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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13355351 No.13355351 [Reply] [Original]

Eat Hot Pot

>> No.13355975


>> No.13355983

eat SHIT mikey

>> No.13356017


>> No.13356026

>so anon what do you do in your free time?
>oh i spend about 5 hours a day watching people on youtube and advertise their channels because i think they’re my friends

>> No.13356035


How's life in denial that US Chinese food is better than Chinese Chinese food Mikey? That falun gong cult shit working good for you Mikey? Eat any good 6 year old's livers and kidneys based medicines Mikey?

>> No.13356383
File: 1003 KB, 500x246, pulp fiction goddamn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Story tiem:

>Be me, Go to Taiwanese hot pot place
>Not family-style hotpot, basically big bowls of soup
>Order my soup
>"How-a hot you wannit, witeboi?"
>"I like heat, so go for it."
>Take first bite
>Goddamn it's good
>Heat starts
>Hits me like pic related
>Sweating profusely, heart palpitating
>Keep eating. It's a suicide mission now, motherfuckers
>Begin hallucinating, speaking to long-dead grandmother
>"You a-Ok-a, witeboi?"
>Answer in jibberish
>Sweat more and more, start to quiver a little.
>Finish soup, tempted to lick the bowl.
>Slowly recover from capsaicin-induced acid trip.

Going back this weekend. Hoping to see grammy again.

>> No.13356413

go get 'em
Until the shopkeeper has to give you his strongest potion

>> No.13356417

this guy's actually pretty good at cooking. kind of weird though before his cooking channel he had a channel talking about conspiracy theories. pretty milquetoast stuff though but still a weird transition.

>> No.13356917

what kind of conspiracy theories?

>> No.13357085

talking about shit like dyaltov pass. as i said, pretty milquetoast stuff

>> No.13357236

I should hate these type of normalfag food and travel videos but Mike is pretty baste

>> No.13358263

You seem to be the racist, as is very common with your types. I simply don't give a shit about your fucking nations and don't want to visit them.
If you want to call me racist for disagreeing with you then you must have been shillary supporters since that's the best that they can do.
Are you still seething in your closets because Trump beat your annointed one?

>> No.13359028

man, I know that feeling. I thought it was a meme but I felt like I could literally faint from the spicy "high"

>> No.13359288
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Had it last night.

Half cow fat numb and spicy soup, half black chicken and pig tripe soup.

Ordered some crispy tripe, fatty beef, frozen tofu, mutton meatballs, baby octopus, broad noodles and fried dough sticks. I had two dips: one was sesame sauce, garlic, spring onion and sichuan pepper powder; the other was chilli oil, soy sauce, vinegar and coriander.

I had two bottles of beer too. Great meal. $35

>> No.13359314

He's Falun Gong, believes in demons and exorcists and all kinds of shit like that.

Overall I like him, but he believes in some weird shit.

>> No.13359320

Tried to watch this guy the other day and he's so awkward and fake and talkative. Just constant yammering on, couldn't make it through the video even though the subject really interested me. Shame.

>> No.13359391
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Jealous of his charisma?

>> No.13359400

Where are the bodies, Mark?

>> No.13359435
File: 72 KB, 310x433, 1557769274303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13359721

ufos and ancient aliens and stuff

its kinda entertaining actually