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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 293 KB, 960x720, Classic-Latkes-Applesauce-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13278857 No.13278857 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think of Jewish food? Some of it seems interesting.

>> No.13278862 [DELETED] 

it stays in the oven, at least.

>> No.13278877

A lot of it is borrowed from other cultures/nations the Jewish people lived with, so it's not quite right calling it "Jewish" food. Cholent is about the only truly Jewish dish. My experience with it is few and wasn't particularly positive, though I'm told it can be incredible if done right.
Other than fishy dishes, I'm quite fond of what's traditionally served on holiday meals. Matzo balls are a good addition to a good soup.
t. jew

>> No.13278909
File: 2.03 MB, 3024x4032, KosherMcDonalds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r u single?

>> No.13278920 [DELETED] 
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my matzos are a bit overdone

>> No.13278982

Go shit up your containment board

>> No.13278997

Latkes and apple sauce r bomb

>> No.13279008

Don't pretend you're better than us. To the world, all 4channers are nazis.

>> No.13279023

>Don't pretend you're better than us
I am because I don't bring up politics and racism everywhere.

>> No.13279047

Potato knishes
Potato knishes
I love potato knishes

>> No.13279054

I know these McD terminals and people's reactions to it online are justified. Kosher McD restaurants are a minority in Israel. Most are not kosher. Other than not being able to add cheese to your burgers, kosher locations only force you to split your order between meat and dairy, but they will NOT prevent you from actually ordering the conflicting dishes in one sitting. There is no kosher police, and the employees won't stop you from ordering an ice cream after having a hamburger.
At most you'll have two separate terminals, one for main meat dishes and one for dairies and desserts, and you'll pick your stuff up from two sides of the counter.

>> No.13279080

It's great when done right. It's like eastern European fusion food.
It seems like any big American city will have at least 1 good Jewish, New York deli.

>latkes where applesauce is an actual sauce

>> No.13279131

I feel like it's mostly basically Mediterranean

>> No.13279144 [DELETED] 

Get this vile fucking anti-semitism off my board. Mods do your jobs and ban these fucksticks.

Irl you need drug out and the street and executed

>> No.13279147

lox is godtier

>> No.13279169

>Cue assblasted Arabs whining about the Jews stealing their recipes

>> No.13279183

The magic and the mystery

>> No.13279185 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 261x215, 1563626051309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get this vile fucking anti-semitism off my board. Mods do your jobs and ban these fucksticks.
>Irl you need drug out and the street and executed

>> No.13279195

I prefer a hearty meal of Original Crispy Chicken Tenders at the 99 Restaurant, where I have 99 reasons to always come back for more!

>> No.13279220

It's lazy comedy you dumb faggot.
>mention anything jewish
fuck off back to r/dankmemes you 13 year old fuck. get some new material.

>> No.13279226 [DELETED] 

Nigga fuck jews tho. I can ignore all other racial problems.

>> No.13279231

>New material
>On 4chan
>The place where people have been making wojak and pepe variants for what feels like 10 years now

>> No.13279256

>What do you think of Jewish food? Some of it seems interesting.
I'm not jewish, but I grew up in Miami, and nearly all of the jewish deli/diner food is god tier comfy. I've been eating this kind of food all of my life as if it were my culture too. It's several cultures at once, however. I make latkes at my house about 5x a year, a cross between the matzo meal and fresh grated potatoes, and served with sour cream (not apple sauce which is weird to me).
A really delicious fall apart corned beef is probably something I make about 3x/year, but find a great local source for lovingly smoked and tender pastrami and you're going to keep going back there.
I'll buy chicken liver, and made chopped liver.
Romanian steak? Well, they sell Peter Luger steak marinade at Publix (near the meat), and baste some skirt steak for the grill with that, and it's instensely balanced flavor that is utterly craveable savory, and crispy and soft textures all at once from those ribbons of fat.
In my pressure cooker, I'll throw in a whole cut up chicken right from my freezer, with onions, celery, carrot, garlic, parsley, and in 30 minutes, it's done, defatted and ready to simmer matzo balls from the box. Sprinkle of dill to serve, and some reheated frozen rolls, or challahand butter if I did shop, but it's my go to "I'm sick" pantry meal. Fancy time + planning, I'll pinch together some kreplach.
Of course NY style cheesecake (ricotta and cream cheese springform baked style) is the best, with that pillowy grainy but non-greasy moisture, but again if you find a local source, because it's a labor of love to make well, that sour cream layer for tang layer covering the cracks. Heavenly.
And, of course bagels and the rye bread or pumpernickel. A really good bagel source, and stock up on everything that isn't sweet. Something hardly ever sold anymore because it's hydroscopic and has a 2 hour shelf life? A salt bagel. O.M.G. that crunch and texture. The best!

>> No.13279272
File: 140 KB, 1600x901, SAM_4375-1600x901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am Israeli jew but grew up a picky eater and not in a religious or traditional family when it came to food, that said:
Sufganiyot - you really can't go wrong, afaik they're not different from regular whole jelly donuts in any way. also Jelly filling and powdered sugar only, these fancy new toppings/fillings can go fuck themselves.
Latkes - essentially hash browns right? really can't go wrong either, the more moisture you extract from the grated potatoes before you fry them the better.
Matzo Ball soup - again it's just chicken soup and dumplings but it's good, when I see youtube recipes or the dish being served in the US they always make this one huge matzo ball which seems funny, we make small ones.
Matzo itself - we did keep kosher in passover (can't eat leavened bread), but I quite like matzo, just a type of cracker that's pretty good with either sweet or savory spreads. Matzo & Nutella is S tier.
Cholent - Shabbat stew, there's a ton of variations but I quite like the one my family makes, just a slow cooked stew (meat and root vegetables), I guess the only special part that non-jews wont know about is the 'Kishke' (yiddish for gut?), essentially a sausage casing that's filled with a mixture of animal fat and flour.

>> No.13279277


Holy blogposts cancer holy shit

>> No.13279278

So, yes, you are single?

>> No.13279281 [DELETED] 
File: 223 KB, 873x1024, ReplaceJew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gas yourself goyish scum.

>> No.13279285

>people's reactions to it online are justified.


>> No.13279295

It's always the least creative people complaining like this.

>> No.13279309 [DELETED] 

You mean dragged. Some of us nazis save all the ovens for grammatical failures like yourself.

>> No.13279314

Are you open to dating other men?

>> No.13279365

No, I'm not a homo

>> No.13279375
File: 124 KB, 1440x1440, Jew with oven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is milk a stable food for your ((((people)))?

>> No.13279387

she has amazing tits

>> No.13279400

Maybe it is time for you to get offline and take a break, or talk to a doctor. Forums are where people type things out re a subject. You're acting like someone who doesn't get it or are having some issues with life.

>> No.13279408

It’s called an image board, not a novella board you reddit simp

>> No.13279416

Confirmed for anger issues.

>> No.13279417

I like a few things.
>potato pancakes
>lox bagels
>matza soup
>grape juice
>sesame seed candy
and a few other foods/dishes that I cannot remember right now.
Not Jewish btw.

>> No.13279424

Even most jews don't like jew food. Gefilte fish is fucking disgusting. Matzo is shitty unleavened bread. Latkes are OK but they're just hash browns under a different name. Bagels are bread with a hole in it.

>> No.13279435

Jewish food is just German food without pork.

>> No.13279442

>Bagels are bread with a hole in it.
You're ignorant.

>> No.13279761

Bagels are great because they're the opposite of "artisan" bread: dense with soft crust. Much better than bread that's full of hole and cuts your mouth when you bite it.

>> No.13279776

Khazar milkers are kino af

>> No.13279785

I'm fond of baby foreskin.
Fucking animals.

>> No.13279795

From where do these passive agressive bitches come from?

>> No.13279815

>bagel with shmear and lox
>potato latkes with apple sauce and/or creme fraïche

The other shit I can take or leave, some deli food can be exceptional but I've never had a good matzo ball soup

>> No.13279822

This much seethe can can only Come from a literal Jew. Mazel tov, Moshe!

>> No.13279838

Bad example. Literally everyone knows how to fry potatoes, this is NOT Jewish.

>> No.13280303
File: 1.20 MB, 1242x1238, comfyarabfriendmakinghotdogs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah anon wtf is this lengthy food post in my taiwanese carpet knitting forum
i think reddit is more your speed

>> No.13281132

Agreed. Flyovers should be gassed

>> No.13281464
File: 2.81 MB, 469x272, 1543558124942.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13281557

I love a good matzoh ball soup or a kugel
This thread makes me wish for my grandma back :(

>> No.13281602
File: 30 KB, 600x450, Manischewitz-gefilte_fish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gefilte fish!!!
It's so much better than how it looks, It's got a light and creamy/dense consistency. The flavor is also very light, it's not harsh or fishy at all.

>> No.13281640

what happens if Jews eat cheeseburgers?

>> No.13281647

Some kosher places really take falafel and shakshuka and pickles and sandwiches to the next level. All is good and proper until they refuse to serve you real milk with your coffee, or close for the flippin' sabbath. I wish they would figure out if they want to live in the real world, or continue being ruled by superstition and other nonsense.

>> No.13281701

we explode duh

>> No.13281732
File: 470 KB, 1620x1080, cholent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is so good (cholent in English if translation is correct) I die.

>> No.13281835
File: 32 KB, 362x290, chopped_liver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


chopped chicken liver made New York deli style
got my recipe from a Jewish cookbook

so good
has 3 hard boiled eggs mixed in it so you know you're getting your RDA of cholesterol

>> No.13281862


>> No.13281922

Ancient Israelite food consisted of lamb, herbs, nuts and legumes. Pretty much like Lebanese food. Modern Jewish food is a culmination of that combined with food from other nations where Jews have lived.

>> No.13282130

latkes are fucking delicious, yeah

>> No.13282167
File: 14 KB, 225x225, sabra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>where Jews have lived.

or where they are living now

>> No.13282192

Little black squash balls too

>> No.13282266

potatoes don't grow in middle east.


potatoe pancakes aren't Jewish

>> No.13282349
File: 194 KB, 1682x600, Lactose_Intolerance_by_Ethnicity_and_Region.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, only white people can drink milk. Khazar Milkers produce the serum of satan.

>> No.13282398

Except Jews have lived all over Europe and have a lot of European/Yiddish cuisine. There are a lot of foods you can call Jewish that have obvious roots in other places. It doesn't change the fact that there are such things as Jewish delis and sadar dinners that are usually very good.

>> No.13282474

great hummus, they use enough tahini to make it legit

>> No.13282548


Loads of it was taken from the Belarus, Poland, Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania, Prussia and Germany and Russia and converted into a heritage (and marketed in the the post-war US as "jewish")

But the middle-east stuff variations are legit.

As a Polack i don't care about some latke's and borstch because i haw Placki and Barszcz.

>> No.13283279

It's all stolen.

>> No.13283412

I had a Jewish girlfriend in college; her pussy tasted great. She wouldn't let me pork her, though.

>> No.13283426

That's like saying there is no such thing as italian food since so much of it was developed after they discovered the Americas and could take from Spanish cuisine.

>> No.13283431

There being no place on the west coast to get decent matzah ball soup is a crime.

>> No.13283507

There is/was a decent kosher restaurant in Las Vegas that used to have good match ball soup, but it's in the fucking ghetto.

>> No.13283520

Kartoffelpuffer mit apfelsauce. Wait a minute...

>> No.13283530

I've gone to a couple of jewish cuisine places. It was fine, but the decor was so "hip and trendy" it was annoying on a physical level just to be inside.

Food was fine. Hummus was dandy but lacked a memorable punch.

>> No.13283642

So that's how you fuckin spell it...

>> No.13283719
File: 81 KB, 646x495, happyrabbi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dem khazar milkers

>> No.13283731
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>> No.13284068

Spell it like you say it.

>> No.13284112

Weird. Living in Israel, I can only remember one person who I knew having lactose intolerance. American Jews are strange creatures...

>> No.13284124


>> No.13284148

Ok, in that case I hereby identify as female. What's your skype?

>> No.13284172

So they stole their culture. Huh.

>> No.13284173 [DELETED] 
File: 616 KB, 840x450, 1574867733658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I greatly enjoy jewish deli foods. I hate jewish people more then anything on this earth however.

>> No.13284185

Oh god yes

>> No.13284858

I'm sorry but you have a problem if you're writing a post this gay

>> No.13284875

applesauce don't go with hashbrowns you faggot

>> No.13284882

no, it's more like saying baklava isn't greek, it's turkish, even though both greeks and turks make baklava.
what a retarded post you made, honestly

>> No.13284922

lol, that's actually pretty funny

>> No.13285915

And we hate you
it's a perfect relationship

>> No.13285933

only from the oven

>> No.13286211

It isn't pork.

>> No.13286250

Why he fuck does my kosher Bessie have Michael Phelps shoulders? Wtf was she always kike this?

>> No.13286351

>being this new

>> No.13286366
File: 35 KB, 686x386, 092a62fce39b81756e9bf662d7f82b49ece92146436bf994486a48e1a412d8d2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what do you think of jewish food
kikes are shit and I would rather not eat a single bite than give them a single shekle, however, I am fully in line with that kike Giles Coren, a lot of Jewish food is supposed to be awful and anyone who kvetches otherwise is an emberassment to jewish people everywhere.

>> No.13286369
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>I dont bring up racism everywhere
thats because you're part of the problem

>> No.13286378

>the anime posting /pol/fag joins the thread

>> No.13286390
File: 527 KB, 858x1000, 1463876666677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not enjoying entertainment by (((giles coren)))
salty jewish gefelterfish fag detected. back in time for dinner is amazing and the main jewish lead is basically nigels thornberry.

>> No.13286397

There's different kinds depending where they came from and what kind they are. Nothing wrong with any of it desu

>> No.13286409

So, no big deal.
I like how in some muslim countries there's a single men side of restaurants and a family side. It's much more comfortable for everyone.

>> No.13286410

I had a jewish friend when I was a kid who's mom made latkes.
They're greasy but really good.

>> No.13286421

Good post, pour it all out anon. You're making the next jew food thread.

>> No.13286454

>”pork” her