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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 232 KB, 3000x2000, nonstick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13423220 No.13423220 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any disadvantages to using a nonstick skillet?

>> No.13423233

They are nonstick without effort (unlike a stainless, cast iron or carbon steel pan) and you can simmer acidic stuff in them for a long time without damaging them (unlike bare cast iron).

>> No.13423235

No fond. Basically useless for anything but eggs and vegetables.

>> No.13423243

Food doesn't stick to them well enough.

>> No.13423253

Can't fry sticks

>> No.13423255

My eggs come out just as well from my cast iron. Non-stick is a useless one off that fails after a couple of years and contains potentially carcinogenic chemicals. But by all means keep buying into built in obsolescence. Good goy!

>> No.13423265

Coating with a finite lifetime.
Piss poor searing capabilities.
Emits toxic fumes when overheated.
Environmentally unsustainable.

>> No.13423266

No they don't. That's bait

>> No.13423268

If you overheat them then the fumes will kill birds, that's sure a disadvantage.

>> No.13423276

I just use anodized aluminum. Fuck ceramic and Teflon.

>> No.13423279
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>Basically useless
>by all means keep buying into built in obsolescence. Good goy!

>> No.13423282

>heat non stick skillet outside
>neighborhood birds all die
>free bird meat for weeks

>> No.13423284

Built in obsolenence in products is about 80 years old if not longer and wasn't invented by jews. Idiots like you like to blame jews for your problems when they're not the ones to blame, and I'm not jewish.

>> No.13423288

hahaha, they just fall from the sky onto your grill.

>> No.13423300

A true kitchen Chad owns the whole culinary trinity. Non stick, stainless, and cast iron. All three have things they excel at. Why narrow your horizons?

>> No.13423313

>Heat nonstick skillet in enemy's home while they're asleep
>Place a packet of noodles on the counter
The perfect crime.

>> No.13423314

Marketing and morons here and on other sites that thing that "one size fits all" when the truth is quite the opposite. There's no reason to pick just one thing when the fact is that are multiple tools for different purposes.

>> No.13423359

dubbadubs post is best post

>> No.13423473

Fluorocarbons are bad for you
not only that but the processing to produce them is a health and environmental nightmare

say no to Teflon

>> No.13423493

Nice virtue signaling, Greta

>> No.13423499
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Is the marble thingy also toxic?

>> No.13423509

what are the things that stainless and cast iron differ in excelling at?

>> No.13423603

I would say that cast iron is really excellent for frying things because of the way it retains heat through putting in new batches of stuff to fry. Also cast iron is amazing for making pizza. The strong points of stainless are that I can make acidic things in it unlike cast iron, more even/immediate heat distribution, and sometimes if I want something to stick while cooking to create fond then stainless does that well.

>> No.13423611

not that guy but cast iron excells at searing and browning things things because you can make it crazy hot, it has a lot of thermal mass and unlike stainless it emits a lot of infrared radiation that ensures extra good browning.

You cant reall deglaze it with stock, beer or wine though because that would fuck up the seasoning, just like simmering stuff in it in general. Especially acidic stuff with tomatoes for instance. That is what stainless is great at. Plus you can run stainless steel through the dishwasher which you shouldnt do even with a teflon pan.

>> No.13423617

So long as you use them with low heat (no searing at all) than sure.

>> No.13423623

it'll turn you gay(er than you already are)

>> No.13423731

The non-stick coating is made of literal plastic and it WILL peel off and get into your food even if you can't see it

It's funny (more sad than funny really) how much /ck/ obsesses over phytoestrogens in vegetables but doesn't care about xenoestrogens from plastic that are 100x worse for you

>> No.13423742

-No oil required to cook even very sticky things like eggs
-Easy to clean

-Can’t build fond
-Less browning than with stainless or cast iron
-Starts to release toxic fumes above 400 degrees F
-Can’t use metal tools
-Teflon coating eventually wears off

>> No.13423797

emits toxic material into food if scratched at all

>> No.13423908

Anodized Aluminum if you treat it properly will last for ever.

>> No.13424159

Meme. Needs to be heated over 600° to even be toxic

>> No.13424234

>Even heat
Moron alert, read a fucking book once in a while

>> No.13424259
File: 43 KB, 400x400, 1554309413634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fell asleep making ramen noodles
>Pot is now white on the bottom
>Vigorous scrubbing and a trip through the dish washer haven't changed anything
Should I throw it out?

>> No.13424290
File: 292 KB, 367x502, columbo_w_basset_hound_doggo-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lt. Columbo and doggo is on the case.

>> No.13424293

Yes throw it out and maybe you have heavy water, look into that.

>> No.13424311

nonstick is breddy gud. unlike those shit ceramic coated pans they're shilling again. they tried shilling that shit in the 60s too. there's a reason we don't use it.

>> No.13424314
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Mongo impressed by book readin

>> No.13424320
File: 44 KB, 255x255, 1485268887884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Idiots like you like to blame jews for your problems when they're not the ones to blame, and I'm not jewish.

>will kill birds
you already had me at non-stick

>> No.13424332

Sorry you're too poor to afford nice stainless. Or you have a poor person stove.

>> No.13424336
File: 211 KB, 856x575, birds are not important.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Birds Are Not Important

>> No.13424339

What's wrong with ceramic? My grocery store just put some ceramic coated cast iron stuff on sale and it looks decent.

>> No.13424347

Good for crustless quiche if you have a oven safe one.

>> No.13424366
File: 108 KB, 1200x800, Goomba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat your teflon plastic xenoestregens, goy!

>> No.13424387

I did this several years ago when I proposed to make an omelette in a stainless to prove it worked so tomorrow I'll fry an egg in my cast iron for you faggots.

>> No.13424440

Teflon starts to vaporize far below that
>he doesn’t know what cladding is

>> No.13424442

You’re probably thinking of enameled cast iron, which is different.

>> No.13424450

There is not a single reference to heat mechanics in stainless steel pans throughout the entire Western canon.

>> No.13424455

I prefer non enameled. my 18 year old lodge never sticks.

>> No.13424521

So basically you're too poor to afford enamel cast iron. Got it

>> No.13424523

If it is specifically enameled cast iron (I'll write that down before I go) would a dutch oven be OK?

>> No.13424527

An enamel cast iron Dutch oven is one of the most useful pans you can get.

>> No.13424559

That’s called a frittata you fucking nigger, not a quiche

>> No.13424561

stop being a faggot

>> No.13424573
File: 5 KB, 302x167, Ed thumb up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13424577

bet you never said that word in front of male friends.

>> No.13424589

I don’t have nigger friends like you so yes I do

>> No.13424601

soooo your gay?

>> No.13424610

men call it fag omelette

>> No.13424659

Fuck off niggerloving faggot

>> No.13424908

hell yea