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13314065 No.13314065 [Reply] [Original]

How do I learn to like beer? It tastes wretched.

>> No.13314073

have good beer instead

>> No.13314077

Drop the cheap piss called lager beer and try other styles according to your tastes.

Try red beers with strong malty and caramel flavours, you can try Belgian style ales for floreal aromas and such.

Quick answer: experiment with different styles

>> No.13314079

Some people aren't meant to drink beer, just drink liquor instead

>> No.13314080

you don't have to like beer
i like very few beers, and mostly avoid it all. Don't let idiots dictate what you should or shouldn't like. unironically just bee yourself

>> No.13314086

Have you tried some Mike's hard lemonade?

>> No.13314089

Why do you want to like beer?

>> No.13314091

I learned to like beer by having it with food that goes well with it. (steak, burgers, fried stuff)

>> No.13314098

Try German beers. There a lot of different styles. If you still don't like beer after trying a lot of different ones then maybe it is just not for you. Do you like wine though?

>> No.13314099

Drink some White Claws, faggot. Literally just tastes like carbonated water.

>> No.13314106

Become an alcoholic like me.. Beer tastes GREAT when seizures are the alternative.

>> No.13314671

Drink whatever u want bud.

>> No.13314679

Step 1: Be a man
Step 2: Stop being a faggot
Step 3: Drink a wheat beer

>> No.13314710

Try other beers and see how they taste for you. You may learn to like them, or the strong taste will make cheap beers taste like water and easier to drink.

>> No.13314799

I don't consider myself a big beer drinker and generally prefer spirits. But I've found some that I do like, generally situationally.
I generally dislike lagers and lighter beers, they don't feel like they're getting me drunk and I don't really enjoy the taste so much. I do like IPAs (inb4 soiboy memes) for the hoppy flavor, as I enjoy bitter tastes. An occasional stout is nice but they're quite heavy so only on with a light meal.
And I can slam a Steel Reserve 211 any fucking time of the day for some reason that garbage malt liquor just tickles my fancy.
In conclusion, just try different styles that you're interested in. Lots of liquor stores sell singles, so you can sample. Some even have pick & mix packs, where you can grab a sixer case and pick a bunch of different types.
And hey, you just might not like beer. That's fine. If you don't like the more bitter side of your palate, it may well be the case.

>> No.13314808

Why do you need to is a better question.

>> No.13314823

stop marketing that overpriced shite

>> No.13316322

Drink high gravity malt liquor, you won't regret it :)

>> No.13316332


Do the exact opposite of what this anon says. People who "don't like beer" universally don't like the taste of alcohol. Trendy microbrews and old timey man beers are always undrinkably bitter. What you want is a cheap corona that's actually designed to be drunk and enjoyed, not just for snobs to pretend like they enjoy the taste.

>> No.13316341

Drink something to get you tipsy and then start drinking beer, preferably cold. The stuff that tastes gross to you when you're sober starts tasting a lot better once you're a little woozy.

>> No.13316345

Honestly this, olde English tastes way better than any shit beer like yuengling

>> No.13316353

Try an ESB, an amber, Irish red, milk stout, etc. Also, possibly fruit beer. A lot of women I know who don't drink beer will drink ones that substitute part of their grain bill with fruit.

>> No.13317244

Drink wheat beer, even midrange ones taste really good

>> No.13317428

Step one, become an alcoholic. The rest will be easy from there.

>> No.13317550

turn 18

>> No.13317557
File: 85 KB, 1198x564, beer_2x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13317597
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you should just consume it through the butt so you dont have to taste it. plus you'll be a big hit at parties! but dont let them convince you to do a butt-chug-keg-stand or everyone at the party will catch pink eye...

>> No.13318197

What a weird chinky sounding name, is that a foreign beer?

>> No.13318239

>It tastes wretched.
of course it does, but that's our little secret, we have to keep beer makers in business or else old hob nails will get us.

>> No.13318249

its america's oldest brewery, libtard

>> No.13318253

>I don't like thing
>therefore everyone who does like thing is just pretending
what kind of autism is this

>> No.13318263

Cheesy reddit-tier joke.

>> No.13318268

Just keep drinking it until you associate the rancid taste of rotten bread soda with the holy euphoria of erasing your mind.

>> No.13318291
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the key to liking rotten foods like beer and wine is to drink them in huge quantities until your brain associates the taste with the drug reinforcement of the alcohol. soon you to can pretend to taste flavors that don't actually exist in beer, or wine.

>> No.13318338

>feeling pressured to like something you don't like
Is there anything more manchild than this?

>> No.13318346

when I was in college I started drinking beer and it tasted like shit, I tried all different kinds (all tasted like crap) but soon the re-enforcement of pretending to like it caused me to actually start liking it.

But then I left college and with no reason to drink I didn't drink beer for 2 or more years. Then when I tried to go back to drinking it again I found that it tasted way worse than I remembered and no beer ever tasted good to me after that.

So once you start, don't stop because you won't be able to start again.

>> No.13318469

Beers come in really different tasting varieties

>wheats and ales
Great middle of the road all around

dark flavors of coffee and chocolate, full bodied

any combination of bright, crisp, and hoppy (bitter)

tastes like oranges

complex tasting, You will be confused trying to describe the flavor or the aftertaste.

tastes like piss. Made from whichever is cheaper (corn or rice)

>> No.13318723
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the official drink of this thread.

>> No.13318892

You need to get past the bitterness first, and learn how to appreciate it

>> No.13318902
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You don't, You drink alcohol to get drunk. If you want something that tastes good, drink something that tastes good.

>> No.13319240

you should suck the snot from a dogs nose, once you get past the saltiness you learn how to appreciate it.

>> No.13319272

This guy is correct if you don’t like the taste of beer but you want to for some reason then drink corona light with lime in it

>> No.13319291

Try sour and season ales, as well as lighter brews that aren't the cheapest you can find. If you don't like it, you don't like it. Most tastes are developped rather than innate and beer is definitely one of them. Avoid bitter beers at first, they aren't the most simple taste to get acquainted with.

>> No.13319297

Must suck not having a palate

>> No.13319326

no that's the problem, because I have a palate I can't stand beer. you seem to think that in order to enjoy beer you need a refined palate, when it's the opposite. to enjoy beer and wine you need to have very insensitive taste buds and a poor sense of smell.

My palate is so good I can identify ingredients in food from smell alone, that's why beer smells like rotting garbage to me.

>> No.13319393

Is this why children don't like vegetables? Their refined palates?

>> No.13319407

actually it is, as people age their sense of taste and smell becomes reduced. that's why old people can often eat shit food like liver, or stink flipper (look that one up).

>> No.13319434

I couldn't stand many foods when I was a kid that I like now. because when I was younger there were smells and tastes that were overwhelming.

If you like eating foods that other people think are gross congratulations you have a poor sense of taste and smell. you just don't know it because you have nothing to compare it to.

when I get seriously stuffed up I lose my sense of smell and will eat things I normally won't because I cannot smell them.

>> No.13319513

For many, beer is an acquired taste. Despite lagers being the most popular style commercially, I think they're not great to start with since they can have that "pissy" flavor to them.
Going toward something that already has flavor profiles you enjoy is a good start.
Like black coffee or dark chocolate? Try darker beers like stouts, porters, and brown ale.
Like citrus? Wheat beers like witbiers and hefeweizens naturally have a citrusy taste to them while American pale ales and IPAs are often made with citrus-tasting hops. New England/Hazy IPAs are hoppy and fruity tasting without being too bitter if you're worried about IPA bitterness.
Some ambers and reds are semi-sweet and malty, some are hoppy; tread carefully.
Belgian strong ales are considered some of the best beers in the world due to the complex flavors Belgian yeast imparts.

>> No.13319668

How's the diabetes, Amerifat?

>> No.13319709

>Yuengling is an Anglicized version of Jüngling, its founder's surname and the German term for "youngling" or "young person” or simply, “youngster”.

Asia didn't even exist back then

>> No.13319828

I'm a beerlet with no pretense of being well educated on the subject but I like this shit. It's like a mix of light and dark beer or something and I don't get it but it tastes ok. Everything else tastes meh and I drink it as a social obligation, or just to get slightly buzzed.

>> No.13319831
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forgot pic