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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13512276 No.13512276 [Reply] [Original]

Why do restaurants do this?

>> No.13512735

Wa la

>> No.13512822

No half-decent restaurant would actually serve that. or are you referring to the small portion size?

>> No.13512834

It's "voilà", you retard. It's as if you believed "au revoir" was actually spelled "awr booah".

>> No.13512838

because rich people eat for quality and not quantity?

sorry you're seething over me eating a $200 piece of foie gras while you stuff yourself with fast food junk

>> No.13512875

They don't. Even tapas usually have a bigger serving. Regardless, small portions like OP is trying to refer to are usually part of a multi course meal. 7-10 courses likely. It's about tasting a bunch of flavors from a small amount of the finest ingredients. Poor people wouldn't understand this tho

>> No.13513216

lurk moar newfag

>> No.13513233

"oh ray whoah" is proper french, l'anon.

>> No.13513251

lurk moar

>> No.13513298

pretty sure its "aw reevar"

>> No.13513304

Based chan boomer, fuck these normies

>> No.13513308

someone get this homo-nouveau a proper /ck/ meme education, "see voo play"

>> No.13513314

ah wa la

>> No.13513324

It's.called cuisine nouvelle and no self-respecting restaurant is going to plate a piece of asparagus, a shrimp and a single potato. the particular style revolves around creating a singular experience thots to be consumed in a couple of bites. It's not necessarily food for sustenance as much as it is food for a specific experience.

>> No.13513355

>1 plate of slop / half of it rice/potatoes

>10 small plates of different shit

>> No.13513358

Because you’ll pay for it

>> No.13513367

Diamond dozen post folks

>> No.13513378

>It's about tasting a bunch of flavors from a small amount of the finest ingredients. Poor people wouldn't understand this tho
If they are so rich why can't they afford a larger serving?

>> No.13513830

Because you generally eat enough different courses to be pretty full by the end.

>> No.13513865

Its awe bwah

>> No.13513881

This is such a meme, I remember looking up a bunch of $300+ tasting menus once and they were all stuff like
>single scallop
>apple slice with vinaigrette
>single pork rib
>partridge skin slivers
>deconstructed grape

I'm sure it's all delicious but I can't imagine being filled up by most multi-course things

>> No.13513977

Money laundering.

>> No.13514034

>why do restaurants do this?
>stock photo
They don't.

>> No.13514206

It could be worse, those three things could be stacked on top of each other like something from a homosexual art house.

>> No.13514236

That's strange, because I just did a quick internet search surveying some tasting menus and none of them were like that. Maybe there are some out there like that, but it's definitely not all.

>> No.13514238

>I remember looking up a bunch of $300+ tasting menus once
holy shit those grapes must be like Warheads

>> No.13514243
File: 14 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retard can't spell orange rebar

>> No.13514247

Too shay muchacho

>> No.13514413

There is a very famous restaurant/chef guidebook, published in late 80s. Forgot the name but it was on libgen.

It called dining like this as a fad but had a massive advantage, money. It saves them a lot of money.

>> No.13515233

Learn proper french, silver plea

>> No.13515300

Upsacle restaurants are rarely about the food and more centered around the dining experience

>> No.13515431
File: 236 KB, 2400x2400, wa la la.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wa la la

>> No.13515445

kek, simple as

>> No.13515456

Bone apple tea

>> No.13515468

Wasn't that from that show Three's Company, Mr Roper the landlord or maybe the other guy who came afterwards would say bony knees.

>> No.13515869

Small portion sizes are usually used because the meal contains very expensive ingredients and/or ingredients with very rich flavors.

Also, unlike in your post pic, small yet expensive plates of food are generally served with a high degree of plating skill. No restaurant would actually serve the shitpost shrimp you posted.

>> No.13516354

Bone ape tits

>> No.13517066


>> No.13517108
File: 6 KB, 300x273, voila.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13518652
File: 203 KB, 1027x667, 1449616006021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't understand for a while but apparently it's because rich people don't think of food as sustenance. They treat it as a form of pleasure purely, they want their portions small so they have the appetite to order 10 different menu items.