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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 135 KB, 590x1074, FBBF2976-07A1-48D0-9E4C-592A8B992F42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13371098 No.13371098[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does this actually work in real life?

>> No.13371105

No you'll look like a cunt

>> No.13371111

If you do that you should be shot

>> No.13371113

just don't tip. they sign up for the job knowing it's a minimum wage position

>> No.13371117

That is a good way for them to not give a shit
>Wow my tip will be at max five dollars now I know I don’t need to care much
>Oh they already took away part of the tip no need to keep trying since I won’t get shit anyway

Also it just makes you look like a cunt.

>> No.13371122

I'd make sure they'd never come back.

>> No.13371123

>unironically subsidising wage that boss should be paying
Cucks, all of you.

>> No.13371132

thats a depraved petty power trip

>> No.13371133

That dude has never been on a date with a female in his life

>> No.13371137

He literally mentions his wife in the first sentence.

>> No.13371146

It's less than minimum wage because they make tips. Know how I can tell you're 14?

>> No.13371149

not how it works bud

>> No.13371160

>Under federal law, employers can take a tip credit by paying tipped workers, such as servers and bartenders, as low as $2.13 an hour if those workers earn at least the standard minimum wage of $7.25 an hour once their tips are added in.
Restaurant owners get away with not paying the difference all the time. It's a scummy business.

>> No.13371164


heh kids can't read nowadays unless its all that sex in those 'tablet' computers that they watch all day instead of getting jobs!!!!! its a book not a vid-game!

>> No.13371169

>restaurant owners totally get away with not paying the difference its not like its tax fraud, punishable by the department of labor, and retaliatory firing is also sued at twice the cost of wages + damages and legal fees trust my anecdote!

>> No.13371171

Lmao fuck you faggot, i piss in your coke

>> No.13371176

>Restaurant owners get away with not paying the difference all the time.
Pretty much false unless you're an illegal wetback. More likely result is getting fired for being a terrible waiter.

>> No.13371178

>5 fucking dollars

>> No.13371188

just a reminder that people like this would send you to a death camp if given the power and opportunity

>> No.13371195

Jeez, what a fucking sociopath.

>> No.13371341

Baby boomers 101. This will not work. Baby Boomers still think people work hard and that excellence is rewarded in the work. In reality, the jews only hire their relatives to top jobs and use DUHversity hirings for everything else.

Likewise, this will not work. You will only trigger the waitress.

>> No.13371347

>Restaurant owners get away with not paying the difference all the time
Then don't work for that guy. I am not responsible for your poor life decisions.

>> No.13371350

>just a reminder that people like this would send you to a death camp if given the power and opportunity

The article didn't say if they were snakemen or orcs. If they were, then you are correct. This is why everyone should buy guns.

>> No.13371440

This doesn't work because whoever did this is lying and doesn't know how tipping works

Let's assume this is a 20% tip, or close enough to it
That means, this dude spent $25 on "dinner" with his wife
What kind of poorfag insists on quality service over a $25 meal
At places like this--owners typically fuck over their waitstaff by paying them a fraction of what minimum wage is and letting them take home the tips (after splitting)
You're an asshole if you don't tip, but you're better off not supporting owners who fuck over their staff like that

Next, let's assume 15%--this is more believable, but ultimately a shittier tip
Assuming they get 1 appetizer along with the free bread, and 2 entrees of the same price, maybe a dessert to split: This is a lot of work for such a shitty tip
Maybe this is more of a casual dinner and they just didn't feel like cooking--but imagine casually going out to eat and insisting that they treat you like you're a god for dropping ~30 on dinner

Finally, assume this is a 10% tip
This is a nothing tip that isn't worth the time of most people--it sounds like this person got an amazing experience while outwardly being an asshole. If it were me, I'd say fuck it and give them subpar service, take my $1 tip and let my manager deal with the rest

>> No.13371450

No. No one really does that.

>> No.13371512

Or they'll just give you the same amount of attention and get the $2 tip they're used to so that they don't get less from other tables.

>> No.13371542
File: 43 KB, 396x482, 1463856119144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do this
>don't touch the money until the end
>pay with card, pocket the money and leave

>> No.13371583
File: 17 KB, 200x287, 3F69E9B3-727D-4A81-B493-F3983F388F2A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>okay... Mr. anon, your takeout order is ready, here you go!
>*cough cough*
>*taps rim of jar*

>> No.13371604

Man, the IRS must really love raping the business owners up the ass all the time and the owners must LOVE it.
Especially if they do it as much as you imply.

>> No.13371616

The first jobs I hope gets automated is waiting and bartending.

>> No.13371642

Any other waiter anons in the thread?

Back when I waited tables anyone who refused to tip would get the worst service we would possibly give. We would make sure the cook would portion out the smallest acceptable amount of food as well and never refill their drink.

Probably don't come back if you tip like a retard or try to make some statement about minimum wage.

>> No.13371654

Just eat at McDonalds and wait your own table.

>> No.13371663

You are responsible for your shitty attitude.
Nice reading comprehension.

>> No.13371698

t. guy that substitutes genuine human contact with people that bring him food in a friendly manner in the hopes he will give them free money for it

>> No.13371716
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I'd forgo the tip just give these types of people shitty service.

>> No.13371723

Notice how they only part of that which matters depends on cooperation the people who are actually doing the work, not you. You're just carrying a plate. If you find a way to do that poorly you should be fired.

>> No.13371742

business owners still have to pay taxes on reported tips so if they were forging wages to avoid paying out the difference not only would they be committing tax fraud, they'd still be paying taxes on money that doesn't actually exist

>> No.13371749

90% of jobs can be broken down to some asinine task. Cooks literally just heat the food, the su chef chooses what the recipes are. Car dealerships literally just sell the cars, they dont make them.

>> No.13371750

>su chef

>> No.13371767

>su chef
Whoops my /g/ was leaking

>> No.13371771

That money is shifted from made up deductables. God I am done holding your fucking hand. Bye, idiot.

>> No.13371784

what's a "deductable"?
i'm going to assume someone that doesn't know the proper spelling of the word also knows nothing about the tax code either

>> No.13371786

Lol seethe more waiter bro. Your an asshole if you expect any tips; let alone a certain percentage and judge people based on that percentage. How does the percentage of the check translate to extra work for you? Oh yeah it doesn't.

Also people that work on commission such as car salesmen and realtors don't make anywhere near your percentage for doing jobs that takes some actual know how.

>> No.13371807

I put out $15. I deduct for stuff like
>having tattoos
>not making eye contact with me when I give my orders
>not bringing me a fresh straw with every refill
>failure to say"Yes sir"
>hair not neat
>being a millennial in general

By then end I might have $1.25 still on the table (yes, I replace some bills with coinage) but by the time I walk out, there's no tip.

>> No.13371811

You can't actually be defending this. How about you take 20 people off the street as a random sample? Set 10 to cook and 10 to be waiters. Compare their performance to the restaurants current chefs and waiters. Do you think they will cook as well as the chefs? The gap in skill is huge. I'm sure the 10 random adults can write down the order, take it to the kitchen, and carry the food out to the table better than they can cook.

>> No.13371816

Not that waiter bro but you are an asshole if you don't tip when its customary to tip. No matter how you try to justify it to yourself you are just an asshole.

If you really want to protest tipping culture, eat at places that don't accept tips.

>> No.13371817

if they end up making less their employer has to pay the difference

>> No.13371823

>having coins
Is this a poorfag/boomer thread?

>> No.13371825

no one is protesting tipping culture we just arent stupid enough to believe that wait staff are starving

>> No.13371829

Don't even humor him, I'm not even sure he's ever had a job.

>> No.13371835

When I cooked I covered as a waiter about 2 nights out of the week. Pay was way better as a cook and job was a lot easier overall. (Other than changing the soup pots which was a pain in the ass)

>> No.13371843

$5 is literally nothing

>> No.13371845

if they're having an employee swap between cooking and waiting the business isnt legitimate enough to warrant the anecdote

>> No.13371847

Then they get fired for incompetence.

>> No.13371858
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>Larping NEET going on about "real jobs"

>> No.13371860

>spends hours a day on tiktok/insta
>claims to be worked to the bone
>complaining about being made to read a book
How do I know this is an american

>> No.13371861

>you get fired if you suck at your job

>> No.13371862
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>> No.13371866

You obviously never worked in a kitchen. People called off all the time because its a job for losers.

>> No.13371871

so what's a deductible that allows businesses to "legally" commit tax fraud?

>> No.13371879

Calm down Jackie Chan.

>> No.13371882

Told you I'm not going to spoon feed it to you anymore. Fuck off.

>> No.13371887

I got a tip for you faggits:

Get a real job.

>> No.13371889

i work in catering and would never call restaurant service easy
at your typical restaurant, outside of kitchen lead, the pay is worse for cooks and the average cook is either a drug addict or an ex-con
everyone is yelling at each other because at least one of the cooks is a worthless lazy new hire pretending he doesn't know what to do

>> No.13371890

itt: "wtf why are servers rude to me after i was rude first???"
this is literally kindergarten level shit but somehow you retards forgot that people will be nice to you when you're nice to them

>> No.13371891

and the award for most deranged post of the day goes to anon

>> No.13371903

because there isn't one? ok

>> No.13371916

Nah some waiters are just miserable cunts. Cant blame em really

>> No.13371921

you first NEET lmfaooo

>> No.13371928

honestly this is fine if you want shit service and spit in your food
like i can't stop you from acting like a cunt but i can give you fair warning
it is entirely your fault. you chose to act like this

>> No.13371951

I americaland you need to tip twice the meal value to avoid the service from spitting in your food. Meanwhile in a civilised country you get good service included with your meal

>> No.13371957

If I were a waiter and someone did that I'd intentionally fuck with them. The pleasure of shitting on your evening would far outweigh 5 fucking dollars.

>> No.13371961

Fuck off.

>> No.13371992

>the whole five bucks
>playing psychological games with a server
Terrible people have terrible ideas.

>> No.13372000

This is almost worse than not tipping at all

>> No.13372001


>> No.13372004

>i Americaland
nice English freak
not even American though so the only thing you managed to do was prove how utterly obsessed you are
but try pulling this shit on a French waiter and see what happens
it's not about the lack of a tip, dumbass, it's about dangling keys in front of someone's face and shouting "HAHAHA YOU OWE ME GOOD SERVICE NOW"
you were going to get fine service before but you pre-emptively acted like a shitcunt
literally, all you gotta do is not act like an asshole

>> No.13372011

how autistic do you even have to be

>> No.13372022
File: 71 KB, 500x440, 1511764967500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: triggered minimum-wage dumbass servers who think they're "waiters" or "waitresses"

>> No.13372032
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>why do people not like me playing mindgames with teenagers
i dunno, retard, why don't you tell me

>> No.13372045

You got rekt

>> No.13372046
File: 490 KB, 449x401, laughinggirls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is it even possible to be a minimum-wage faggot these days holy shit

>> No.13372049

You’ll learn when mommy dies and you have to move out of her apartment

>> No.13372052

i wouldn't know, I'm not one
just think it's super cringe you'd do this shit to literal teenagers

>> No.13372055

I don't know what's worse, you thinking this shitty b8 is good or you spending your time shitposting on /ck/ of all boards.

>> No.13372056
File: 53 KB, 200x200, ol1s5nzdam1y.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>almost 2019+1
>unironically being a food server
y i k e s

>> No.13372061

This isn’t autism it’s called being a white woman

>> No.13372068
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>having a job
>being a neet living off autismbux

>> No.13372074
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>having a minimum-wage dead-end job
>medical school

>> No.13372081

As a MD who also worked in the food service. medical school is much much worse.

>> No.13372082

you aren't in medical school though

>> No.13372084

you really thought we'd belie

>> No.13372087
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>> No.13372089
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>> No.13372113

I make 15-20 bucks an hour waiting tables, that's better than a lot of these jobs you go to uni for

>> No.13372125
File: 282 KB, 332x400, REEEEEEEE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the brainwashed and surrendered waitstaff ITT

>> No.13372140


>> No.13372146
File: 10 KB, 250x250, Le Costanza Face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tipping literally ever

>> No.13372155

Dining out seems very hostile in America.

>> No.13372164

Brother you have no idea how much silent aggression there is in this country.

>> No.13372169

Even McDonald's pays more than minimum these days

>> No.13372173

They'll fire your ass if you make them do this though. Yeah you'll get your $20 but be out of work.

>> No.13372185
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>> No.13372190
File: 689 KB, 2333x1909, nixonpardonturkey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a troll post meant to insult the American custom of tipping.
Please watch out for sharper hooks in the future little minnow.
Equal chance it's Yuropoors or LIving Wage Commies, possibly a combination.

>> No.13372192

the correct thing to do is if you are going to tip just make sure you deduct 30% from what you think is fair because they don't pay taxes

>> No.13372197

Arranged marriages doesn't require dating.

>> No.13372215

>be waitstaff
>walk up to table
>see customer doing this
>grab all the bills and pocket them
>customer demands to speak with your manager
>customer claims you stole their money
>tell manager that you simply grabbed the cash tip left by the prior customers at that table
>point out that the customer complaining just got seated so why else would there be $5 dollars pinned under a knife sitting out
>customer has to explain his retarded tipping procedure out loud
>manager gets to choose between believing that the customer actually uses such a retarded system or risking a server walking during evening peak and possibly filing a complaint with corporate
>customer gets asked to leave
>waitstaff gets a free $5

>> No.13372219
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>customers go back home and file a theft complaint to the local police station
>security cams reviewed
>waiter goes to jail

>> No.13372236

>management taking the side of the server in front of a whole room of customers when the waiter is clearly making a scene
>if the waiter misunderstood and thought it was a pre-tip it only makes sense to demand that the waiter return it over the misunderstanding.

>> No.13372237

More like
>Self righteous retarded customer goes to facebook/twitter to bitch and moan
>No one cares
>The end

>> No.13372241

or you'll see your hours fall well bellow what was previously agreed on. Good luck proving it to anyone who cares, too.

>> No.13372242

>break out of jail
>rape customer’s wife
Heh gottem

>> No.13372245

just straight to the police station and there's the end of the case
it's theft

>> No.13372249
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>too incompetent to do proper capitalization/punctuation
>still shits on another anons english
Pot, kettle, etc.

>> No.13372250

The police would listen to them for a minute then never investigate the stupid five dollars.

>> No.13372272

>risking a server walking during evening peak
Every single hourly peon thinks this matters and somehow they are the single lynchpin that is keeping the business from collapsing. The fact is your job is designed around you being easily replaceable, you’ll cause a mild inconvenience at most, this concern never crosses management’s mind, and if you actually had a job with a valued skill set they wouldn’t treat you crap in the first place.

>> No.13372278

You know that the customer pays all of the wages right?

>> No.13372281

Tell me, do you mine your own gold?

>> No.13372283

>American custom of tipping
Americans once again allow themselves to be cucked by business owners. Let's do the math shall we? Waitress runs 5 covers/hour with an avg. charge of $80/table. She gets an avg. Of 15% of $400/hour, iow $60/hour for scribbling down orders and delivering the orders to the table and you're fucked for that 15%, iow, $12.

Now, consider the employer pays what the job of a monkey scribbling down orders and delivery of food is really worth, let's agree maximum $15/hour. Spread over 5 covers that works out to an additional charge to the table of $3.00. Mathematics don't lie, you're allowing yourself to be reamed if you support tipping.

>inb4 b-but the service quality will deteriorate
Nope. Korea and Japan, non-tipping cultures have service that makes American restaurants look like getting served by mexican farm hands in a barn yard.

>> No.13372288

Cops would laugh in their stupid fat faces

>> No.13372308

Waiting tables is, unless you're working at an incredibly low volume store, not a fun job. It's stressful, between linecook niggers doing everything wrong and customers being a 50/50 split of overly nice and huge cunts. It's a pretty stressful job, and not a lot of people stick around for a long time, everyone thinks they want the job when they see how much servers make then they actually do the job and are gone in a week.

>> No.13372315

>avg. charge of $80/table
If you’re talking about some white tablecloth steak and lobster joint maybe. I know a sandwich costs $25 in your socialist shithole but here in freedomland even our poor live like kings because everything is mad cheap

>> No.13372321

Went to America. Bartender actively gave me worse service, ignoring me when there there no other customers. he later on told me that it was because I hadn't been tipping with each drink her served me.

Cunts. all of you

>> No.13372323

then go find another serving job. it requires literally 0 skills and a monkey could do it. im sure you will be able to find a new one

>> No.13372325

on the low end lets say a tab is $20
since you're a pathetic loser incel that eats all alone and probably orders the cheapest garbage he can with water
lets assume everyone else is like you
given the standard 20% tip and assume a waitress has 4 tables in the span of one hour
that is $16 per hour
no one should feel bad for wait staff and it's hilarious how you retarded pieces of shit pull mental gymnastics to try to defend these people

>> No.13372329

>management ever actually giving a shit about customers compared to the people they actually have to work with every day
The biggest flag that someone has never had any sort of job dealing with the public is the belief that anyone with a job dealing with the public actually gives a shit about the public.

Drop your numbers by half for a more realistic take. There is a reason why high-end waitstaff positions are highly coveted and why low-end waitstaff positions are not.

>> No.13372332

why are merricunts so autistic at restaurants
>ummm I would like to substitute x with y and r with f also it cannot have g
>wtf there's an upcharge I demand to see your manager
>NOOO you're a server you need to lick my boots at every moment
>what do you mean there's a problem with a 15 top walking in 5 minutes before closing

>> No.13372339

Pathetic loser incels don't tip 20%; they strikethrough the tip line and create threads on /ck/ bitching about tipping.

>> No.13372340

>75% of >americans dumb lol posters are americans themselves with nothing better to do than be a faggot on the internet

>> No.13372341

>Drop your numbers by half for a more realistic take.
it doesn't matter
at the end of the day, it doesn't fucking matter
do you morons tip the walmart cashier because you feel bad that they get shitty wages? do you tip the janitor? do you tip the gas station clerk?
these are low skilled, low wage jobs
these jobs are applied for knowing there is an opportunity to make more than minimum wage, but they're AT LEAST minimum wage
if you are an employer and you screw over a waiter, you will be bankrupted by the costs when they report you to the department of labor
and that lawsuit is bankrolled by the department of labor, the employee doesn't have to pay
fucking kill yourselves

>> No.13372356

You’ve never worked in a restaurant so you can stop larping. Manager will bitch about customers under his breath but will always ALWAYS give them what they want unless they’re being extremely unreasonable.

>> No.13372364

Of course not, all the positions you listed start at above minimum wage and aren't jobs where it is customary to tip. Also good luck with getting a Labor Department investigation off the ground in a reasonable amount of time and not having corporate simply pin the entire blame on your immediate manager for doing it and you for not properly following reporting procedures.

>> No.13372373

>Also good luck with getting a Labor Department investigation off the ground in a reasonable amount of time and not having corporate simply pin the entire blame on your immediate manager for doing it and you for not properly following reporting procedures.
more baseless claims because waiter cuck doesnt want to acknowledge hes wrong

>> No.13372387

>t. 16 year old with his first job
God dammit, fuck 4chan, I shouldn’t have to be dealing with underage niggers making dumb assumptions/half-assed observations in every post

>> No.13372406
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I like to do this at hooters. It makes the food taste better and I force them to call me Buddy. I like that. I once tipped 15 dollars because she touched my shoulder when asking me if the food was alright. I swear my leg kicked a bit. I think about it often.

>> No.13372421

One time I got naked in the bathroom stall at a chili's and took a shit. Some guy saw between the crack in the door and I let the turd I was nursing kerplunk with full eye contact. I gotta say chili's makes very good chicken tenders and their honey mustard is great

>> No.13372452

>he actually believes it when a managers says, "I'll get right on it."
What always cracks me up is when people in these threads pretend that customers aren't preeminently replaceable 99% of the time. We're talking a $5 tip, your two entries at Applebee's, water, no appetizers or dessert ass is worthless. Furthermore, from the perspective of the manager, which is more plausible: the waiter claiming that he didn't grab a cash tip until after the hostess sat someone new at the table, or the guest claiming that the server stole money from him that he laid out on the table immediately upon being seated as a tip but that it is theft because he hadn't decided whether or not he was going to give the waiter a tip. Very few restaurants have cameras over the dining area, the cops aren't going to get involved over $5 dollars, and anyone who has dealt with the public knows that people will lie and make up shit to complain about to get free shit/be a petty, spiteful bitch for a power trip all the time.

>> No.13372494

Go to the service counter and tip the chef. Why do waiters get special treatment because they learned how to put one foot in front of the other?

>> No.13372499

Tip is a reward for good service. The server is the one serving you, hence you tip them for service

>> No.13372500

coins are the superior legal tender

>> No.13372506

>Know how I can tell you're 14?
Or, you know, live in a country where people are paid what they're due without some shitty tip culture like yours, mutt.

>> No.13372514

Why did the dishwasher go to law school

>> No.13372518

The chef is serving me, the food runner is delivering me shit and I don't tip postal workers.

>> No.13372524

1. By that logic you should be tipping the people sending you letters.

2. If you don't give your mailcarrier a christmas bonus then you are worse than people who don't tip

>> No.13372537

No, you should only tip people for good service. When tips become the norm then how are you supposed to reward good service?

>> No.13372540

>A Christmas bonus is the same thing as a tip!
Now your just reaching, and Jose loves my box of filberts.

>> No.13372571

If you're paying with a card you're supposed to tip a couple of cents.

Actually in this case tipping your mail carrier is expected. Food is considered a gift, not a tip, but it can be given in place of one as long as it's considered to have an overall equivalent (not necessarily monetary) value.

>> No.13372585

Are you a chinee?

>> No.13372593

I will never holiday in America because forcing people to tip is dishonest. I advise everybody the same when the subject of holidays comes up: never go to America. Most people agree with me. There seem to be good places to go there, but there are many alternative places in the world and it is not worth the blackmail.

>> No.13372597

>This coward doesn't want to get shot and clapped at.

>> No.13372601

>How does the percentage of the check translate to extra work for you?
This is how I know you're a retard
1. Larger bill typically means more food or higher quality food
Either way, you're expected to serve it with a higher quality--either in terms of speed or efficiency/grace

2. It's about how you're compensated. If your paycheck directly reflects how much you're being tipped, then yeah, it's extra work
Imagine working exactly as hard as you do, but getting paid less--no problem right? It's not like you're doing more work?
If you want to get paid the same, you have to work extra hard.

Man, why do retards like this even come to /ck/
you'd think they'd be too caught up jerking off to fast food threads to talk about subjects they can't comprehend, like basic 5th grade math

fucking idiot

>> No.13372697

>Wave money in someone’s face with the removal of it as a threat
>You’re an asshole for not getting excited over five dollars

>> No.13372718
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God I can't wait for all the boomers to die

>> No.13372727

I'm going to do this, but with Twenty dollar bills instead.

>> No.13372730

it doesn't matter here.
nobody here lives in real life.

>> No.13372741

That's not a boomer, that's an older GenZ. Started in 1996 despite the memes, raised on technology, if it's dated 2017, looking at that fucker, he is definitely Z.

>> No.13372746

you dont even know whos meming who anymore, do you

>> No.13372748

dumbfuck. he's someone who triggered boomers aka the "me" generation.
consistently proven to be lazier, more arrogrant, and less educated by their predecessors and everyone after them

>> No.13372757

>big incoherent fantasy explanation of why tipping is bad
If you don't like tipping, don't patronize or work at an American establishment.
Problem solved.

>> No.13372767

My apologies, so you're condoning him being a parasite? The flag burning is alright but I didn't catch the sarcasm of you celebrating him winning tax money like it's welfare.

>> No.13372772

You'd rather the police who arrested him unlawfully went to prison?

>> No.13372785

He didn't go to prison. This was for wrongful arrest. And he's trying to agitate people further by doing it again, which is his right, but he's bragging about disturbing the peace. You know damned well this doesn't mean shit to him.

>> No.13372791

>This was for wrongful arrest.

And the alternative to paying him requires criminal justice, ie the city charges the officers and presumably they get convicted

>> No.13372810

“Disturbing the peace”

Boomer detected.

>> No.13372813


>> No.13372839

Officers are not walking lawyers and do not know every law on file. They are not to judge a person on the spot, only arrest/detain them if they may be a problem. 15K is excessive punitive punishment done.

The issue here is that flag burning is considered a form of protest and thus you're not allowed to be arrested for it. And this is something a lot of people don't know, and despite some officers receiving more training than military officers, still don't know. It's not necessarily a common sense law.

>> No.13372847


Burning a flag not being inherent;y criminal is definitely a common sense law

>> No.13372857

No, but raising commotion and waiving it around can be construed as reason enough to arrested, but not charge, a person. Most peaceful protests don't involve fires, and flags are the one allowed exception. Common sense if you didn't know about it is that if you see a guy yelling and waving fire around is to bring him in to talk.

Again. This is a police officer, not a lawyer. And that law is dumb, can't you just hang it upside down like the Native Americans?

>> No.13372902

>based 1st amendment rights exerciser
I'll bet you're the type of moron that claims football players exercising their 1st amendment right to kneel as a protest should somehow be illegal. If you don't like constitutional democracy, why don't you rightards emigrate to China?

>> No.13372922

absolutely cringe

>> No.13372933

>$80 per table
holy fuck what shithole do you live in

>> No.13372939

As an Euro I love visiting murican restaurants during vacations.
>look for a fine place
>sit down
>hype up the waiter about a grand tip
>see the poor sucker running back and forth making sure everything is fine
>time to pay
>nitpick about the most miniscule things that I can come up with
>pay and leave without tipping
It's not like I'd visit the same place twice since there's plenty of restaurants to go through.

>> No.13372943

it's pathetic how you think you're special for tipping a teenager $5 and then pulling singles off as if anyone gives a shit about you
the entitlement here is absolutely baffling
you aren't royalty, you're eating at fucking denny's. shut up

>> No.13372967

no dumbass nobody is gonna side with a retard customer like that

most people think you're scum for doing this shit so yeah the management would absolutely side with the staff, are you retarded?
yes clearly the waiter is causing the scene here and not you

it literally isn't and the cops would laugh in your fucking face for making an issue out of this

>calls me on my lack of punctuation
>doesn't punctuate possessive "anon's"
be fucking quiet you goddamn TARD

>> No.13372975

thanks for reinforcing the stereotype that yuros are cheap fucks

>> No.13372984

that literally doesn't stop them. source: my 16-19 year old self and friends all slaved away at actual nice restaurants in our hometown that paid 2.83 an hour and there were weeks with maybe ~7$ a day in tips. the thing they get you on is, if you don't keep extreme records of the tips you receive EVERY DAY you work, with a paper that they are supposed to provide but most of the time don't, then they aren't required to pay you the difference.

bet u thought u did something there tho

>> No.13372987

Hasn't the NFL already sold out to China? Or was that the NBA? I can't keep up with all the american sportsball leagues.

>> No.13372991

>Americans don't pay their employees
>"Abloo abloo euros are so cheap why won't they subsidize my sub minimum wage labor force?"

>> No.13373002

What are you gonna do? Forcefully tip some French waiter in return :)

>> No.13373003

Almost any manager would just refund the customer from the till then fire the waiter at the end of the shift.
Problem sold, customer not lost, problem waiter gone, only cost $5 which is covered by the meal's profit.

>> No.13373043

If it's covered by the meal's profit then why aren't they just paying their employees?