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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13178380 No.13178380 [Reply] [Original]

Creative poorfag meals? I did something similar to this only the dough was rolled around a bunch of cheap sausage cubed up and dunked in mustard and ketchup. Cost me jack shit, tasted bretty good and tricked my brain into accepting a dough:filling ratio I'd never get away with on a pizza.

>> No.13178386

that's actually awesome OP, would probably remind my generically central-european palette of easter pie.

A great poorfag recipe is french onion because it just requires some fuckin onions and boullion and as much cheese as you feel fiscally responsible using.

Soup is always way more filling than it really is because you know hot water and all. other than that, beyond obvious shit like flour and potatoes being dirt cheap look around farmers markets and shit locally to see what grows well in your area. Even in big cities people can grow tomatoes and shit real well and it wont be marked up 3x price because its been shipped in a refridged box truck

>> No.13178392

Somewhat related: stromboli is so much more satisfying than pizza. Dipping bits of it in marinara is the next best thing to chupping burgers

>> No.13178394

oh and DO NOT discount spam. Idgaf what anyone says this shit is like a mix between that processed pre-sliced ham/chicken shit you get at a deli and pate. Fry it up and it's as good of a supplement for a fatty meat like bacon as you can ever get.

>> No.13178401

Cheese is comparatively expensive on Norway, as is anything from farmers markets, don't ask me why. I do make a lot of soups, but I try to make them decently calorie dense. I don't want to lose weight and I want to stay healthy. The tricks I'm looking for are things to make healthy but boring shit taste good.

>> No.13178410

norway is fucked in food price terms i've heard. I guess my best advice in terms of avoiding boredom is to invest in a good spice cabinet, because 8 euros of paprika or cumin or what have you will probably last you a year if not more, idk your prices so at least a half year guaranteed.

>> No.13178416

I got a shitload of spices before I turned poor, so that's the one thing I don't have to worry about. We're not fucked price-wise, especially compared to income. I've been living at ~2.2 dollars worth of food a day though for a bit though, and will for a couple of weeks. It's doable, but requires some creativity not to go insane. Hence the thread.

>> No.13178429

That's pretty impressive... definitely your best bet is to look into as many different ways to make something with X ingredients, like instead of making pancakes today make a dutch baby, or instead of making a vegetable soup, roast them all in a pan and then finish it in a pan with some tomato sauce for a marsala sans chicken/shakshouka sans eggs vibe.

>> No.13178435

Yes, spam is the truth. Especially when crispy on both sides.

>> No.13178442

Could you clarify? What's the benefit of making a dutch baby over pancakes, and why are roasted veggies in sauce better than soup? As for using the same shit over and over, that's pretty much what I'm doing. Spices are a life saver for this.

>> No.13178453

canned tuna with ginger and chilli over rice with rice vinegar.

make your own ramen at home.
Potatoes are insanely versatile you can cut them into chisp, bake, boil, mash, fry, pan sear, haselback etc.

>> No.13178477
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soups are pretty easy and cheap. potatoes, onions carrots and a beef bouillon cube is what i make if i'm too lazy to go to the shop and it's what i usually have in stock.

my grandma used to make a soup that consisted only of potatoes (well, some spices too) and it tasted amazing.

>> No.13178660

Just tried to make more or less this thanks to your post, only with spinach, chicken and pesto. I'll blame you if it turns out bad but it's looking good so far

>> No.13179553

This, soup is the go to if you get tired of beans and rice.

>> No.13179593


motherfucker this is a though, I just bought some cheap biscuits but I could totally go back and grab some franks/ham

>> No.13179827

>this is a though
sure is

>> No.13179846

>Chupping burgers
Patrician, goat and based +redpilled.

>> No.13179883

Pepperoni rolls are a state icon in Virginia.

>> No.13179906
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Chilli, I don't know why I hadn't made it sooner. I think it was the tomato paste, I never know how much to use. I learned a good pepper combination: ancho, guajillo, and scotch bonnet and now I put it in everything with a little worchestershire/anchovies for savoriness.

>> No.13179990
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I made meatbread too yesterday, but it was only borderline poorfag because the Pillsbury crescent sheets were on sale for a dollar, usually over twice that. Everything else in it was Kroger brand.

>> No.13180018
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I only used a half pound of the sausage, it would have been too much to use all of it.

>> No.13180025
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Unrolled and seasoned the dough, broke up and browned the sausage.

>> No.13180028

What dough seasonings?

>> No.13180032
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Used a slotted spoon to drain as much fat as possible before spreading in dough.

>> No.13180043
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It's in the picture above. Salt, pepper, garlic and generic Italian blend.
An unnecessary step here but I had a bit of Italian blend cheese and it fit the theme.

>> No.13180045
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In retrospect I probably should have cooled the sausage down first, but I managed to roll a fatty ok.

>> No.13180059

Wouldn’t you have to eat something like this the same day you make it? It’s not like you can keep it for four or five days. The bread goes stale after the first day.

>> No.13180061
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15 minutes at 350 F worked perfectly. Slice carefully with a bread knife. I got maybe like 5 one inch slices and then the ends.

>> No.13180069

I make portion sized smaller rolls like the dude posting pics right now. Those'll keep in the fridge for a couple of days (i wrap them in plastic), then you just reheat them in the oven. No problem

>> No.13180091
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That looks like something I will have to make soon. As far as contributing to the thread, I don’t have a poorfag “meal” so to speak, but bagel chips are a fantastic snack that can be made at very little cost, especially if you can acquire bagels for free like I do. I won’t get into specifics, but feel free to check out my thread for details. >> 13175525

>> No.13180155
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You guys should get hired by those recipe channels on facebook.

>> No.13180286

And you should eat my ass and balls.

>> No.13180293

What? Any canned dough is a poor people thing. Fiscally responsible people just fucking make dough since it takes like 5 minutes, 4 ingredients, and is only a fraction of the cost

>> No.13180300

>poor people don't choose the alternative that's a fraction of the cost

>> No.13180319

poor people are often stupid

>> No.13180344

Are you really so simple that you can't understand that's why they're poor? Poor people always buy boxed/pre made food, fast food, pre shredded/cut/sliced food, and always in the smallest package possible. Completely retarded spending that is the reason they are where they are

>> No.13180351

Paygrade is a way, way bigger factor in poverty than pre-packed food. Don't be silly.

>> No.13180368

Spending habits usually has more to do with it. Food is definitely a huge part of it, but that sort of dumb spending carries over into other areas of life too. I know the left has got you really convinced that it's all the rich people's fault, which it is partially, but people are also retarded with their money. When you get out of high school into the adult world someday you'll figure it out. I'm rooting for you, kid

>> No.13180386

>you think it's all rich people's fault
What the fuck are you talking about, where the hell did I say that? A decent pay grade lets you buy all your shit pre packaged without having to worry. That's literally all I said, you made the rest up you weirdo.

>> No.13180399
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Rich people too.

>> No.13180756

>retarded americans idea of a simple meal is to create literal trash and slather it in mustard and ketchup

This. Poorfags are dumb. Actual people hitting a rough spot know how to not fall for the retard trap of premade stuff because its not actually cheaper.

And to stay on topic, actual poorfag meals are basically ancient staple foods, eaten through the ages, mostly filling carb-based meals, legumes and dairy with barely any meat8though good cheese is actually expensive now)

Some sample recipes:
>get whole cabbage
>shred it
>add some oil or preferably lard to a large pot, caramelize it on high heat for 20-30 minutes
>meanwhile, make pasta
>mix the pasta to the cabbage, add salt and pepper, let it get some color and youre done

>get green peas, frozen, canned, whatever
>sautee an onion or two, add peas when they are glassy
>boil the peas for like 10-15 minute
>in a separate pot, make a white roux out of lard or bacon grease or something and flour
>add the roux to the peas with milk,until its thich, add salt, pepper and a teaspoon of sugar

>boil potatoes for whatever
>dont throw the water away
>chop an onion, sautee it on grease, then give it a bit of color on high heat
>turn heat off, add garlic and paprika powder(avoid burning it, just let it release its flavor)
>add this to the soup with a few bits of potato
>salt, pepper etc, bring it to a boil once and thats it
>add dried bread or bread leftovers just before eating

>get leftover stock(you DO make your own stock, right?)
>add semolina or couscous
>thats literally it

>> No.13180975

The amount of "poorfags are dumb" mixed with "here's a two hour recipe" makes me realize how many people don't understand opportunity costs.

>> No.13180989

Better deal with it. Poorfags are dumb. They make short-term, not well thought out decisions, buy impulsively, spend an impressive amount on money on cigarettes, alcohol and drugs and simply dont consider things normal people do like buying things in bulk to save on costs.

Also, I'd really like you to point at which one is the "two hour recipe" in this thread, cause not even OPs abomination must take that long. "opportunity costs" just sounds like a cheap bullshit copout a poorfag would make for ordering pizza anyway.

>> No.13181017

But that should not be the norm to buy everything prepackaged, you financelet. It is horribly cost inefficient. It is the sign of poor spending habits. That's objective

>> No.13181018

maybe he likes paying more for worse quality stuff

>> No.13181037

Hence why he's poor

>> No.13181385

In some rare cases, yes.
But generally those longer recipes make enough servings that they feed you for multiple days.

>> No.13181464

You forgot strippers and Cocaine in the shit I do (did) stupidly. I'm the meatbread guy and was admonished for spending a buck on Pillsbury shit when it was on sale. And don't bullshit me that making bread doesn't take hours.
Prepper detected. I've been there but even as a poor fag I can make fresh meals for 1.50-2 bucks a meal like my meatbread that fed me for a day for 3 bucks.

>> No.13181508

Making biscuits literally takes 15 minutes, you dense faggot. It's not really "bread making".

>> No.13181549

I will fucking gut you and your family. Name a time and place for your life to end.

>> No.13181580

>I'm the meatbread guy and was admonished for spending a buck on Pillsbury shit when it was on sale.

No shit, you shouldnt eat premade stuff to begin with. Making actual (good)bread from flour and yeast actually takes a fair amount of skill though, so you shouldnt do that. In fact, you shouldnt eat that much bread and carbs, unless you are going for more fibre-rich options.

>And don't bullshit me that making bread doesn't take hours.

Proper bread with kneading, leavening etc. does. Good thing is, proper homemade bread stays fresh much, much longer than store bought ones.

Flatbreads, pies, bread rolls, buns etc. are much better to start out with than whole loaves and easier to fill too. Onions, cabbage,liver cheap ass pepperoni all make pretty good savory fillings.

Also, if you want to eat a lot of mean as a poorfag, start looking into offal and subprime cuts of meat. Chicken necks, legs etc. are excellent for stock for example, gizzards are essentially pure muscle and protein, tripe is amazing if you can prepare it, pork trotters can be used for homemade aspic etc.

>> No.13181627

>if you want to eat mean(sic?) as a poor fag...
How seriously did people take this thread? I thought it was about crazy recipes for people on a budget, not poverty faggotry. Did op post beans in a bowl? Fuck y'all.

>> No.13181651

>I don't want to eat things that are more healthy and cost less than what people usually eat. I just want to stay a low-effort foodlet

Alright, stick to your omlettes and trying to "fix" ramen

>> No.13181667

What's wrong with eggs (one of the greatest nutrients per dollar food there is) and fuck ramen when normal pasta is like a buck per pound? I guarantee I've eaten more steak than you in the last year.

>> No.13181672

>obsession with steak as the only one "premium" food

Your post reeks of american.

>> No.13181678

Thanks for recognizing me as superior.

>> No.13181741


>> No.13181744

>I guarantee I've eaten more steak than you in the last year.
Try harder fagmotron.

>> No.13181762

Post your OC.

>> No.13181795

Bread, American cheese, ketchup, mayo, mustard.

>> No.13182786

I'm not buying prepacked bullshit, this whole thing started with me, a poorfag, thinking how unimaginable it would be for me to do so because I'm fucking poor and prepacked is too expensive. When I was on an average budget before losing my income, food costs were almost insignificant compared to income, even if I indulged in prepaced shit.

Of course it's a bad spending habit to buy prepaced. But your insistence that prepacked food (in itself, not as an indication of general spending, which again is what the discussion was about before you started generalizing and making shit up), is somehow the root cause of peoples poverty, instead of them not earning enough to live comfortably, is just wrong. I don't think you've been poor at any point in you whole life.

>> No.13182882
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>The poorfag saying poor people don't buy prepackaged is obviously poor because he buys so much prepackaged
Now that's some quality thinking right there, boys

>> No.13182892


I'd bet money this is the same reject

>> No.13182900

i think he meant to alternate, so make pancakes one day and dutch babies the next, you wont get tired of flour/eggs/milk/butter as fast if thats what you eat for breakfast everyday. same with veggies, which means you can also buy larger quantities at a time (cheaper that way) and not worry about stuff expiring.

>> No.13182926

You'd lose your money. I'm OP, coming back in utter confusion to see this is now about steak and prepackaged meals. I can't afford either.

My 2 cents in the prepackaged food debate is the choice is only really relevant if your paygrade is in the range where you can afford it, but then can't afford anything else. So like minimum wage America maybe, I dunno. You know, small poors. Large poors like me don't even consider anything that's not the cheapest base ingredient possible.

But >>13181627 is right, the idea behind the thread was just to find people's weird shit they made in desperation when they couldn't (or didn't bother) buying the ingredients they wanted. At least if it turned out edible. Figured it could lead to some fun or surprising meals, not all this vitriolic bullshit.

Makes sense. I already do this, and I think most true poors do as well. It's par for the course when you end buying the same 4-5 staple cheap things to make up the bulk of your meals.

>> No.13183606

>My 2 cents in the prepackaged food debate is the choice is only really relevant if your paygrade is in the range where you can afford it, but then can't afford anything else.

Buying and preparing actual food for yourself is always, always cheaper than prepackaged shit.

>But >>13181627 is right, the idea behind the thread was just to find people's weird shit they made in desperation when they couldn't (or didn't bother) buying the ingredients they wanted. At least if it turned out edible. Figured it could lead to some fun or surprising meals, not all this vitriolic bullshit.

Why there would be need for desperation crap? Why would there be need to mash up random crap while there are hundreds of recipes using cheap and easily storable stuff you can buy in bulk like rice, potatoes, legumes etc.

>> No.13183616

>Preparing yourself is always cheaper
We're agreeing on this, dude. I'm just saying that after a certain income level, I think the impact on your economy isn't that important
>Why desperation crap instead of known recipes
I can find those by googling, I just thought it would be fun to share the weird stuff we've made up ourselves

>> No.13183632

doesn't the excess sodium cause health issues? there's waaaaay too much in that shit.

>> No.13183637

This looks like some WW2 bong shit.

>> No.13183642
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I regret using that pic. The meal I actually made looked closer to this, only poorer.

>> No.13183662

to me the excess sodium makes it unpalatable.

>> No.13183770

>I'm just saying that after a certain income level, I think the impact on your economy isn't that important

Well, you should always cook for yourself because the health benefits are immense and you will always save a lot of money, unless you are at that tier of rich when you have your own cook.

>> No.13183781

scrambled eggs with kielbasa
maybe potatoes if you're looking for something more filling.

canned chicken can be used to make chicken salad for sandwiches

>> No.13183783

looks horrific

>> No.13184145

We're still agreeing dude. We are not arguing about anything. We share opinions. I too think it is better not to buy prepackaged. Our only disagreement is the rate at which prepacked food is a important factor in whether someone is impoverished or not.

>> No.13184166

Yeah, spam is alright. I like to cut it up into cubes and toss it into a boiling bowl of instant ramen. It makes for a cheap, filling meal.

>> No.13184181


You spend 9-12% of your average income on food.Making your own stuff halves your food expenditures. Its like getting an 5% raise just for doing things you already should be doing. Don't be like this >>13184166 retard who eats literal pig slop while he could make an actual, healthy, filling meal for the same effort and money.

>> No.13184189
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>> No.13184191

The dough in the middle. Is that raw or just saturated with grease and beef juice.

>> No.13184204

Tb really h, it's hard to say. Doesn't taste raw but as you point out, it's saturated to fuck and back so it just tastes like fillings. Never got my tummy hurt though so I figure it's cooked through. Just keep it in the oven for the same amount you would a bread of similar size.

>> No.13184275

I know last weak you considered buying one.

>> No.13184290

You severely underestimate my poverty.

>> No.13184484

How do you chup a burger?

>> No.13184606

Alright I tried to suppress my admiration for this creative masterpiece...BUT FUCKING YAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!

>> No.13186328

Okay I want to save on my gas bill and avoid using my oven whenever possible.
What is a handy alternative for reheating things that don't do well in the microwave like some leftover pizza? An pot and cover that's airtight?

>> No.13186434

You can reheat pizza in a pan, the crust will be a bit different though. Never tried a pot with lid but I don't see why it wouldn't work

>> No.13186499

That's hilarious that you tricked your brain into doing other things. Flight the brain. It's your brain. Not be other way around. Show it who's the real boss. lol Humiliating, unfair, and unkind. That's exactly how I am going to treat my braIn in the future when I want to get something done. This is inspirational. I've gotten hack my brain. There are no limits here. I will wedge myself into supreme productivity. lol

>> No.13186519

opportunity cost of making a two hour meal? it sounds like you're implying that poorfags would be bewtter off getting a second job to finance their fast food habits

>> No.13187844

grain makes you retarded; what's the point of living if you're going to be a low-energy retard that only has the will to go ahead as he's directed by his hostile masters?

ketogenic carnivore poorfag diet:
hormone/antibiotic free chicken gizzards
beef liver/kidneys/heart
ground beef
lard (or butter) emulsified with egg yolks/distilled vinegar to make sauce for the above

you need to eat 1-1.5 pounds of meat and 1/2-3/4 pound of lard/butter a day along with some organ meat for vitamins.
grassfed price with butter: ~$17
grassfed price with lard: ~$12
feedlot price: ~$7

you don't need fiber, it's a fucking myth, just get plenty of salt intake and exercise
everything you're told about diet is absolute bullshit

>> No.13187857


Don't do this SPAM bullshit, guys, unless you really like the taste. It's fucking foul. It will stink up your kitchen for days.

Slow cook a pork shoulder and freeze portions in ziplock bags. Cheapest protein possible and it will taste nice.

>> No.13187914



Call your meat sellers in the area and ask for pound for dollar value of pork butt.

Look up recipe for large value and portion out. You can add shredded pork to almost any meal as a boost to calories.

Fry onions, garlic, ginger, season with favorite spices, add frozen pork, when hot add shredded cabbage. Serve over rice or noodles. Healthy, cheap, fast, and most importantly, satisfying

>> No.13187922



In this era of information, it's never been easier for a poorfag to eat like a literal king. You don't need to ply your bodies with chemicals either.

>> No.13187927

Savory Oatmeal: Cook oatmeal as per normal, season with salt, pepper, crack an egg into your bowl, toss in some cheap lunch meat(I use lean chicken slices, diced). Basically knock off congee. Cost per serving is like 30 cents for me, ends up being filling, high in fiber, low in fat, reasonable amount of protein. Requires no effort, taste is fine, and you can always add chosen condiments as needed.

>> No.13187973

The cabbage recipe is better with some rice or crushed wheat instead of pasta. Also add 2-3 bay leaves. Otherwise good post. some of my advice:
>any kind of veggie stew
>any kind of veggies soup
>any kind of dough meal
>rice, beans, lentils, potatoes and pasta
>buy in bulk and NEVER buy precooked ANYTHING
>cheap AND discounted cuts of meat
>organ meat

>> No.13188007

>You don't need fiber
What are your shits like, if you even still take them at this point?

>> No.13189233

I’m glad the thread is back on track. Scrolling through all that fucking poorfag/richfag argument shit rotted my brain

>> No.13189972

>The cabbage recipe is better with some rice or crushed wheat instead of pasta.

>recipe existing for centuries
>some retard on /ck/ immediately wants to "improve" it without making it even once

>> No.13191642

Shit on shingle
Beef or sausage
Fry in pan and remove
Add onions garlic and mushrooms optional. Fry for a few minutes and add flour. Cook four for a few minutes and add stock and milk. Reduce until gravy. Salt and pepper to taste. Serve over bread

>> No.13191686

The basic means to good food

Find a cheap version for each
Fat (cooking oil, butter, bacon grease, left over animal fat, cream, etc)
Salt ( pretty self explanatory, pepper is also useful)
Acid ( vinegar, lemon juice, tomato, etc)
Sweet ( sugar, honey, stevia, syrup, Splenda, etc)

Mix and match

>> No.13191813

Butter brod

>> No.13191882

If you have potatoes, spices, flour, and maybe one other ingredient (i suggest onions) you can make so many meals. Potatoes are filling too so you won't feel hungry even if you're not eating much.

Perogis, dumplings, whatever you wanna call em. You can pan fry, deep fry, bake, boil, whatever and have a different dish every night from the same combination.

Meat pie is really simple if you have some butter to make a decent crust (Egg for ultimate crust).

>> No.13191915

you're terrible misinformed if you think we need something indigestible to help our bowel movements. just think about that for a moment.
fiber is only necessary to slow down digestion of carbs (which also aren't necessary in and of themselves) and help them pass through.
your ease of pooping on a carnivore diet is determined by fats. too much lean meat and no fat is when you'll deal with terrible constipation.

>> No.13191976

Pelmini and cherbrek

>> No.13191983

I have some type of dairy issue where a little bit of cheese helps me poop

>> No.13192184

Poorfag cooking is easy, since most traditional cuisines are based on cheap ingredients anyway. Pork + seasoned rice + bunching onions. Seasoned rice + eggs cooked in various ways. Oats cooked in milk + fresh fruit + chopped nuts. Potato + stew beef + broth. All of this traditional type food is cheap and easy. Food only gets expensive when you go for the weird processed twinkie type stuff, or the obscure exotic ingredients. Also, make your own beverages - beverages are mostly water and the companies charge you out the ass for that water. Many teas are cheap cheap cheap.

Check out agricultural information for your region. Raw foodstuffs produced nearby are mega cheap. Food banks often wind up with huge piles of local goods that they can't unload. They literally give away hundreds of pounds of sweet potatoes where I live.

>> No.13192632
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I for one appreciate the Breakfast Meatbread although the ruskies got you beat on that idea

>> No.13192761

Big kek.

>> No.13193780

Well yeah but what are your weird combinations?

>> No.13193797

I know a fa/tg/uy brand meatbread when I see one.
Regardless, if you need cheep food, go look up Slavic recipes. There's a lot of good food that's basically just onions, potatoes, a little bit of meat, one or two other cheep things, and maybe a bay leaf if you have the money for it.

>> No.13193815

gib slavic recipes pls

>> No.13193820

Answer the question, ketofag.

>> No.13193841

Get some flour and an egg, add them to water with a bit of salt. Just keep adding flower till a nice dough forms, should be about 300g. Kneed the dough till it is nice and smooth and doesn't stick to everything and ruin the carpets. Cover it for 20-30 minutes. Now get some minced meat, about 250g, and mix it with a garlic clove and an onion, or half an onion if it's a big one. Make sure to cut the onion and garlic nice and small so you don't have huge fucking chunks in it later. Now, roll out the dough nice and thin, use a cup or similar to cut it into small rounds, add your meat mix in the center of each round, and fold them into dumplings however you like. Just make sure they're tightly closed cause we're gonna boil these shits. Give them about 7 minutes, stirring occasionally, they should float if they're done. Let them cool to non-3rd degree burns level and serve, with sour cream if you like.
Congrats, you have Pelmeni. As a bonus general rule, onions are great because they take on meat flavors very easily, meaning you can put less meat into a dish if onion is going to get up close and personal with the meat during cooking. Mushrooms work great for that too.

>> No.13193845

he is saying that cuz you asked how to make boring shit taste good

>> No.13193853

Gonna try this. Got any meal names I should google? I know jack shit about slav food.

>> No.13193859

Rather than that I'll just point you to the place I learned that recipe, a youtube channel called life of Boris. They seem like meme videos at first, and there are quite a few non cooking videos that are, but the recipes there are real, and quite good.

>> No.13193878


You can start 'reinventing' recipes from the first michelin star you get .Stick to the fucking recipe as you are told till then because that one is an absolute central european classic.


>> No.13193978

Blin it is good

>> No.13193987

lol aspic

>> No.13194109

That looks great. My mother in law does a stuffed mushroom one that's great too.
Was thinking of garlic oil crust and supreme pizza and rolling cinnamon roll style.

>> No.13194229

>well known food in Ukraine, Hungary, Japan, Russia, France
>americans go "lol aspic" because boomers ruined it for them

>> No.13194335

>calls other people stupid
>doesn't understand the concept of opportunity cost
Pot, kettle, etc.

>> No.13194354


Poorfags are poor for very simple reasons,

>> No.13194357

Post recipes faggots

>> No.13194568


>this is gold ... read this fags ... do this fags ... stop wasting your money on shit like sodas and coke lines

>> No.13194804
File: 1.41 MB, 3264x2448, 95FE907C-0213-4309-95BC-8DF807820689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got some stew meat on sale

>> No.13194808

A-are you eating this on the bathroom floor?

>> No.13194815

I make leftovers and nearly expired shit into eggy cheesy casseroles.
it can actually be pretty good a lot of the time.

>> No.13194830

Got to be prepared after eating this

>> No.13195165

Go for larger chunks you need to chew in your soup, it's more satisfying and fills you up for longer.

>> No.13195181

It is made with rice in my country. For centuries. So keep prepping your bull, fucking cucks.

>> No.13195206

That stew's been cooked too hot and stirred too much. The meat looks too tight, should be relaxed and moist. Keep it slow and steady, you gotta trust your meat.

>> No.13195212

It’s stroganoff

>> No.13195943

Boiled potatoes or baked potatoes
Mix with egg and flour in a bowl
Make patties

>> No.13196149

Your mum trusts my meat so there's that!

>> No.13196616
File: 1.96 MB, 1904x3078, IMG_20191110_234257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of the time, bread dough is left to rise on its own, with no actual work involved. Mixing, kneading, folding and shaping altogether takes about 20 minutes once you get the hang of it.

If you want cheap plain white bread you can get a 10kg of flour for 5-10 dollars, dried yeast is dirt cheap, tap water too. That's enough to make ten large loaves of bread, each of them can last u a week if u freeze it. If you want wholegrain bread, you even save more.

Never pay for fucking bread.

>> No.13197034


You are very stupid if you think that is why poor people are poor.

>> No.13197125
File: 13 KB, 213x160, Pizzeria_Uno_Chicago-style_deep-dish_pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is this? it looks like someone baked a loaf of bread with pizza toppings inside.

i would like to alternate between dipping it in mustard and tomato pizza suace

>> No.13197156

>bagel chips
how long do these stay good for?
i also get free bagels and now i will no longer need to buy chips for dip

>> No.13197157

>retard thinks that being frugal means eating like shit

>what is impulse spending
>what is not planning ahead
>what is taking the cheapest options instead of the most economical ones
>what is being addicted to random crap
>what is blowing your limited resources on pointless amenities

And yes, food expenditures are a big part of every houseful, poorfags just manage to waste more on it

>> No.13197180

bread is usually free at the foodbank
make a sandwich out of low portion of cheap meat and use ??? as filler

>> No.13197194

live within shopping distance of grocery outlet bargain market and/or winco and save 2/3rd the cost of food

>> No.13197205

boiled bread?

>> No.13197249

I used to have a single pot, and I'd start boiling rice and then add vegetables/meat maybe once it was halfway boiled and make a sort of rough curry .

Cheapest thing ever, filling and healthy.

I'm well beyond those days, and actually ate at three top Michelin restaurants this year but somestimes, I still make it because it really wasnt a terrible meal and i like to remember those falvours.

>> No.13197334

Shut the fuck up boomer, people working 80 hours a week and spending the rest of the time stressed about money don't have the time or energy to spend hours a day in the kitchen reinventing the wheel. That's IF their parents even taught them to do things like make bread.

They lived in a time where nuclear families were the norm and 1 income was enough to run a house on and the other person had time to make everything from scratch, and pre-made food was a luxury or unavailable because refrigeration was also a luxury.

>> No.13197357

Yeah those kids would be loaded if they just didn't blow all their money on avocado toast at star bub's!

>> No.13197371

>you need some bourg accolade to be creative or resourceful in the kitchen

Shut your smug boomer face and let people enjoy things

>> No.13197397

This is called "lard bread" OP
Just bread with a bunch of meat/cheese rolled into the dough and cooked

>> No.13197588

boomer, someone with an easy/privledge life who thinks it is just as life is just as easy for everyone else

>> No.13197933

OP basically made "Bannock" without realizing it

>> No.13198029

The greatest poorfag dish is rice and black beans. Just add butter to the rice and salt + cumin to the beans and mix together. If you're a rich bastard you can add some diced chicken stir fried in butter.

>> No.13198085

I don't actually know what it's called, but I got the pic by image searching for meatbread. I guess you just the ingredients into the dough before baking? I prefer flattening the dough, making a pile of fillings and rolling the dough around it. You can make several layers if you want less filling.

>> No.13198093

There's no yeast in his description so it's really just pasta he's making

>> No.13198101

/tg/ here stop trying to steal meatbread

>> No.13198319

that poster wasn't me, the original keto poster, but
it depends

for me usually its kind of like passing a big soft crayon, its way smaller in diameter than a regular shit and easy to pass
it does tend to leave a thicker more tenacious residue around the asshole, being made of some oxidized fat

or else it can be a rounder more hardened loaf composed of smaller shitlets that have combined into one in the large intestine, these ones pass with very little wiping needed, they are firm but not hard, still tend to be a lot smaller in diameter than an average fibrous shit. i guess this is how they're supposed to be with a healthy person

frequency is also less, your large intestine capacitates more waste
pretty sure this is what its for and is healthier than having huge logs rip through your colon every day, probably why people get ass cancer in part

but my guts aren't great, i have some health issues

>> No.13198326

>but my guts aren't great, i have some health issues
but i should add, keto is saving my life
giving me energy i can't get otherwise

>> No.13198377
File: 314 KB, 623x379, dank reading.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your creative recipe reading is interrupted by detailed logs of anon's shit

>> No.13198418

Puttanesca. Fry some minced garlic and canned anchovies in their oil until they break down, add a pinch of chilli flakes, a can of tomatoes, and some dried basil and oregano and reduce until it's reduced by about half, then add some capers and/or olives and heat through. Serve with pasta. Cheap as shit and really good.

>> No.13198431

Aren't oven-baked meals kinda expensive due to energy/gas usage? Not complaining, just curious.

>> No.13198444

Depends on your oven and power price of course,but some random result I found claimed a typical US price would be 26 cent for an hour of baking at bread temperature. I suppose this is higher than stove top, but it's probably not significant for anyone but the absolutely impoverished.

>> No.13198471

I recommend east-German "cuisine" slavic ingenuity + Germans love for meat + eastern block shortages = tasty, filling and cheap

Jägerschnitzel, potatoes with liverwurst and stews... lots of stews for example

>> No.13198662

From the thumbnail I expected that to be two kittens curled up in a bowl.

>> No.13198766
File: 3.68 MB, 5312x2988, 20191111_120715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Creative poverty cook-along? Why yes, I think we will!

Pour some of your roommate's milk onto some boiled potatoes. A bit of water too, to keep the theft unnoticeable. Season with garlic powder, salt and pepper. Then add some mustard. Hot tip: If you space it out, you look like a real chef.

>> No.13198771
File: 1.64 MB, 2092x3719, 20191111_120726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start frying up the cheapest sausage your country provides. If you use teflon, you can save on oil.

>> No.13198773
File: 1.61 MB, 3719x2092, 20191111_121238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normally this recipe would call for butter, but we're out of that so we're going to use whatever this shit is. Grate it up, I'm sure it provides flavor.

>> No.13198777
File: 3.68 MB, 5312x2988, 20191111_122041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turns out you need about three times the green shit as was pictured. Mix it in and mash everything up.

>> No.13198779
File: 3.63 MB, 5312x2988, 20191111_121848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how you know the sausage is done

>> No.13198782
File: 3.71 MB, 5312x2988, 20191111_122152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mix that in as well, why would you even give a shit at this point

>> No.13198791
File: 1.53 MB, 2092x3719, 20191111_122448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now we put this bullshit in the oven and wait

>> No.13198806
File: 1.48 MB, 2092x3719, 20191111_125724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And finally, serve the resulting slop with brown sauce. Wallah, bone a petite.

>> No.13198815

You can make ice cream out of just bananas. Cut the bananas into coin shapes, lay them out on a plate, and put them in the freezer for about an hour. Then dump the bananas into a mixing bowl and blend with a hand mixer until it turns into soft serve. It doesn't keep in the freezer, so you gotta eat it right away, but it's still worth it. You can add cocoa powder, or peanut butter, or berries, or honey to fancy it up.

>> No.13198908

>pretty sure this is what its for and is healthier than having huge logs rip through your colon every day, probably why people get ass cancer in part

Factually incorrect and on the polar opposite.

>but my guts aren't great, i have some health issues

Gee, wonder why

>> No.13198911
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I did this last night. Came out *amazing*.

>> No.13198917
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Here's the outcome.

>> No.13199046

I like throwing garlic and cumin in my black beans.

>> No.13199230
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>> No.13199252

shit dude ur gonna die from sodium

>> No.13199272
File: 763 KB, 1280x1440, Ingredient-less curry!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You added beef stew?

>> No.13199303

Poorfag thing would be chicken soup. You just buy a chicken leg (with bone and back part, one of those costs like 70 cent) for 2 litres of soup, some noodles (can also buy spaghetti and break them) and maybe some veggies for your taste.
Not only it's tasty but its also healthy and has tons of meat. Despite it taking like an hour to cook it's really effortless and can't go wrong.

>> No.13199421

>requiring more than a microwave
come on now

>> No.13199696

I'm tempted to try microwaving rice now just for the hell of it

>> No.13199932

Never had croquet?

>> No.13200179

>poorfag meals
when my parents were poor, they used to make me "Cream Peas n' Weiners"
basically it's just a ratio of:
>1 can cream of mushroom soup
>1 can peas
>half a pack of cut up hot dogs
mix that shit up, bake it for like 30 min at 350, then serve it on Melba Toast

>> No.13200240

Looks fucking great

>> No.13200254
File: 18 KB, 354x354, 1512327303205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>creampies and weiners

>> No.13200268

What's with canned mushroom soup always getting mentioned in poorfag threads? It's never sauces, always soup

>> No.13201763
File: 33 KB, 600x600, hot giardiniera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some sample recipes:
>>get whole cabbage
>>shred it
>>add some oil or preferably lard to a large pot, caramelize it on high heat for 20-30 minutes
>>meanwhile, make pasta
>>mix the pasta to the cabbage, add salt and pepper, let it get some color and youre done

after reading this thread i wondered when was the next time the foodbank would have a giant bag of shredded cabbage: today
im going to try this recipe!
>also got some packaged wet mozzerella in plastic tub and ate a chicken salad from there, and 4 containers of salsa ranchero from whole foods and 10onions

and i also have a bag of shredded brussel sprouts from there!
im gonna cook it with the oil from this stuff which is $1.50 at aldi in chicago but over here its $6.50 at the local organics store

>> No.13202109

okay so i did the carmelized gabage pasta with
half bacon fat, and half butter and a medium yellow onion and it was boring as fuck.

i wish i would have steamed a yam so i could have had two boring as fuck foods to alternate between and in my head it sounds really good.
i have these little tiny yams from the foodbank :3

i wanna get garbage pizza but i already have too much shit in my fridge. tons of salsa and pickled peppers

do pickled peppers and peppers in oil need to be stored in the fridge? im right next to the coast where outside temps are always 50-70deg and inside temps are even steadier 55-65

>> No.13202432
File: 666 KB, 800x800, category_5_1391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im trying to find a pepper grinder for under 5$ and all i can find is this cheap amazon shit
>ive already hawked flea markets, thirft stores and grocery outlet/big lots for $2 grinders

i assume the ring is steel and the actual pepper grinder is plastic

this one is 6.50 and i cant tell if the grinder is plastic
no reviews though

this one looks simple and cheap and may actually be made of decent material? 5.75$

old school peppermill thats always worn out at peoples houses for $7

which should i pick?

>> No.13202460

More of a dumpling, but yes.

>> No.13202535
File: 191 KB, 1222x1073, lays-deep-dish-pizza-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cheap way to store nystyle thin crust garbage pizza:
make a sandwich of two slices with a triangle of wax paper in the middle
and if the slices arent giagantic huge, you can fit both of them in one long strench of foil folded over itself
stack the foil/waxpaperPizzaSandwiches on each other so they freeze compact
i wrap a couple at a time in 2gal freezer bags that i reuse, but i suppose you can just use two regular bags over to reduce moist or unmoist airflow creeping in there or something.
i then take out two at a time and leave to thaw in fridge in a plastic bag and eat them both within a day or three.
to cook, i place in toaster over for 7minutes on full blast with a small piece of foil capped over the cheese, so the crust cooks at full blast and the cheese at half blast
after 7 minutes both the cheese and crust are perfectly crisp :drool:

>> No.13202546

i need to mention that you put wax paper to cheese

and you need to let the fridge slices thaw so they arent frozen to the wax paper, or worse one slice frozen to the other

>> No.13202614

The ones from that pic I made on Thursday. They have a touch of staleness to them right now, but still entirely edible, especially when dipped in something. I also didn’t store them very well. A heavy duty Tupperware, or even a double seal ziplock bag would keep them for about a week or more I should think.

>> No.13202964
File: 1.92 MB, 3296x2472, 100_2209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sometimes when its late and I am too tired to cook something proper I mix an egg into a can of ravioli before microwaving it
it sounds terrible but it's actually pretty great, i've experimented a bit with how well you mix it and you either get chunks of beefy egg if barely mixed or a super thick and satisfying silky smooth sauce if well mixed, not sure if i ever had pics for /ck/ of those but I can't seem to find any and i'm out of eggs at the moment

heres a pic of something else I made, the filling is mostly potato skins and tomato skins, but iirc is flavoured with butter and powdered beef stock
it was pretty ok

to add to cheese tips: cheap bricks of cheddar can benefit from freezing, they get a little bit crumbly but take on a false aging property that increases sharpness
I usually shave it while still frozen, can be a little tricky though feels like cutting chocolate.

cream of mushroom soup is a cheap meal staple, you don't water it down and treat it like a sauce
goes fantastic poured on rice and chicken, can even use it to make something similar to a mushroom fettuccine

I'd recommend pork cheeks/jowls as well, depending on your area they will be either rock bottom or sky rocketed from hipsters

>> No.13203059
File: 1.54 MB, 2728x3136, bierock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread made me go and make bierocks yesterday now i have lots of leftovers

>> No.13203115

If you're going to be poor, I'd stick to pasta, eggs, cabbage, beans, peanut butter & jelly sandwiches. I would splurge on chicken legs/thighs pan fried (I douse them in lemon or mustard).

Old Bay was my go to seasoning.

>> No.13203184

>What is a handy alternative for reheating things that don't do well in the microwave like some leftover pizza?
>Low heat on pan
>Cover with lid
>Let sit for about 3-5 minutes
>Perfect crust

>> No.13203920

looks like fucking tutankhamun

couldn't you brush the dough with egg wash or olive oil + garlic?

if you're really a poorfag just make the superior cornish pasty, has potatoes for extra carbs too

>> No.13204209

If you're a poorfag, yet don't want to neglect health, and are willing to descend to gastronomic barbarism, there is a way:
- To get the micros, once a week (or once 2 weeks depending on status) eat liver (cow, chicken, cod...) and greens (spinach, kale, parsley, broccoli...). Where I live, beef liver is less than half the price of cheap beef meat. Cod liver is best because it contains fuckton of omega-3 and vitamin D. There will be no need to supplement those (or anything really) if you eat cod liver once in a while.
- Then for energy eat the cheapest shit you can get (rice, bread, slabs of fucking butter, whatever).
I call it the high-low method.

>> No.13204220

i liked to eat spam cold straight from the can as kid

>> No.13204233

Seconding this. Concentrated cheap nutritious shit backed up by REALLY cheap macro shit. It's hell to get variety going but it really is the best way to go in the long run so you don't end up malnourished.

>> No.13204600

>cheap bricks of cheddar can benefit from freezing, they get a little bit crumbly b
i do this with a lot of cheese
>just picked up four 12oz bricks of feta for $1ea
and then i can just flake of cheese with a knife or fork instead of busting out the cheese grater and then having to clean it. time frugal

>> No.13205412

easy no chop cheap meal
chicken 1.6 eur/kg
instant couscous 1.2 eur/kg
couscous veggie mix, or whatever you want 1.6 eur/kg

optional: can of chickpea, half for adding to couscous mix, half for hummus

it's even cheaper if you get fresh veg and dry chickpea obviously but it is considerably more work and not THAT much cheaper really.

veggies and chicken go in oven, when cooked mix veggies with couscous, now you have pseudo couscous salad with chicken and hummus, this is also really good the next day as a cold salad with the chicken shredded or in a burrito using the hummus as a sauce

>> No.13205554

but where is hummus

>> No.13207126
File: 9 KB, 203x200, quag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually made something pretty crafty tonight for dinner after realizing I hadn't had anything to eat in the last 30 hours.

I had a pack of tortillas that expired in march of last year that I had been too scared to open, but it turns out they weren't moldy, just a bit stale.
I thought I might do a mexican taco bowl thing and cooked them on a muffin tray.
Unfortunately my freezer was bare of any ground beef, but I did spy a sausage I had frozen after a barbecue in august so I chopped it up and refried it along with some cayenne.
then I put them together topped it off with my last bit of cheese and some expired salsa and wa la

feeling pretty sick now so I hope it's not botulism, but if it is at least I can get my fill of hospital food :)

>> No.13207496

>but where is hummus
cheap hummus = not in america.
buy can of refried beans
cheap canned mexican hummus

>> No.13207501

i have a ton of various fresh salsas from the foodbank
what are some creative ways to consume massive amounts of fresh salsa?
$2 bag of tortilla chips
free toasted bread
some sort of deepfried zuchinni chips? lots of free zuchinnni
zuchini chiliquiles?
cook some shredded pork in it?
cook some chicken in it like it was curry sauce?
i was also looking at bagel chip recipes with free bagels. what could i season free bagels with to pair well with
tomatillosalsa aka salsa verde, habanero salsa, "whole foods mild salsa", some random resturant's texmex salsa, salsa ranchero and my dads salsa all sitting in my fridge right now

i also picked up a bunch of premade lentil lunches, im gonna make a batch of spanish rice and roll into bean/rice/yam/onion burritos for the freezer. im looking to spending like $5-10 on tortillas depending on if i can find them at a decent price. from time to time foodbank has a huge fucking crate of flour tortillas

>> No.13207534

here is where i shop in order 1st stop to last, its pretty fucking based
1. free pizza
2. i wish i had access to a garden (my garden got gentrified)
3.walk-in foodbank where you grab anything you want, damn near
4.grocery outlet bargain market, where items can be regularly irregulary found at 1/3 to 1/6th retail price
5. winco coop that regularly carries items at 1/2 to 1/3 the cost of regular stores
6. mexican/asian (non-yuppie) farmers market
7. del taco: whole ingrediants at garbage fastfood prices

i dont shop at asian markets cuase they stink, but mexican markets are expensive as fuck

>> No.13207680
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>Not Chipping my burgers

Where have you been my Lord? Why have you chosen now to show me there error of my ways?

>> No.13207800

how about an extra load of turkey stuffing

>> No.13208429


>> No.13209026

what is so expensive about blending up chickpeas, a bit of olive oil, lemon juice and peanut butter?

>> No.13209249

>peabnut in hummus
>not tahini
you alright there, anon?

>> No.13209289

This. Just works.

>> No.13209307
File: 65 KB, 700x700, JP-284_Nissin_Curry_Cup_Noodle_2.8_oz._80g_x700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats your budget?
If its 100 a month you could get approximately 80 Mcchickens or 80 nissin rahmen curry flavor

Thats approximately 2.6 of either/or a day

>> No.13209319

Literally jusr pick whatever you want to cook with and see if they fit into your budget

>> No.13210023

How the fuck is that going to aid in being creative?

>> No.13210059

>>peabnut in hummus
>>not tahini
>you alright there, anon?
peanut butter is abundant at food pantry, tahini is not

>> No.13210066
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>what is so expensive about blending up chickpeas, a bit of olive oil, lemon juice and peanut butter?
cleaning and storing the blender after each use consumes a lot of time.

also i can never fluff the tahini and lemon juice prior to garbanzo beans cuase there is never enough to reach the blender blades. lots of recipes say to blend them prior for fluffy hummus

>> No.13210081

Not him, but
>cleaning and storing the blender after each use consumes a lot of time.
Cmon dude.

>> No.13210268

takes me a solid 10 minutes to clean the thingy up, and then i have to clean the rest of the mess i made too

>> No.13210327

Your thingy sucks

>> No.13211805

Yeah and also try having a kitchen to cook food by spending time to do it. Try doing it on Planet Earth while you're alive and don't forget to breathe air while you do it. Great help, Anon.

>> No.13212347

A few favourites;

Tray of Yorkshire pudding with cheap mince/cut up sausages + BBQ gravy

Mash potatoes, mix in cheap mince/canned tuna and eggs, fry patties

Cheapest 2 minute noodles with meat/vegetables/eggs, seasoning to taste

>> No.13212494

You're being to harsh on him, most people don't think of food in terms of filling out those five categories
>but we're on /ck/
/ck/ is a big mac board

>> No.13214382
File: 1.80 MB, 3264x2448, 5AFEB705-00AC-4BF4-BA69-7E861772E6AE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

testing testing 123
made this pizza yesterday, half ingrediants from foodbank
other half ingrediants 50-75% off at grocery outlet

>> No.13214395

fuck that looks tasty, what's in it?

>> No.13214397
File: 1.51 MB, 3264x2448, D82C10C7-77A4-4F9E-A16E-B9A458C3DC19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay rn

beans/lentils - free

rice -free
>tomato sauce can 33c

potato/carrot/onion - free
red texmex salsa to mix with potato mush - free

20large tortillas -$3.50

>> No.13214402

what's it like going to a food bank? I heard some of the executives that work at my company talking about how their wives pick up free food from the local food bank all the time.

>> No.13214418

What the fuck

>> No.13214501

it was a 'spicy tomato sauce' i got on sale at grocery outlet and wow, its realllly good! im tasting some very distinct spices in the rice and put only garlic, onion, peper, salt and a vegtable bulluon cube

i also left the rice on the crispy side since im gonna freeze a bunch of these. see if it makes a dif when i cook them.

>> No.13214519

>whats the foodbank like?

everyone is dif
some run by nice lil old ladies who shove food at you, some run by mean little old ladies who think they r god of beuracracy and rules

some have tons of rules and regulations and weird hours, others let you grab whatever whenever.

some hand out gay little boxes of cerial dru beans and rice and condensed milk and bullshit paid for by churches and shit.

others hand out amazing quality food that the stores dont want to keep on their shelves and were destined for a garbGe dump

>> No.13214524
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If you like this, try the even simpler pepperoni roll. It's a classic in West Virginia, invented by the wives of miners who were pissed off about getting soot on their sandwiches. They are cheap and easy af to make and will also last for a long time. You just need flour/yeast/sugar/salt, pepperoni and cheese. When I was beyond poor as a graduate student, I lived in WV so I used to just buy these and make myself shitty turkey wraps, but I would recommend them based on the OP.

>> No.13214807
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eighteen 2/3lb burritos
i use the cutting boards to shape them wide and flat so they
1. fit in freezer better
2. cook faster
i wish my freezer wasnt full so i could spread them out to freeze faster.

currently have 3.5lbs of feta in freezer that i got for $7. its in obnoxiously large 6oz packages, though

grocery outlet bargain market

>> No.13216169

I use an immersion blender, takes literally 10 seconds to clean the blade, the recipient then stores the hummus for a couple days.

>> No.13216918

I like to make meatloafs and I never really get sick of them. I go for maximum nutrition though so I'm not too worried if it's like, the most delicious thing ever. It always tastes really good to me.

>super finely dice 2 onions
>GRATE 2-3 carrots (you can go ham with the carrots, they are going to dissolve and really flavour the whole thing nicely)
>grate a whole beet (you don't have to, but they're really good for you)
>chop some garlic, tons if you want
>sautee in pan with oil, salt, pepper, poultry
>seasoning, then set aside to cool

The meat I like to take a big thing of ground beef, hit it with 3 eggs, breadcrumbs (or super toasted crumbled bread if you don't have any), salt, pepper, ketchup, soy sauce, parsley, whatever the fuck you have honestly. I mix it up really good and then add to the vegetable mixture which should be about 50% of the volume, though a little less after mixing. Get it in a pan, cook at like 375 for about an hour, let rest for 45 minutes, serve with rice or whatever and some broccoli or other greens.

It's an inexpensive, high calorie, high protein, nutritious and very satisfying meal that I personally never really get bored of.

>> No.13217301

Chicken and rice casserole
>mix 2 cans of cream of mushroom, a cup of rice, a packet of lipton onion soup mix and a cup of chicken broth
>put some chicken breasts or thighs in a baking dish and pour the soup mixture over it
>cover with foil and bake for an hour at 425
>remove the foil and bake for another 10-15 minutes
My dad used to make this when my mom kicked him out and they got a divorce and he had to learn to cook for himself

>> No.13217331

>You spend 9-12% of your average income on food
Haha, holy shit. What the fucking kind of goldplated bullshit are other people buying?
I'm at like 3% and I'm eating well.

>> No.13217534

Do you make an average income though? Though I agree everyone I know manage to spend confusing amounts on food somehow

>> No.13218208

2.6*470 kcal isn't much, compared to potatoes or rice or something

>> No.13218213

I make 15k and eat for about 5% of my income

>> No.13218217

I probably make more than average but even when I was a retail monkey in Aldi I didn't drop over ten percent of my income on food.

>> No.13218234

i spend about $30/wk on food
moat of that is caffinated beverages, crackers, meat for bbq's with friends, cheese and condiments.

everything else i can get at the foodbank. my local foodbank is so good i stopped dumpsterdiving.

>> No.13218273

hows your bank service?
Im going next week because I literally have no money and desperately waiting to get a seasonal job to hold me over so I have rent for next month.
Im fucking starving. fuck holiday cheer

>> No.13219123

I want to make some nice Moroccan lamb.
How important is it that I use couscous as a side? Can I just use Basmati or wholemeal Jasmine rice instead?
I don't have any couscous and I've never cooked it before - but I know it's just really small pasta.

>> No.13219309

only poor people believe that.

>> No.13219361

>as is anything from farmers markets, don't ask me why

In the UK, 'farmers markets' are largely a scam ran by illegal immigrants whereby they buy a bunch of produce at a wholesalers then pretend that it is their own produce.
They simply mark it up for stupid city dwellers who don't realise they're buying the same shit they sell in the supermarket along the road.

>> No.13219491

>hows your bank service?
amazin. i wait for all the chinese ladies standing in line for hours to grab all the good stuff and then i come up and grab the scraps like premade grocery store foods, and big tupperwares of salsa and other random sauces, random stuff like dented cans and giant bags of cabbage, a huge variety of day old bread and they always have a crate of potatos,, and usually a big crate of like onions or carrots or zuchinnis or yams, hmmmm. they pretty much let me grab as much as i want as i go there later in the day

>> No.13219514

I buy those cheap golden curry boxes. Potatoes, onions, celery, cabbage. Meat is a luxury when it is not on sale. I will get ground pork or beef since it is the cheapest on sale. I don't like plastic rice, so I get bread loafs or make mashed/backed potatoes instead. Basically eat curry for breakfast/lunch and dinner every day. I go out 2 times a week to get McDonalds to switch it up.

I have basic spice ingredients like curry powder, chili powder, garlic powder, onion powder, and a couple others. If I do get ground meat, I premix the spice into the meat and will fry them like patties for the curry.

Also butter > oil.

>> No.13220927
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>> No.13221051

spam's like four bucks a tin around here, that's not poorfag at all

>> No.13221119
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>grocery outlet + foodbank
jar of peppers $1.50
feta $1.00
1lb pepperoni $2.75
salami free
peppertomatooil free
asiago cheese bread free

>> No.13221994


>> No.13222632

I envy foodbankfags so fucking much

>> No.13222691

I cannot believe I'm hearing bitching from god damn Norway.
You charmed life faggots live the easiest possible life on this planet. You have absolutely no justification to complain about ANYTHING.
I hope fifty million spics, niggers, and Muslims overrun your country and displace you.
How dare you open your mouth with a fucking complaint, you have the easiest life with everything free you spoiled little shits.

>> No.13222709

>Live on just above the international poverty line in fucking Norway for a month
>This faggot says you don't get to complain
You know prices here are higher, yeah? A dollar buys a whole lot less food over here

>> No.13222720

I am in tears right now.
Norway needs foreign aid. Lets send military aircraft to do emergency parachute food drops, what kind of cheese would you prefer?

>> No.13222724

google provides no answers wtf are you talking about bruh

>> No.13222727

What are you going on about. Yeah our living standards are high as shit, what's you point? We still have poor people and even a few homeless. It's not like they're living happy lives. If you live in an area where everyone else is rich, you don't get sympathy for being in hard times?

And cheddar.

>> No.13222731
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>rich people don't believe that rich people are stupid too
checks out

>> No.13222743

Get laid

>> No.13223124
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>standing in line for hours
how big is the crowd? I didnt think there'd be so many people. I guess I dont really know what to expect
Im glad hear there's produce. I just want poorfag staples of rice/pasta and beans, anything else would be extra
Tuna would be nice, deenz would be a stretch

do you not live in a society?

>> No.13223133

Our society has moved past the point of food banks. The need is to spread out to bother running them.

>> No.13223484

foodbank line is a few hours long at noon when they open. so i usually show up around 3 pm. they close at 5

>> No.13223767

I doubt that's true in towns outside the major cities. You know, where farmers actually live?

>> No.13224065

Spam is about 5 times the price of bacon (even prepackaged, presliced, smoked, no added water)