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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13460392 No.13460392 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13460408
File: 76 KB, 895x522, CCF0B35A-4EB1-4160-B44B-67BA94AAC4D0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People whose breakfast isn’t a light meal like pic related AND are not heavy manual labourers are subhuman.

Having to digest a meal of eggs, bacon and other heavy shit only slows you down because of the digestion process.

>> No.13460482

For me, it's the continental with two kaiser rolls, butter and jam. Or cheese.
When I'm in france, however, just give me some demi sel and cheese.

>> No.13460521


>> No.13460532

Technically speaking, which im sure this is bait for me to say, decades ago corporations hired a jewish ad agent to market eggs and bacon as the American breakfast. The guy in fit who said it was trying to say how eggs are a kike plot and should be avoided. Total retard. Im guessing you too had some self percieved intelligent thing to say about kikes right?

>> No.13460548

Based schizoposter

>> No.13460590

Literally rent free, but to answer your question eggs are cheap and plentiful and they go well with carbs and can be used to make many different dishes. So yeah there you go.

>> No.13460678


tl;dr eggs are easy.

ayy lmao

>> No.13460835

Eat like an emperor in the morning, like a king at noon, like a beggar in the evening

>> No.13460847

T. Skinny wrist faggot

You're starting your day with fat and sugar, try mixing some protein in there.

>> No.13460858

probably because chickens lay their eggs in the morning so back in the day you'd collect them when you woke up and eat them right away

>> No.13460881
File: 45 KB, 500x333, 3afe98ddcf4643a0b20c068b2c59f2ce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Farmers and farming culture.

Eating a big fucking breakfast including shit from your farm is okay when you've got farming chores to do.

Not so much if you're just going sit on your ass playing vidya and watching chinese cartoons.

>> No.13460884

Eggs are cheap and easy to make and have a great protein/fat/calorie ratio.

>> No.13460909

based logicposter

>> No.13460914
File: 40 KB, 349x642, E87F0774-A0EE-4013-885E-EF0A5AFA9C98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be American
>have your own personal farm
>go out first thing in the morning to milk the cows and collect the eggs
>eat them fresh as god intended
Decades later...

>inb4 pic related

>> No.13460921

My country is part of the G8 economies while and we start our days eating like that.

>> No.13460927

Why are you so negative? Do you need a friend to talk to?

>> No.13460935

Muslims don’t eat pork because back in the days its raw meat gave them diarrhoea and death because they couldn’t preserve the meat in their desert shitholes under the sun, guess what they still don’t eat it now because it’s haram.

It’s the same logic, and guess what the times have changed but you still do the same shit.

>> No.13460937

I’m not trying to be negative, just trying to point out the retardation of
>do Americans
>why do Americans
>Americans Americans Americans

It’s literally one in every 10 threads and it’s obnoxious because there’s dozens of countries with weird habits but there’s way too much obsession with Americans
I’m tired of hearing about American habits on this fucking board, I’m American and our culture is shit, why the fuck don’t we just talk about whatever culture it is that’s apparently so superior rather than
>Americans americans Americans americans Americans americans Americans americans Americans americans Americans americans Americans americans Americans americans Americans americans Americans americans Americans americans Americans americans Americans americans Americans americans Americans americans Americans americans Americans americans Americans americans Americans americans Americans americans Americans americans Americans americans Americans americans Americans americans

>> No.13460939
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>Durrr you're not a lump dicked dilating faggot so you must be sad XD

>> No.13460940

you only eat eggs by themselves for breakfast, otherwise they are just an ingredient in other shit

>> No.13460950

You’re comparing things that are in no way similar. We aren’t talking about eating chickens in the morning because Americans believed that eating chicken at night would give you bloody diarrhea, we are talking about eggs.

>> No.13460961

A better question would be “ why does most of the world associate eggs for breakfast?” Our grandparents, great and further —( ancestors) probably all had chickens. Chickens lay eggs In The morning. It’s common sense that farmers would also collect them in the morning and eat them for needed protein. Eggs are cheaper than meat. It’s just how it is. It’s ingrained in a lot of people, it’s a generational food. They arent just for breakfast but it’s probably associated with breakfast because of this reason.

>> No.13460963
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>Why do Americans associate eggs with breakfast?
nice bait, congrats

>> No.13460964

Why do some people, especially germniggers, associated a disgusting hazelnut and sugar spread with breakfast?

>> No.13460970

Imagine still eating breakfast in 2020

>> No.13460993

please shut up you egg washing idiot

>> No.13461060

Calm down, my man.

I was trying to ask, but probably didn't articulate it properly, why do Americans ONLY associate eggs with breakfast and no other meal. I even remember a scene from Freaks and Geeks where there was a discussion during dinner when that was the topic, although I don't remember the outcome.

Most people post threads like "Do Americans really...." to shitpost. This is 4channel, not grandma's house.

>> No.13461081

Farmers used to eat eggs in the morning they collected them fresh from their chicken and cooked them as part of their daily routine.

You eat eggs in the morning because? Taking them outside your fridge or from the shelf at Walmart isn’t the same thing as being a farmer, before you say so.

>> No.13461086

Eating meat AND eggs is even more subhuman, it’s unnecessary and adds useless cholesterol but then again Anglos are fat obese fucks so I’m not surprised.

>> No.13461087
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>fat bad
>shill fatty breakfast on the goyim
>but fat bad was actually a jewish lie
>accidently shill for the goyim to eat good

>> No.13461091


>Bernays used his uncle Sigmund Freud's ideas to help convince the public, among other things, that bacon and eggs was the true all-American breakfast.

>> No.13461115

>how do traditions and habits pass down from generation to generation?
And you fucking faggots call Americans uncultured, kek

>> No.13461135

LMAO the cope of this post.

>I still place raw meat on my face to avoid bruises because my great grandparents used to do it when ice bags were not available

These are not traditions and yes you’re still an uncultured and rootless specimen.

>> No.13461147

I’m not even trying to say it’s some time-honored tradition, there’s literally millions of Americans that eat eggs for lunch/dinner every single day, I just think it’s retarded that you’re literally asking me the question of how things get passed down from one generation to the next.
It’s also sad that you keep comparing completely and entirely different things to the act of eating eggs, nobody is saying to stuff the whole egg down your throat no chewing straight out of the chickens asshole.
Keep coping and then projecting and then being insanely butthurt that every American has 1000x the culture and family that you do, only someone with a broken family and a lack of self-identity could be making posts this retarded on a consistent basis

>> No.13461165
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>why do Americans ONLY associate eggs with breakfast and no other meal

This is an equally as stupid assumption. Do you have any idea how many recipes involve eggs? Do you cook? Why are you here?

>> No.13461218

>some farmers in Nebraska countryside used to eat eggs every morning after collecting them from their chickens
>aaand that’s why me and my family eat eggs at breakfast here in New York City
>it’s a tradition you know, heritage and values
>I also vote democrat

>> No.13461239

>Nebraska is the only place people farm
I can tell you’re an American and probably from some shithole like Florida or Southern California and I can assure you that i’d love it if a nuke fell on your stupid head

>> No.13461249

>fastfood restaurants stop serving eggs at 10:30AM so americans only eat eggs for breakfast
While that's true for millinneals and the retarded generation that is following them, it's not true of preceding generations.

>> No.13461262

>implying the majority of mainstream restaurants don’t serve all day breakfast
Do you live under a rock or something?

>> No.13461270

I'm not talking about your county's economy, i'm talking about your shit body and low t-levels.

>> No.13461286

No one cooks up a fried egg or omelette for dinner. I mean, I do personally, but everyone I know thinks it's weird because that's "breakfast food."

>> No.13461290

>what is bread
>what is pasta
>what is many varieties of soup
>what is used to bread fried foods
I could keep going but apparently you’re such a fucking tard that you don’t actually know how to cook anything that isn’t extremely simple anyways

>> No.13461311

>>what is bread
>>what is pasta
>>what is many varieties of soup

>> No.13461312

How do you not understand that people perceive egg as an ingredient differently than egg as a meal or separate food? OP is talking about how people perceive cooking and eating eggs directly, and I definitely agree that people see fried eggs as "breakfast food" and look at me funny when I say I had fried eggs with dinner. Unless it's a fried egg on a burger, which people seem to find more acceptable because it's an ingredient and not its own food.

>> No.13461353

Where do you people live where people side eye you for eating an egg at dinner? Never in my life has anyone said "B-but that's breakfast food!!"

>> No.13461433

I'm in the midwest. Among other things, having eggs with or for dinner is called "having breakfast for dinner." Some people feel very strongly about the separation between "breakfast food," "lunch food," and "dinner food."

>> No.13461474

Oh now I get it, you’re wondering why people don’t like eggs. It’s because eggs generally taste like shit unless you’re eating them with something else, and most people think eating eggs by themselves is kinda gross to begin with.

This whole time I thought you were being a retarded faggot, but it turns out you’re correctly assessing that Americans have baby-palettes and prefer unhealthy alternatives to healthy foods, but you’re going about it the completely wrong way.

>> No.13461482

Because checken eggs are collected in the morning.

>> No.13461488

We're talking about people who like eggs and possibly eat them regularly for breakfast, but who ALSO think it's weird to have them with any meal OTHER than breakfast because "that's breakfast food."

>> No.13461516

Yeah and they’re literal baby-palette faggots who think they have to eat the most delicious unhealthy shit for dinner because it’s some kind of reward for the day. They associate eggs with being healthy and a way to “start the day” because mornings are shitty anyways and they’d never consider forcing themselves to eat an egg by itself at any other meal other than the “most important meal of the day”.

>> No.13461528

One more question, why do Americans associate cereal with breakfast?

>> No.13461547

Because John Harvey Kellogg.

>> No.13461579

But it's breakfast foods that are the most dessert-like. Pancakes or waffles with syrup, bacon, breakfast sausage, fruit... In fact, most people are opposed to "breakfast for dinner" specifically because it's too sweet and UNhealthy. Eggs seem to get lumped in by association and it doesn't help that many people still buy into the "dietary cholesterol equals arterial plaque" meme from the 80s and 90s.

>> No.13461587

Well then what the fuck are you bitching about do you want people to eat healthy eggs for breakfast or do you want them to eat carbs
Make up your fuckin mind

>> No.13461611

My point is that your explanation that people think breakfast should be comprised of the most healthy food is wrong because most breakfast foods are seen as UNhealthy.

>> No.13461638

Based continental bro

>> No.13461662

Well if someone is thinking about being healthy, that’s the only time they’d eat eggs in the morning. People who are unconcerned with their health don’t eat eggs, unless they’re getting it integrated into fast food because they’re even too unhealthy and retarded to cook their own food.

>> No.13461735

Riddle me why a stock food typically freshly produced and harvested in the morning wouldn't be associated with morning food you mongrel.

>> No.13461805

Answer: https://www.bonappetit.com/story/why-do-we-eat-eggs-for-breakfast

>> No.13461814

We dont. Only in rare occassion. Only subhumans eat that every morning

>> No.13461889

I skip breakfast.

>> No.13461919

steak and eggs. people have hard boiled eggs for dinner. or egg salad as a side for lunch/dinner. eggsalad sandwiches are a popular diner lunch.

Stop being 15 years old. You get to your teens and start trying to pick apart the world but your experiences are so limited you don't understand what you're doing. So you say retarded shit like nobody in the US eats eggs outside of breakfast. Also, diners serve breakfast all day. People eat eggs for dinner, along with pancakes or other breakfast foods. You haven't stumbled upon something here. You're simply misinformed.

>> No.13461929

bitch omurice is the best dinner

>> No.13461932

Stop buying shit quality eggs, you shart in mart

>> No.13461968

>eating breakfast at all
Good goy.

>> No.13462053
File: 42 KB, 802x615, kosher v halal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Muslims don't eat pork because...

I thought it was because pigs are filthy, fucked up animals in general.

>> No.13462099

>light meal
>500 cal croissants and creme in your coffee

>> No.13462145

>not ensuring you get at least 1,500 calories of protein and carbs per meal
>not literally emitting steam as your metabolic furnace struggles to support your musculature

>> No.13462159

Why do you third worlders think you know anything about cooking?

>> No.13462173

>Jews may not touch carcasses

>> No.13462188

I don't think croissant and café au lait is a light meal, but that may be just me.

>> No.13462208

Because they see it in movies and don't actually cook for themselves. You kinda need fresh eggs if you're whipping up a weeknight fried rice, and hard-boiled eggs make a great side with lunch.
When I don't do an egg sandwich for breakfast it's usually because I'm doing leftovers for breakfast (pizza is good anytime at any temp, blow me) or I'm just skipping breakfast because it's my day off and I'll just wait for lunch. Or dinner, if it's a really restful day off and I don't need the calories. I love not having kids.

>> No.13462261
File: 306 KB, 1280x1080, M.1931.1080p.BluRay.x264-A.mkv-01_32_05.644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That there city folk meal ain't enough to be doin' some real work.

>Because they see it in movies

And tv, all of which are scripted fantasy situations.

>> No.13462412

why don't you keep eating extruded grain product and yummy nummies and meat you could never bring yourself to manually kill. the fuck is your diet if eggs are obsolete to you?

>> No.13462463

The autism in this thread is off the fucking charts. Every one of you faggots should be executed.

>> No.13462475

Your life is a scripted fantasy situation but it hasn't stopped you yet.

>> No.13463010

cholesterol from food is a meme

your body produces about 3g cholesterol every day. only 0,3g are absorbed through food.

your cells are made from cholesterol without you would die.

your body uses cholesterol as precursor for testosterone and other important chemicals
even vitamin D is made from cholesterol inside your body.

>> No.13463037

Why are Americans so butthurt?

>> No.13463251

>No one cooks up a fried egg or omelette for dinner.
Shit sometimes I do a fried egg sandwich for dinner with some sauteed spinach
When I was a kid my dad would do scrambled eggs, sausage, and whatever greens we had on hand for dinner at least twice a week, so maybe I'm an outlier in how I feel about eggs for other meals outside of breakfast.
Eggs are great, I eat them all the fucking time because they're often cheap even for organic/freerange, and when I lived with my parents we actually had chickens so we'd have eggs all the fucking time- and they're always freshest in the mornings.

>> No.13463263

When you live in a country that you know is shit, and that you know everyone else thinks is shit, and then you get reminded everywhere you go that everyone thinks it's shit, and then people in other countries act like they know anything about your country that they're calling shit, it really starts to fucking grate on a person after a point. Like that anon said, all countries have weird shit they do, but for some reason it's always America under a 24/7 microscope. I have a few European friends and they'll read articles about some weird thing that happened in some isolated incident and then they'll come to me and ask, "WHY DO AMERICANS DO THIS? IS THIS REAL? DO AMERICANS REALLY DO SUCH THINGS?!" It's fucking exhausting, man. It's like Euros cannot fathom the possibility that every little dumb thing they hear about might just not represent the absolute behavior of all 300 MILLION Americans living in the fucking country.

>> No.13463302

Not just Americans. Lots of cultures do. I'd guess most, in fact, do.
Mine doesn't and while I can think of only a few more which follow suit, I can easily name a couple dozen countries which routinely include eggs at breakfast. In this instance, the US isn't the oddball out. We are. And that's okay.

Personally, though, I find eggs and meat too heavy in the morning. I'd rather have some toast with jam and butter or something of that nature first thing.

>> No.13463327

>still thinking dietary cholesterol affects serum cholesterol

can you send me a boomer job from 1980?

>> No.13463337

bacon and eggs is a very traditional breakfast in america. we've been eating it for longer than we've been a nation

>> No.13463358

this, but ironically

>> No.13463488

Carbs and espresso. How healthy.

>> No.13463575

its the opposite for me, heavy meal during morning since you need all the energy and light meal during the evening

>> No.13463584

Light meal in the morning to get you going, big meal at midday, nap, small meal in the evening

>> No.13463586


>there are people ITT who actually believe and parrot the "it's healthier" or "it's an American tradition" shit

>> No.13464641

never thought that i find something like >>13461091 on /CK/

that Wikipedia article states that he was involved in literally everything that gets discussed on 4chan
this you can post this on /SCI/ DIY/ /B/ FIT/

>> No.13464689

>Farmers and farming culture.
So everyone in America was a farmer?

>> No.13464697

Anon, there's no cream in that coffee, that's just how espresso looks.

>> No.13464978

Because practices that are hundreds of years old always are something you should listen to

>> No.13465006

Yeah, that's what OP asked.

>> No.13465009

Yes, why wouldn't they be?

>> No.13465021

OP is already asking that. No need to repeat the question, mutto.

>> No.13465027

>coffee drinkers live longer on average than coffee abstainers
>Japan, a country with a carb-heavy diet, has one of the highest life expectancies in the world

>> No.13465047

For me, it's the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich. I even ask for extra McChicken sauce packets and the staff is so friendly and more than willing to oblige.

One time I asked for McChicken sauce packets and they gave me three. I said, "Wow, three for free!" and the nice friendly McDonald's worker laughed and said, "I'm going to call you 3-for-free!".

Now the staff greets me with "hey it's 3-for-free!" and ALWAYS give me three packets. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere at my local McDonald's restaurant, I go there at least 3 times a week for lunch and a large iced coffee with milk instead of cream, 1-2 times for breakfast on the weekend, and maybe once for dinner when I'm in a rush but want a great meal that is affordable, fast, and can match my daily nutritional needs.

I even dip my fries in McChicken sauce, it's delicious! What a great restaurant.

>> No.13465060

Why not have two breakfasts? That's what we do. They're both light, but put together, I bet they're just as filling as a typical Clap breakfast.
Breakfast 1: croissant or toast or brioche or biscuits or granola bar etc + fruit and/or yoghurt and/or juice + coffee with milk. About 500kcal or so.
Breakfast 2: egg sandwich, often with cheese and/or a vegetable, often onion and/or spinach. About another 500kcal or so.

Ameribreakfast: eggs and bacon and sausage and ham and Ameripancakes and Ameriwaffles and Gypsy/French toast and normal toast and syrup and butter and orange juice and coffee. About 1200 kcal or so. Maybe more, idk. Comparable, though.

Since I brought up waffles, have Burgerclaps tried the ones we eat, made from yeasted dough rather than bicarbed batter? Did you like them? I like Ameriwaffles, but they're not as good as Ameripancakes so I prefer our waffles to yours. Both versions of pancakes are equally delicious, tho.

>> No.13465063

I mean, it literally IS an American tradition, as much as oatmeal and more than cornflakes.

>> No.13465088


>> No.13465268
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I made a garlic, chili and tomato sauce and then softboiled 2 eggs in it. That was my breakfast, because of the eggs.

>> No.13466292

We got us one mad mutt here, lads.

>> No.13466345

>Old thing bad :^|

>> No.13466352

fart contest is a national sport

>> No.13466370
File: 229 KB, 735x915, chicken-game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> So everyone in America was a farmer?
Outside of urban centers, yes. Everyone with more than 1 acre of land owned small layer flocks for protein and vitamin supplement.

This was especially prevalent in the South, where soybean was the staple grain. Soybean is notoriously low in the essential amino acid methionine. A family that could not supplement their soy curd suffered pellagra. The disease wasn't pretty.

The first thing a housewife did in the morning was collect eggs. Since refrigeration before the 1940's was basically a large metal box with a block of ice on the bottom shelf (hence the phrase icebox), the faster you could eat the eggs meant less chance for spoilage or Salmonella growth.

Hence eggs became a breakfast food.

>> No.13466442

>No one cooks up a fried egg or omelette for dinner.
Speak for yourself. I love eggs for dinner.

>> No.13466594

for the most part yeah
gotta put the land to work or it'll kill you
Many still are today.

>> No.13466618

Breakfast is a meme. There's a reason Romans fed their slaves breakfast but not themselves. It's pacifying.

>> No.13466730

Do you yuros realize most americans don't eat a giant breakfast any more because we're not toiling in the fields all day? Most people just eat some toast, a granola bar, or some cereal or yogurt. Big breakfasts are typically a social weekend thing at a local diner, and even then it's only older folks who tend to go every single weekend.

>> No.13466869

>5% of US are farmers
The fuck? It ain't 19th century anymore Cletus.

>> No.13467044

Advertising and paid medical journals saying that its essential.

>> No.13467102

>Marketers use social theory to brainwash people into buying shit
>It can't be capitalism, it must be the Jews

>> No.13467114

Eggs and breakfast aren't really unique to America, it's common in a lot of European and Middle Eastern cuisine.

>> No.13467140

source? let me guess time magazine online pole?

cause there are more farmers in my state alone than 5% of the whole cunt

>> No.13467420

And those farmers all belong to a megacorporate, monsanto roundup ready conglomerate, Cletus. Meanwhile you work at their non-union slaughterhouse and argue your shit wages and benefits are a god given right, lol!

>> No.13467426

It's not an either-or, Bernays was a jew and he was trying to advertise shit to sell it.

>> No.13467440

so you have no source and can't even do more than project you emotions? got it.

>> No.13468281

Bacon and eggs. eggs are literally in the name of the dish.

>> No.13469108

>high life expectancy
>they're all depressed, suicidal and living shitty meaningless lives
Good comparison

>> No.13469112

Farming culture

>> No.13469206

Nah its true. I was actually a little stunned poltards were right but its still a nonissue
Even if the jewish guy was marketing fentanyl chewing gum its still not a jewish plot. Wanabe nazis gind conspiracies where there are none
Yes but not as widescale. Youre thinking more of how a farmer would eat. This was advertised to city folk
Not everything is a kike plot. Even if it was, you will never do anything about it goy

>> No.13469696

I love how no one bothered to see when chickens actually lay eggs.

Typically, theu lay their eggs 6 hours after sunrise

>> No.13470269

Boomer logic. Hurr ya know it's right when it's got that "ring" to it.

>> No.13470287


Eggs don't spoil outside of refrigeration unless you remove the outer membrane and salmonella risk is due to modern factory farming practice

>> No.13470490
File: 458 KB, 600x450, eggs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>13466370 haha what do you think Hens cooling their eggs so their newborns don't spoil.

>>13470287 is right in Murcia they wash the eggs which removes the protective layer.
here in Germany they don't wash them and they have a uncooled shelf life of 30 days.

pic german supermarket:

>> No.13470522
File: 21 KB, 385x402, 1570024931401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uncooled eggs


>> No.13470533

That was my exact line of thinking, too.

>> No.13470585

>having to digest a meal or eggs, bacon and other heavy shit only slows you down because of the digestion process.
You're actually retarded that's not how food works. Eating breakfast gives you energy, it doesn't slow you down. The only reason to not eat breakfast is if you're a 120 lb twink