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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13247180 No.13247180 [Reply] [Original]

Cold Brew Edition. This thread is for all coffee related discussion and inquiries.

>what are you drinking
>where is it from
>getting anymore

Previous thread >>13214476


>> No.13247385

Having a cup of organic Kenyan speciality coffee from Drop Coffee right now. It's good but I'm not sure if Kenyan coffee is for me. I'd recommend anons to try it however.

>> No.13247403
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Is coffee good for you?

>> No.13247951

It's good for getting pussy.

>> No.13247971

If you don't load it with cream and sugar, Yes*
unless you have a heart arrhythmia or anxiety. I have pretty serious anxiety 95% I can drink it fine no problems but 5% of the time it will induce panic like symptoms.
its terrible for your teeth's enamel and will stain them.
Caffeine is highly addictive, most used psychoactive drug on the planet.

>> No.13248073

Also, stains are easy to avoid with proper dental care.

>> No.13249081

What happened to all the anons?

>> No.13249182

Caffeine has withdrawal symptoms. It's a mind stimulant. What do you expect.
The good news is there's really no point not being mildly caffeinated.

>> No.13249213

just brewed the worst v60 of my life. apparently some soap stayed on the cone even after i rinsed it this morning, wound up wasting expensive beans on coffee that tasted like soap. my bloom phase bubbles literally had a soapy sheen to them. fuck my life

>> No.13249231

end yourself

>> No.13249245

I just rinse mine with water, how dirty was yours to require soap?
I've never noticed withdrawal symptoms, even when I've gone without coffee for weeks.

>> No.13249276

i use water 90% of the time, but i used soap because i notice a bit of coffee buildup where the ridges meet the main body of the cone

>> No.13249286

what method did you use? I've noticed that coffee high in acidity (Kenya, Burundi) often upset my stomach (even when brewed correctly) and they tend to have little to no body.

>> No.13249296
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French press vs pourover coffee

Someone redpill me on the pros and cons of both. Which method is the coffee brewing meta.

I've been drinking tea my whole life and coffee is something I don't know much about.

>> No.13249326

french press is the meta for normies who buy grocery store blends, but their meta should be the clever dripper.
v60 is the meta for people who buy high quality single origin and want to taste different varietals of coffee
espresso is the meta for eurofags and americans who think they're better than everyone else

>> No.13249330

FP - floral/fruity flavors not so complex as in pourover but the nutty/chocolate do shine; it's easier to brew correctly, forgives more, easy to brew lots of coffee (up to 900 ml with no problem), no need for a gooseneck kettle

pourover - better for floral/fruity coffees (Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda), harder to master

It's hard to say which one is "meta". In speciality coffee - pourover. But in commodity coffee - I don't know, probably FP

>> No.13249440

There's always grounds in my cup after french press even after waiting 1-2 minutes after I press, what do?

>> No.13249445

deal with it. that's french press for you

>> No.13249447

But I know I'm better than everyone else

>> No.13249448



>> No.13249479

You can pour it through a pre-wetted paper filter but otherwise silt just comes with the territory

>> No.13249892

Sounds kind of retarded but what I used to do is put a coffee filter over the screen itself and then use the thing normally. Sometimes the screen/mesh that comes with the french press gets torn or stretched in ways that allow grounds to come through the top.

>> No.13249904

The v60 just looks like an overrated pourover coffee appliance.

Tell me what the v60 does that a pourover wont.

>> No.13250108

Appliance? It's a piece of fucking ceramic. Are you retarded or something? The wording on your question doesn't even make sense. "Tell me what this pourover mug does that a pourover won't".

>> No.13250166

It's a fucking cone with a hole at the bottom to decant percolated liquid from a filter. A v60, just like a chemex, IS a pourover.

>> No.13250389

Could someone redpill me on the clever drip? I got the small one and size 2 filters, but the extraction stops near the end. I used 9g coffee and 130g water.
Scott Rao's method for the V60. I use 8g grounds for 130g water. Grind was medium.
>being this retarded

>> No.13250499

>I use 8g grounds for 130g water
do you like how your coffee comes out that way?
everything i've researched suggests that's just not enough coffee to get a good extraction from v60.

>> No.13250511

French pressed a cup of HEB Hawaiian blend this morning. 'twas nice and fruity. About to have some free work coffee with a spoonful of HEB french vanilla creamer.

>> No.13250521

I really like my coffee that I'm getting, but I generally brew at least two cups every time. For example; for 390g of coffee I use 24g grounds and 450g water.

>> No.13250526

French Press makes amazing dark coffee. Gets more oils out of the beans.

>> No.13250903


Not all appliances have to be electric. An appliance is just a tool or item used to complete a specific job.

So far none of you brainlets have answered my question. What does the v60 achieve that other pourover coffee appliances can't offer.

>> No.13250978

Why don't you go to >>13242658 that place seems more your speed, retard

>> No.13251002

I literally posted this >>13249296

I have already stated that I don't know much about coffee. It isn't particularly popular where I live.
I asked a few questions and you inbred sacks of dog shit have yet the cognitive capacity to answer a simple question.

>> No.13251174

>I asked a few questions and you inbred sacks of dog shit have yet the cognitive capacity to answer a simple question.
No, that's not what you did. What you did is bring your retarded ass into a coffee thread and then spout bullshit about the V60 being an "overrated appliance" and then call us all brainlets when we refused to spoonfeed your retarded ass and put up with your bullshit spouting. I say again, fuck off to the troll thread whence you came, you stupid fucking nigger.

>> No.13251609

You are quite pissed off dear niglet. The v60 is fucking overrated its the same thing as literally any other pourover coffee maker. So, answer my question retard. What can the v60 do that other pourover coffee makers can't/

>> No.13251633

Yes, unlike masturbation which wastes time and provides transitory enslaving pleasure.

>> No.13251719

Nobody is going to answer your retarded "question" because it doesn't make any sense. You don't even know what a fucking V60 is, so why does it matter to you anyways?

>> No.13251732
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What are ya Bois drinking?

>> No.13251914

It's some chink made pourover coffee maker. I know how to do a google search shit-for-brains.

>> No.13251924

I get really bad headaches if I go without it past 1pm. I used to drink 6 or 7 cups a day until I started falling asleep at the wheel on my commute home if I didn't drink any before driving. I stick to three or less nowadays. It's the one thing other than breathing that I've done every day of my life for the last 5 years.

>> No.13252478

>6 or 7 cups
How big were the cups?

>> No.13252540

lmao, I remember that

>> No.13253006
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Anybody got some knowlage on these things, any quality brand to look for when buying?

>> No.13253270

wait for 2 minutes, stir the grounds at the top of the coffee, let rest for another 4 minutes, then put the lid on. This might sound weird but dont actually press down, just use the filter; pressing down disturbs the grounds that have rested at the bottome of the FP. straight up always gets me the cleanest cup of coffee every time

>> No.13253303

Managed to make coffee correctly with the clever drip today. The coffee feels fuller, but the taste is less clear than made with the V60. I'll try with a slightly finer grind next time, and add two grams more of grounds.
Any anons here that want to tell about their own experience with clever drip?

>> No.13253418

Get a baletti if you know you like moka brew. Italian imports ate slightly better and aren't much more on amazon. Two Italian versions are Fiametta which comes in various colors and Dama which is there classic version but more arty. Al though any moka pot from them will be good. Biggest thing is to make sure the Amazon seller isnt trying to pass off fakes.

Most pots are going to be around $30 but as someone who has used the cheap ones from the Spanish isle and a baletti there is a huge difference in quality.
- thinner material
- pour spout spills
- can't take the filter and gasket fully apart

- thicker metal
- no spill spout
- can be fully taken apart
Bonus- pressure valve ca wiggle to help remove hard water build up.

Also its easy to by replacement filter and gasket with a baletti. Betty b.f able to fully take it apart is import so you can fully wipe it down and remove old coffee oils that would go rancid.

Here's a video.

>> No.13253450

I followed this no plunge French Press method and it tastes good


>> No.13253837

>roommate got bag of starbucks blond roast
>instructions say 2 tablespoons of coffee per 6oz of water

>I picked up a bag of Laughing Man coffee, medium roast
>instructions say 1 tablespoon of coffee per 6oz of water

>other bags of coffee I’ve had in the past said 2 tablespoons per 8oz of water

I’m so confused. Which is correct? Or is there a preferred method for each individual brand?

>> No.13253849

I had picked this 1-cup moka pot up from my local Home Goods. Was only $8. I personally think it makes pretty good coffee but since its the only moka pot I’ve used, idk if I’m actually getting shittier quality than using a bialetti

>> No.13253851
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Whoops forgot pic

>> No.13253900

None of that is right because no coffee uses ratios in tablespoons to whatever the fuck an "oz" is. And you use different ratios depending on what brewing method you're using so nobody can provide you with one definitive ratio.

>> No.13254767

Why do people recommend beginners to not go with the V60? A damn chimp could learn to brew excellent coffee after a few attempts.

>> No.13254910

Who is doing this? Most people do recommend either a V60 or a generic metal carafe French press to new coffee people.

>> No.13254918

because most beginners aren't going to give enough of a shit to invest in a grinder or research the proper technique, or want to learn what they're doing wrong. the current cooking meta is boiling your meat in a plastic bag because people are lazy cunts

>> No.13256415

I periodically spray a little 90%+ iso on my portafilters to knock out oil buildup before it gets too far. Probably overkill, but whatever. You could also go super overkill and use alconox. We use that for stripping off buildup to mail real high end glass art "safely".

>> No.13257082
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Messing with pourover on the Decent

>> No.13257092
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A brew I made at around lunch time today.

22g:418g with 368g beverage weight. 1.29% tds for an extraction yield of 21.6%.

>> No.13257102
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And a brew I made tonight.

22g:418g with 368g beverage weight. 1.29% tds for an extraction yield of 21.6%.

The repeatability of the Decent's pourover mode is great. Incredibly easy to get the exact same brew again and again. Which makes it incredibly easy to get the exact same brew but with a slight tweak applied to one part of it.

>> No.13257266

anything other than black Maxwell House brewed as strongly as possible is faggot shit

>> No.13257629

Probably because beginners are going to search for a V60 brewing tutorial and end up on Hario's official youtube channel which has this moron on it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmCW8xSWGZY

Pourover as a brewing method is still recovering from the damage that dumb jap inflicted on it.

>> No.13257666

What's wrong with his method? Just curious.

>> No.13257743

He leaves out the two most important steps in a good pourover brew: blooming and leveling the grounds. Blooming is a necessity because you need to degas the grounds before you can properly extract flavor from them. Leveling is important because you want all of your grounds to be as equally extracted as possible.

If that isn't bad enough, his stop/start brewing method is just excessively complicated and achieves nothing, making pourover seem pretentious and inaccessible to beginners. The only important variables during the pour stage are how much you disturb the grounds and how quickly you get your liquid in the dripper. Both of those variables can be adjusted just fine in a single pour.

>> No.13258088

Thanks for the informative post, I just skimmed through the video and thought it was a theory video due to the lack of steps.

>> No.13258380

basically this. maybe your grind is a bit on the small side, but having a bit of "dust" or I guess mud at the bottom of the cup is just what happens. You could probably get rid of at least most of it by cutting a paper filter and putting it onto the mesh part, if you were so inclined.

>> No.13258455


desu this. Not sure if a knockoff would make a worse cup of joe, but I've found that the basic bitch Bialetti models are generally not all that expensive in the first place.

most people advocate using mass to get correct grinds to water ratios, typically measured in miligrams.

If you don't want to do that I'd just stick with volumetric ounces or mililitres. From there it's literally just however much you find is best.

>> No.13259633

When did you start drinking coffee?

>> No.13260023
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I fucking love wawa cortaditos. Or I guess since I get them sans sugar they are a cortado.
About a year ago as an ADHD cope. Now trying to get into nootropics.

>> No.13261196

Any recommendations on reasonably priced coffee? Been using trash tier beans for a long time. Can afford a bit better now, but not sure what to get.

>> No.13261205

Recommendations on an entry grinder?
Also, what would the proper technique be?

>> No.13262177

What is the real diffrence between a Flair manual espresso and cheaper manuals, i.e. Staresso and Wacaco on Amazon? They all seem to pretty much do the same thing, especially as far as manuals go since there arent any electronics to worry about.

>> No.13262593

I’d honestly recommend just getting the cheapest Kinu. I bought other grinders at a lower price point before and until I got the Kinu, I always had sour and bitter coffee at the same time. The Kinu saved pourover and french press for me.

>> No.13262600

Speciality beans, single origin and organic are good labels to look for.

>> No.13262615
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I just made 2 gallons of cold brew concentrate
drinking it with condensed milk and ice cubes desu
very comfy

>> No.13262632
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Bros, pls post coffee frogs for my collection

>> No.13262762
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>> No.13262796

You tried modafandil?

It's OTC here in Mexico.

>> No.13262917
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>> No.13262921
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>> No.13262998
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>> No.13263449

but it is literally just a cheap pour-over appliance anon that's the point

>> No.13263458

how is the temp stability pushing that much water through the decent? It doesn't have an actual boiler right?

>> No.13263658
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>> No.13264267

Anyone got the one with the refillable backpack

>> No.13264290
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Ahhh yes, nothing like a fresh cup in the morning. Who drinks it black here?

>> No.13265401

What's a good ratio for an aeropress "espresso"?

>> No.13265607

what's the next step above a Silvia (or similar machine comparable to it)? Is it worth considering anything with only a 1000USD budget?

>> No.13265724
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I think you mean Modafinil. Its rx in merica. You can take the early prodrug version of it Adrafinil which converts into modafinil partial in the liver. Problem is everyone keeps saying Adrafinil had shitty side effects sometimes and can mess up your liver if taken daily. I wish OTC DRIs where a thing, but I get why they aren't.

>> No.13265927
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>> No.13265948
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>> No.13266489
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>> No.13267896


>> No.13268625
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For the past week straight every evening I drink a large mug (I'm guessing about 500ml?) of 1:1 strong coffee mixed with bailey's.

rate out of 10 pls

picture related, the coffee i use

>> No.13268677
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poorfag here
just ordered pic related six 11 oz. bags for $38 including shipping
Any other recommendations for cheap coffee you can buy in bulk? Taste doesnt matter since i drown that shit in m&s

>> No.13268741

>dark roast

>> No.13268745

Is this based on the bailey's or me disrespecting coffee?

>> No.13268825

You're drinking shitty meme coffee, can't day that I care about the baileys. You essentially posted about eating $1 hot dogs in a meat general. Stay away from pods and dark roasts, also consider organic coffee since the pesticides ruin the taste (besides destroying soil nutrition and giving everyone cancer).

Coffee is a luxury goods and should cost money, otherwise you're participating in slavery and helping Shekelstein enslave the planet. If you want I can give some links about coffee later, cheers anon.

>> No.13268831

I have and use better coffee too, I just don't want to waste that when I'm only looking for the bitterness to balance out the bailey's lmao

>> No.13268839

Oh well.

>> No.13269421

I’d like the links later

>> No.13270511


>> No.13270560

Quite good, actually! There's no boiler, but water is kept warm, and the group is actively heated, so it can be pushed right at boiling for a pretty good while. Can see on the graphs (you can juuuust barely make out the red temperature line in that picture, actually) that it stays quite stable. Especially when you're using a pulse based brew.

Should be able to increase the flowrate or do more continuous pour style once the firmware to preheat the tank is out. Neither is particularly desirable to do for automated pourover, but nice to have the option.

>> No.13270822
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Instead of sugar or cream I put some Oreos in my coffee today

>> No.13271227

Question about pourover brewing.
Are the grounds supposed to rise up and be floating around in the cone with no layer at the bottom? Or am I supposed to pour slowly enough that the grounds stay at the bottom the whole time?

>> No.13271323

up until now ive always just drank instant coffee. but i want to actually learn how to make good coffee and experiment with different forms of making coffee like french press etc. where should i start?

>> No.13271582

Proper amount of grounds to use is the most important. It doesn't matter how expensive your coffee or kit is, too much/too little grounds will kill a cup.

>> No.13271615

alright but, whats should i buy to practice with?

>> No.13271674
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you want maximum immersion of the grounds

fill that bitch up to the top and let it drain back down. we want the entire filter covered in an equally thin layer of ground coffee.

>> No.13271777

I recently travelled internationally with my Kinu and now I have to set it quite a bit “coarser” to get the equivalent grinds before. I noticed when I set it to 0 the burrs even almost lock together now. Wtf happened? Did the spring settle in transit, or should I take it apart and put it back together again?

>> No.13271782

Very useful tip if you find yourself on a planet where gravity pulls water fucking sideways.

>> No.13271788

Because water only pulls through the bottom, not down at all points of the cone...

You're fucking retarded.

>> No.13271807

Just how deep do you think those channels are on the side of the V60, anon?

>> No.13271808

i want you to try it out yourself, neil degrasse tyson

and explain to me how the grounds stick all the way up the filter when you fill it to the top. a pour over has channels running all the way up the sides. there is space between the filter and sides at all points. yes, it will eventually run down to the funnel. but we want to make sure the water touches everything on its journey, not just a small well in the center of the compacted grounds

>> No.13271883

You are literally retarded. Please leave the thread immediately.

>> No.13271907

That's actually correct. The paper filter holds it in and guides it to the bottom. You can even brew in a dripper with no walls at all thanks to this effect. Water leaves through the bottom almost exclusively.

Explain how a St. Anthony Industries P70 works, then. Water only leaves through the tip.

>> No.13271931

>design product of a certain size, shape, and texture with filters to match

>white piggu asserts that you should only use <1/3 of the total surface area because he knows about 'gravity' (he doesn't mention surface tension, fluid dynamics, etc)

>> No.13271949

Perfect, thank you

>> No.13272000

>St. Anthony Industries
Also if you look at the video for the c70 you can clearly see grounds stuck to the sides of the filter like annons pic

>> No.13272017

I want to get a v60, should I get glass, plastic or copper. No ceramic, I don't feel like making my wife care about preheating the cone.

>> No.13272032

P70, dipshit, not C. The open one. It's retarded because it sucks for heat, but it proves your theory is bullshit or water would flow out the sides.

>> No.13272040

Plastic, holds heat best

>> No.13272066

You are a fucking idiot, just stop fucking posting. Water goes right through the filter paper on the sides and surface tension keeps it running down the outside of the paper. Where did you even get the idea in the first place that a filter holder like that would prove that water only exits the bottom of the cone?

>> No.13272289

Because I own one I got for testing. You can tell no significant amount of water is coming out the sides when it's right there in front of you.

>> No.13272340


>> No.13272349

Oh so now it's a significant amount of water and not none at all? Hmm

>> No.13272358

I never said none at all. You might get 0.5% to 1% of your total water out the sides, no more than a ml or two in total.

>> No.13272397
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I looked at St Anthony Industry filters. They say they are designed to only drain from the bottom and have thicker paper on the sides. I guess you are right about that one specific product. We were talking about the v60 where hario designs their paper and filter differently. Meanwhile i use a shitty melita brewer and the filters they sell are perforated on the sides.

>> No.13272460

What country are you in Anon? I don't think we have senseo here in burgerland anymore, I think Keurig ran them out of town

>> No.13272484

Same with v60 filters, actually. Kalita Wave filters too. Have tested with some various cheapass wireframe brewers, negligible side flow in any. Not sure about Melitta since the shape doesn't fit and I use a different brand anyway.

>> No.13272952

Buy a $200 grinder like a kinu. Your french presses and pourovers will be significantly better if you've got a consistent, fresh grind. After that try whatever (fresh) beans you can get and find where your tastes lie.

>> No.13273019
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Have a good and productive morning lads!

>> No.13273959

Bumping again if anyone has any idea about this

>> No.13273986

I accidentally bought pre-ground coffee instead of whole bean and it seriously tastes like shit. Should I just throw it out or should I use it for something like cold brew

>> No.13274136

You're both fucking idiots. A significant portion of liquid is definitely going out the sides. You can see this in any video of the clear plastic V60: https://youtu.be/LmGKqzV7hQE?t=303..

But you still want your grounds to be level on the bottom of the cone because as the water drains you want it to remain in contact with all of the grounds for as close to the same period of time as possible. If your grounds stick to the sides of the cone near the top they're only being extracted for a few seconds. Your coffee is going to be sour and undrinkable.

>> No.13274250

Can I split up ground Cafe Bustelo after opening into multiple baggies and freeze them so it doesn’t go stale so quickly? Yes I know bustelo is cheap shit but it reminds me of camping with my dad so I like to make a pot on the moka sometimes.

>> No.13274375


>> No.13275154

So whats a good grinder? I have a hario slim hand grinder, but I dropped it too many times and it cracked, so I'm looking for an electric one. Any suggestions?

>> No.13275218

Most people suggest the barraza encore and another one; I also think I missed spelled it. Its around $200 but then you only cry once.

>> No.13275445

I saw a video recommending the wilfa svart over the barraza encore. But i literally can't find anything about the svart online

>> No.13275516

there's James Hoffmann video. I used Wilfa for some time and the coffee was OK, but I never tried the Encore. There's also Eureka Filtro, but I came across only two, both positive reviews.

>> No.13276839


>> No.13278392


>> No.13279339


>> No.13280060

>this general is reduced to bumps

>> No.13280072
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All my roommates are gone for a few days so I get to enjoy the house to myself. So im going to blast my music and play DOOM that I'm currently downloading sans head phones.

Anyone going to make coffee for people on Thanksgiving? Going to try to cure their pleb ways?
It gets slow on here sometimes, but it picks up. People are probably doing holiday related things or working long shifts instead of lurking 4chins.

>> No.13280099

How to make cold brew

Also, why does everyone use mason jars for stuff?

>> No.13280152

>cold brew
>mason jars
It's artisanal.

>> No.13280164

Cause mason jars are cheap and multi purpose.

>> No.13280191

>Drink coffee
>few minutes later ass starts sweating

The ass more specifically.
Does this happen to anyone else?

>> No.13280283
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this absolute fuckin sped

>> No.13280544

Old DOOM? It's a good game.

>> No.13281050

The 2016 version. But I need to download the og ones. I remember trying to play it and wolfenstein when I was little. Problem is I couldn't play it well so I was stuck with the knife, and you can only get so far with the knife. The games didn't stick around though. Apparently my dad skipped going to church one time. My mom asked me why and I told her it was probably cause he was playing doom. So my mom made my dad get rid of it and he gave it to his brother. I wasn't trying to rat him out, just a naive kid. Kinda weird since we weren't that religious or went to church often. Sucks though. Never got a chance to really play it. We actually had a decent computer back in the day. It was a Pacardbell, with a x486, decent ram, and added cache chip; you used to have to buy cache separately instead of it coming already paired with the CPU like today.

>> No.13281110

Heh, did your dad forgive you? DOOM 2016 is awesome, I believe the first DOOM just goes for a few bucks now, personally got it during a sale for a dollar. Think I'll pick up Wolfenstein too.

>> No.13281152

Oh yeah. He was bummed, but knew I didn't do it on purpose. I dont think he played too many games after that sadly. I thought about buying the old school bundle which was in a stream sale, but I knew I don't have time right now to play. That or I could be cheap and DOSBOX it.

>> No.13282109

Question for people who have dedicated time to taste single origin blends.

What is the country with the tastiest coffee? Kenya? Mexico? Yemen? Colombia? Brazil? Somewhere else?

>> No.13283199


>> No.13283370
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pepsi max

>> No.13283506

>single origin blends

lmao... probably ethiopas are going to be your best bet from a price/availability/taste standpoint.

>> No.13283560

Planning to buy a French press for my dad's birthday, what's the differences between cheap ones and expensive ones (hario etc)?

>> No.13283589

better filter and build quality, plus they look nicer
If your dad's not a huge coffee guy he probably wouldn't notice the increase in coffee quality from a cheaper french press and an expensive one. So its probably a good bet to just get a decent one from the grocery store that doesn't look like garbage

>> No.13283728

AFAIK he at least have preference in his coffee but he very rarely buy beans, mostly those pre ground powder.

>> No.13283796

There isn't really a country with the tastiest coffee. Great coffee can be made anywhere that's tropical and high altitude (2000-3000m). On your list, Kenya and Colombia both fit that description and I've had plenty of great coffee from those countries.

Have a look at a topographic map of the world for yourself to find other places with good growing conditions. Chances are that if you can find a high altitude region in the tropics they are growing coffee there because it's the most profitable crop.

The only other thing I would add is that there are some countries with a more established coffee tradition than others and therefore offer more consistent quality. Ethiopia, Costa Rica and Panama come to mind.

>> No.13284340
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Nowt better than a morning cup of kenco instant coffee, no sugar.

>> No.13284690

Had a huge panic attack two days ago, probably due to caffeine (was my first cup in a week). Feels bad. I really love coffee and it doesn't make me anxious right after I drink it, it's the comedown and next day that fuck me up. Did a half decaf half real coffee aeropress cup just now, still tastes great and should reduce the anxiety hopefully.

>> No.13285047

The ancient Egyptians believed coffee was a gift from the gods.

>> No.13285085

How would the Egyptians know that when coffee was first discovered in the 16th century?

>> No.13285146
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Happy Thanksgiving!!

>> No.13285151

Ah, welcome to the diabetes club.

>> No.13285156

Hey man, I don't eat this much sugar on the daily. The whip topping is cause I bought pie and need to go through it.

>> No.13285160

Just be careful, anon.

>> No.13285803
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I'm about to make some coffee. That is all. Happy Thankgiving everyone.

>> No.13285868

Looks delish.

>> No.13286348

I will.
Oh, this is a rare pepe.
It was. The chocolate cake one was really good. It wasn't super sweet like some cake ones can be, and the maple on it was dank.

>> No.13286428

Put 2 paper filters innit

>> No.13286769

If he's buying preground he'll be fine with just a cheep one.

>> No.13287068

I like the capresso infinity. It's $90 at Costco and you can take it back for a full refund if you want to upgrade. I only make espresso any more so I have a G. Rossi RR45. If I did it again if probably get the niche zero because I don't pull shots at the volume that my grinder is capable of and it retains a lot of grounds and takes up the counter space. I currently have a breville smart grinder pro in the closet as well because I thought I could sneak it onto the counter without the wife noticing but she freaked out so it's for sale lmao.

>> No.13287949

Thank you anon. I'll try your suggestions.

>> No.13289447

Coffee-new fag, why does everyone recommend lavazza for making espresso?

>> No.13289692

I'm a snob and I honestly can't complain about most of my bodum equipment. They make good glass French presses.

>> No.13289728
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Keep an eye on Vietnam. Their consistency has been shit until recently but they're putting a lot more time and effort into quality control and traceability. I've been drinking pic related all week and it's been really really nice from start to finish.

>> No.13289745

All those mentioned in your post are shit. Please buy an espressoforge if you want manual. As an owner of several manual espresso machines, I can tell you they suck for entertaining.

>> No.13289858

Seconding Vietnam. I recently bought a few beans from them including a barrel aged batch and it was absurdly good. Not sure if they can maintain this quality, but they’re on my radar now.

>> No.13289863

I’ve wanted a manual as a backup during hurricane season. how does the espressoforge compare to the robot?

>> No.13289910

Nobody recommends Lavazza for espresso

>> No.13290559


>> No.13291376

>he drinks decaff

>> No.13291434

Hey man, some people are caffeine sensitive.

>> No.13291460

Build quality. Espressoforge is trash counter space clutter with a mile long heatsink to leech temp.

>> No.13292139

I’d drink decaf too if it tasted better

>> No.13292388

Mom's adamant on buying a $$$ coffee maker. What brands should I steer her towards?

>> No.13292404

The robot is a lot clumsier to use and clean. Imagine using an aeropress with a pressurised filter so you can just pour from the top and then press. I especially like the fact that it's all standard 58mm espresso machine parts. Anything you can slap in a bottomless portafilter you can slip in the lockring. The pressure gauge can get a little bit of grounds stuck in it from time to time and eventually you'll have to replace it but it's a common ¼" threaded type so like $10. Basically it's an heirloom I'll keep forever.

>> No.13292433

post your espressoforge with a timestamp.
>leech temp
what is preheating

>> No.13292447

Buy her a breville barista express. It's on sale now and it comes with a grinder.
What roaster? I've been wanting to try barrel aged for so long.

>> No.13293432

unfortunately it’s just a local roaster called Mame Cocoro. I’ve eyed their barrel aged beans for a while but they’re usually stupid expensive, but a few weeks back they had a 70% off sale on those beans so I grabbed them.

That sounds really neat, I like the idea of full compatibility with 58mm baskets. You have to pre-measure your water, right? It seems a bit finicky to use regularly but I really dig the idea of a fully manual machine to keep around.

>> No.13293914

I've never used an espressoforge but in my experience with manual espresso it's best to just fill them up to maximum volume and pull the shot onto a scale to control your shot length.

Pre-measuring is a nightmare. If you're measuring cold, you have to control for volume losses in boiling and transfer between kettle and measuring device. If you're measuring hot, you're losing several degrees during the measuring process. With both methods you have to control for incomplete volume utilization in the cylinder. On top of all of that, you tend to keep a more consistent temperature with a larger volume of water anyway so filling to max usually results in better shot quality.

>> No.13294735

Can you anons recommend filters for the French press?

>> No.13295242

t. guy who buys his coffee at the supermarket

>> No.13295616
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Made myself a nice v60 with some beans from Nicaragua, whatchu guys drinking?

>> No.13295735

Made a nice V60 with beans from Honduras.

>> No.13295780

Add one square of 90% chocolate to a cup.
Add hot water to melt choc.
Make Moka pot coffee and add to the choc water.
Add sweetened condensed milk.
Holy fuck, why does it taste so good?

>> No.13295793

Should I try french press or bialetti next?

The preparation methods I've tried so far are aeropress, v60 and espresso machine. I never managed to dial truly good espresso because of shitty equipment, so I usually preferred aeropress or v60. I think aeropress a little more than v60 since I prefer low acidity full bodied coffee. I know fp/mokka are both are both pretty full bodied, but how do they differ?

>> No.13295981

Moka pots use percolation and pressure to extract, sort of like espresso. French press is an immersion brewer. They both have metal filters so you'll be getting more of the oils and acid coming through. Moka can be more finicky, French press is harder to bungle up.
I use mine daily. I've gone through some o-rings and a little bit of molykote, but I've never had a failure that took more effort to fix than I had time for in the morning before I had to leave.
This is exactly right. Sometimes I'll fill it to the top and let it pre-infuse without pressure and then I'll add more water back off the boil straight to the top. It doesn't hold more water than you'll need to brew a double lungo but it doesn't really need to. There's enough room under the legs for one of those square drug scales with the part that clicks out on the side.

>> No.13296027

Is a Baratza Encore a good investment or is there a better electric burr grinder in that price range? Mostly looking for a grinder for French press and v60 coffee

>> No.13296042

it's fine. not a whole lot of competition at that price point

>> No.13296043

Graef CM800/802 is quite a bit better but might not be available where you're from. It's pretty common in Europe.

>> No.13296052

that's some nice kit. how's the build quality on the Decent? you think it's something that would last 10+ years?

>> No.13296234
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coffee time boys

>> No.13296377
File: 89 KB, 210x350, Ritual-coffee-Gigantes-12oz-1.1789.lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>San Fran coffeefest
>Lots of indie brewers / roasts
>Bought from a group called Ritual
>Thought it was from Turkey based on the symbol
>Turns out it's based on communist revolutionaries

Lol'd at that. But politics aside the beans make for a rather tasty french press

>> No.13296663

>It's the one thing other than breathing that I've done every day of my life for the last 5 years.
what about brushing teeth

>> No.13296712
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why do white girls insist on buying flavored coffee?

its fucking disgusting

>> No.13296962

You mean latte with syrup in it?

>> No.13297120

To be fair sometimes you just want to enjoyed a basic bitch flavored coffee. Its like choosing a mix drink over a shot. Scratch made syrups with decent coffee can be nice.

>> No.13298087

Recently bought some lighter roasted Burundi beans. How fine do I need to go for espresso? I’ve tried stepping down the fineness quite a bit and using a little less as a result but every shot I pull is still pretty sour.

>> No.13299096

Just use a chemex, it tastes better anyway.

>> No.13299770

it is

>> No.13300079
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>> No.13300170
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>drinks Cezve
>no lokum or a cup of white jam

>> No.13300179

Whatever you do, make sure you get a stainless steel one.Aluminium cubans are cheap chink-shit and tend to leek

>> No.13300603


how is brcc? is it any good or does it just get sold based entirely on the meme? A boatload of prepper types have a hard on for it, and I see it at gun shops I think one can imagine why I'd have reservations about the whole thing.

>> No.13300867

Coffee nap?
Oh, this is a rare coffee frog.

>> No.13301153
File: 198 KB, 1512x1512, 2019-12-01-12-17-45-273_compress64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watched some hot chocolate videos and was bored. Moka pot coffee, cocoa powder, sugar, pumpkin spice, chipotle pepper, vanilla extract, half&half, and water to dilute. Tastes pretty good. Has a nice savory bit to it.

>> No.13301172

looks good!

>> No.13301519

To be completely honest and transparent with you we started off on the wrong foot imo. At first all the coffee was outsourced and the company was 90% marketing. Now we have it all in-house and Evan is traveling to cup new coffees for our monthly micro lot. If you order from our coffee club you get fresh coffee. If you order from Amazon you get our weeks-old overage. Another recent improvement is nitrogen in the bags for freshness. Most of the green beans we use are washed Colombian excelso arabica, but we have natural process Brazilian arabica, Single origin Honduran and Costa Rican, and Vietnamese robusta. Coffee Saves, AR Holiday, Silencer, Gunship, Just Black, Fit Fuel, CAF, AK, Beyond Black, Blackbeard, and Murdered Out are the only unique roasts we do in house. The rest is just funnybags with one of those inside. Flavored ones are outsourced.

>> No.13302286

Bag design is kino but I don't trust Vietnam because they only produce robusta

>> No.13302400

It is arabica my dude. Post your email and if I have extra bags I'll be in touch and send you one. I think I have some extras of our honey processed Peruvian I might be able to snag too.

>> No.13303067

My coffee tastes bitter. I suspect it's the water or the temperature of the machine. Has anyone tried using a deionising water filter for their coffee? Has it helped?

And is there a way to stop your espresso machine from burning your coffee?

>> No.13303186
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>Post your email

>> No.13303238

g'day officer

>> No.13303823
File: 49 KB, 719x601, 1561309001058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is sharklasers
Do y'all not have 5 throwaway Gmail accounts?
I was gonna mail you coffee on my dime but fuck you I guess.
I despise law enforcement

>> No.13303880

heres my throwaway email then


>> No.13303898

>hate lawful stupids

>> No.13304587


>> No.13305349


>> No.13305848

Please stop bumping this thread, just let it die.

>> No.13305858

Thanks for the bump

>> No.13305949

Some flair poorfag on plebbit made a steamer out of $10 chinese pressure cooker and some (hopefully food safe) spare parts. How desperate for steamed milk do you have to be to use an IED with a random detonator to steam your milk?

>> No.13305951
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Pretty fucking good and I haven't run out for like 2 months and I'm a caffeine junky

>> No.13305953
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pic related

>> No.13306523
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>> No.13306541

forgot to comment. im dickered
Its gonna be percolated nabob for me

>> No.13306761
File: 146 KB, 1512x1512, 2019-12-02-14-27-07-628_compress12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you. Made peppermint moka today for minter. Peppermint oil, sugar, cocoa powder, vanilla extract, and smidge of half&half. I think I'm going to make a faux macchiato with the ready whip I still have.

>> No.13307728

Iced vanilla Chai from Dunkin

>> No.13307734

Decaf breakfast coffee from DG poured over milk, dash of Splenda, add ice

>> No.13307738

McDonald's started making a great Macchiato

>> No.13307777
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should i get this or is $12 too much to spend on coffee?

>> No.13307815

get a french press bruv

>> No.13307841

this one comes with free tech support if i cant figure out how to operate the machine though

>> No.13307861

u literally just push down with a french press

>> No.13307875

$12 isn't too much for a good product but those electric coffee pots suck. They're worse than a Keurig.
Listen to the other anon and get a French press.

>> No.13307954

How do you not recognize the very concept of utilizing free tech support on a coffee pot as shitposting?

>> No.13308187

Fr*nch press is shit, get a V60 or something

>> No.13308197

Pourover is too fussy.

>> No.13308203

>I, anonymous /ck/ poster, am actually CEO of Conservitard Coffee Co. so please give me your email, home address, home and/or work phone, SSN, mother's maiden name, driver's license number, blood type, and recent STD screening and I will send you a bag of Vietnam coffee

>> No.13308213

Only if you're a literal retard. Scott Rao's method uses two fucking pours. Are you actually incapable of pouring water into a cone? If you really are handicapped, then by all means, have your handler get you a French press instead.

>> No.13308228

>too pours
Already too fussy, and I'm still not subscribing to your faggot youtube channel Scott.

>> No.13308356

this is all so complicated i think im just gonna order a cup on uber eats every morning

>> No.13309248
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I asked for a throwaway email and a secure address to which I may send a free bag of coffee. Please go back to /pol/ and stop shitposting in our thread.

>> No.13309380

where my Turkish coffee niggas at?

>> No.13309627
File: 1.88 MB, 2304x2371, 34A771C3-6D85-4AB5-ADC4-DA1ED4DB2160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let’s see your autismo kits
>Managed to cop an EKG+ for $80
>Managed to cop an acaia pearl S for $100
>Distilled Water cause my local tap is utter shit
>Lido ET

>> No.13309681

It's like Starbucks. Just because they're everywhere doesn't mean that it's good.

>> No.13309721

Moka pot got accidentally put through a dish washer and now the top is oxidized, still fine to make coffee in right lads? Can't find anything about aluminum poisoning

>> No.13309745

When mine got oxidized the pressure wouldnt keep anymore and it makes anything that touched it taste like pennies

>> No.13309761

I want to make good espresso for once. Does anyone have some advice or tutorials they can share with me?

>> No.13310007

>coffee chain spends millions on expensive equipment
>doesn't even train the "baristas" on how to make coffee or properly usr equipment
>equipment breaks
Why is management so fucking dumb?

>> No.13310103

I can. Can you tell me what you’ve tried and what went wrong so I have a starting point for helping you?

>> No.13310112

Kinu-kun where are you? My Kinu recently shifted a ton in settings, after using 2.4 for coffee for weeks it shifted to ~2.6 for the same (freshly roasted) beans. This has now been consistent between cleanings and different beans. Is this normal or did something happen?

>> No.13310851


>> No.13310899

Probably normal drift as the burrs roll over and break in. Probably time for you to take it apart and clean. When you're reassembling, make sure you compress the spring and zero yourself back out.

>> No.13310909

You tell him, anon! The only reason your genius isn't being recognized is because you don't know the right people. Millenials were right all along!

>> No.13310929

Really pulling at strings for this one arnt cha?

>> No.13311089

my scale broke and i'm trying to cope by measuring with tablespoons and using an aeropress since it doesnt require as much precision as v60. first brew was sour underextracted garbage. fuck i hope my new scale gets here soon

>> No.13311103

my favorite part is how inconsistent chain coffee places are at steaming milk, foam quantity and quality. it's like they don't even attempt to train people on how to use the steam wand. i love when i get a cappucino in a cup that's 50% foam

>> No.13311263

Yeah, I worked part-time as a barista and was promised a barista education. I had four practice shifts before starting to work (alone in the shop as I mainly worked opening and closing), they didn't bother making sure I knew how to skim milk or anything really. And the promised barista education was 8 hours of powerpoint and a simple test that you couldn't fail unless you intended to. Worst thing is that every shop manager has to use their own budget to pay for the education so most employees went months before getting it. Utter fucking shit show due to management being retards constantly introducing new products and campaigns while the employees are shat upon and blamed for everything.

>> No.13311677

Hmmm Stumptown? Or Intelligentsia

>> No.13311823

Espresso House, it's Swedish but has spread to Norway, Denmark, Germany and Finland.

>> No.13312556

>distilled water
nigger what the fuck are you doing

>> No.13313082

Oh god Espresso House, this explains so much about the quality of their espresso.

Thanks anon. I’ve reassembled it a few times and always make sure I’m compressing the springs, it’s been pretty consistent since the drift. When I’m zeroed out now, the burrs feel like they’re touching (more resistance turning) when they didn’t before, so I had a feeling the spring or something had just settled.

>> No.13313091

>he doesn’t use third wave water
ok norman

>> No.13313121

It's a shame really, their coffee beans are really good thanks to their purchase of the roasters Johan & Nyström. All that speciality coffee is wasted due to lack of proper baristas, but then again the customers are almost exclusively mouth breathing subhumans.

>> No.13313167

Adding that I still have the employee discount half a year after quitting, I can get 250g of excellent speciality coffee for $2.5 and the more expensive beans for $5. Fucking managment can kys.

>> No.13313186

I mix my own water because TWW is shit that uses fucking citric acid instead of a carbonate buffer

>> No.13313422

Why would they bother preparing good quality coffee in such a shitty manner when you could go the Starbucks route and prepare shitty coffee in a shitty manner and make way more profit? Are they stupid?

>> No.13313545


>> No.13313805

>citric acid

Do you mean Calcium Citrate?

The espresso mix uses KHCO3 as the buffer

>> No.13313815

Today I ordered a mocha mexicano and it was good.

>> No.13313905

mexican diarrhea?

>> No.13313933
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>decide to expand my horizons
>try tons of different beans
>try french press, aeropress, softbrew, percolator. etc
>still prefer folgers instant crystals

>> No.13314225

>love coffee
>it gives me instant diarrhea
life truly is suffering

>> No.13314367

how does one achieve this power?

>> No.13314482

Aww it’s so cute

>> No.13314526

You measure coffee by weight because it’s more accurate than volume. For example different grind sizes have different weights for the same amount of volume. And different beans have different weights even though they’re the same size. For example, dark roasts are less dense than light roast coffees. So if you find a coffee:water recipe you really like with one bean, if you try it with beans that have a different density, you have no idea how many tablespoons to use and must start the trial and error process to stumble your way into a good cup of coffee.

And you measure water in weight because it’s more convenient than volume (like how the fuck would you do a pour over using meat using cups without losing huge amounts of time and water temperature?) and you’re already using a scale to weight the coffee beans so why the fuck not. Weigh out X grams of coffee, chuck it in a v60, put the v60 on the scale, tare it, and pour in X grams of water. The reason I’m using grams is because one milliliter of water weighs one gram. So 500 grams of water equals half a liter.

By the way I like to use a ratio of 60 grams of coffee per liter of water for pour overs, and 75 grams of coffee per liter for immersion brews like French press or Aeropress or whatever. But the actual ratio of coffee to water is ultimately a matter of personal taste; it’s about how strong you like your coffee.

>> No.13314532

Any suggestions for low-acid coffee that doesn't require cold brewing? My stomach hates everything but I can't resist delicious coffee flavor.

>> No.13314540

This desu

>> No.13314889

>are they stupid
The answer will always be yes.

>> No.13316117


>> No.13317377


>> No.13317412

So I finally got a scale. What ratios do you guys like to use? I was going to try 19 grams of coffee to 250 grams of water for an aeropress brew. Hows that sound?

>> No.13317480

darker roasts have less acid

>> No.13317494
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Faux macchiato made with the last bit of ready whip and dusting of cocoa powder. I regret the cocoa powder.

>> No.13317553

I use 8g grounds per 100g water. Sometimes I remove two grams for a weaker yet tastier brew.

>> No.13317652

but can't I do both?

>> No.13317708

you should just go for a shartwalk with your morning coffee then. walmart tends to be the favorite location for a brisk shartwalk but you can do it anywhere really!

>> No.13318000

I got a 3-cup bialetti. Way better than my roommate's shitty chineseum one I used in college. The no-drip spout actually doesn't drip, which seems to be a luxury on nearly everything cooking related these days. Plus it was only like $25.

>> No.13318260

This is why I never understand why people will suggest off-brand Moka pots. The knock-offs are barely any cheaper and Bialetti makes the nicest quality ones by a significant margin.

>> No.13318610

What ratios did you use? I just got some hot coco mix and was thinking of tying to mix it with coffee.

>> No.13318678

Not really any ratio. I used cheap luckys brand cocoa powder which is more, "sticky" compared to giradeile. I think I used like 2 tsp raw cocoa powder for 9 oz liquid. If you have a premix its already going to have sugar and possibly more mixed in with the cocoa powder as well.

My advice is to use a little less than you think you need. Also mix in the cocoa powder with just around 1/3 of water. Its easier to mix and prevents clumps. Also know if you put in too much you end up with a gross powdery tasting mess.

>> No.13318689
File: 53 KB, 1280x720, grinder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just ordered on of these bad boys

>> No.13318859

I drink three-dollar cans of Doubleshot, mocha (2/$5). I just recently got into coffee after years of being a contrarian about black coffee. I wanna break away from Starbucks for political reasons but I also can't be asked to prepare my own coffee (constraints).
Doubleshot really helps me focus on my work (erotic literature), I love it.

>> No.13319221

Have you tried the aergrind? Is it any good? I mean kinu looks nice but 200 for the cheapest one is a little steep

>> No.13319233

That info is pretty wrong anyways. Most brews with the v60 recommend a flatbed for even extraction

>> No.13319249

No, I mean citric acid. Because the citric acid that forms on mixing is what stands in for buffer the same way HCO3 works as a buffer in sane water mixes. Think of the final result, not just the powder.

>> No.13321004

Pointless bump