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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13238977 No.13238977 [Reply] [Original]

why isn't duck as popular as chicken?

>> No.13238983

Chicken has higher meat to fat ratio, are generally smaller and those less money to spend on food.

>> No.13238984

Maybe chickens are cheaper to raise and/or give more meat? Hens also lay eggs like the dickens so there's that.

>> No.13238986

It is in the parts of the world that matter today (Asia)

>> No.13239008

you don't matter, chen. you and your """"people"""" are all insects.

>> No.13239037

it's gamey, that's why, DUHHHHHH

>> No.13239039

Ducks are the jews of the culinary world and as such has manipulated human society to eat goyims (Chicken) instead

>> No.13239087

Because it's too expensive to eat regularly.

>> No.13239091

Would you rather eat a McChicken or a McDuck?

>> No.13239098

Work on your plurals, Chang.

>> No.13239100

Have you eaten duck? It's fucking greasy.

>> No.13239117

>said the chicken as he typed with his beak on the communal computer inside of his feeding bin along his 10000 neighbours
>All the while the ducks laugh in freedom

>> No.13239927

it tasty

>> No.13239934

You deserve to be beaten senseless by a crowd of heavyweight boxers.

>> No.13239940

Yep, I can’t afford the bill.

>> No.13239948



>> No.13239950

Ducks are harder to care for and are fucking disgusting

>> No.13239956

Because its grosser

>> No.13240081

Duck is just alright if done the right way, but basically its gamey, harder to take care of, and harder to kill as much because they can fly and whatnot. Chicken taste better and is just easier to mass produce.

>> No.13240091

What a strange gay fantasy you got there chen

>> No.13240095

try goose

>> No.13240109
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I don't know what kind of shitty ducks you people have been eating but I feel sorry for you.

Duck and goose are the absolute apex of foodbirds.

>> No.13240137

Never had goose. Is it better than duck? I like duck but just barely if done right.

>> No.13240146

Because to get good duck in the US you have to shoot it yourself.

>> No.13240150

>Duck and goose are the absolute apex of foodbirds.

Includes what? What is the best of all birds to eat, apart from chicken and ducks.

Goose is really too greasy. Ducks are fine tho.

>> No.13240158

Imagine duck, just larger. Greasier for sure and the meat tends to be dry as fuck. So worst of both worlds. Really fatty underskin tissue and barely marbled meat.

>> No.13240193
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I think I prefer duck over goose but they're both nice fatty birds that lend themselves well to oven frying whole.
If you're not a fan of duck you're probably not a fan of goose.

Non-food birds tend to be worse even than chicken and turkey but I obviously haven't tried them all.
Lowest rank; gull.
And no, duck and goose aren't "greasy".
They're fatty birds and you're supposed to take that into account when you cook them. You should be ending up with some rendered fat on the side that you can spread on toast or use for roasting amazing potatoes etc.
There is at all times a bowl of duckfat in my fridge. Even if the meat were inedible I'd still buy ducks just to render the fat from them. As it happens, the meat is also great.

>> No.13240195

Damn. Geese are shitstains on the world, was hoping that at least theyd taste good, but I guess theyre just worthless all around.

>> No.13240204

Quail, Turkey, Hen, Ostrich, Guineafowl, Pheasant, swan, dove, partridge, emu, squab,

>> No.13240212

What are some birds with good marbling?

>> No.13240227

Why would you want rocks in your food?

>> No.13240242
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based dad joke poster

>> No.13240316

Chicken is neutral in flavor and can go with anything in recipes. Duck's strong flavor tends to overpower whatever it's cooked with.

>> No.13240364
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>> No.13240375

>Lowest rank; gull.

How about vulture?
>You should be ending up with some rendered fat on the side that you can spread on toast or use for roasting amazing potatoes etc.
There is at all times a bowl of duckfat in my fridge

In my experience its really hard to get it right an depends on the bird. I did have good goose too, but normally the animals themself were different in quality.
Everything I've bought in a super market was terrible. Yes the fat is tasty really, but after that shit bird sweat off like a litre in the oven and there is still a very unpleasant layer of rubbery fat on the meat.
Just saying it requires both good meat and skill from the cook. Duck is safer to get right.

>> No.13240395

Well, lowest of the ones I've tried.
Not mane buzzards in Denmark.

Also, I'm assuming we're talking farmed birds here. A wild hunted goose or duck is very different from a farmed one. But as we're comparing to chicken I think it's reasonable to say that farmed is the baseline.
I agree that duck is probably easier to work with than goose.

>> No.13240427

Never ate wild duck nor goose. I was talking about store bought vs. bought from a farmer and then from different farmers in different regions.

The best ones I had were basically non-commercial home raised ones. The worst ones are super market bought around christmas.

Idk how wild ducks and geese would taste like. Probably like shit since they eat garbage. Same with boar. Most boar isn't entirely feral, because those tend to eat lots of garbage in the suburbs.

>> No.13240476

Duck is a bit gamey and fatty, also a bit more effort for farming it

>> No.13240539

Sometimes I'll say fuck it and indulge. I may run out of money, but hey I'll just wing it.

>> No.13240549

Worst comes to worst you can always dip into your nest egg.

>> No.13240558

Oh, no. That sounds terrible. Just kidding you're a faggot

>> No.13240566
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>The best ones I had were basically non-commercial home raised ones. The worst ones are super market bought around christmas.
That seems like it would hold true for chickens well.

Wild duck and goose are a lot leaner and a bit, but not much, gamey. They need completely different cooking methods from the plump fellows you get from a farmer. I generally braise them, but I guess I generally braise most things I intend to eat.

>> No.13240582

They need access to water.

>> No.13240624

oh fuck you

>> No.13240628

be nice, you faggots

>> No.13240629

