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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 60 KB, 500x333, 20100114-cbad-finito-pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13290819 No.13290819 [Reply] [Original]

This is what authentic pizza looks like

>> No.13290823

More like shitza.

>> No.13290833

More like pizzshit.

>> No.13290838

More like perfectzza

>> No.13290847

>no toppings

>> No.13290853

Do Americans really eat this be honest

>> No.13290856

I'd eat it. Bread and tomatoes will always taste good

>> No.13291004

The joke is that it's closer to an Italian pizza than 99% of what you'd get in an American pizza restaurant

>> No.13291008

someone made this in their home at 375F

>> No.13292850
File: 1.18 MB, 4096x3072, received_1880643641955264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mate, THIS is a real pizza

>> No.13292879

Who’s the beast who didn’t let the mozzarella drip?

It clearly is a fior di latte

>> No.13292885

More like shitza.

>> No.13292898

"clearly" it's bufala
I guess pizza men in the middle of Naples make shitza

>> No.13292922

No, Italian pizza looks way better.

>> No.13292925

/ck/ likes to autistically circle jerk about how Naploi pizza is bad because it is not totally covered with cheap cheese.

>> No.13292927

Quite the opposite, flyover

>> No.13292931


I like how this type of pizza tastes, but i hate the differences between each slice. If the lazy bastards could just pay a little more attention to detail and create semi consistent slices, it'd be less of a memeza.

>> No.13292933

>that white film between the clumps of cheese
Fucking disgusting

>> No.13292934

I've never seen a less appetizing pizza. It's a pizza, but it's not one I'd ever crave.

>> No.13292939

>enjoys pizza that isn’t uniform
>wants it to be more uniform
It’s okay, bud, nobody is judging you for liking little caesar’s and dominoes

>> No.13292953

>little anon discovers water

>> No.13292957
File: 2.44 MB, 4032x3024, 75A68CEE-574D-48D7-A5B8-B63AC0AA340D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That specific Neapolitan pizza is 100% trash starting from the raw borders.
Pizza al trancio is the patrician choice

>> No.13292961

Thats not water and if it was thatd be retarded even by yuropoor standards

>> No.13292996

I have no experience with it, but fresh buffalo Mozarella supposedly weeps a ton of water during cooking the pizza.

>> No.13293012

Authentic pizza is supposed to be overcooked and basic?

>> No.13293017

Bufala transpires nectar, anon, not water

>> No.13293022


Yes, I enjoy that style pizza, but dont like the variance in slices. It always ends up with someone getting fucked over with shitty slices. Also I cant eat little caesar's, my step dad owned a bunch of franchises before he sold them and I know how shit the quality is. He literally only opened locations in poor areas because that's the only people who eat the trash.

>> No.13293030
File: 71 KB, 768x576, 20181007_201532-768x576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a pizza Al trancio from the same restaurant of your photo, as you can see the consistence is more spongey and the cheese is of lesser quality, industrial made
But now, what the fuck do you mean by pizza al trancio, that just mean that a pizza has been sliced

>> No.13293045
File: 134 KB, 399x517, 1574922894035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excellent bait

>> No.13293052

enjoy eating pure italian buffalo stallion cum on your pizza lol faggot

>> No.13293054

why did someone put leafs on it? was it made outside in the wind?

>> No.13293062

Its not supposed to if you actually handle it right, its not technology water anyways. Its aesthetically unpleasing and degrades the bite

>> No.13293063
File: 8 KB, 265x311, pizza-bait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13293080

The fuck? Can you translate that to english pls?

>> No.13293093
File: 38 KB, 1200x371, IMG_20191130_013552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Assuming it's not bait and you don't mean the whole message, trancio just means slice, man

>> No.13293192

It's >95% water.

>> No.13293206

Its liquid, not water

>> No.13293219

It's a liquid, it's also >95% water.

>> No.13293225

Okay, thats not an excuse for being a mong that cant prevent it from leaving a cumstain on your pizza. I have seen millions of pizzas and only handfuls of amateurs leave a semen puddle.

>> No.13293252

Water is supposed to be clear numbnuts.

>> No.13293265

You can't get day fresh buffalo mozzarella unless you have an actual mozzarella maker near you, outside of major cities in Italy that's rare. I'm sure in NY/SF/etc there are enough hipsters to have one, but most in cities it simply doesn't exist.

At most they can get it flown in, but even a couple days old it will have dehydrated. Some people actually prefer that because then you don't get all that "nectar" on your pizza.

>> No.13293271

I'll leave you a on a little secret, kid.
The liquid was a mixture of water and oil that the pizza man spread one the pizza AFTER it was cooked and already in the box.
A little cooking secret that you evidently don't know, despite having seen milluons of izzas and acting so cockly.
Tho, the first time I saw it I was puzzled too and I asked about it, but I don't remember the explanation the pizza man gave me, tomorrow I'll hear a neapolitan friend of mine for the details

>> No.13293275

I don't clearly remember if it was oil and water or oil and the liquid that bufala spills, tho

>> No.13293278

That's a flan.

>> No.13293317

it looks completely freezer burned

>> No.13293329

It has nothing to do with freshness, you can get fresh mozzarella and prevent it from being a sopping mess that ruins the texture with each bite. The """nectar""" is already contained in the cheese

So now its water and oil brushed on deliberately and not water from the cheese? I wonder what youll shift to next to excuse such an abominable mess

>> No.13293333

americans dont eat that

check em

>> No.13293339


>> No.13293343
File: 2.23 MB, 3273x3098, 20191128_182104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

roast me.

>> No.13293344

Based and check’empilled

>> No.13293350

Maybe he’ll just come clean and admit he put horse semen on his pizza for gainz because he’s secretly a /fit/fag

>> No.13293355
File: 724 KB, 2473x1905, 20191128_182231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13293358

If that’s homemade, then it looks like you’re doing just fine. However you wanna make it is up to you, just don’t make it watery like this faggot>>13292850

>> No.13293375

it is home made, I'm still working on getting a consistent crust. I was pretty happy with how his one turned out.

>> No.13293382

You are not talking to just one person, boy

>> No.13293387

Oh so you're speaking on behalf of someone else and contradicting what they already said. How intelligent and unfoolish

>> No.13293389

Seek help for your fixation with horse cum, tho

>> No.13293390

You should probably stop splooging on your pizza then, moolie

>> No.13293410

I'll clarify since your dumb
You have been talking to another guy, then I, the poster of the picture, posted about the oil and the I don't remember what it was liquid
Anyway, since you are so worried about the texture, I will assure that it was very crunchy as you could want, the liquid didn't soak the base

>> No.13293417

>since your dumb

>> No.13293423

Looks like some shit from a Chef Boyardee box, just shitty, non-raised bread topped with spaghetti sauce and powdered cheese shit.

>> No.13293435

Yeah, my autocorrector is not set on English and makes errors, what a shame

>> No.13293474

ah hell i don't care bout authentic hell i tell my kids that a pizza is sauce on bread u can tell a kid that and they don't know so they dont worry bout gettin a expensive ass pizza from pizza hut

>> No.13293485

Probably the same reason you couldn't correct your pizza from a sperm ocean developing and creating a soggy texture to complement the raw dough

>> No.13293494

Ah, dead mice. My favorite

>> No.13293503

Pizza al trancio (Milano)

This type of pizza, not to be confused with the pizzas by the meter or by the cut (generally lower) is typical of the Lombard metropolis where it spread throughout the Milanese hinterland around the 80s, although some historical locals presented as early as the 1950s and 60s. [21] [22] The pizza is high and soft; it is cooked in a pan, the amount of tomato is usually small while the mozzarella (in the dry version) is very abundant and covers the entire dish (including the edge), the mixture is made with water, flour, salt, oil and yeast of beer. [22] Some experts add the boiled and then mashed potato to the flour as a "secret" ingredient to make the pizza more colorful and soft on the inside and slightly crunchy at the base. The use of this last ingredient is typical of some focaccias and breads of the Mediterranean areas of Italy [23] and has spread to Milan after the period of the Italian economic miracle.

>> No.13293516
File: 14 KB, 279x181, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of you idiots who dont know real pizza. THIS is pizza done right

>> No.13293523

Now that's gay

>> No.13293527
File: 159 KB, 1766x1178, E2972906-C7D1-46C2-85F2-91DECBD288FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk why google shows me only fucking spuntini, btw this is the thing.
There was a pizzeria here in my area where they made both the pizza al trancio and the normal thin round one in a wood powered oven while pic related is made in an electric oven.

It was the GOAT pizza, crunchy at the base and soft at the top but the glorious part was the outside layer with fried crunchy mozzarella and oily crust HNNGGGHHH

>> No.13293548

>The cheese is melted and browned as well as the würstel pieces but the “bread” is perfectly soft and white.

Is this the power of ultra processed high fructose sugar corn syrup infused “bread”?

>> No.13293579

Based and whitepilled.

>> No.13293662

Woah, I actually didn't know this, I'll try to eat this when I'll go to north italy

>> No.13293681 [DELETED] 
File: 87 KB, 700x530, pineapple_pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now THIS is a real pizza.

>> No.13293683
File: 172 KB, 1050x807, datsa_pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Negative. This is a pizza.

>> No.13293720

The amount of goblinos in that picture..I’m horrified

>> No.13293735

What did you expect?

>> No.13293741
File: 37 KB, 700x372, pure_blood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Race mixing, you say? Disgusting.

>> No.13293750 [DELETED] 
File: 78 KB, 1312x1174, Newcastle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer my gene pool pure and shallow.

>> No.13293854

>discount mestizo jack black

>> No.13293882

Looks like the ones we used to make as a kid. They were always better than frozen

>> No.13293886

>would you care for some pizza soup?

>> No.13293891
File: 55 KB, 862x855, 1568344096291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you aight

>> No.13293897

Is that one of those Mexican refried-beans pizzas?

>> No.13293908

>that thumb
you must be pushing 400lbs

>> No.13293923 [DELETED] 
File: 483 KB, 1087x1087, mutt_pride.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13294703

That "cheese" looks like straight-up vomit.

>> No.13294726

That's not a pizza, that's a glorified piece of string cheese.

>> No.13294749

mozzarella cheese was too fresh and moist.
you either have to use old mozzarella or let it dry in the fridge for 1 or 2 days

>> No.13294755

>I'd like a pair of dirty stinky shoes close to my pizza, please

>> No.13294791

Good looking 'poli 'za

>> No.13295873

the sauce is RAW

>> No.13296417
File: 356 KB, 810x1024, chefad_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13296550

this looks like fucking garbage