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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 63 KB, 672x681, 1566883520699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13250339 No.13250339[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I look at the catalog and it's 90% shitposting. Let's talk about what excellent craft brews and libations we are all sipping this fine evening.

>> No.13250361

Die, degenerate

>> No.13250383
File: 2.28 MB, 4032x3024, WR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a sucker for these holiday gift boxes, but just ended up buying the exact same Woodford Reserve box I got last year, since it's really the only decent glass I've gotten from a box in probably a decade (Bombay Sapphire used to have some good stuff, but not anymore). WR is also a really solid mid-shelf bourbon.

>> No.13250396

I got the same box last year! I'm a sucker for them too

>> No.13250407

I hate them. There are few things quite as tacky as a glass advertising a specific company.

>> No.13250428

Man al/ck/ was JUST kino.

>> No.13250450

Many are tacky, but when the advertising is low key and the glass is decent quality (and for something that you drink regularly) they can be nice. There's definitely much better ones for beer - especially Belgiums.

>> No.13250460

>ran out of booze yesterday
>been popping pills like crazy to day to make up for it
>close to passing out
Just a few more hours and I can get more booze....hold me lads.

>> No.13250467

I like them and am tempted but remember that I don't want branded glasses. So I'll still buy them if they happen to be lower priced than a regular bottle, but I donate whatever comes with them.

>> No.13250608

Friday payday, eh? Should just get some really shitty beers and keep them warm so you're not tempted until you run out.

>> No.13250616

Nah I wrecked my car so I can only get out every so often. I keep beer around but end up drinking it. I'm sitting next to 3 empty 42 oz's and 12 pints of steel reserve as I type this.

>> No.13250655

take an uber ya drunk
been sober 4 days but was in the same situation (engine seized) last week and thats what i did

>> No.13250667

I don't wanna pay the extra money mate. I only had to go today without anyway. Without the pills it woulda been a no go but ya know...pills.

>> No.13250673
File: 324 KB, 1908x1428, brbdrinking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At the bar having a few beers before I go home. Going to watch the game and eat nachos and a salad. Have to go easy on the drink. Shitting blood for the last couple days.

>> No.13250676

fair enough. mine were only 7 bucks and i got my fix as i walked back. nice fall weather for it

>> No.13250684

Any of you got experience with Aquavit? I want to make glog for the holiday parties but I’m not sure if it’ll be available in my area (northern Idaho)

>> No.13250694

It's freezing here and the closest booze store is 13 miles away.

>> No.13250717 [DELETED] 
File: 93 KB, 1200x590, EFaXdk9X4AAJgoT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my uncle is a legit alcoholic and got clean with AA i hate him so much because now hes boring and wont stop asking me to go to the gay meetings and starts chiding me whenever i have 3 or 4 beers this is a guy that would drink 2 bottles of wine a day just to stay on the level fuck lads its better to just die drinking than that gay shit

>> No.13250743

I am definitely better off not drinking, but AA is kind of gay unless you're truly rock bottom. I go through phases now of maintaining myself without drinking for months then drinking and having too much for a week before I get right again.

>> No.13250845

AA is a weirdo psycho cult. If I want to stop drinking I'll just die or something. Don't need jesus.

>> No.13250852

They don't push Christianity, just not being atheist. But you probably should find Jesus.

>> No.13250865

Yeah, I'd unironically be DT/seizing up if I went 24 hours cold turkey, but I think I'd prefer a painful death over sitting in a room with withdrawals listening to people drone on about a "higher power".

>> No.13250866

>They don't push Christianity, just not being atheist.
That’s worse, having god without religion is worse than having no god or religion. Atheism is on the decline as well as christianity, because retards are just becoming lawless loose cannons with their own god who approves of the way they live. That’s the true disaster of atheism, and why the enlightened have religion but no god.

>> No.13250874

what's your avg daily intake and how long you been doin it?

>> No.13250879

>m-muh degenerate

>> No.13250880


>> No.13250888

what's the cheapest scotch you don't mind drinking?

VAT 69 for me, 10 euros here, can't beat that value

>> No.13250890
File: 1.14 MB, 1267x710, Bill_Lee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure he's saying it's best to be secular, but culturally Jewish.

>> No.13250897

It’s a page out of the jews playbook


>> No.13250900

dumb phoneposter

>> No.13250901
File: 286 KB, 1200x1600, 4C2EB4EE-F616-4BFD-8A81-DF0C47E08528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is where it’s at.

>> No.13250902

This, I forget about it for weeks at a time now when I used to post there a couple times a week

>> No.13250936 [DELETED] 

I read that and I still don't really get it. Why call it a religion if there's nothing supernatural about it? Just sounds like an ideology. Is he just not able to come to terms with not being religious?

>> No.13250955 [DELETED] 

The Jewish people have a very long history of following certain rules and traditions, but they also tend to have very high IQ's. It's just a way of maintaining a cultural identity without still believing in fairy tales (and no, it's not any kind of conspiracy or plot).

>> No.13250956 [DELETED] 

Religion exists because it is competitive, it is strong enough to perpetuate itself, same thing with monogamy and the family unit. It’s a union that works together, and that is such an efficient means of survival that it thrives. God and country should be intertwined.

>> No.13250965 [DELETED] 

Ashkenazis have high IQs as a result of a recent phenomenon of their ostracized position in europe, only the most intelligent of them would make enough money to support lots of kids. The result also made a lot of inbreeding happen and they have the most congenital diseases as well. Israel has a lower IQ.

>> No.13250970

>high IQ meme

Nice try schlomo, we all know you’re just sandniggers. The only “high iq” kikes may be the Ashkenazi but even in that case the iq test have been tampered by heavily selecting the candidates from the high society and rich families just like China does, the result is a non trustable outcome.

>> No.13250971

Yeah that's fine. I know plenty of atheists who are culturally Jewish and pretty involved in their communities. They don't call it a religion though. It's just their culture.

Uh, you been drinking New Belgium Hemperor or something, dude?

>> No.13250972
File: 144 KB, 640x853, four_roses_single_barrel__22687.1524103893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's pic related. Warm and spicy for a cold windy nite in northern Minnesota.

>> No.13250975

"Secular" and "culturally Jewish" should have made it obvious we were talking about American Ashkenazis.

>> No.13250982

>working together and following a culture that explicitly states they can do whatever they want to others isnt a conspiracy
Jews are cultural criminals, preying on christianity’s cultural goodness. Without christians jews are nothing.

>> No.13250984
File: 33 KB, 300x164, thumb_are-you-on-drugs-memegenerator-net-are-you-on-drugs-52582369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Puh-leeze. Religion exists because people are afraid of death.

>> No.13250992

A lot of American Christians use the word "secular" just to mean culturally Christian or like just marginally religious and not that into it. And then the more religious ones talk about how evil secularism is because of that. It kinda confuses me sometimes because I'm more used to the actual meaning of the word "secular" being "religion as a private matter."

>> No.13250995

God exists because people are afraid of death. Religion exists to bring prosperity through controlling that fear of death. The enlightened have religion but no god, because the rest will always have god and need religion.

>> No.13251003

"Culturally Christian" isn't really a thing in the way that culturally Jewish is. Those are just people too lazy to go to church, but not wanting to be looked down on by their neighbors.

>> No.13251004

Okay but the complaint is generally people believing AA pushes religion on people who don't want it, especially court ordered to go there. They only want you to admit that you're not the highest, most powerful being/entity in the universe. What you want to do with that is up to you.

>> No.13251014
File: 35 KB, 464x480, qlae0mR_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>God exists because people are afraid of death. Religion exists to bring prosperity through controlling that fear of death.

So, like I said, religion exists because people are afraid of death.

>> No.13251023
File: 2.00 MB, 4032x3024, 4R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's also a nice choice.

>> No.13251025

Yeah, I know it's more of a big deal with Jews. You know what I meant though. The dudes who call themselves Christians and consider religion important to them but don't really think about it beyond an identity.

>> No.13251064

What are you going on about, man? You sound like you're talking about philosophy or ideology or something but you keep calling it "religion" which is a supernatural belief. Having a god or not doesn't really change the way it works.

>> No.13251084

It is a culture though, for a long time it was, we live in the system a christian culture created, christian ethics have directly influenced our business ethics. Now christian ideas influence the whole world in the form of equality and making minorities entitled.

>> No.13251103

I’m sorry lmao I kind of shit up your guys’ al/ck/ thread, I’ll go now

>> No.13251106

Eh, you could say that but most Christian thought is directly descended from Greco-Roman philosophy, just repackaged as a religion for general consuption. Christianity is different from the other Abrahamic religions because of where it spread to, not any peculiarities of the original theology itself. Western culture is really quite different from the culture and philosophy of more basal denominations like the Copts and Melkites and that's courtesy of the Greeks more than anything else. I never really liked the whole "we're a Judeo-Christian culture" talking point to be honest. It's not that accurate and the people who say it are usually trying to justify retarded shit like creationism in biology classes.

>> No.13251205

God I am just getting over the fear from last weekend. I drank to where I wanted to be, about 10 drinks over the course of 5 hours, and then went over to my buddies place to have a nightcap, except he had blow so I ended up doing that with him all night drinking another 5 or so drinks and stayed up til 7. I woke in fright middle of Saturday and tries to drink to keep it away and ended up going too far again. The rest of the week was horrible but I feel fine again now. Coke is evil never again
Hell yeah amaro is where it's at. Don't think I've had that one before.

>> No.13251216

>Nah I wrecked my car

>> No.13251220

These retarded lefty thoughts man.

>> No.13251229

Communism will win. Rightoids will get the wall

>> No.13251243

Communism can’t win, it is completely idealistic, if communism ever did win it would immediately lose to communism opening the path for complete and total despotic tyranny. It’s an ideology sold to retards by villains.

>> No.13251264

Answer this question please.

>> No.13251272
File: 17 KB, 400x600, 12loko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drank 3 watermelon four lokos last night.

>> No.13251291

1792 reserve is also excellent

>> No.13251301

I'm actually impressed though I would never attempt to duplicate this.

>> No.13251316

Although I'm a big fan of 1792 I wouldn't equate it to 4 roses. They're definitely both smooth though.

>> No.13251318

Do you have diarrhea today

>> No.13251337

2019 was a really good year for me. Finally managed to get my drinking under control. I went from drinking a handle of whiskey and a few beers every day. To occasional glass of wine or scotch on Saturday evening. Some weeks no drinking at all.

Really proud of myself to get things under control without having to become an insufferable AA faggot that nobody can enjoy being around.

>> No.13251353

This isn't an al/ck/oholic thread which get deleted. This is a thread about enjoying alcohol. Don't get our shit deleted with your problems.

>> No.13251358

Sweet mother of God.

>> No.13251390

>alck gf is nearin her period week once again and she’s manic and pissed

If I help her fix shit around the house she just gets more pissed so I’ll stay here and shitpost. She just walks around the house yelling about shit she feels compelled to clean or organize. Sit the fuck down and enjoy a beer you crazy, manic OCD bitch.

Might be sleeping on the couch or in a parking lot tonight because she’s pissed at me now

>> No.13251391

Lol just lol bro. Lick more billionaire boots

>> No.13251395

Op's picture is entirely too relatable holy shit. Haven't drank since last Friday. I'm probably at the 100 lifetime blackouts at 27 but I'm still 135 Iq certified suckaz (let me have just one thing :'(

>> No.13251398


Any more pics shaming alcoholics? Found this kind of motivating

>> No.13251399

Alcohol kills brain cells you know. Be careful that you don't fall into the double-digits.

>> No.13251423

That's always been my favorite edit of that pic. I almost never actually laugh out loud, but I think I did 3 times reading through it (and I've probably saved it 2-3 times already and just can't remember where I put it).

>> No.13251475
File: 80 KB, 750x669, 1563305845197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>at least I'm a midwit suckaz
The worst fate of any. NGMI.

>> No.13251487
File: 81 KB, 659x1024, lairds-straight-apple-brandy-new-1-659x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm sipping on a few OZ of this fine autumn spirit as we speak.

>> No.13251494

Looks interesting. Brandy is always decent for the price.

>> No.13251495

Lol yes over two sds above the mean, roughly 1% of the population is midwit, makes sense

>> No.13251520
File: 58 KB, 385x456, 1573796901730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, it does if you've worked around them. I certainly have in academia and medicine. Midwits are miserable creatures who cause the most headaches for the top 0.1% of the population.

>> No.13251526


>> No.13251537

>straight apple brandy
How is that different from their regular applejack? I've always preferred even a mediocre calvados over applejack.

>> No.13251541
File: 81 KB, 1000x1000, Classic-Apricot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you've had it with your depression and decide to fight back against your motherfucker of a body for making you feel sad all the fucking time, so you hit it with the Eastern European Special

>> No.13251545

>drinking a handle of whiskey and a few beers every day
damn son. were you just blacked out all the time? are you a big person?

>> No.13251558


their 'regular' Applejack is cut with neutral grain spirit this is 100% pure apple brandy.

>> No.13251559

Drink soi instead faggot

>> No.13251572

>hurr I fake believing in religion because I think it makes me enlightened to espouse something I don’t believe at my core.

Lmao you’re a contrarian and that’s it

>> No.13251575

How were you able to do that? Im really curious

>> No.13251576

That's kind of surprising. I thought it was like a 200 year old recipe or something. What does the straight stuff go for?

>> No.13251594

>just smart enough to see the veil of the great illusion.
>not smart enough to navigate life
>not dumb enough to forget

>> No.13251598
File: 1.29 MB, 802x1246, seven-and-a-half.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$30 on average. There is a 7 1/2 year version that goes for up to $100 though.

I've tried to get the bonded version for a few years and just now got my hands on it. It's good stuff if you can get it and avoid the "Applejack" version at all costs.

>> No.13251616

just drink until you're dumber

>> No.13251618

Nope, will continue enjoying alcohol in a way where I can actually stop a few days without throwing up.

>> No.13251637

Huh, I'll have to keep an eye out for it (not that I don't already scour the liquor aisles). I spent some time in NW France and got a taste for calvados, and applejack is always cheaper than the one or two cheap bottles of calvados you can typically find in the US, so I'm kind of excited to find a real bottle of American apple brandy.

>> No.13251647
File: 482 KB, 1737x967, 1569946766962.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck man, why does beer have to have so many carbs in it?

i'm getting tired of rum and vodka

>> No.13251656

You do realize that's sugar, right?

>> No.13251713

The core parts of religion-- the stories, rituals, music, icons, and rich metaphors-- are all intertwined as a method of remembering and retaining knowledge and culture. This is why religion has been a useful, even essential, tool in the composition of human society. When a hunting tribe does a dance in advance of a hunt, they are activating the parts of their mind that has stored the knowledge necessary for the particular type of hunt they are about to embark on. Star charts, weather cycles, seasons, and other essential knowledge have all been engrained in religion. This is why religion has existed. It is an enforcement of our shared mental bond. It is not just to invent an afterlife and metaphysical system of reward and punishment. It has only been reduced to this for many of us as we have taken to storing our knowledge in writing and recordings and drifted apart to empty, individualistic, shattered and often destructive existences.

Consult The Memory Code by Lynne Kelly for more.

>> No.13251743
File: 2.10 MB, 783x2000, 57-49019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought a few of these for Thanksgiving.

>> No.13251877
File: 261 KB, 900x900, 1444194897434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i do now

>> No.13251987

>Thread about high end spirits
>No discussion of Hennessy

What's wrong with you guys?

>> No.13251991

can you faggots shut the fuck up

>> No.13251993

I got tired of being tired all the time. I had set some fitness goals and after a while it dawned on me just how much the alcohol was getting in the way. I had cleaned up pretty much everything else about my life so I just sort of realized that it’s what I truely wanted. After realizing that, the motivation and self control kind of just came on their own.

>> No.13252008

Hennessy is some for niggers and ethnics.

Real patricians go Martell or Courvoisier

>> No.13252014

>Real patricians go Martell or Courvoisier

If that's true how come I drink Hennessy?

>> No.13252054

indeed, friend.
jeez alcoholics are such degenerates

>> No.13252061
File: 340 KB, 800x807, 1549126578203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>insinuating that just because rum is made from sugar cane that the end product contains carbs

>> No.13252346

Good choice

>> No.13252768


>> No.13252825

>drone on about a "higher power"
I don't get the hate about it. I mean, don't we all have limits (in time, space, energy, abilities, etc)? Anything above those is higher power than ours.

>> No.13252838

It's kind of semantic bs though, they're clearly talking about the christian god. Which is totally fine. I think people should get help wherever they can get it and use whatever works.

>> No.13252843

Go look up what your body does with alcohol.

>> No.13252856

What me and alcohol do behind closed doors is nobody’s business

>> No.13252862

Not him. It turns it to acetate and burns that before anything else. It doesn't even break your fast.