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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 37 KB, 650x499, 20077387126856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13509037 No.13509037 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone remember these from school lunches and how to make them since it's like 100 dollars for a case of 200 and I only want some for nostalgia.

>> No.13509048

If you remember this from school you are too young to be on this site cause i sure as hell dont remember this.

>> No.13509049

My school lunches did not have these but I'll hazard a guess and say it's just stuffed pizza dough.

>> No.13509050

Those were fucking disgusting. Right yourself dumb dumb

>> No.13509052

These have been a staple of American school cuisine for well over 100 years.

>> No.13509057

The American School Lunch act didn't even exist until 1946.

>> No.13509064

You dumb faggot.
>make a pizza dough
>roll it around string cheese
>grate Parmesan on there
It's thaaaat eaaaasy

>> No.13509206

do americans............

>> No.13509276

You have a thing called string cheese? Really?

>> No.13509280
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You don't?

>> No.13509283

>he didn't have pizza sticks at his school
that's too bad anon

>> No.13509303

Yeah. But they are not exactly cheese are they? How would you make a grilled cheese out of them? They are highly processed cheese product.

>> No.13509307
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if you're really feeling lazy just buy a can of pizza dough

>> No.13509313

You can buy them at Kwik Star

>> No.13509319

It's just mozzarella bro

>> No.13509320

Pizza dough in a can? Do Americans really do this?

>> No.13509322
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>> No.13509323

Mozzeralla comes in a ball in a bag with a light brine. >>13509280 is not mozzerella.

>> No.13509327

So fucking sad that you can't make dough. Is that because you measure everything in cups?

>> No.13509328
File: 104 KB, 716x514, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're literally just low-moisture mozzarella formed into sticks, dude. What even made you assume they're "highly processed cheese product"?

>> No.13509332

i miss it too anon my favorite standard dish for lunch

>> No.13509341

I personally just wing it when I'm making my pizza dough recipe I don't really need to measure.

>> No.13509358

It is, though. It's called low-moisture mozzarella. You know some thing come in different types, right?

>> No.13509359

He’s a europoor that’s brainwashed into thinking everything that comes from America is “highly processed [insert food here] product”

>> No.13509362

Because he's from an urban area, cheese, like every other food product, is an absolute mystery to him.

>> No.13509369

"Low moisture mozzerella"? Is that American for fake mozzerella? It's bendy, stringy cheese product on the same level as Kraft slices.

>> No.13509372

They banned them when I was in 7th grade with the fat kid laws

>> No.13509377

It’s mozzarella that’s made in a cheaper way than traditional mozzarella with an added bonus of lasting longer. Because it’s low moisture it has a higher melting point, which makes it “not real mozzarella” because it doesn’t melt like real, fresh mozzarella.

It is literally just a different kind of cheese than mozzarella that retards misappropriate to bring mozzarella because US marketing. You’re the only one here retarded enough to not know why you’re a retard.

>> No.13509378

What makes processed cheese different?

>> No.13509380

>leave mozarella out for a day or two and it stops being mozarella because it dries out

Italians need to be stopped.

>> No.13509384

its literally mozzarella with less water. its generally better for shit like pizza because it doesnt leak a bunch of water when it melts

>> No.13509387

>which makes it “not real mozzarella”
And you call me the retard?

>> No.13509391

You think Kraft slices are cheese? You need to get a passport and travel.

>> No.13509398
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>on the same level as Kraft slices
Did you look at the fucking ingredient list I posted? It's literally just cheese: milk, cheese cultures, salt, enzymes.
For comparison, pic related is the ingredient list for Kraft singles. If you think these two products are the same you need to actually learn about food.

>> No.13509401

>>13509280 is not mozzerella.

>> No.13509403

I got some mozarella in my ballbag for ya buddy

>> No.13509405

It's just a different shape, you absolute fucking retard.

>> No.13509406

depends, i have no idea what brand that is. but you can get what is essentially string cheese but 100% low-moisture mozzarella. ragusea uses it in his pizza videos

>> No.13509407

Why is it called a cheese product and not cheese?

>> No.13509415

just go to costco and get a chicken bake

>> No.13509419

Is it stringy or runny? You produce buffalo milk?

>> No.13509420



>> No.13509423

It's not stored in a bag of mild salt water.

>> No.13509426
File: 91 KB, 512x512, 929b1410eacd6f35473ce8ef4ef2a44e_large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kraft singles can't be called cheese because they're too highly processed. Unlike pic related, which is actually labeled as cheese. There are actual government regulations which control the standards for these labels.

>> No.13509430

You fucking serious right now? This is like saying beef jerky isn't beef because it's dried out.

>> No.13509431

Come and join the EU and see how long your fake gouda, fake gruyere, fake cheddar, fake mozzerella, fake permesan and all the other US made fake cheeses last.

>> No.13509433

You don't actually know, do you? I'll bet you've never so much as seen a package of Kraft IRL. Do you think about Americans at night?

>> No.13509435

How come I can make mozzerella at home, yet I can't make these?

>> No.13509443

So dried out highly processed cheeses are allowed to be called mozzerella in US?

>> No.13509445

Because you're a retard?

>> No.13509448

>How come I can make mozzerella at home, yet I can't make these?
Because you're an idiot incapable of forming stick shapes and letting some moisture evaporate?

>> No.13509452
File: 1.35 MB, 720x404, ohhh say can you seeeeeeeeee.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't argue with the euroshits, food is all they have left

>> No.13509453

The only time I think about Americans is when they're all shooting everybody up. All I think is "But, muh guns".

>> No.13509458

Make a new post then and show everyone how to do it.

>> No.13509462

Notice you never see her even attempting to eat that shit.

>> No.13509464
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>> No.13509467

It's not highly processed, it's

Educate your ass: https://www.thekitchn.com/whats-the-deal-with-low-moisture-mozzarella-and-when-to-use-it-256664

>> No.13509472
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OP I'm with ya want some rn

>> No.13509482

>>13509464 American product.
>>13509467 American website.
See the common denominator?
Your cheese is fake and crap. Live with it.

>> No.13509497

Have you never held a ball of mozzarella?

>> No.13509509

Of course I have. It's very moist. It doesn't come in tall cylinders and feel and taste like Kraft slices.

>> No.13509521

...so it's mozzarella with a different shape, and less water?

>> No.13509525

>taste like Kraft slices.
Oh, so you've never had low-moisture mozzarella before in your life and you're talking out your ass? Good to know.

>> No.13509540

Kraft slices don't taste of cheese and nor do those processed cheese product cylinders.

>> No.13509543

>Oh, so you've never had low-moisture mozzarella before in your life and you're talking out your ass? Good to know.

>> No.13509545

Mozzerella in cylinder shapes? Really? Why isn't it white like mozzerella?

>> No.13509553

>Mozzerella in cylinder shapes?
Cheese can be formed into all kinds of shapes.
>Why isn't it white like mozzerella?
It's aged longer which is how they get the lower moisture content.

>> No.13509556

Mozzerella is a great melting cheese. American fake mozzerella is an abomination and does not melt properly on pizzas. The pre-grated stuff may as well be saw dust.

>> No.13509561

Come back when you learn some things about real cheese.
Americans will defend anything American even when the know it's fake and nothing like the original product.

>> No.13509573

>Come back when you learn some things about real cheese.
You claim to have held mozzarella cheese but somehow don't know that it is soft, moldable, and tearable. You don't know that white cheeses that are aged longer end up drier and more off-white or yellowish in color. Yet you want to lecture me about how cheese works?

>> No.13509584

Could you send me some vintage mozzerella then please. Preferably from Italy so I know I'm getting the real thing.

>> No.13509593

You know he can't actually afford to buy that much right? They also enact shitloads of protectionist trade barriers preventing him from even seeing it. Notice he knows nothing about cheese or food in general, its all America this and America that.

He's never seen a slice Kraft cheese in his life.

>> No.13509617

You actually think America invented mozzerella? I have tried Kraft slices and they are nasty. Texture a cross between rubber and plastic. Taste nothing like cheese. Melt nothing like cheese.

>> No.13509635

what the fuck is it about cheese that triggers europoor autism so much?

>> No.13509638

It's literally all they have left.

>> No.13509643

You have obviously only tasted fake American cheeses. Do you own a passport?

>> No.13509645

No one ever brought up kraft singles but you, and they have nothing to do with low-moisture mozzarella cheese.

>> No.13509648

But it's REAL cheese.

>> No.13509658

Dry, plastic and rubber texture, don't taste of cheese, cheap, appeal to low income and kids. How could I assimilate the two products?

>> No.13509659
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see, this is what I'm talking about. you need to stop having a 'tism tantrum.

>> No.13509681

Literally rent free.

>> No.13509929

>Melt nothing like cheese.
Yeah, it melts better. That's literally the whole reason they exist.
>Taste nothing like cheese
Of course they don't, and if you use them in the place of real cheese youre a retard. but they go good on a burger or in a grilled cheese

also low-moisture mozzarella is nothing like kraft singles. for one thing, its grateable.

>> No.13509932

do americans really?

>> No.13510028

pre shredded is coated in starch to inhibit melting, that;s not what it's for.

>> No.13510039

its not to inhibit melting, its just to preserve it/prevent it drying out. but it also stops it melting properly

>> No.13510048

nah it's to inhibit melting and prevent caking, if anything it dries it out even more.

>> No.13510069

you ever left grated cheese out on the side? it definitely doesnt dry it out more

>> No.13510093

I have been to Italy and tried many different types of cheese.
I even had pig cheese, and it was great.
but string cheese is still mozzarella.

>> No.13510094

It's just homogenized mozzarella

>> No.13510098

>Because it’s low moisture it has a higher melting point, which makes it “not real mozzarella”
You're a food snob.

>> No.13510104

Europeans shouldn't be allowed to post on American websites.

>> No.13510138

>Dry, plastic and rubber texture, don't taste of cheese
Have you ever tried string cheese? Don't lie, now, your earlier posts in this thread were asking what the fuck it was when you saw the image. Why do you claim to know how it tastes and feels? Enjoy your mohammedan rape.

>> No.13510213

I even fucking quoted the not real mozzarella part because that other dumb faggot was making stupid claims that string cheese wasn’t mozzarella

You even fucking greentexted the quotation marks and both of you are apparently to retarded to understand what that means

>> No.13510223

They sell bosco sticks everywhere retard, in a box or singley theyre like 50 cents a peice you mong.

>> No.13510231

Better make some fucking chili with them, too, faggot, or you're not eating them right.

>> No.13510236

Probably because like all advertised food all the stuff is pushed to the side the camera is on, the meat is barely browned to make the meat look juicier, and parts of it are likely literally glued together for stabilitty

Also they likely have to do more than one take so they'd have to make like another 6 identical burgs.

>> No.13510238

Nigga I ate these daily in high school and I'm almost 30, not my fault you live in a flyover shithole with no funding.

>> No.13510792

Fuck off, I'm over 30 AND live in the midwest and we had bosco sticks in the cafeteria.

>> No.13511182
File: 750 KB, 1000x844, Affection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bosco sticks
Top fuckin notch, that. When I started high school, they made Bosco sticks the every-day entree in case you wanted to skip the cardboard pizza or gristleburgers. Had a buddy who rubbed those cheese submarines in their own butter, but the track-fuck barely weighed 120 lbs.

>> No.13511188

it is though

>> No.13511189
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Based logical anon.

>> No.13511198

Come on guys stop arguing we have help OP find the finest of fresh European mozzarella cheese for his shitty pizza sticks. Are you gonna dip those in some marinara OP? you fucking child maybe the string cheese is perfect for you

>> No.13512141

Holy hell I thought I'd never see these things again. These had like, absolutely no flavor and were either rubbery, or that the cheese fused with the bread to create some sort of ungodly amalgamation.

>> No.13512376

I didn't have to eat revolting school lunches because my parents loved me and weren't meth addicts like yours

>> No.13512679

You can get smaller amounts at Walmart sometimes. There's also a restaurant in my town that sells them deep-fried.

>> No.13512771

we'll put anything in cans.
we put our guns in cans.

>> No.13512905

I'm 33 and I remember these. So cheesy. Now I want one.

>> No.13513714


>> No.13514241

Sometimes there's just no time. I don't buy yeast very often and it is very easy to kill the yeast while using it. So rising is an issue lots of the time. Sometimes you just gotta buy the tin, Anon.

>> No.13514248

I'm sorry you wen to a poor school, anon. Some of us actually had decent school lunches.

>> No.13514351

I grew up in Europe and we had similar cheese products, also softer ones that peeled off in layers. The American cheese dippers are ass compared to euro ones, but American string cheese is better

>> No.13514772 [DELETED] 
File: 160 KB, 1180x927, Swastika-Spiral.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Europe is a muslim country now. Europe women get groped and raped and spit on and shit on by muslim invaders with 80 IQ. Germany has more fags per square mile, more trannies per square mile, more söys per square mile, more cuckolds per square mile, more leftist kikes per square mile. Europe is a kike country, and it's run by kikes.

>> No.13514777

t. Mutt trying to COPE!

>> No.13514778 [DELETED] 
File: 58 KB, 1280x768, 1557645800524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Europe is a nogunz kike country, and a commie kike shithole. "I wonder why that is.". "I wonder why" kikes and the kikes who run Europe would want to forcibly disarm the whitegoyim native populations so as to render them physically defenseless and helpless in their own country. "I wonder why.". Oh, right, it's because of the fucking KIKE.

>> No.13514780 [DELETED] 
File: 289 KB, 142x146, swastika3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Europe is a muslim country now. Europe women get groped and raped and spit on and shit on by muslim invaders with 80 IQ. Germany has more fags per square mile, more trannies per square mile, more söys per square mile, more cuckolds per square mile, more leftist kikes per square mile. Europe is a kike country, and it's run by kikes.

>> No.13514781 [DELETED] 
File: 1.08 MB, 656x833, 1547096028856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, here's an idea: the holocaust never happened, but it should have, and hopefully another one happens soon. #Trump2020 reich GAS THE KIKES. 1488 SIEG HEIL.

>> No.13514801

I've accepted. I consider it a form of suicide.

>> No.13514807 [DELETED] 
File: 45 KB, 556x806, 1567113934895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill kikes. Kill ALL euromuslim tranny kikes.

>> No.13514911

Did your school have an espresso stand, 3 food carts not owned by the school, and a full smoothie/bubble tea/milkshake stand ran by students selling overpriced slices of Domino's everyday? No? Fuck you.

>> No.13514923

not sure what any of this has to do with this thread

>> No.13515065

Exactly why do you care? Why are you obsessing about what denizens of a completely different country are doing, eating, using, etc.? Is life truly so dreadful and boring in your shithole?

>> No.13515088

Yet here you are, obsessing about Americans night and day. We really got in your head. Must suck to be in a shithole so terrible that you can only think of other lands. Enjoy the heat wave this summer. I hope you survive.

>> No.13515134

Dude what?
Have you ever made pizza at home, or even got one in a pizzeria? Do you think they use mozzarella fresh out of its bag, with all its water? Lol
Either you make it dry out for a few hours, or you buy the low-moisture one. It's a thing.

>> No.13515139

He's just retarded, in Italy we use that same mozzarella (which is literally called "mozzarella per pizza") to make pizza.

You COULD buy the fresh one and make it dry out, but why would you?

>> No.13515383

Yeah I remember the stupid ass lunch ladies would put way too much fucking seasoning on them to the point that I would want to puke.

>> No.13515430


>> No.13515836

The retardation in this thread is high. Fresh mozzarella has a high moisture content but aged mozzarella is typically hard. As long as the cheese was made in its traditional way and in traditional area it is mozzarella.

>> No.13516487 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13516558

If those things are bosco sticks, I'm 31 and they were around.

>> No.13516821

There is never such thing as too much seasoning, you soft little bitch.

>> No.13518611

Are you implying that the second you remove the mozzarella from the brine it stops being mozzarella?

>> No.13518621

Did Bosco sticks have that nice toasty cheese topping?

>> No.13519186

Its mozzerella. Ta literally just mozzarella

>> No.13519192

Actually in a lot of the string cheese there is indeed brine in the package. Its just a thin layer

>> No.13520056

These guys cheese. It's just mozzarella.

No they aren't. They're literally mozzarella.

Wrong, that is "fresh mozzarella". The stuff that normally gets used in pizza in the U.S. is low-moisture mozzarella, and it has a stringy structure to it if you chop it into blocks and then try to peel strings off it.

But have you ever stuck it up your ass and clenched down hard on it to squirt it out into your boyfriend's mouth?

>> No.13520118
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>mfw the Swiss invented processed cheese and the French had a processed cheese spread years before Kraft invented his cheese product

>> No.13520123
File: 233 KB, 1000x1000, f7869a1b-0870-44a2-b4cc-24946795a93d_1.42acb550996e0e7360dea09c23050335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can buy picrelated at Walmart and Costco and it's basically the same thing.

>> No.13520176
File: 281 KB, 828x1200, jennifer-connelly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At first glance I thought those were hot Jennifer Cannolis.

>> No.13520178

Can I buy Jennifer Cannolis at walmart?