you go.

>> No.13519641

or when walmart was the only means of relief during hurricane katrina in huge swaths of areas

>> No.13520309

I live close enough to multiple grocery stores that I can be among the very first to raid them.

>> No.13520326

>making your woman watch the dog die

>> No.13520387

>airburst nukes
What are the other kinds of above ground detonation for "nukes"?

>> No.13520391

The last hurricane that hit we were without electricity and water for over 3 weeks. There wasn’t anything other than what you already had and what the guard brought in. What people forget is that if there’s no electricity in the area, you’re fucked. Nothing works without power. If you have a generator then you’re ahead of the game but even then if you don’t have gas it only lasts so long. No banking, no gas, no groceries, no fast food, no running water, if stove is electric then no cooking without a fire outside, etc. all of the luxuries that are taken for granted are just gone. Hopefully the roads aren’t blocked with debris. After about 3 days people start losing their shit.

>> No.13520394

if i bomb goes off i hope im fuckin hit

>> No.13520406

This desu. My friend and I were watching some prepper show last weekend and we both came to the conclusion we'll just stock up on ammo and prey in the weak faggots that built shelters stocked with food

>> No.13520411

Have gun, eurojerk.

>> No.13520413

>just stock up on ammo
Most preppers have already done this, and I doubt that you coasty faggits could actually pose a real threat to anyone.

>> No.13520416


>> No.13520438

Not a coastie, mate.

>> No.13520446

>no guns
How are you going to loot again?

>> No.13520465

I'm in the national guard and work in a warehouse fulltime. Every other drill I get away with a box of MREs nobody wanted (they're usually given out for meals but people prefer nothing, or gas station food). Last year, my job had two pallets of water get "insect damage" (some bugs nested on the top layer). I took both pallets of water (loaded with forklift onto my truck over the course of two days, one pallet per), disinfected them, and put them in the cellar by the growing stack of MREs. I don't even know why I did that shit, it's just going to collect dust.

>> No.13520470

Nice. I’d have taken it too.

>> No.13520484

Because defence is easier than offence, and you will also have other violently desperate shortminded fools to contend with out on the streets.

>> No.13520488

I'm not in a noticeably bad area so my hope is if hunger hits I can just "abandon my house" by visibly packing up a bunch of useless shit into my car, boarding up all the windows and doors, leaving and telling my neighbors to leave, then stashing my car somewhere and bicycling home at night. I'll keep my dual sport hidden at the house in case I actually have to bug out for real, but the more abandoned you look the better imo. If you're ready to comment on me being in the national guard and not serving during a hunger crisis please be aware that most guardsmen are there for bennies and larping, I just got off the phone with a state education officer who told me I was cleared for about 4k USD in certs in 2020. I'm not throwing myself into some horde of malcontents to preserve this hierarchy lol

>> No.13520490

Breaching is the number one cause of death in special forces around the world my dude, good luck

>> No.13520491

Boarded windows would make the place look occupied, though. That's a waste of time if you're abandoning it.

>> No.13520499

You might be right. I've never seen a totally abandoned home except for pictures of Detroit, East St Louis, etc. I figured boarded windows plus no car and maybe some overgrown weeds, open gates etc would give the impression of abandonment while being secured (windows boarded up and hard to get into). It's counter-intuitive in my mind to leave doors swinging open and windows broken in though, makes it easy for anyone to scrounge even if they think there's nothing there. Smartest answer is to make every house look the same, but in my plan I'm hiding secretly. Maybe I could leave dummy supplies upstairs for any nosy neighbors who want to pry open my windows, make it look REALLY looted.

>> No.13520515

Never let anyone know that you’re a prepper or have a stash. You’re gonna be the first person they come to when they need help or get hungry. Better to just keep it to yourself and those you love and trust the most. I’m not saying don’t help people I’m just saying your advance preparation can be a detriment if to many people know about it.

>> No.13520516

Solid advice. I don't think it's bad to help but use your brain. Make it seem like you're breaking down your last case of water, sharing out your last bag of rice, or portioning out your last few cans. I mean if you absolutely need to help. Don't just bring people back to your safe house, unless they are cute girls.

>> No.13520540

What are the best foods to stock up on for long term storage?

>> No.13520552

Rice with those packets (forgot the name, they absorb moisture), salt, flour, sugar (all cheap and infinitely useful), maybe some salted/canned fish and lentils. For every pound of food you get, have 3 pounds of water. That's a tall order, but everything you'll eat will be thirst provoking, so... you'll need it. Honey stores well too. Be aware that there really is no "set it and forget it" food store, if you buy canned shit today and try to use it in an emergency 3 years from now, you may be disappointed (and hungry). Use your brain, is all I'm saying. Oh and make sure mice cannot chew through your food containers, for real.

>> No.13520553

I tell everyone that someone else I know is a proper, and not me.

>> No.13520575

What will really happen in a doomsday scenario is the local military units will begin operating independently as war lords over their region. They will take you out to obtain your weapons, ammo, food and women. No matter how often you and your butt buddies have practised your tactics on the paintball course, no matter how big an arsenal you've accumulated, you'll have no chance. Prepping is a spook.

>> No.13520583

This type of defearist thinking is why Europe got rid of guns, meanwhile in the US the Bundy ranch went against the feds, and won.

>> No.13520585

I'm here to tell you with authority that "local military" units are comprised 99% with useless mouths. If these military units wanted to be ruthlessly effective they would start by stealing fighting men and ditch their enlisted women and assorted weaklings. I'm not sure why people think soldiers are bred in special super-soldier tubes, they're just schmucks like anyone else. Granted they'll be in armored cars and shit but they're outnumbered by a lot.

>> No.13520654

I'm just waiting for this desu. I'm not a prepper, I'm a normal guy, but my skillset is suited for the apocalypse:
>Took emergency management in school with politics and data analytics; capable of making rational decisions in an emergency. Also know how all forms of secure shelter function as well as their weak points.
>Mildly autismal. Feelings don't phase me.
>Charismatic and charming as a motherfucker. My current job is to literally source data from strangers over the phone that they pay lawyers to protect because I sound like buttered sex.
>6'8" 240lbs and mildly athletic
>read post modern philosophy for fun
>have zero issue being an inquisitor for the greater good
>know how to make improvised weaponry like those ground glass filled lightbulbs with capsaicin extract (that I incidentally have)
Pretty much I'd be a bandit god king. Right now I'm just some motherfucker on the train. Your prepared stores and guns will not save you from the fervor of an inspiring leader and a hungry hoard of deranged utilitarian cannibals.

>> No.13520698


you can use the water normally instead of just during an emergency. It'll need to be rotated out anyway so you might as well save on your water bill at some point.

>> No.13520701

There's a really effective strategy to ruin any doomsday prepper's party.
>divide your force by people who look intimidating and people who look sympathetic
>equip the intimidating party with a bunch of extra intimidating Mad Max style gear, skulls, spikes ect
>have them cruise around setting fires, shooting guns, generally causing a ruckus
>send in the sympathetic party to the preppers with stores you want to steal during the day
>they'll be like "fuck no get of my property"
>repeat with slowly diminishing numbers of people and start fostering a trade based dialogue
>continue until some dumb fuck lets your sympathetic team into the camp
>Open the doors, raiding party comes in, trojan horse party attacks from within
>Execute poppa Smurf, offer death or an alliance
>repeat until you're literally a warlord
It will work every fucking time without fail.

>> No.13520705

You didn't mention your fedora that adds +3 to your intelligence stats. Ladies will love that when the apocalypse happens

>> No.13520706

I thought you were arming your dog with a gun at first and was hoping for a sweet post apoc survival team

>> No.13520709
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you now realize that in order to survive a nuclear bomb you would need your "stash" to be 50 or more miles outside of any major city or military base AND you would need to evacuate a city several days BEFORE an attack is launched. Because you have less than 30 minutes to get to shelter before the bombs land.

>> No.13520714

I'll just pillage an idiot like you who'd have wasted his time building a stash for me.

>> No.13520721

Dude's spending tons of time and money for his survival fantasy, you bet your ass he's fucking wishing for the apocalypse, he'd finally feel so superior to other people dying unlike him. Like some people learning martial arts who want anyone to give them a reason to start some shit badly. That's why they're trying to convince themselves and other people that something is bound to happen.

>> No.13520733

It's more like the apocalypse provides a +2 charisma modifier. In real life I conceal my power level real fucking well and work an office job with mostly ladies in a big city.

>> No.13520777

page 1 in the book of chad moves

>> No.13520818

My preps mostly are about surviving in the country (I live in a rural area). My main goal is to make sure I have equipment / supplies to shelter in place during severe weather, power failure, other disaster that may not allow easy access to supplies. But that's me.
Some guy in Chicago should maybe prep for other catastrophic events. It's about being prepared for what makes sense for your life and geographic location.

>> No.13521512

people who do not go through this don't really understand, wind events, snow, earthquake, or human error power outage, things happen.

great advice, not even my hunting/fishing friends know about my stash

If you ever knew someone who went though the fall and disintegration of Yugoslavia, you will look into prepping

>> No.13521549 [DELETED] 

Doomsday retardation is neither food nor cooking. OP is a faggot who needs to be reported as much as possible for making a shitty off topic thread.

>> No.13522641


>> No.13522651

found the guy with no stash

>> No.13522660

For all the rules you cite, you seem to have forgotten the one about not announcing a report or sage. Go suck a fart.

>> No.13523177

Desiccant packs

>> No.13523199
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(study) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4323414/

>Historical precedents:

>> No.13523281

If 90% of people die and even 1% of all people are preppers, are you suggest we should be, why would I ever be one myself? If I survive, I'll just raid one of of the presumably 70,000,00 people who prepped but died.
Enjoy your hard work that someone like me will benefit from, cuck. : )

>> No.13523299

Guess I'm looking at a somewhat similar situation without the worry of muh Armageddon.

>Last shopping trip >12 months ago (shelves about barren)
>Looking to fill a shit ton of containers and pantry space
>Food stuffs Longevity, resistant to sub-zero temps, best cost/nutrition biggest priorities

Walmart & Winco being the main sources for affordable food especially with Winco's case sales they have now and then on bulk goods.

What should I be after? pasta, beans, rice, flour, sugar, honey, canned foods to a point are already on the list plus maybe some dehydrated milk for thickening sauces. (heard if you mix up some dehydrated milk in a mason jar and give it a chance to sit overnight it's not bad)

Any helps' appreciated.

>> No.13523410
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I buy rice in 20 pound bags so I figured I'd start prepping so I bought 3 20 pound bags instead of 1 it didn't even cost anything to prep because I'll eat the

>> No.13523414

Real preppers prep with their entire local community; not by themselves, not with only their family. Fantasy larpers are the ones you are referring to.

0: Plan for the worst. Hope for the best.
1: Live where you want to be when a disaster happens.
2: Have good ties with your local community.
3: Prep with your local community to ensure everyone has everything they need, everyone knows the plan, and skill bases are properly trained.
4: Monitor social, environmental, meteorological, and astronomical data channels for possible disasters.

>> No.13523424

That is what you are supposed to do. You just stock up on more of what you already eat. That way your diet doesn't change radically when SHTF and you don't shit your self into a weak state that can make you sick or dead later on.

>> No.13523433

You mean kotex, lol!

>> No.13523455

with flour and the rice on top of food I already have I figure it's enough sustenance for half a year I just fucking hate grocery shopping so I buy bulk

>> No.13523479

>Monitor social, environmental, meteorological, and astronomical data channels for possible disasters
>internet and mass media will be available in a major disaster
Nope. Ham radio operators will be the ones communicating. You'll be a floundering minnow devoured. Get your General's license and ham rig or you're fake af.

>> No.13523494

Same Same

>> No.13523495

>talk to people around the world
>because they will help you in your local shithole
lol delusional

>> No.13523500

I should get dried food for broth

>> No.13523503

Reading comprehension much?

>> No.13523507

Pretty sure women's hygiene products don't lock up ambient moisture...

>> No.13523510

50lbs of rice = 250 servings ($22)
50lbs pinto beans = 600 servings ($40)
50lbs of corn = 320 servings ($16)
50lbs of ramen noodles = 533 servings ($50)
50lbs of All-purpose white wheat flour = 181 servings ($16)
50lbs of potatoes = 100 servings ($36)
365 servings of real salted butter: ($25)*

Total: 1,984 Servings ($205) [*servings don't include butter, price does include it]
Servings per 365 days: 5.43[*servings don't include butter]
5.43 servings of food with 1 serving of butter (6.43 servings) per day for only $205 ($0.56/day) I actually can't eat that much food in a day.

Here's some options you can switch out to:
50lbs of pork butt for $97 and get over 266 servings out of it.
50lbs of whole chicken for $68 (Servings from that vary greatly due to bones and skin; you'd get at least 200 servings from that.)
50lbs of cheap knockoff brand peanut butter is about $88 ($124 for the good stuff), that's about 708 servings.

You can get a pressure canner and home can 1000s of recipes with that.

>> No.13523523

That's BEFORE a disaster happens. You monitor those things so you know what is coming.

>> No.13523524

>communication bad
I don't say this often, but you really need to be 18+ to post here, ok?

>> No.13523543


>> No.13523546

>unable to even get an amateur ham licence by being capable of sending /receiving morse code at 15 words/ minute
Sad, many such cases.

Cope harder.

>> No.13523548

50 pound of ramen would take up too much space have 3 boxes of ramen 1 box of maruchan 1 box of shin ramyun and 1 box of maruchan yakisoba 50 pounds of potatoes won't keep you need something for broth all the stuff you have would go well for a soup get a bunch of bouillon at least

>> No.13523559

>not killing the woman first and then you and the dog eating her

>> No.13523684

So preppers basically larp as Swiss people? Cuz you're literally describing, like, all of my family and friends in Switzerland.

>> No.13524389

Is this really how far Europe has fallen?

>> No.13524395

He’s a europoor he will not survive because noguns.

>> No.13524455

Same answer I give in the /k/ big igloo threads:
Just 187 myself because I wouldn't survive a week in a real shtf situation.

>> No.13524465


>> No.13524532

I'm not really interested in living through apocalyptic times. I barely have enough motivation to want to live when things are nice and comfy now. So nah. Would rather just die if society falls apart. Not trying to get raped and sold into slavery

>> No.13524577

>Implying I want to survive in a SHTF scenario
I just pray the
>zombie breakout
happens where I am so I can fucking die and forget about this shit fuck ass world

>> No.13524679

just set it on fire and smoke you out

>> No.13525270

/ck/- Fags & Cocks

>> No.13525405


>> No.13525409

set the place with resources on fire?

>> No.13525789

Lol. I was thinking the same thing

>> No.13525835
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holy shit you made me CACKLE

>> No.13526397

But I have guns, cuckold.

>> No.13526445
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I won't be in the country getting bombed, I'll be in the US

>> No.13526618

Been there, it fucking sucks. When Katrina hit the water came in so fast that people fled to their attics and wound up drowning, not thinking it would keep rising. New Orleans was already a shit hole but holy shit it got 100 percent worse. The people trapped in the city went fucking nuts. No one could get in or out. It was a huge clusterfuck and very scary

>> No.13526640

I use dehydrated milk, never fresh. I use it for baking recipes that call for milk.

>> No.13527569

How do you even prep for something like a levy breaking or a flash flood

>> No.13527589

canned goods have a shelf life. seems dumb to stock up on something that might not ever get used

>> No.13528120

You have to rotate them out and use them

>> No.13528629

I'll start a post apocalyptic catering company specialising in Vienna sausages.

>> No.13528639

Maximum autistic dutch overdrive.
Dig an earthen wall around your house and build a windmill on your lawn, when the flood hits you'l be pumping water out of your polder in no time, laughing at all the wet footed slogs who did not prepare.

>> No.13528652

Keep a spare levy in storage.

>> No.13528655

Get a fookin boat m8

>> No.13528674
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>> No.13528686
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>thinking an epic innawoods ~stash~ will save you instead of learning to farm, hunt, forage, and cook

>> No.13529823

personally It would be a fuckload more exciting,

you get hunt um .... do stuff, you always wanted to do....

>> No.13529830

hands in the air what are you?

I would defn shoot the guys in the legs no matter what if not outright kill.

there is no way after point a gun at some one, you could affort to let them live.

They would alwasy want to kill you after that.

>> No.13529837

how many rounds do you have?

zerg rush by nigger mob.

>> No.13529845

I have portable water prroof solar pannels, for my mobile and walkietalkies

>> No.13529940

>live in fear for years
>spend money on said fear for years
>best case scenario is an "i told you so" followed by a quick death from looters

Any "survivalist" will 100% be niggered down ASAP for all their shit

>b-b-but muh guns
You are sitting in a confined space. All it takes is some hose and an engine to ensure you never wake up.

>> No.13530791

I’m more concerned than paranoid. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with trying to “hope for the best, plan for the worst” mentality. It’s the crazy ones that spend their weekends practicing home invasion scenarios that kinda freak me out. I think in the US our main threats are natural disasters, biological warfare/viral or bacterial outbreak, dirty bombs designed to take out our power grids. I try to keep about 2 weeks worth of cheap food and water, batteries and some medical supplies and meds. I need to be better about keeping cash on hand, getting a bug out bag at home and in my car, and keeping gas in car too. I shelter in place as much as possible. My rations are cheap items that I always have around. Rice, beans, instant ramen, water, spices. Cheap and always easy and affordable enough to have extra. I should prolly stock up on smokes and alcohol. Because I’m unfortunately addicted to both.

>> No.13531951

I have a few months of food,
a lake
a big garden with chickens
a pound of pot
battery back up for my well pump.
I can coast for a little while.

>> No.13532816


>> No.13532977

>major bomb

Lmao fucking retard, you should be afraid of big oil dying instead. It's limited ressources that everyone uses and without it your country will be dead in 2 days.

>> No.13532998

>MUH livin in a post apocalypse is worth it
Enjoy fucking your relatives cleetus

>> No.13533000

if everyone would think like that humans would be extinct.

>> No.13533018

I'll be fine because I watched this. The full movie is available for free on YouTube


>> No.13533101

I’m good. I drive a Prius and only fill up every 2 months like a fag

>> No.13533727
File: 105 KB, 720x805, 1514435007826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno about a bomb, but I've got a prep set aside and a plan for the 3 Days of Darkness.

>> No.13534884
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>> No.13534973

As Bill Burr once said, you're just collecting food for the scarier guy with a bigger gun.

People with survival stashes are mentally ill. If you don't know how to grow basic foods, fish/hunt and harvest and some basics of survival, you should probably learn those. It's not even difficult.

>> No.13534984

Bill Burr is a comedian.

>> No.13534989

Correct. Also a pretty insightful successful fella. I'd rather listen to him than some fat doomsday prepper hick

>> No.13535102
File: 126 KB, 640x640, D2A0E19B-765D-4E6A-9F4D-B4109D92E5E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taking advice from a comedian

>> No.13535105

>he's never listened to bill burr's podcast

>> No.13535280

The bomb is unlikely now. Any shtf will be natural disasters. Just look at Australia. The government has learnt their lessons from Katrina and I certainly give them enough in taxes, so they will sort it out. I have week's worth of food from my weekly shop, more than enough to tide me over until the police or whatever set up camps or whatever.

>> No.13535293

>The government has learnt their lessons from Katrina
Has it though? I don't think you realize how much fucked things will be if even a relatively small shit hits the fan. We can't even contain go through annual wild fires without loss of life.

>> No.13535409


>> No.13535420

There are about 2349 different ways for shit to hit the fan, and at least half would require me to flee my location immediately and go to somewhere that isn't where I am at that time. Good shoes for walking, apparel for the local climate, and decent amount of liquid cash in the bank is about the best any reasonable person can do. This stockpiling MREs like a schizophrenic is not going to help anyone except companies that sell MREs.

Your pop gun isn't going to save you, cleetus.

>> No.13535558

Those are usually retards that don't listen to government advice to evacuate, no real loss there.

>> No.13535836

Katrina was a huge clusterfuck on multiple levels. It was awful. The looting was crazy. People didn’t even care about the food. Went for the electronics.

>> No.13535886

>cash in the bank
>youre a schizo if you have extra food!!!!!
>fucking cletus!!!! stop having guns!!!!!!!
make sure you bring some extra food for tyrone, urbanite

>> No.13535966

You're a dumbass

>> No.13536405
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>> No.13536472

>Right wing news sources are the only news sources

>> No.13536664

He's right. Preppers haven't even read Sun Tzu's, "The Art of War," written in 500 BC China which outlines strategy and tactics still highly relevant. Also Mao's, "On Guerilla Warfare." If there's 1 thing China knows, it's how to fight the good fight.

>> No.13536692

Si vis pacem, para bellum

>> No.13536704

>Start a survival stash now.
dumb idea. in a SHTF situation, you will have to flee and become a refugee, most likely. All that food will have to be left behind.

The smart man anticipates trouble and gets out long before SHTF.

>> No.13536865

Why cash?

>> No.13536996

No power, no atm or debit or credit cards

>> No.13537154

With no federal govt. anymore, cash has no value. After the collapse of the southern confederacy, their currency was worth nothing.

>> No.13537169

The US won’t collapse

>> No.13538893

I'm gay, btw. Not sure if that matters.