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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13403413 No.13403413 [Reply] [Original]

Why do normalfags do this?

>> No.13403421

>grocery shopping outside

Do 3rd worlders really do this?

>> No.13403425

To avoid Susan and Mary pushing their carts 90 degrees sideways, forming a blockade, so they can gossip.

>> No.13403429

>market fresh
WAHHH! I need my tendies!

>> No.13403436

Virtue signaling, mostly
They saw that cuck Anthony Bourdain wouldn't shut up about the third worlders eating bitter nasty slimy vegetables and meat bones and skin and eyeballs
So of course your NPC libshit college coal burner now wants more than anything else to never eat normal food again. Instead only the most weird looking slimy vegetables preferably picked by illegal immigrants and urinated on. That will be $100 plus tip! Good goy, eat the bugs you BIGOT

>> No.13403441

>implying you shop these for the fresh food
>implying you would ever go to one of these alone

>> No.13403443

>live in east yurop
>markets errywhere
>can get healthy, fresh vegetables directly from the producers on the cheap
>not a single hipster in sight

>> No.13403445

>virtue signaling
What an absolutely meaningless term.

>> No.13403446

It's called Eastern Market, Detroit, Michigan.

>> No.13403447

libcuck cope for thinking they're in tune with nature while living in a never ending concrete jungle

>> No.13403448
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>> No.13403451

It’s probably the most important term of our age, how much of normalfags actions are actually for themselves and not others I genuinely wonder.

>> No.13403459

>all of this bitterness from the incels ITT
You all unironically need to have sex tbqhwy

>> No.13403472

I disagree. “Cuck” was far more important and directly assisted in getting us the presidency.

>> No.13403478

Low energy post.

>> No.13403485

I unerotically disagree.

>> No.13403521

You have it backward. Virtue signaling covers it all and is simple enough to redpill sheltered fags

>> No.13403535

Also I go because they're cheaper. Although they may be different other places, for me it's buying directly from the farmer. The prices are unbelievably cheap compared to buying from a store. They're giving eggs away for example

>> No.13403541
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whats to stop people from buying commercial produce and passing it off as "" farmers' produce"""?

buy at $0.99 from walmart and sell it for $5 "organic indian carrots"

pic not related

>> No.13403572

Farmer's produce is commercial produce, what's your point?

>> No.13403573

I think this happens in places where people don’t check into the sellers but buy into the idea that anything sold in an outdoor market must be good. It shouldn’t be difficult to verify the farm the produce and other goods are from, and if you’re not disabled you should be able to tell whether or not the produce is a better quality for the price by look, smell, and eventually taste.

>> No.13403578

It's a flyover problem. Farmer's market space is highly competitive in civilized places and the farms are granted spaces only after a years-long vetting process.

>> No.13403640

>He tells himself to justify paying $7 strawberries

>> No.13403647

you know what i mean.....

>> No.13403650

Are you absolutely fucking retarded?

>> No.13403658

There are different types of farmer’s markets. The yuppie city ones held in the mall’s parking lot are overpriced and poor quality. If you go to a market on the age of town where the vendors barely speak English, you’ll find good, cheap produce.

>> No.13403664

REEE why di propel consume fresh produce wtf I'm seething and crying I need my validation from my 4chan incel bros. Bros you don't do this right? You are special just like me right? We are based

>> No.13403667

A lot of them do. That or buy wholesale from farmers and jack up the price to sell to hipster cunts

>> No.13403679

>how much actions are actually for themselves and not others I genuinely wonder
I used to suffer from this illness, but when I started drinking a lot this illness vanished.

>> No.13403684

You can tell the difference if you aren't a fucking idiot. Almost no tomatoes you get in a grocery store are even edible, they're obvious trash and might as well be made of wax.

Farmer's market tomatoes are clearly superior. If you're getting the same shit as in a grocery store there find a better place.

>> No.13403692

Farmers market tomatoes are trash. Grow your own. Black Prince tomatoes are the best.

>> No.13403733

Looking at those soyboys buying MUH SEASONAL VEGETABLES makes me want to puke
Liberalism is mental illness
Western civilization invented the Whopper and the Quarter Pounder but they would rather spend daddy’s money on soylent and foul tasting “diversity food” because looking like a pozzed up AIDS patient is cool and eating white inventions like burgers is now considered racist thanks to Pelosi and Ilhan Omar who married her brother
It’s ok to be white

>> No.13403738

You ok?

>> No.13403747

You are fucking dumb as dogshit. My local farmer's market gets picketed by fucking soy boys because they have "white supremacists" who sell there.
Yeah eating fucking locally grown vegetables is "liberal." How are you a city boy and white trash at the same time?

>> No.13403833

Don't be cunt, faggot!
Also don't eat fucking burger.

>> No.13403842

I go because the produce is better than supermarkets usually and I like to support local farmers. Also it's just something enjoyable and relaxing to do on a Saturday morning. Why are you so miserable?

>> No.13403857

why does the typical American want to be fat and die of heart attack at 30, to the point where they wear this as a badge of pride?

>> No.13403870

I worry for your mental health. You write like a chatbot.

>> No.13403904

Fucking based and redpilled

>> No.13403991

Or I could drive 10 minutes to the actual farm and buy it from a respectable white man that harvested it himself

>> No.13404145

Was thinking the same thing. This is what you become when you take the soy boy meme too seriously I think

>> No.13404164

na you're not a real person

>> No.13404169

Foods cheaper at farmers markets here in maine. At least in season.

>> No.13404170

my supermarket doesn't carry as wide a variety of vegetables especially mushrooms and hot peppers. It's more expensive but it's a fun thing to do on a saturday before you go to the actual store and pad out your pantry for the week

>> No.13404172

Fuck you. Amish Paste are the best.

>> No.13404213

>he's never had a black prince mater sandwhich


>> No.13404234

the only thing annoying about farmers markets is the traffic and parking especially if youre not going to it.

>> No.13404457


>> No.13404469

what the actual fuck is this, pseudo-intellectual bullshit? try graduating first before going to 4chan

>> No.13405094


>> No.13405931

Jesus fucking christ guys what the fuck is this thread? This is about a fucking simple-ass MARKET and half the people here are shitposting like it was the downfall of western civilization. For fuck's sake its just a way to get cheap veggies and honey every week and keep in touch with local producers. Puts a face on the people who's local companies you see every day.
Its not a god damn jewish conspiracy or whatever the fuck.
And i thought /tg/ was filled with /pol/lacks.

>> No.13405964

Because it's a great way to get great produce and meat while supporting local farmers.

Is it that difficult to understand?

>> No.13405973

/pol/cucks are autistic?
ohh wow i never would have guessed

>> No.13405985

>Live in Western Europe
>Visit farmers market
>It's entirely staffed by Romanians and Arabs pretending that the stuff they just bought at the cash and carry is 'farm fresh'
>Not a single normal person in sight

>> No.13406054

But it really isn't though. Plenty of people use it to heighten others' esteem of themselves while not actually committing to understanding, researching, and improving anything. It's offensive to people who are actually educated activists and it derails social progress. It's a trait that is central to stupid and self-centered individuals.

>> No.13406064

i live in detroit and would shop at a farmers market over any of the downtown grocery stores
all the grocery stores get their food delivered on the sidewalk and i’ve seen plenty of niggers pissing on it

>> No.13406104

Autism incarnate
Maybe people just want cheap, fresh produce and spices and shit? What a concept

>> No.13406135

A good number of sellers at farmers' markets aren't farmers but only resellers, scamming idiots though.

>> No.13406138

>Just believe me bro

>> No.13406180

You'll tell me, "lol, fucking leafs", but it's not really different in america.

>> No.13406181

You know you can communicate with them through the remarkable tool of verbal language to determine if they're legit or not. If you ask to visit their farm, a legit farmer will welcome it.

My farmers market doesn't have that issue because it's *gasp* regulated and their farms must be within a 50 mile radius and are physically investigated by authorities before space is alloted to them.
>inb4 regulation is a globalist, commie, sjw, jewish, libruhl, socialist conspiracy to steal bodily fluids

>> No.13406187

>You know you can communicate with them through the remarkable tool of verbal language to determine if they're legit or not.
And they would never lie, of course.

>> No.13406337
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Shitlibs will deny this but this man speaks the truth.
Farmers Markets Are A Scam

>> No.13406373


>> No.13406377

>t. voted Clinton

>> No.13406429

I just go to the farm and get stuff from their stand. One near me has a huge hydroponic greenhouse complex so year-round fresh tomato for me!

>> No.13406507

That's a very american thing to ask.

>> No.13406515
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>> No.13406519

go plant a community garden you and your pet niggers will get bored of in a week faggot

>> No.13406528

Imagine actually believing this, and imagine actually thinking mcdonalds is food worth eating. Good thing this is just a bait post.

>> No.13406534

Youd never know, because you wouldnt even try. Your assumptions are set, and you will never challenge them.

>> No.13406557

That's quite a lot of assumptions on my assumptions right there.

>> No.13406569

Why does going to a farmers market have to be a political statement with you?

>> No.13406575

>i'm too ignorant about growing vegetables to know if someone is bullshitting about it
You don't deserve quality produce stick with your mcdicks.

>> No.13406601

Enlighten us then. What kind of questions would you ask?

>> No.13406704

You get to buy potatoes, sweet potatoes, ginger and other tubers with no eye growth inhibitors sprayed on.
So you can successfully plant them later.

>> No.13406742

I had an internal concept of this before there was a commonly-accepted term for it. I find it very useful indeed, and was glad when it was popularised.

>> No.13406916

Cause you're a leftie

>> No.13406935

The most important would be, "where's your farm?" Then, "When would be a convenient time for me to visit?"
>what cultivars are these vegetables and why did you decide to grow them here?
>how do you fertilize the crops?
>what crop rotation schedule do you use?
>what pest issues do you have?
>what pest control methods do you use?
>how do you control weeds?
>what are the ideal nutrient percentages for this particular vegetable?
The problem is, you don't know the answers and can't be bothered researching it so it's much more convenient just to claim they're all scumbags like the current US govt.

>> No.13406938

>Not enjoying the age old tradition of beautiful outdoor food markets
Sad and strangely inhuman

>> No.13406943

Incredibly bad post friend

>> No.13407035

Welcome to the world of the fascist right. Michelle planted an organic garden at the white house and trump plowed it up and erected an fracking derrick over it.

>> No.13407044

>Getting this triggered by farmers markets
Hahahahahahahaha faggot

>> No.13407059


>> No.13407215

One held near me every Saturday and Wednesday during the summer.

Some of the farmers know the 'organic' only soccer moms and hipsters will buy anything from then and won't haggle the made up tag price they just copy from the near by grocery store.

But it's usually picked that day produce and hasn't gone through the bidding wars and hundreds of Kms of being shipped around which is nice.

There's a butcher who slaughters 'his top pick' for the week and sells some damn good pork and chicken.

They are nothing compared to what I've seen in Europe tho, Athens had a pretty cool fish market.

>> No.13407329

When I was in korea, the Seoul fish market had extremely fresh, live seafood caught the night before so you had to be down there by 5AM but it was well worth it. They were swimming in the containers.

>> No.13407383

You can see if it's cheaper than supermarkets by looking at the price. If it's not, don't buy it, or you can try haggling until it is. If it is, you're not being scammed.

>> No.13407421


>> No.13407429

I enjoyed my 16 months in Korea (Dongducheon). I got hooked on so many foods.

>> No.13407447

That is used in the same way that we used to use sheeple. It added nothing to our language.

>> No.13407838

True. The right virtue signals to their circle jerk corral of sheeple exactly like the left. Literally meaningless.

>> No.13407852
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fucking underrated post!

>> No.13407873
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>> No.13408146

The absolute state of /pol/cels

>> No.13408154

No white man harvests himself, they hire illegal spics or chinks and then cry about illegals and vote Trump.

>> No.13408180

have sex

>> No.13408193

I haven't been able to travel to Asia. But it's one of my bucket lists to visit a asian coastal fish market. Mainly the Tsukiji fish market in japan.

>> No.13408195
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I always support local farmers, I’m willing to pay a bit more to get fresh vegetables, spices, peppers, meat, eggs, cheese and whatever else i need from local people and not WALMART* or AMAZON* like most americucks

I have a guy who sells me the best cuts of meat for my dinner, I know his family, I have a woman who saves me the best garlic and honey because I always come back. It’s nice to not be autistic sometimes.

Here’s a brisket I cut up from my local market to make burnt ends for my buddies, stay mad corporate slaves

>> No.13408196

Do it soon. Theyre going to run out of fish sooner than youd think.q

>> No.13408214

Yeah, I don't know why people who don't have depression go outdoors either

>> No.13408593

>vegetables are a jewish conspiracy to push miscegenation
peak 2019 rural american.

>> No.13408634

Are the prices are farmer markets cheaper than the store? I've heard it was a couple times from different people but never went to check myself for my area

>> No.13408643


>> No.13408676

I love farmers markets, they are literal carnivals for preps and hipsters.
Like any carnies, you just have to know what to watch for.
Some things they do... the guy who has everything at “peak ripeness” yeah, he dumpster dives his produce from other stores.
The one with “heirloom” or “pesticide free” produce where they might have lines or interesting shapes? He is buying the marked and misshapen leavings that the real grocery stores pass up. Aka selling you the feed quality biomass at an up charge from what you would pay for actual produce.
The best thing at most farmers markets are the marks.

>> No.13409705

Good goy. Buy our mass produce goods