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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 683 KB, 1648x1190, 1524770632133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13160788 No.13160788 [Reply] [Original]

>hungry as fuck
>can't decide what to eat
>just get mcdonalds from across the street

how do I stop doing this

I go to the grocery store and just completely blank out on what to purchase.

>> No.13160791

That cannot be healthy for her vaginer

>> No.13160798

Imagine what you would want to eat most if you could just have it appear in front of you. Then conjure the will to go out and make it for yourself. Do this enough and it becomes routine. And then you have no limits to what you can eat.

>> No.13160811

Why is there a bread in the soup?

>> No.13160817

There is not.

>> No.13160822

Which one is the bread? The tofu? Or the mushroom?

>> No.13160834

there is but it's deconstructed bread because a fucking hipster drew it.

>> No.13160835

No there is not. Show me where you see bread.

>> No.13160867

Why is there a Jew star in the soup?

>> No.13160868
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>> No.13160872

lmao, wtf haha

>> No.13160874

thats corn and eggs retard

>> No.13160876

Oh my bad, forgot corn + eggs = bread. My apologies anon. Also very based.

>> No.13161410

I made general tso's chicken yesterday and am gonna make buttermilk brined fried chicken probably Tuesday. I made enough generals for two days. I just go to the store and see what looks good, what do you like to cook?

>> No.13161431

Try to plan your meals. Also keep frozen sauces.

>> No.13161436

Next time you go to the McDonalds across the street, urinate on the floor. You will be blacklisted and no longer have that option.

>> No.13161443
File: 102 KB, 300x256, 93423F4C-730B-4E6A-8DD3-1065B85588A6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>replying to the post instead of the image

>> No.13161457

Worst girl who also lost

>> No.13161664

What kind of flavor does she impart to the broth?

>> No.13161674


>> No.13161675

raw, slightly stale fish

>> No.13161685

You are too lazy to cook. Don't force yourself to do something you have no motivation for.

>> No.13161704

I like cooking pastas and meats but my kitchen is tiny so it's hard to really make much of anything

It's hard to plan if I blank out what I wanna eat

>> No.13161806

>It's hard to plan if I blank out what I wanna eat
You gotta plan before you leave the house. Sit at the computer, get a pad of paper, write down shit you like to eat. If you can't think of anything you want to eat, just google something like "easy dinner recipe" and scroll through until you find something that sounds tasty.

Then write down the ingredients required, and go buy those. Do this enough times and you'll be able to buy stuff for 2-3 meals at once, or you'll build up a repertoire of recipes you've memorized so if you blank, you might still come up with something you might be able to cook. If your kitchen is small, stick to something that requires minimal pots and pans, like one skillet meals and stuff like that. It might make your life easier. Also prep ingredients ahead of time so you don't have chaos on your hands in the middle of cooking.

>> No.13161856

Write a 7 day pre-planned meal list, and then make an ingredient/shopping list based on that. I use "out of milk" android app for the shopping list.

>> No.13161861

>weeab has mental issues

>> No.13161869

anime website

>> No.13161877

>here's what the huff post told me
I suppose 4Chan is a white power website too, normalfriend?

>> No.13161883
File: 71 KB, 766x720, Megumi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the taste.

>> No.13161917
File: 8 KB, 319x158, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off, reddit

>> No.13161919

Just open up a text file, label it food.txt and use that. The longer you use it for, the more stuff you'll have in it.
Here are basic meals I use in my lists/plans. Generally speaking I have the same breakfast for an entire week (and occasionally the same lunch), but that is slightly autistic, but it's fine if you are lazy and don't want to fuck around with cooking shit and don't mind the lack of variety
Toast with: Peanut butter, jam, eggs.
Boxed cereals (puffed rice or wheat biscuits, cornflakes) + milk.
Sandwhich. Peanut butter is the go-to cheap lunch, but you also have things like deli meats, tuna etc.
Salad with some kind of meat added to it.
Cook some roast chicken the night before + a couple hard boiled eggs and reheat the next day.
If you have leftovers you can sub them in.
The easiest basic non-prepared meal is: roast chicken (well seasoned), onion, capsicum, and then either rice or potato, plus greens/salad, and maybe a couple boiled eggs.
Other meals I have in my file are:
hot dog or sausage on a roll. very easy. hot dogs are arguably the easiest meal you can ever make, all you do is bring some water to the boil and reheat the hot dogs just before they start to split and stick on a roll. no turning or anything.
stir fry/curry, can be simple with pre-made sauce, or more complicated if you make your own.
large roasts (whole chicken, roast beef, pork) that will give you a dinner, lunch leftovers and then another dinner if you plate it appropriately. first dinner you eat half of it as normal with the other vegetables, lunch & 2nd dinner slice it thinly into a sandwhich or wraps to make it last.
kebab chicken wraps
burgers, meatballs subs
frozen pizza + some extra deli meat, easy to do.
cottage pie
chilli con carne
stews & soups
apple/pear crumble as a dessert

the longer you keep this up, the more you'll find things to make.

>> No.13161928
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Why yes, yes it is

>> No.13161933

It's okay, she has a penis.

>> No.13161939
File: 580 KB, 800x2810, 1569620977958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off, tourist. No matter how much you mindlessly claim anime is a normalfag thing, it will never be true and this will always be an anime website.

>> No.13161948

>posting the thumbnail

>> No.13161953

Every five year old girl in the country watches anime.
It's mainstream as fuck. Especially the crap you post, you're too fucking casual for /a/.

>> No.13161959
File: 721 KB, 744x768, aichan1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

commit die fagt

>> No.13161966
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for u

>> No.13161967

Pretty cutting, dude.

>> No.13162112
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>> No.13162322

You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.13162372
File: 792 KB, 1000x1457, 0BFD79DA-0B2A-48D7-9C12-B4177049C744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off Megumi is best girl (female) and the cutest chef ever

>> No.13162418

Here's my problem (not even OP): I fucking love pizza and McDonald's.

I have the taste of a child. Never grew out of it. I can ((appreciate)) good flavors, better cuisine, etc.. But I just personally love the taste of many fast food items, more so than most things I can cook myself.

I just resist the urge when I can because I cook healthy for the most part. I'd get so fucking fat giving into the desire for shit food all the time.

>> No.13163866

melts my heart everytime

>> No.13163915

Been there. Rewatch supersize me

>> No.13163923

Check out a recipe book from your local library. Try and make something that sounds good. Rinse and repeat.

>> No.13163934

salty milk and coins

>> No.13163937

>reverse search this QT using IQDB
>oh, Shokugeki no Soma, that cooking anime. Ok, makes sense
>go to her images page
>most of them are her getting fucked by black dudes, pissing herself, or being hung and dying

>> No.13163943
File: 159 KB, 823x1000, sample-893795cae6bd0e7a84bf4a119d3e6304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Megumi is best girl

>> No.13164025
File: 458 KB, 1920x1080, 1558666990612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do not love pizza and mcdonalds. You love salt, sugar and savory goodness. Add more butter and salt to your dishes and you will understand the only thing that fastfood provides you is savory sweet nonsense. You are not a cow, you can choose what you eat.

>> No.13164032

No I can't choose.
I need my Hot&Spicy McChickens.
I'm too far gone.
I need them or I will die.

>> No.13164049
File: 282 KB, 1920x1200, 1568915555451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a new IP and so a different person. If you need mcdonalds to live then live. But I assure you. You can live off of spicy chicken sammies that you make yourself.

>> No.13164055

>visiting 4chan with a static IP

>> No.13164060
File: 999 KB, 500x288, 1567934657405.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have used the same IP since 2006. Paranoid? I could walk you through all the reasons it does not matter, if you want. Do you want?

>> No.13164068

No, because nothing you say can counter the fact that you are the mods' bitch.

>> No.13164070
File: 814 KB, 300x225, 1542127130682.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't even know the mods names.

>> No.13164118

fuck them, literally who gives a shit about dickfuck mods? only an irl autist would care

>> No.13164122
File: 127 KB, 550x499, 1569490337425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't know. Would you?

>> No.13164123

You used to be able to just shoot the shit with the mods on irc years ago. I think most of those guys got fired or quit though, at least the ones who weren't faggots.

>> No.13164128
File: 961 KB, 1193x900, 1571752447635.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I know. Hiro is a new era as far as that. Even still, I know plenty of mods. They're cocks but not so bad on this board at least.

>> No.13164134

Yes I would know, and the extent of my knowledge begins and ends with the pathetic dick sucking going on in this thread

>> No.13164138
File: 875 KB, 770x527, 1566834515377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do not deny you know much of dick sucking, but I will assure you, you know nothing of me.

>> No.13164139

No most of that died down long before hiro bought the site. The remaining mods who idled in public irc channels mostly just avoided talking about moderation altogether years before that. And even the decent ones were complicit in or encouraging of shitty arbitrary moderation. It doesn't really matter anymore since all of the prolific spammers are gone and most of the board culture is dead but they're probably better off not interacting with the users at all.

>> No.13164140
File: 169 KB, 1054x1326, 1549542762954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am sorry you got excluded little duck but that is the way she goes. Have fun in this world either way, huh?

>> No.13164143

i think that's just standard fare for degenerate weeb porn

>> No.13164145

>i think
No you don't fucking retard

>> No.13164151

that's some nice small dick impotent rage you got there buddy
go jerk it to some degenerate shit to help yourself calm down

>> No.13164157
File: 21 KB, 563x503, 1568814973260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice is it? Glad to see it. Jerk it? To be frank I have been out of the whole masturbation rage lately. Could you recommend me something? I am preferential to vore, necro and non-con.

>> No.13164159

personally my vice is vanilla. you know, an attractive woman, usually having sexual intercourse with an attractive man. doesn't have to be sex though, could just be smiles and handholding. that shit never fails to get my blood pumpin

>> No.13164160

Is that you VCR? Not really sure what you mean by excluded since I never applied to the moderation team but I'm doing fine. The old spirit of the internet is long gone but it's nice that this site is still up at least to discuss things in a familiar format. The memories and addiction will always be there.

>> No.13164164
File: 335 KB, 1920x1080, 1571440668731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sound degenerate. You aren't the handsome man?
You say the old is not here yet here you are. Spirit? You are it. Rage with that fervor!

>> No.13164171

>You aren't the handsome man?
That's where I like to insert
It's a little taboo in some circles but I like to imagine myself as the man. his penis is my penis
keep this between us

>> No.13164177

Spirit will flow from the fingertips when it feels the need to. Take it easy.
Vanilla is nice. I like seeing characters I like happy.

>> No.13164187

knowing nothing of you or your aspergers syndrome themed online activities suits me just fine. tell me all about your poxy den of internet autism if you want to ruin my day

>> No.13164210
File: 623 KB, 1925x1400, 1566461069173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will, handsome man.
I am very easy.
I would never want that. I know nothing of poxies, just you.

>> No.13164226
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>> No.13164273
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You think I wouldn't?

>> No.13164278

She's the best girl with a 4" dick.

>> No.13164299

how could you? catdog has no asshole

>> No.13164317
File: 1.45 MB, 1754x763, 1568119775734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll carve one. You underestimate human ingenuity

>> No.13164341

cutting a hole in the catdog and fucking it doesn't count as ingenuity. degenerate cunning at very best

>> No.13164369
File: 225 KB, 1920x1080, 1564040045852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do not even know the meaning of degenerate. Black eyed dog that you are.

>> No.13164380

I'm not sure why you think this is correct. These companies have had teams of people working on their recipes, adding spices in extremely specific quantities to get a certain flavor, texture, etc. I don't feel bad that my food, regardless of "butter and salt" content, doesn't quite taste as good.

>> No.13164397
File: 498 KB, 1415x1600, 1553734254751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I assure you, as good as food by committee tastes you can do just as good. In fact you can do better!

>> No.13164507

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