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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13407028 No.13407028 [Reply] [Original]

>there is a popular food in America called Macaroni Salad
>a combination of cooked pasta and straight up mayo
>carbs and fat

>> No.13407033

>a mixture containing a specified ingredient served with a dressing
Stop being retarded.

>> No.13407037

a salad is a mixture of small pieces of food, served ready to eat either at room temp or chilled

nowhere is it implied that it is healthy you little bitch

>> No.13407038

potato salad > macaroni salad

>> No.13407045

Potato-, egg- or noodle salads are quite popular in central europe, too. Those are also usually just carbs plus lots of oil and mayo. Maybe some diced pickle thrown in.

>> No.13407046
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>carbs and fat
What the fuck do you think lettuce and olive oil are?

>> No.13407089
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>> No.13407105

bread salad is popular in italy and spain, at least parts anyways (before the spergs sperg)

>> No.13407126

Macaroni are made from wheat and wheat is a vegetable

>> No.13407130
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Has anyone here actually tried making this? It's been over 10 years since it came out, so someone here has to have been autistic enough to replicate it.


>> No.13407151

The "wholesome music" that starts playing towards the end is killing me.

>> No.13407153


American education at work

>> No.13407188

>popular food
Only in flyover West Jeebusville, Billy Bob, so get a hold of your sister before she slips out with Tyrone.

>> No.13407196
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>vegetables aren't carbohydrates

>> No.13407198

Anything that provides calories is either a carb, a fat, or a protein. Are you under the impression that lettuce is a protein? Even /fit/ isn't this ignorant about basic nutrition.

>> No.13407211

Idiot detected

>> No.13407219

Most salads aren’t “healthy” in a caloric sense unless you’re just eating strictly lettuce and non-starchy vegetables. Cobb, wedge, salads with meat etc. are about as “healthy” as a sandwich.

>> No.13407256
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More proof America is based because it makes inferior Europeans and South Americans become so obsessed they spend 24/7 thinking about a country they have no direct relation with.
America is the best country and if you hate that you shouldn't have tried to genocide and destroy your entire continent in WWII

>> No.13407348

/fit/ is actually more educated about nutrition than /ck/.
/ck/ is full of excellent cooks with great taste, but they don't give a shit about the nutritional content of their food.
This is why /ck/ loves the McChicken so much, while /fit/ eats grilled chicken breast.

>> No.13407357

Funny but America is an imperalist nation that invades other countries, they would have found an excuse to invade Europe eventually. WW2 was just the best thing to come by.

>> No.13407387
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in italy we call a similar abomination "russian salad" which is kinda similar to OP but with potatoes instead of pasta

>> No.13407392

Every country is an imperalist nation that invades other countries

>> No.13407403

Liechtenstein isn't

>> No.13407430
File: 508 KB, 1360x2048, Screenshot_20191223-175223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lettuce is equal parts digestible carbs and protein although it's not really a source of either at the volume of a typical salad. Either way, you guys are the retards.

>> No.13407435

>/ck/ loves the McChicken
We really don't. It was just a stupid forced meme, and we didn't even used to have memes. It probably wasn't even someone from here who spammed it.

>> No.13407448
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>lettuce isn't a carb
>here's an image showing that lettuce is primarily carbs

>> No.13407489

Speak for yourself. Still the greatest $1 value in fast food.

>> No.13407511

You can't digest dietary fiber so it has little to no caloric content dummy so it's functionally 1g sugars and 1g protein from a macro standpoint

>> No.13407522
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>> No.13407558

They will be if they get the power to

>> No.13407560

Nigga, how else is you supposed to get rid of the hangover?

>> No.13407563

Euros literally use mayo as a dipping sauce for French fries
Don’t try and pretend you have some culinary high ground

>> No.13407602

Pasta salads are common in Europe especially during summer. Something like tuna + penne rigate + cherry tomatoes + feta cubes + olive oil...
I bet you're an asian canadian shitposter.
t. Frenchfag

>> No.13407607

do euromuslims really?

>> No.13407641

Yeah, it's a popular snack when you are a child going to the outdoor pool in the summer. You go for a swim with your friends or family, then you go to the pool bistro and get a serving of fries with ketchup and mayonnaise.
Mmmh, delicious!
I remember one time, i went back for seconds, and the bistro man told me i still had mayonnaise around my mouth.
Good memories

>> No.13407646
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americans are fucked up

>> No.13407654

lettuce is 95% water you retards, just because its 2% carbs shouldnt mean that you let that define it

>> No.13407659

Your mom is 95% water

>> No.13408905
