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13486240 No.13486240 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck this shit
I want it to burn

>> No.13486267

oh come on
rolling rock is great
the worst drink is that dairy queen shit with like 2200 calories in it

>> No.13486276

there is definitely worse beer than rolling rock

>> No.13486281
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Man ever since avgn I always wanted to try this. What state does this usually get sold in? I am not from the US just always wanted to know.

>> No.13486282

You have shit taste

>> No.13486288

When you need a spoon for your drink, is it a meal?

>> No.13486293

Everywhere. Havent seen a liquor store that doesnt stock it.

>> No.13486295

anywhere. rolling rock should be everywhere
it's still a drink

>> No.13486306

Rolling Rock n'amasse pas mousse.

>> No.13486314

How can you have such strong feelings about something that is designed to be virtually tasteless and without character?

Its like someone getting upset about the colour beige.

>> No.13486315

>the worst drink you ever had
i drank one of those pineapple steel reserve abominations and have regretted being alive since

>> No.13486316
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>> No.13486321
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inb4 some faggots chime in about how great this shit is

>> No.13486326

Some weird independently made soda called "The Immortalizer" or something. Had a picture of a buddhavista with sunglasses on. Shit tasted like an ash tray, it was horrible.

>> No.13486338
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I love whisky but pic related is one of the few drinks that 1 sip of can make me spew my ringer. Even the smell of it gives me the boak.

>> No.13486386
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Even water is artificial in this shit.

>> No.13486444

Sangria. They should neck whoever invented that garbage.

>> No.13486450

Rolling Rock is a meme boomer beer with zero redeeming qualities. Notice how they didn’t even bother to review it (likely because it’s too expensive lol). Would easily be in last or second-to-last place on this list:

>> No.13486465

Fireballs are fucking stupid and i hate them

>> No.13486507

That's why I tried it.
Take my word for it: it sucks. Save yourself some time and disappointment. It was worse than any IPA I've tried and I hate IPAs.

>> No.13487373

it's not that bad shut up

worst beer I ever had was some kind of milk stout crap I can't even remember the name but it was garbage

>> No.13487388
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It's goldschlager but shit.

>> No.13487393

It's a liqueor, not a liquor you absolute tastelet. It's meant to be used in small portions as part of mixed drinks. Are you like 12?

>> No.13487396

how is it bad, it just tastes like fizzy water

>> No.13487414

IPAs are good you contrarion

>> No.13487423

There's no topping some really fucking weird "cider brew" some brewery put out when I was sampling at a brewfest. I nearly threw up, as did two of my guests by the utter fucking liver bile that was that beverage. I hated it so much that I asked the barmaid what it was and she claimed "it was the personal favorite of all the workers there." Yep well wherever the fuck that is, guess where I amma notta fuckin' going.

>> No.13487428

it's fine, it just doesn't have much flavor to take offense to. It's like saying you hate water

>> No.13487491
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This stuff by far. God fucking damn it's disgusting as shit. It tastes like every vanilla scented product from Bath & Body works mixed with club soda. I couldn't even gulp it down for the caffeine, and I've choked down some nasty fucking pre-workouts and protein.

>> No.13487534
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I haven't had a single one of those that tasted even decent.

>> No.13487587

that cambucci shit; fermented fruit drink, or that shitty "life water".

>> No.13487596
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>> No.13487598

rolling rock is not good but its what my grandpa used to drink every sunday when we'd go over his house as kids. i'd always take a sip of his beer and to this day it reminds me of him so i drink it and it makes me happy

>> No.13487602

how does a liquid burn retard

>> No.13487604
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>> No.13487619

soju, by far. I can't believe anyone still drinks it due to "MUH ANCIENT CULTURE"

the same is true for the shitty Chinese equivalent that tastes and smells like gasoline

>> No.13487628

>he doesn't know about super fire

>> No.13487644

sounds like a gay stupid anime you fags watch
dont @ me

>> No.13487677
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I tried RR a while ago and IMO it was bland at worst, I've certainly had worse cheap beers. As for the worst drink I've ever had it's a tossup between pic related, which not only tastes bad but burns like everclear despite being half as strong, and McCormick's orange flavored whiskey. Flavored whiskey in general is bad but that shit took the cake.

>> No.13487686

I was so fucking surprised by egg nog over the holidays that I might be a convert. God bless that strange beverage that actually got me to play he piano on christmas eve.

>> No.13487699

if you leave a half drunk one in your car it can act as a powerful air freshener

>> No.13487737

A million years ago, whilst I was at uni in the US, I had a beer from Samuel Adams brewery which tasted irredeemably of soy sauce. It was horrid. I had Rolling Rock during my time at school and, while bad in its own right, it doesn't compare to the sheer awfulness of that soy sauce flavoured shit.

>> No.13487742

Hi. >>13487737 here.
I was at Princeton which is in New Jersey which is where AVGN is from. So New Jersey, I would say.

>> No.13487761

>Buddhavista with sunglasses
I'm amusing myself with imagery of the Buddha gazing over a cliff, lookin' all cool and majestic and shit.
You likely meant bodhisattva.

>> No.13487762

>damn dis malt liquor be dank my nigga
>sheeeeet this milk stout has complex flavors and sheeeet, fuckin nasty cracka beer

>> No.13487786

groids don't say 'dank'

>> No.13487790

>which is in new jersey
Yeah we know where it is. Saying you go there or something?

>> No.13487797
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>blocks your path

>> No.13487801

Fuck man I don’t know what niggers say, I don’t hang around them. I just think dank is a stupid worked so it sounds like something stupid they would say.

>> No.13487806

Dank was a word in high school for me and I'm fucking 30. How the fuck is that word still around? I didn't like it then.

>lol this burger is dank
Motherfucker where is my knife I will shank you.

>> No.13487813

He said he went there, in the past tense. And other Anon said they're not American. They may not have known where Princeton is, so mentioning NJ was prolly necessary on his part.
FFS, I know Americans who have no idea that Princeton is in NJ, that Penn is an Ivy, that Wharton is part of Penn and that Yale isn't in Massachusetts.

>> No.13487817

>I will shank you
*dank you
ftfy, anon

>> No.13487821

fucking Modelo
all my neighbors drank it (I live in a mexican part of north carolina) so I grabbed some from the gas station. Shit. Tasted like play-doh water

>> No.13487835

I could not disagree more.

>> No.13487901

actually I'll concede. I tried budweiser with clamato and that was truly horrible

>> No.13487926

Rolling Rock is a good "light" beer for when you just want something crisp to go with a meal or cool off.

>> No.13487933

i was at a festival this summer and some yuropoor spilled one of those on me
the smell didnt exit my clothes for a fucking week after i washed them

>> No.13487937
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anybody who can enjoy these things is mentally damaged, quite literally the worst liquor product that has graced my tongue.

>> No.13487942

Yeah it was super popular in high school for me as well, I always hated it as all the stoners would say it.

>> No.13487960

It's like Budweiser but it tastes like corn.

>> No.13487977

We have a pot store in my area called House of Dank.

>> No.13488029

Reminds me of a red wine & chocolate drink that my grocery store started stocking a few years ago. I haven't tried it myself but I hear it's terrible and according to the lady who runs the liquor dept. only soccer moms buy it.

>> No.13488055
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>> No.13488113

Ginger beer. I was expecting boozy ginger ale. I got burning raw ginger juice, like you blended some fresh ginger root with cheap vodka.

>> No.13488133


>> No.13488137
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I'm sorry your life went so far downhill, Derek.

>> No.13488174

Is Rolling Rock supposed to be a stand-in for all macro lagers? Because there are definitely worse ones.

>> No.13488186

Alcoholic ginger beer? What the fuck. It's supposed to be a mixer, not a God damn drink in itself. Good job buying shit, retard.

P.S. Fever Tree ginger beer is unadulterated garbage.

>> No.13488202

bro rolling rock is like 10 bucks for an 18 pack and tastes better than bud light or whatever

>> No.13488221

All IPAs. All of them.

>> No.13488223

Rolling Rock is so bad. I paid $6 for a 12-pack, and I would rather have bought one good $6 beer than the whole pack of that trash. It tastes like vomit. It has this nasty sourness to it.

The only worse beer I've had was Bud Light Platinum. It just tasted like carbonated water with alcohol. Bud Light has no flavor to begin with, so when you add more alcohol, it's all you can taste. It was bitter and nasty. I like bitter pale ales, but that's good bitterness. Bud Light Platinum tastes like bitter chemicals that are unsafe for human consumption. I'd rather drink Steel Reserve over that poison.

>> No.13488232

Looks like a guaranteed case of the ass

>> No.13488241

When and where did you get a 12 pack for only $6?

>> No.13488256

A "case of the ass" means you're angry.

>> No.13488260

Every where, but finding glass bottles of it can be harder, and it is FAR superior in glass bottle. Having it in a can tastes like shitty bud light with more malt, like it's drinkable but it's not nearly as good as it is in bottle. I mean I've had it draft and even draft isn't as good as the glass bottle, not sure what it is.

>> No.13488264

Not where I’m from

>> No.13488267

Total Wine. Some time last year.

>> No.13488272

God that sounds like death
This makes my skin crawl.

>> No.13488278

i like the grape

>> No.13488300
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I take it back. Bud Light Platinum isn't the worst beer. This is. It has no redeeming qualities. The taste and smell is absolutely horrible. It's just pure alcohol and chemicals. When you swallow it, you can feel the alcohol vapors rising from your throat like bad vodka. It's the first beer that I was physically incapable of drinking. It was also much more expensive than Hurricane or Steel Reserve. It's just pure shit in every way possible.

>> No.13488423

its gonna be stouts and porters for me lad

>> No.13488885

I believe the glass bottles are from the original plant. The can line is elsewhere.

>> No.13488889
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all of them are gross and taste like cough syrup

>> No.13488890

Just buy Natty Daddy ffs

>> No.13488896

Drinking them now!
Cheers, bro!

>> No.13488907

Very based

>> No.13488985

I’m not a fan of ginger beer on its own, but it’s good in a Moscow mule. Just add vodka and a little freshly squeezed lime juice. The lime really brings it all together

>> No.13489193
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>> No.13489243

Worst alcoholic drink was without a doubt Budweiser. If that is the basic beer you Americans have to drink then i'm sorry.

>> No.13489250

It WAS the basic beer of America for a long time.
Why do you think there’s a craft brew revolution going on?
Even WE got tired of drinking that swill.

>> No.13489258
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Odyssey Beerwerks' Hyper Lucidity.
Imagine cooking a big pot of pinto beans on the stove for hours, then filling up a cup with the bean liquid.
Now make a pot of coffee with dark roast beans -- throw out the coffee -- then pour the bean liquid into the machine, reusing the spent coffee grounds.

The stench was overwhelming. The liquid was thick, murky, gritty, but had almost no taste. No tartness, no creaminess, no hops of any kind -- just mild bitterness. The liquid had carbs in it, but it didn't register as "sweet". The head was thin and sticky, exactly like the scum that forms on top of the water in the bean pot.
When I was a kid my cousin dared me to drink nasty dishwater, sat fermenting for days in the sink. This was hands down worse.

I looked all over the can/internet for evidence it was a joke beer, like those harry potter jelly beans. Nope. They think they aced it.
The brewery is 10 minutes away from my house, but I have no idea how to describe my curiosity in a way that won't offend them.

>> No.13489259

It just baffles me, the shitty bulk lagers of my homeland blew that garbage out of the water effortlessly.
Was US beer always that bad?

>> No.13489592

It’s beer. There’s nothing else noteworthy to say about it. Not bad, not good.

>> No.13489600

Nah it's a dessert. You can get those 2000 calorie drinks from Starbucks though.

>> No.13489607

The brewery in my hometown made a fucking nitro Barleywine supposedly aged on cedar. It tasted like watered down Guinness aged on 2x4s.

>> No.13489610

Yeah this is terrible.

>> No.13489629

Kek, in my downtown there’s a homeless nigger walking around with a cart of at least three 24 packs of these; usually pissing in garbage cans or babbling incoherently

>> No.13489659

I’m too young to know for sure, but probably not.
Starting in the 1950s through to the mid 1970s, there were a LOT of new MBAs tweaking their beers’ recipes to try and save money. They’d try using more rice to spend 4% less on grain per batch here, change hops varieties to spend 8% less there, and so on. The result is that a lot of American macros became a lot shittier. Even casual drinkers could tell something was very wrong, and a lot of brands died during this time.
When home brewing was legalized in America in the Carter years, a lot of the first homebrew recipes were just people trying to replicate the 1950s and earlier pre-prohibition-era American style pilsners they grew up drinking.

>> No.13489738

Then they did multiple things very wrong.
Aging on cedar was the first thing. Nobody ever does that, and now you know why.
Barleywines also shouldn’t taste like watered down Guinness-they should be malt monsters. By definition, a barleywine uses enough malted grains to produce a wine-strength (12-15% ABV) beer. That should result in gigantic grain flavors.

>> No.13489744

Mega based.

Hangovers are for normalfags, withdrawals are for gentlemen, and DTing yourself into brain damage is Chad.

>> No.13489771

Whatchu know bout dat?

>> No.13489870

If i had to describe Fireball I would say its what happens when u mix straight corn syrup into a pot of boiling water that had a bunch of cinnamon sticks in it

>> No.13489881
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I like it. It tastes like grass. then again, I unironically enjoy the taste of Malt Liquor, and I'm not even a nigger.

>> No.13490222

anything is better than sour "beers."

>> No.13490226

Whatchu know 'bout good malt liquor?

Prolly nothin'.

>> No.13490236
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People sometimes say a beer taste like canal water, but I always thought they were exaggerating. I can say that canal water taste better than this stuff

>> No.13490315

It was baffling, especially since they produce a normal Barleywine that's fantastic.

>> No.13491106

Seconding this. It's literally unflavored Four Loko.

As for Rolling Rock, I don't buy it because it has this weird nutty taste I don't like, but a lot of times bars have some kinda special for it like a giant mug for 2.50 or something

>> No.13491225

This drink straight up screws with me. The taste isn't terrible tastes like any other birthday cake flavored product but it's something I only associated with stuff you chew and it causes me noggin to go joggin whenever I feel carbonated liquid but taste something I should be chewing instead.

>> No.13491251
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I'm not even remotely picky with booze but holy hell this shit is undrinkable

>> No.13491257

How in the FUCK is she supposed to know that without anything being stated on the packaging? Yeah big fucking retarded not knowing some unspoken rule you happen to know. Fuck outta here kid sick of your arbitrary bullshit you can't magically know everything like some wikipedia browsing all day neo nazi wannabe faggot cunt. I'll suck you faggot so don't even bother responding back you're done to me.

>> No.13491287

It gets points for actually being 80 proof unlike a lot of other sweet liqueurs, but it's literally just trash to use like cheap syrup in coffee.

>> No.13491299

Arbor Mist wine was the worst
The shits $4 a bottle
And I had some OP Chardonnay the other day had nobody whatsoeve

>> No.13491300
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So I agreed with the guy saying Earthquake was the worst beer, by for me, the worst liquor is Chinese baijiu. Tried multiple brands and holy fuck it's nasty, tastes like gasoline and despair. If it was the only booze available on earth I would give serious consideration to just not drinking.

>> No.13491307

rr is fine, rolfe approved. now coors, not coors lite, is absolute meat sweat. its disgusting

>> No.13491308
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I wish I could punch the person responsible for this in the fucking teeth.

Imagine coke combined with aadvark diarrhea, add some coffee grounds that have AIDS all over them, there you go.

>> No.13491328

I sent them a bunch of messages on social media telling them how this almost made me throw up. worst flavor.

The new candy green apple flavor is absolutely amazing and miami cola is the best 0 calorie cola to ever exist thanks to its lime twist.

>> No.13491345

Cheap korean soju tastes like lighter fluid. Having said that, small batch soju can be excellent.

>> No.13491359

I'm the weirdo that liked this shit. Sometimes I mix coffee and coke zero to try and replicate it.

>> No.13491411

used to drink this garbage in high school when a friend's older brother would buy it. what the fuck were we thinking? every time i see this garbage i can smell the barf

>> No.13491502
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That sounds really horrible. I definitely would've wanted to try based on the flavor, too.

>> No.13491512

Faggot shut the fuck up fat tug is god tier
What's your idea of a good ipa?

>> No.13491592

Any malted alcohol beverage. I live in Quebec. It's cool cause you can buy beer at any convenience store before 11pm. What sucks is that any hard liquor can only be sold at the SAQ, which is a crown corporation. So any mixed drinks made out of vodka, rum, or any liquor, is locked behind the SAQ, and they close at 5:30pm on the weekends. But companies get around this by selling malted version of the same drinks, so if you're already a bit drunk and start to fall into the cheap pre-mixed drink and don't look on the bottle if it's the legit version or the malted one, you end up with the worst fucking grin and the taste of puke in your mouth.

>> No.13492277
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Tastes like a pencil

>> No.13492289

Does anyone actually like that stuff? I only ever hear about it being used to fuck with people who don't know what it is

>> No.13492835

If you can conceivably consume it as you would a liquid, it's a drink. Many times, I would sit with the boys on my porch and crack open cold Chef Boyardee's ravioli and chug the cans in one go

>> No.13492853

Based BC bro.
FUCK IPAs and FUCK IPA drinkers.

I hate that every fucking craft brewery in this province is 90% IPAs. Gimme some hefes or dark beers for FUCK sake!

>> No.13492856

Gotta be some people out there that like the taste, I can't imagine they sustain a company on selling prank juice alone. I've heard the wormwood in it is good for when you're on your period, but for obvious reasons I cannot test this.

>> No.13492863
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tastes like faggot

>> No.13492864

That sounds awful.
Here in BC we have private and gov't stores so we can get booze until 11pm every day but we can't get beer at convenience or grocery stores which would be nice

>> No.13492903

I live in America where we have rights.
Liquor sales until 2:00 am, boys. Even later if you're in a club.

>> No.13492961
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I don't mind never tried most on this list
But yeah the BLC is Horrible

>> No.13492973

I like those with a nice plate of eggs on a weekend morning once in a while, the budweiser version that's harder to find is better though

>> No.13493006

prolly tuns

>> No.13493013

I need to man up and and try the recipe on the Clamatto bottle. It seems like a drink with potential.

>> No.13493224

Essentia is better

>> No.13495414
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>> No.13495608

RR is shit but by far not the worst out there. Try Del Sol sometime. That shit is fucking vile.

>> No.13495616

I'm that faggot and here I am chiming in. Love that shit.

>> No.13495623

Rolling rock is the king of the shit beers. Its cheap and its flavor doesn’t make you want to instantly barf like miller light.

Its genuinely the best beer for college parties and cheap fucks. This is an objective fact.

>> No.13495632

Used to drink these in college when I was under 21 and could only get one thing for the night when my friends went to the liquor store. Yakked almost every time lmao

>> No.13495645

Anything birthday cake flavored is utter trash. Even birthday cake ice cream.

>> No.13495734

the vanilla flavored ones are ok but literally every other one they make is completely disgusting

>> No.13495772

The most delicious cake is birthday cake.

>> No.13495993

whatchu know bout that

>> No.13496009
File: 147 KB, 500x630, Moxie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe nobody has posted this, yet. It literally tastes like battery acid and the bitter aftertaste you get when you have dry mouth. If you buy this and drink it for enjoyment you must be a demon

>> No.13496021
File: 33 KB, 600x800, capriccio_sangria_WHITE_bottle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to try White Sangria. Bottled or homemade, trust me, way better than red sangria

>> No.13496027

>black forest
>ice cream

Fucking pleb

>> No.13496039

Have you ever drunk battery acid? It tastes nice, real savoury because of the melting mouth effect.

>> No.13496485

>her state only allows sales up to 2am
>she thinks that's something to brag about

>> No.13496500

Does Steam Whistle taste like Rolling Rock?

>> No.13496507
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Oops forgot pic

>> No.13496767

for me, it's Sam Adams Boston Lager

>> No.13496851

If you’re not making your own sangria, you’re doing it wrong.

>> No.13496897

>vanilla coffee cream ale
It’s your own fucking fault you dipshit.
Novelty flavoured beer is made by incompetent hipster fuckwits to compensate for the fact that they couldn’t even brew a simple clean Pilsner.

>> No.13496994

There is no action more ascended than pissing in the face of God like this man does

>> No.13497021

Why are all the seasonal beers except the oktoberfest one so bad?

>> No.13497340
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I heard the guy who originally made this shit because his taste buds was shot to fuck because all he did was smoke cigars and could not taste regular liquor so he made this abomination.

>> No.13498087

That is correct, and because he could sell it during prohibition since it contained wormwood or something

>> No.13498109
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Fat Tug is the most vile thing Ive ever tasted, and Ive tasted some shit in my day.

>> No.13498174
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Sambuca, I hate the stuff with an inhuman intensity but I always find myself being on the receiving end of it at one time or another, but then again I have a general distaste for spirits. Just being within smelling distance of the stuff is enough to turn my stomach.

>> No.13498196

Been a minute since I've drank it but I remember it being pretty ok/inoffensive

>> No.13498682
File: 346 KB, 1200x1312, 8F66BE49-3B8E-457A-A777-88A139B31544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What type of girl drunk is /ck/ usually?

>> No.13498694

Probably Alia

>> No.13498702

Anything with Tequila. Unless it's an AMF, the tequila overpowers everything else and it's the only thing you can smell and taste.

Make a drink with vodka? Get to enjoy all the flavors.
Make a drink with gin? Get to enjoy all the flavors and the flavor of the gin.

Might as well do a fucking shot. Fuck tequila is bad.

>> No.13498710

Pleb successfully filtered
In time you'll come to realize the ultimate superiority of Steel Reserve

>> No.13498729

fat tug is good you fucking faggot

>> No.13498740

Alia, especially the disappearing part.

>> No.13498788


>> No.13498794
File: 41 KB, 474x631, mudbutt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolute bullshit

>> No.13498970
File: 41 KB, 600x633, Corona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even spics like it

>> No.13499107

Yeah fuck this shit. Just thinking about it makes me hungover, nasty stuff

>> No.13499150
File: 66 KB, 540x720, liq_mid1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I had a physical addiction to alcohol I drank a liter of this shit just to stave off withdrawals, and man, it is the same color coming out as it is going down.

>> No.13499153

Holy fuck, that was the first alcohol I ever drank. It was bad.

>> No.13499167
File: 215 KB, 1242x1538, 8B5EE54E-2695-4E26-BB0A-A9FA51120A7D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thoroughly based

>> No.13499237

Underrated beverage. Gets shit on more because of the high cost per ounce at the time imo

>> No.13500039

Alia. My friends and I have this thing where we just open the bar and if it's green or blue, it's mixed in.

>> No.13500071

Funny, I almost only see glass bottles. Cans are a rarity near me for Rolling Rock

>> No.13500091

its not meant to be a nice drink you nonce, its for 16 year olds with a death wish

>> No.13500102
File: 49 KB, 596x596, Malta-Goya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. What the fuck, man

>> No.13500109

I guarantee it was their old imperial stout. They released a series years ago with all kinds of craft styles. The dummies who bought sam Adam's at the time all said it tasted like soy sauce so no one bought it and I got to bring home a case of imp stouts for around 10$

>> No.13500135

I liked this stuff

>> No.13500139

I like these

>> No.13500143
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>> No.13500185

Its what happens when you melt Big Red and leave it outside for a week

>> No.13500195

Do Australians really drink this?

>> No.13500208
File: 30 KB, 500x375, fosters_australia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, they all love it

>> No.13500218


>> No.13500231

found the winner. shit is horrendous

>> No.13500283

I like moxie a lot. It’s actually one of my favorite sodas.

>> No.13500306

Probably more like Anchor Steam. It’s both expensive enough and exclusive enough to make it worth cloning.

I don’t know who would try to clone RR, especially as cheap as it is. That’s like waiting for a car company to clone a 1994 Geo Metro. When you can still get good running examples for $1500, there’s no need.

>> No.13500329

Tyler with hints of Serena

>> No.13500330
File: 54 KB, 793x786, 1574725375451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'll never have another geo prism
She was my first, bros. I miss her

>> No.13500348

>wow, how awesome could this be? Buggs Bunny's Birthday Blowout; well, it was a blowout alright....blowout your ass!

>> No.13500370

NC here. You can get it all day for 7.99 a 12 pack in Food Lions. Gas stations usually run it 6.99-7.99 as well.

>> No.13500393

Agreed. Sunchy is much better.

>> No.13500396

Possibly the drunkest I've ever been was in school when I drank a handle of 95 proof Sambuca to myself over 16ish hours. Not only does it taste terrible but it was a terrible drunk for me as well. Never touched it since and thank christ I cut back on my levels from then.

>> No.13500403


>> No.13500407
File: 135 KB, 262x800, blackice01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tastes like rotting bananas . . . . back when i was a drunk you could not even pay me to drink this shit. I would rather drink piss!

>> No.13500414
File: 63 KB, 817x857, 1498863502001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>strong beer

>> No.13500429

foster is only export so its really hard to get in auisseland they mostly just drink VB

>> No.13500502

Something like Widowmaker from Backcountry or Misthorn from Vancouver Island. Fat Tug tastes like shampoo.

>> No.13500562

every state i've been to has a liquor store or beer distributor that has it. it kinda tastes skunky, but not terrible, like an american lager version of corona.

>> No.13500614
File: 30 KB, 380x380, barqs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit tastes like an apothecary janitor's mop bucket.

>> No.13500620

Yeah, its root beer.

>> No.13500673

they don't call it Erk & Jerk for nuthin whiteboi

>> No.13500693

>Bacardi Breezers
eww, they still make that shit? Bartles & James Wine Cooler garbage tier shite

>> No.13500696

>hating on Bang's
ok zoomer

>> No.13500699

Bangs is the best mass produced root beer
Fuck off root beer is great

>> No.13500747

Alia or Tyler

>> No.13500774

Nah it tastes like those shitty cinnamon candies. Like hot tomales or big reds with vodka.

>> No.13500802

Alia+Erin with the fightyness from Serena if X gon give it to ya is playing.

>> No.13500810
File: 384 KB, 600x600, large_b4ef513e-b18b-4bf4-88a6-baf176c98f10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong malt liquor, now this shit is disgusting

>> No.13500811

It stated out with me just bringing it to conventions to fuck with young drinkers at parties, eventually I started kinda liking it.

>> No.13500841

If you're gonna buy malt liquor at least get either Mickey's or Colt 45

>> No.13500873
File: 1.21 MB, 2943x4830, pbj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 sip and I was done.

>> No.13500883
File: 220 KB, 459x459, 1553680386052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This sludge, only thing that come close in foulness would be ginger ale and anise schnapps.

>> No.13500911

>ginger ale
You gotta get the homemade stuff with actual ginger, the shit they sell in the grocery store is just bad sugar water

>> No.13500921

I'm cursed with that gene that make ginger and cilantro taste like dish-soap and has arugula linger for half a day.

>> No.13500929


>> No.13500935

this, get a six pack of green grenades and have a pleasant evening

>> No.13500952
File: 89 KB, 1200x1200, 8241_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just picked up a pint
what am I in for?

>> No.13500969

man what? rolling rock is delicious

>> No.13500979
File: 21 KB, 261x400, SangritaBlast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13501071

>rated anywhere below god-tier
Nah, your palate is just shit.

Yours too.

>> No.13501074

the flavor when it first hits the tongue is pleasant but whatever bitter fucking root they use gives it the taste of letting a prescription medication dissolve on your tongue, it gives me an immediate migraine

>> No.13501130

Are you rarted? Are you illiterate? It says Barq's right there.

>> No.13501139

it's a meme you dip

>> No.13501181


Alot of people strangely hate the cola one, I think they go in expecting a coke or pepsi flavor. When it's more like a generic cola.

>> No.13501260

Don't you know how to read cursive? It clearly says "Bang's" retard

>> No.13501266


Common Zoomer detected. Bitter taste makes my tum tum hurt. Fuckin' daddy's money fuck bois. When your parents die and IRL crushes all your hopes and dreams, you'll thank God a 40 of Steele is always like $2 and as strong as a standard sixer.

>> No.13501932
File: 13 KB, 400x600, ballast-point-sculpin-ipa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This tastes like vomit.

>> No.13501940

This board is not for you new friend.

>> No.13502062

That's most IPAs to be fair

>> No.13502224


Are you guys memed out or what? It’s called Barq’s.

>> No.13502271

vodka coke

>> No.13502283
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>> No.13502486

Its called Barg's

>> No.13502488

Blue Moon

Just why?

>> No.13502496
File: 128 KB, 490x686, 11731379552286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought this because it had 7.2 ABV. Absolutely fucking horrid, how can anybody like IPAs?

>> No.13502527
File: 210 KB, 462x356, 1578420798635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't drink bottle rolling rock, from cans only and it has to be served very cold and in a glass.


This. It's deliberately no-frills, there aren't even adjuncts to get offended at. Budweiser's the beer I passionately hate, it's everywhere, it's full of rice and corn and it apparently thinks it's a cream ale.

>> No.13502542

I love ginger beer on its own. Honestly ginger beer is probably the most universal mixer, I've tried mixing every type of basic liquor with it and I've never been disappointed.

>> No.13502618
File: 137 KB, 768x679, california.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's a shit IPA. I feel for you, it's hard to identify good IPA from any kind of labeling or anything to do with that, you just stumble through crap IPA until you find the few gems. There's a million brewers and like 5 actually good ones. Good IPAs I have discovered so far:

Russian River "Pliny the Elder", which you will have to order in advance because it is that coveted.

Sierra Nevada "Torpedo", "Tropical Torpedo", "Celebration" and "Western Hemisphere"

Stone "IPA", "Delicious IPA" and "Enjoy By"

Knee Deep "Citra", "Simtra" and "Imperial Tanilla"

>> No.13502631


>> No.13503073

>I can’t read cursive
We know.

>> No.13503094
File: 78 KB, 311x596, wildblue_blueberrylager.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had this years ago when I was just starting to learn about beer.
I thought it was pretty awful.

>> No.13503100

Erin kek. I blackout way too often and blacking out is the worst feeling. But not as bad as my xanax binges back in the day and blacking out for days at a time.

>> No.13503233

>tfw chugged a 6 pack of this in college
One of the worst hangovers I've ever had. Sooo much sugar.

>> No.13503476

*kombucha asshole

>> No.13503489

Kirkland-brand rum is so bad my friends made it a punishment during drinking games.
Oh god I remember that from the Pendragon books. The main character and his uncle love Moxie.

>> No.13503502

Fireball is for college girls

>> No.13503609

Same. I was crippled from it and had the worst shits of my life. Called in sick to work

>> No.13503816

Methheads drink it too

>> No.13503857

TAB, a diet soft drink that's no longer made, with good reason.

>> No.13503977
File: 15 KB, 262x720, 1578893079396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This drink comes from hell

>> No.13503981

How can you hate rolling rock? There is way worse and it's fine for cheap beer.

I'm in KY and I don't have trouble finding it.

>> No.13504283

IPAs really do suck. Gross hoppy bullshit.

>> No.13505137

Fosters is made in England so it's unlikely that Australians export it.

>> No.13505276

Don't forget Lagunitas

>> No.13505287

>hating on Jaloviina

Just mix it with coffee if you're too soft for it.

>> No.13505374
File: 175 KB, 250x690, 500-nederland-lander_brau_superstrong_[ball9470-A]-2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this ain't so bad, just too easy to overdrink on it

>> No.13506122
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>> No.13506698

You need to relax a bit.

>> No.13506785
File: 1.99 MB, 200x170, 1471750144802.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the worst possible canadian whisky ever. literally sugar bullshit rotting wood alcohol. Canadian Mist is also just as horrible.

This is also because canadian whisky is shit by definition and nothing can improve this.

>> No.13506867

Any craft beer

>> No.13506939


>> No.13507056

Now we're getting close, but truth is those 21% berry flavored bum wines which are in the same price range are even worse.

>> No.13507058

I miss the real mad dog 20/20. Good times and bad times were had

>> No.13507272
File: 20 KB, 650x650, EE3FB153-7E82-45D1-A9DC-4971B7E008EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the worst stuff ever I’d rather lick slug slime

>> No.13507286

Fuck you Cheerwine is a delicacy

>> No.13507320
File: 876 KB, 320x193, 30E7AC3F-0641-4FBB-8B69-993D53183641.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being this wrong my god your mom should have aborted you

>> No.13507600

Heineken and Bavaria.
Sorry Dutchbros, your cheese is based but you can't brew for shit.

>> No.13507619

I have no real issue with Heineken but I'm not very fond of Bavaria. I usually drink the cheapest pissbeer I can find when I do drink though, as it's usually nearly flavourless and easy to drink a lot of.

>> No.13507633

both have a bitter aftertaste for me but yeah bavaria is even worse. ironically real bavarian beer is the best i ever had.

>> No.13507634

My film society in college sold these for our annual Big Lebowski screening one year and despite us selling out I tried one and almost puked right there.

>> No.13507651
File: 19 KB, 150x300, A5AB1F20-C278-43B7-B1D1-FD3B0DDDD249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Far and away the worst I’ve ever had. But I paid 15 cents for it, so I was gonna drink the whole fucking thing

>> No.13507655

>bia ha noi
>beer ha no
>beer? ha, no!
you should have seen that one coming, pal.

>> No.13507660
File: 9 KB, 200x226, 1569379515199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your post is bad; and you should feel bad. You probably only drink $13 a bottle craft stouts, like a cuck.

>> No.13507664
File: 58 KB, 386x426, Opinion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13507666

Like Weienstephaner? Yeah that's pretty good. I actually prefer bitter beer to be honest, so I prefer north german pilsner over stuff like Hefeweizen

>> No.13507676

nah all wheat beers are good, never had a bad one. but i had lagers like tegernseer spezial and augustiner edelstoff in mind.

>> No.13507696

stay mad poorfag

>> No.13507731

I drank this in a remote part of Alaska cause it was the only liquor and I wasn't paying, I didn't think it was quite as bad as it looked but conditions and the other option available which I had been consuming was Nikolai vodka may have colored my impression

>> No.13507794

I've known 2 people IRL that reacted pretty poorly to that flavor too. It tastes like drinking an actual birthday cake, which to some people is really weird/gross. Seems that maybe people don't like flavored products that taste too close to the thing they're flavored after?

>> No.13507811

This and grape flavor are the only two bangs I can't drink. Grape just tastes like the nastiest cough syrup "grape" flavor out there, and the birthday cake flavor just shouldn't exist.

>> No.13507837

Try barqs.com and bargs.com, see which one is the official website.

>> No.13508007


>> No.13508481
File: 14 KB, 400x600, ci-heineken-lager-6ea7dedfaaced647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It tastes like donkey piss, don't understand why so many people like it.

>> No.13508852
File: 8 KB, 480x325, v8nbg7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Legit bum juice.

>> No.13509159

this, Night Train, and MD 2020 form the Ultimate Bumwine Trifecta

>> No.13509325


Beer and clam made with your own ratios are definitely better, but these are surprisingly good.

>> No.13509334

>He doesn't r8 Johny Bootlegger

>> No.13509339

It tastes different over in Europe

>> No.13509344

haven't had a drink in three days and I'd kill for some rolling rock at this point

>> No.13509346


My thoughts exactly. The light variant is an even more rabidly shit time.

>> No.13509368
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>> No.13509382

what about thunderbird

>> No.13509610

Modelo is the best mexican beer both especial and negra fight me

Corona literally tastes like a bottled fart to me.

>> No.13509628
File: 474 KB, 2023x1511, malort.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking malort... its like gas and lawn clippings.

>> No.13509762

Some California Craft or IPA beer I had at my cousin's house. He got memed into buying them, god it was horrible

>> No.13509859


>> No.13509876


>> No.13509896
File: 620 KB, 1192x2120, 1576554213274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

samesies and when i eat an apple i think 'this should be a liquid'
what has happened to me....
anyway, I've had a couple of barleywine style ales that were stored improperly and built up about a quarter bottle of sediment that i can't seen remember the names of, and they were probably the worst - so here's something i can definitely remember. this shit fucking sucks.

>> No.13509899
File: 137 KB, 422x565, stone-brewing-crime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not a black guy, this... god damn it.

>> No.13509905

I always wanted to try this just because of how bad the reviews were, but I'm not spending 15+ dollars on a bad bottle of beer

>> No.13509908

The only thing I liked about this beer was the label because it is so distinctive I will never be able to make the mistake of purchasing it again

>> No.13509913


>> No.13509915

Tyler with a hint of Sydnee, takes more than 3 shots here...

>> No.13509924

i threw more than half of it out, and it's killed every ounce of curiosity i'll ever have for a beer made with any kind of peppers - unless it's a barleywine style ale, i might reconsider. probably won't happen though.
the gold, plain malt liquor flavored at 14% - some pretty fucking horrid shit

>> No.13509974
File: 92 KB, 350x350, natural-lt-naturdays.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strawberry Lemonade flavored beer. It's somehow actually even worse than it sounds

>> No.13510004

first party I went to was stocked full of these for some reason. when all the other booze ran out a couple ppl just stopped drinking rather than having one

>> No.13510009

this tastes like the juice at the bottom of freezies

>> No.13510016

Same I'll drink most things out there even if it's bad. But when I bought this I went through about 1/4 of it before I called it quits and gave it away to one of my alcoholic buddies

>> No.13510023

Im pretty sure the people that drink this on the regular agree that this is hot shit but they buy it for its high alcohol content and cheap price

>> No.13510033

alia 100% but only because it's the only option that isn't getting shitfaced or dumb when drunk

>> No.13510035

If this is actually the worst one you've had than you really haven't tried many

>> No.13510044

same here I usually drink 8% and when I got some of these I really underestimated the jump from 8% to 12% almost got shitfaced and I do my damnedest to avoid that ever since HS

>> No.13510052

I hate to admit it but back when I was a severe alcoholic I would have bought this for the price alone. I drank a lot of nasty cheap shit just to keep my money afloat and this is something I would have gone for.

>> No.13510091

Thank you! Taste reminded me of a Coors Light infused with sprinkles. Miami Cola is much better. Candy Apple is aii

>> No.13510399

Agreed. Real niggas stick with Billie D. and drink colt 45.

>> No.13511147

Those guys are the poster child of a mediocre IPA trying to pass itself off as something great cause muh hops.

>> No.13511297

All beer