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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 63 KB, 1214x1355, 61pueD3-EmL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13334593 No.13334593 [Reply] [Original]

why didn't they ever think to use spoons or forks?

>> No.13334600

they thought of it but knew it was fucking retarded. round eyes are fucking dumb as rocks.

>> No.13334602

Why didn't they invent glass, for a race so smart they sure are dumb.

>> No.13334611

It was more of an order of operations thing. Much of the food is served either pre-cut or capable of being taken apart with a light pull.

>> No.13334701


I don't know. I could just wiki it. I like Asian food a lot, but live in America in a major city, so I have tried various things, and whenever they give me these I can use them, but silverware is obviously far easier being reared using them.

I was just in a Korean restaurant the other day, and whenever an Asian person would pass by and look I wondered what they were thinking, like "look at this fucking white guy using these chop sticks like an awkward faggot hahaha, he doesn't even know how to use them"

I literally can't care because they are just tools to eat food with, but chop sticks and when and how they are used have their own thing going on culturally, and I've had passing thoughts about them.

If I have a spoon or fork that's what's getting the rice though. Sushi rolls or Sashimi are easy enough to manage.

>> No.13334775

Emperors were scared of weaponry at the table, and peasants copied their rulers out of respect.

>> No.13334781

i always assumed that it was some cultural thing about weapons during meals

>> No.13334894

Holy run-on sentence, Batman.

>> No.13335030

They didn't invent glass because they never needed to. Srsly.
Ancient Greece, Rome and Egypt learned of glass making from the inhabitants of what would later be known as the Levant. Blown glass was developed there due to the combination of the relative scarcity of clay (making porcelain, china and ceramic expensive to the region) and the relative commonality of sands suitable for glass-making. So the ancient Levantines and Jews began making glassware to drink from because it was cheaper.
The Romans were the first to say "you know what? I can see through this shit these backwoods motherfuckers drink out of... let's use it for windows" and it spread from there.

>> No.13335186
File: 95 KB, 1280x960, 1280px-Transparent_porcelain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

china invented porcelain in 1600 BC and still makes the finest ceramics in the world.

Where do you think the name CHINA for ceramics came from? it was for such fineware from china

ancient china invented paper, gunpowder, compass, silkmaking and printing, amongst lots of other things.

glass would have came from roman/middle east, traded for silk and porcelain which was monopolised by the chinese for a long long time

>> No.13335197

China invented both and chose the superior option.

>> No.13335200
File: 495 KB, 1200x900, 2007-12-30chinPorzellan04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they have spoons. Just not in the form factor you think of.

forks and knives are not used at the dining table because it was seen as rude, uncultured and crass to be bringing "weapons" to a place where you dine with families and friends.

>> No.13335203

nigga they only them had the bug

>> No.13335205

dude eating a bowl of rice with sticks is stupid as fuck, you gotta hold the bowl under your mouth and eat like a fuckin dog

>> No.13335206

You're shadow boxing, kiddo.

>> No.13335220
File: 305 KB, 1082x1200, main-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


earliest silk was in 6000+BC. oldest surviving examples date from 3600 BC. The routes that stretched from China to Persia to Rome would be called the silk road--it was the most converted chinese export for thousands of years, worth as much as gold.

>> No.13335231

his point was that silk worms are from Asia, what's yours?

>> No.13335243

resources dont mean anything if people dont see it

lots of and raw resources materials are in africa but the locals never did anything with them for thousands of years, for example.

it takes a lot of creative thinking to go from "huh, those worms are crazy" to "fuck dude we can raise them in special houses and mass produce this magical worm spit and figure out ways to treat and weave and dye the silk after"

>> No.13335248

lots of raw resources and materials*

>> No.13335252

ah, good thing China is now working hard to take advantage of Africa's natural resources.

>> No.13335253

If that was your point, >>13335220 is an extremely bad expression of it. I suspect it wasn't your point and you are now desperately grasping for something else.

>> No.13335254

>dogs hold things
ok, retard

>> No.13335263

bro you gotta stick your face in the bowl. like a dog.

>> No.13335278

>nigga they only them had the bug

who can figure out what he was saying?

>> No.13335306

>I'm so dexterity challenged I can't eat white rice from a bowl using chopsticks without sticking my face inside the bowl
You're hilarious. Please continue to blame tools for your ineptitude.

>> No.13335319

Or I could just use a spoon to eat rice from a bowl with one hand from anywhere within arms reach...

>> No.13335331

you only you are so salty and defensive

>> No.13335339

we'll finish the job you gwailoes left behind

china needs lots of steel and ore to fuel the one belt one road project. We will have high speed rail lines connecting all parts of asia to eastern europe in the future.

in return africa will get roads and infrastructure and trains

>> No.13335342

And I can do the same with a pair of chopsticks. That's why I'm laughing at you like I'd laugh at an adult bragging he can ride a bicycle with training wheels. Spoons are for soup.

>> No.13335343

Chinks and Russians.
Kill them all.

>> No.13335346

didn't want to assume, but I'm not at all surprised.

>> No.13335347

this actually sounds like a good reason why they would use hashi.

>> No.13335350

what if it's not sticky rice?

>> No.13335358

What have you ever done other than shitpost on 4chan, kek. You nationalists must have a sad existence to take credit for things you had nothing to do with.
>Look mum, I was born in a place!

>> No.13335359

>what if it's not sticky rice?
Then you cooked it wrong, dipshit

>> No.13335360

all rice is sticky enough

just pat it into clumps with your chopstick
or use it like a paddle and shove it in

>> No.13335367

kek, you know that africans will never maintain the roads and infrastructure you give them

after the white man left it all turned to shit, they dont take care of stuff at all.
its a very good (((deal))) to offer them that in return for all that ore and steel and minerals to be shipped back to china

>> No.13335374

idk man, seems like you're kinda limiting your options there
nope, maybe in Chinese recipes but clearly I don't know anything about any of that holy fuck

>> No.13335376

That's weird, because even Asians hold the bowl to their face and shovel the rice into their mouths. Nice playacting, but we've all been to Chinatown and know better.

>> No.13335387

I've only been to japan, so I don't know about other asian countries, but places there serving non-sticky rice (i.e. indian restauran and such) will just have people use a spoon or fork. Nobody uses chopsticks for those.

>> No.13335412

You clearly have never been to Japan.
You wouldn't know a ninja if you saw one.

>> No.13335422

If you ever see a ninja, either it is not a real ninja or you are dead.

>> No.13335433

What if I am a ninja?

>> No.13335439

>The subhumans of Asia who chew with their mouths open and spit sunflower seeds on the floor of their tour bus when visiting another country.
>They shovel rice into their mouths
What a fucking surprise. Maybe you should realize that the Chinese aren't the only cultures to use chopsticks.

>> No.13335442

Chinese are also not the only Asians in Chinatown, fuckbrain.

>> No.13335449

is it done differently elsewhere? please teach me a way to eat rice with chopsticks that doesn't involve holding the bowl directly under my mouth

>> No.13335455

Then I assume I'm eating fried rice, omurice, or something else where the other food assists in helping keep the rice together? Some of which I might opt to use a fork for?
Regardless, it's not difficult to simply keep the bowl below your mouth like you do when spooning soup from a bowl. If you can't at least forklift slippery rice into your mouth then I don't know what to tell you. It's not like your bowl should be orientated somewhere else even if you were using a spoon, that's just asking for pieces to fall onto the table or floor during the travel.

>> No.13335460

>that doesn't involve holding the bowl directly under my mouth
>because even Asians hold the bowl to their face and shovel the rice into their mouths.
>hold the bowl to their face
>holding the bowl directly under the my mouth
Have been moved.
Do you not fucking hold your soup bowl underneath your mouth when using a spoon?
Why the fuck would doing so with chopsticks for a bowl of rice be a detriment compared to with a spoon, wherein you would do the same exact fucking thing?

>> No.13335464

sounds like a fork is the more versatile option when eating rice dishes...

>> No.13335468

why are you posting on 4chan Sum Ting Wong? your government doesn't allow you to go to places with such subversive thoughts, better leave before your social credit score drops

>> No.13335471

stop trying so hard, you're more likely to drop a grain with two sticks than with a spoon.

>> No.13335472

Chinese eat like dogs. You described Asians eating like dogs. Therefore you described Chinese eating. It's not complicated.
The Japanese and Koreans eat differently. (Though soup slurping is not the same thing as being discussed in this subject.)

>> No.13335477


These two videos are of Japanese people eating at one of the restaurants I went to. Notice how neither of them use chopsticks? It's because they won't fucking give you any,

Went to two other places that didn't offer them either, although I don't remember their names.

>> No.13335480

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.13335481

No I don't hold a soup bowl under my mouth. Are you suffering from a severe dexterity penalty?

>> No.13335484

As long as the dishes are designed for chopsticks it makes not fucking difference. But I find that very limiting. Everything remotely solid has to be precut but the cooks.

>> No.13335485

Poor choice of words on my part. By forklift I meant keeping the chopsticks parallel to each other as you lift scoops of rice from the bowl into your mouth. It's fairly simple to do and not really inefficient compared to spoons/forks unless you speed eat or feel a need to shovel as much food into your face as you can as soon as possible.
I'm a particularly slow eater who takes my time chewing and enjoying the taste, so any minor inconveniences in throughput have never bothered me.

>> No.13335491

>Some of which I might opt to use a fork for
poor choice of words indeed...

>> No.13335494

why are Asians so racist?

>> No.13335500

You're more likely to drop more grains. You're likely to drop grains with both was the point. Not having the bowl already positioned below the utensils in the first place is stupid. Arguing that you drop less grains because you don't have the bowl below you as being an advantage is equivalent to being retarded, as the grains dropped are going back into the bowl for everyone else, but onto the floor for you; thus they still get to eat all their grains while you've eaten less grains than them.
And I'm not trying hard. Barely even training. Just pointing out incorrectness on the internet because it's 03:45 and I suffer from insomnia.

>> No.13335506

I'm glad your dexterous skills allow you to freely control the viscosity of liquids and repel the fucking forces of gravity itself.
Teach us your ways oh Hector Hammond, so that we too may violate the laws of physics while we eat.

>> No.13335508

you realise that shit doesnt even work, right?

>> No.13335513

Most people are capable of it, lad. All it takes is a steady hand. Read up on surface tension if you want to understand how it works.

>> No.13335519

Oh, poor reading comprehension on your par then. Because that's not what that part implies at all. I guess I gave you more credit than I should have.
The examples of Asian dishes I mentioned when saying I'd opt to use a fork for, are typically served in Japan with a fork. They're not the primary topic of this thread's conservation. It'd be like moving the goalposts multiple times and then celebrating.

>> No.13335522

>Not having the bowl already positioned below the utensils in the first place is stupid
ever use a laptop before?
you're in a fucking chopstick vs fork thread stop trying so hard

>> No.13335524

are we in a China hate thread now? I thought it was chopstick vs fork/spoon...

>> No.13335525

they don't fit up your sleeve as easily

>> No.13335533

Because they remember how much foreigners ruin their culture?
It's perfectly normal and acceptable to be racist when you're addressing a race as its whole, as long as your not being ignorant.
It's a completely separate matter to treat a single individual of that race according to his race as opposed to his own individualistic merit.
Unfortunately, though understandably, not many people are able to walk this thin line.

>> No.13335543

I just want to know how to eat rice with chopsticks not like a dog...

>> No.13335544

Try again, Chang.

>> No.13335552

Depends on the soup. We must simply think of different soups as our defaults when hear the term. I get fucked by lactose so I don't typically have many thicker varieties, my default thoughts are of the thinner ones wherein it's very easy for a drop to break that surface tension.
I could definitely go multiple spoonfuls without breaking a drop during the trip, but I'm not obstinate enough to insist that not even one or two drops won't escape for the entirety of the meal.

>> No.13335578


based and chinkpilled

>> No.13335580

>ever use a laptop before?
Do you suffer from severe mental retardation?

I rambled into it. Between engineering contracts, ITAR data shenanigans, annual security training, firsthand experience with their tourists, and actually being in chinatown multiple times in the past month, they're a disgusting people. Plenty of good eggs do exist, though those are usually second or third generations who were born and/or raised here.

>> No.13335586

Among the many things I've already mentioned I'm fucked with, did I also mention I may have minor dyslexia?

>> No.13335597

well you're neurotic and can't respond to the point so I'm done with this thread, have fun defending your primitive technology as if it's a representation of your race.

>> No.13335605

I can't respond to a point which does not exist.

>> No.13335612

Also fucking lol at assuming I'm Asian. Why are you so retarded?

>> No.13335659

>in return africa will get roads and infrastructure and trains
And crippling debt and a burning hatred for all things Chinese.

>> No.13335726

Metal chopsticks are more letal than a spoon or a fork

>> No.13335986

I would guess because eating with knife and fork is actually a very recent phenomenon even here in the west and the east asian cuisines developed around dishes that are are already cut when served, making knife and fork unnecessary.

>> No.13336287

Forks weren't even wide spread in the US until after the Civil War since the retarded fundamentalist christians associated it with the devils pitchfork.

>> No.13336308

Fuckin weebs

>> No.13336363

>in return
Yeah we did that for them once, watch it all fall apart because africans gon african.

>> No.13336373
File: 1.84 MB, 202x360, 1575761234047.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do they pickup soup?

>> No.13336374

Glass is extremely useful for early chemistry. Non-reactive and resistant. And being see-through enables you to see what is happening. Being a vessel for drinks is really just one of the least important uses for glass.

>> No.13336532

Chopsticks are defunct and anyone who maintains a haughty attitude about using them should go work the rice farms in China where they belong.

>> No.13336993
File: 19 KB, 320x204, 1549206477554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh China invented everything

Fact: the Chinese never invented the chair. Chairs were not a thing in China until the Northern and Southern dynasties (386-589), when Buddhism became popular and with it the amazing technology known as the chair was imported from India, along with many other technological and cultural innovations. Even after that, it took the Chinese about 600 more years to figure out that you were actually supposed to sit on them - they were initially just used in Buddhist rites, not as practical furniture.

Even then, many Chinese continued to sit on the floor like savages, because sitting in chairs was seen as foreign influence. So sitting on the floor was still common even in modern times, because the Chinese were so stubborn about clinging to their own backward habits.

This is basically the same reason they never invented cheese, by the way. They certainly had cows, and suitable environments for aging cheeses. But cheese was known as an important part of the diet for steppe peoples, and the Chinese were so hilariously butt-blasted by being BTFO by Mongolians for centuries that they developed a fear and hatred of all things associated with the steppe. Cheese was seen as inherently barbarian and eating it was not much better than eating human flesh.

>> No.13337023

The floors of houses were made of wood and raised over ground at least 3 feet on platform supported by pillars in most areas of the sinosphere (China, Korea, Japan, Vietnam). They didn't really need chairs inside since just sitting on a cushion on the floor provided at least 3 ft of separation from the wet ground. There are stones carved to provide outdoor seating.

>> No.13337028

Africans didn't need the wheel because they had such a fertile environment

>> No.13337083
File: 156 KB, 1300x956, two-japanese-men-wearing-traditional-kimonos-kneeling-on-floor-during-tea-ceremony-R0NPBA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh chairs

cultural norms =/= universal truths

they didnt need chairs, because the floor was rather clean, shoes were taken off at the door, and there would be a few inches of wood you had to step over to get into the interior.

the japanese still retain the custom of kneeling on floors today- but i bet you think of it as "cool", "exotic" or "zen". There was just no expectations or real need of chairs. What does it say about Western civilisation when the floor was so dirty and caked with mud and shit that you had to invent chairs just to be able to rest?

and what even was England or even Germany in 400 AD anyway? probably just a bunch of earth and stone hovels where druid shamans still wore animal skins and danced around giant rocks. The only shining beacon of civilisation in ancient Europe was the Romans and Greeks. And it was to the Romans whom the Chinese made contact and traded with.

>> No.13337089

Japs depict themselves eating like that in their animes retard.

>> No.13337094

ITT: salty Asians who refuse to admit that they have some backwards habits based on tradition. Next they'll be defending their lack of alphabet as intellectually superior.

>> No.13337103

ITT: buttblasted hairy barbarian too ashamed to directly reply comments and instead makes passive aggressive remarks while seething in the corner

>> No.13337111

please tell me how to eat rice again

>> No.13337122

>lack of alphabet
you need 200 IQ to memorise 20,000-50,000 different characters
what you need 2 paragraphs to say in english you can do the same with just a few lines in chinese because theres so many obscure characters with very nuanced meanings and in many cases you can just lego them together
its both a good and a bad

>> No.13337135

like clockwork..

>> No.13337141


>> No.13337167


ya ya whatever...

tbqh I cant remember the majority of them, its the reason why chinese is so hard to learn. But when you read old prose its often extremely illuminating to see how intelligent and elegant the character combinations are.. just to give such specific moods and feeling to the literature. Much of the magic is lost in translation and it becomes very clunky and awkward. In contrast English is so easy to learn even a market seller in Kenya can say "YOU WANT COKE?"

>> No.13337186

fluidity in language is truly inferior, the artistry of hieroglyphs is lost on these foreign devils

>> No.13337208

Coping chairlets.

>> No.13337228

Glass sucks for insolation, your move.

>> No.13337282

Work smarter, not harder.

>> No.13337448

I do The Hustle quite well.

>> No.13337700

Worked in restaurant in S Korea, those huge chop sticks are very useful. flipping say prawns and stirring food. I have a set at home now. I prefer chopsticks for certain foods. Fork and spoon for others.

>> No.13338299

For comedic effect, the character usually being someone with little formal manners.

>> No.13338311

Om a nord and i unironically use cooking chopsticks every day. It's the superior kitchen utensil

>> No.13338528

Because a lot of their cuisine has been made to be eaten with chopsticks in mind? Why don't you just learn how to use them? Are you mentally challenged perhaps?

>> No.13338542

More like you're too embarrassed over your inability to use chopsticks and are afraid of all your friends and co-workers secretly judging you whenever you go out for Chinese and you have to ask for fork and knife like a kid.
They do btw. You should feel embarrassed.

>> No.13338576

You know a caveman would probably ask us why we're bothering with forks instead of just eating with our hands. That's kind of in the same vein as your question.

>> No.13338596

Not even cavemen. Forks didn't become commonplace in Europe outside of France and Italy until the 18th century.

>> No.13338613

They didn’t invent soap either isn’t that crazy?

>> No.13338744

Because asians are small and poor so to prolong the sensations of eating they invented the dumbest way possible. Also asian rice is poor quality garbage mush, not the superior western rice you are used to.

>> No.13339044

They also used floor heating systems which were really quite advanced and westerners have only recently started copying it. Saw a segment on "This Old House" about it. And when I was in Korea, houses were very comfy with the floor being heated.

>> No.13339055

Shit bait

>> No.13339875

Why don't you just use your hands, then? You obviously only care about the efficiency with which you can shove food into your drooling, gaping maw.

>> No.13340286

>it was seen as rude, uncultured and crass to be bringing "weapons" to a place where you dine with families and friends.
But tiny spears was fine?