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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 361 KB, 1500x1091, 91rUImWQvKL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13154834 No.13154834 [Reply] [Original]

If the idea of subsidizing farmers is to guarantee a food supply during a crisis, why doesn't the government make them focus on creating these? During peacetime, it could be cheap food for college students.

>> No.13154836

Good idea

>> No.13154880
File: 795 KB, 960x960, 1570513833438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have to subsidize two industries instead of one
>Why doesn't the government do this?
Gee, I wonder why.

>> No.13154881

>during peacetime

How optimistic of you that the US will give up on the military industrial complex

>> No.13154890

You would obviously stop subsidizing the current HFCS industry

>> No.13154893

>Corn can only be used for HFCS
Ok retard

>> No.13154899

Industries can exist without being subsidized

>> No.13154906

Yes but since we don't have a planned economy the best way to focus on ration production is subsidizing it

>> No.13154913

I think there is enough demand for food that someone will figure out producing it could be a workable business idea

>> No.13154975

Sure, but how would you market rations for the general public? Would be a much better idea to market some known and proven poverty foods like polenta or rice that require little to no processing.

>> No.13155134

>Would be a much better idea to market some known and proven poverty foods like polenta or rice

...you know polenta is corn right?

>> No.13155143
File: 27 KB, 245x500, E2403117-843B-4A10-BBEB-71766A4765C6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like the biscuits made of baby food I buy for my 7 month old

>> No.13155173

>it could be cheap food for college students.

lol @ thinking college students still live off ramen.

It's 2019. College "students" all take out massive loans so they can live off Avocado Toast & Designer Vegan Meats.

>> No.13155184

Ramen is horrible value

>> No.13155187

ok boomer

>> No.13155189

>It's 2019. College "students" all take out massive loans so they can live off Avocado Toast & Designer Vegan Meats.

>> No.13155195

I'm a zoomer. Just oberving what my sister and her friends eat every day while "struggling" in college. They all spend more $$$ on food than anything else.

>> No.13155219

anyone I meet that works part time at my workplace or friends of friends or something that complain about college are always making payments on a brand new car or something too. what the fuck is wrong with people

>> No.13155222

this is why I always laugh at millenials who cry about they racking up $100k debt while in college.

>> No.13155230
File: 76 KB, 240x174, jetsons-food-pill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the nutritional information i'm finding basically says for every 2 of them you have 1 days worth of calories, but 20% of the nutrition for anything actually used in it, doesnt seem particularly bad or anything but it's a far cry from a balanced diet, rations just aren't meant for long term use
but thanks to their high shelf life, even a small production run can be very profitable as they'll outlast even most canned goods

you would unironically be better off with making cubes of soylent-like powder mixes and heavily flavouring them to make them palatable, and then selling them as multiple brands including 'watered down' variants meant for snacks as icing on a cookie or something, and variants similar to bouillon cubes or flavour shot tubes designed for standard sized water bottles
pressed and formed into chewable pills

i'm saying you need the diversity because I just can't see the public accepting it, they'll be quite skeptical of it, and even if it's cheap it's unlikely to sell well without diversifying it and making most of your money off of bulk savings on the ingredients
after all, it's enough to make even people living in 2062~ question it

>> No.13155310 [DELETED] 

Until a dem becomes president and suddenly you have foot the bill through taxes since they have forgiven the loans

>> No.13155323

Avocado toast is dirt cheap, and few college students who are vegan actually buy the new expensive stuff, sticking to more traditional vegan/vegetarian proteins like tofu and seitan. The vast majority of the money from a student loan goes to tuition and textbooks, only a small amount relatively is spent on a dinning hall meal plan. And I can say from experience that university dinning hall food ain’t that good. Besides, at this point in our society if you don’t have a 4 year degree you’re doomed to alway work menial labor jobs. If you’re so out of touch that you think people can just not go to college and still make a decent living you’re clearly retarded.

>> No.13155333 [DELETED] 

Education is a human right, and the cost would be spread around to every American, aka exactly the people benefiting from free education. In case you haven’t noticed, our nation is EXTREMELY behind in this regard. Americans are ignorant retards because of corporate greed. You’re a prime example.

>> No.13155336

Who is she?

>> No.13155338

>we don't have a planned economy
Tell that to the federal reserve

>> No.13155363

Yes, I agree fellow "American" we must subsidize marxist brainwashing. How else will our nation compete in the global market without Interpretive Dance and Gender Studies majors?

>> No.13155376 [DELETED] 

The arts are vital to cultural development, though I do agree that gender studies is a little silly to have a whole degree about. It’s a complex subject that’s important to our current society but not one that offers much in the way of careers. But then again, you seem to think that a university should just be a factory that spits out perfectly obedient workers who agree with backwards conservative politics instead of learning how to think for themselves. The reason most educated people are liberal is because conservatism and the whole Republican party is just a political tool of the oligarchs to keep people dumb and voting against their own interests. Voting conservative is voting for the status quo, and educated people are able to understand just how immensely fucked up the status quo is right now.

>> No.13155392

You're delusional if you think any party is on your side

>> No.13155411 [DELETED] 

That’s why I support a socialist revolution. If you had any brains or even half of a heart you’d agree. Also nice job moving those goalposts.

>> No.13155433
File: 483 KB, 1188x1515, A53KbeG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you for letting me know you're retarded before I wasted my time writing up a response to >>13155376

>> No.13155508

I'm a modestly wealthy heir so no having a brain would be reason to oppose that.

>> No.13155513 [DELETED] 

I already knew you’re retarded. You support a man who wants to eliminate democracy. If he isn’t impeached now, there’s no way in hell he’s gonna step down when his second term is up. He already flagrantly disregards our Constitution and due process of law, favoring to just do as he pleases and rig multiple elections in his own favor. You people will be the death of freedom in America, and you’ll only have yourselves to blame.

>> No.13155523 [DELETED] 

Greed rears it’s ugly head once more. The rich accumulate more wealth than they could possibly ever use or even really visualize while the poor foot the bill and starve in the streets. Typical. You piece of human garbage, you should be ashamed.

>> No.13155534

you guys are parody of yourselves lmao

>> No.13155548

The feeling is mutual, bootlicker.

>> No.13155564

>implying the US isn't an essentially crypto-planned economy

>> No.13155572

These rations aren't intended for prolonged consumption. You can't eat them throughout college.

>> No.13155575

>The rich accumulate wealth
>Let's aggregate all wealth into one monolithic entity to which everyone is subservient
Yeah nice fucking idea you boomer cuck

>> No.13155579

America is not a democracy, and the American government regularly seeks increased democratisation.

>> No.13155588

>education is a human right
yeah and so's me hanging your neck off a tree apparently

>> No.13155592

>cheap food for college students
You already take loans for education, why not take a couple thousand more to not eat like a subhuman while you do it?

>> No.13155610

>It's 2019. College "students" all take out massive loans so they can live off Avocado Toast & Designer Vegan Meats.
a single textbook can cost more than two weeks of eating out at trendy hipster places, boomer

>> No.13155624

Yes polenta is just boiled cornmeal, so you'd just need to grind the corn, therefore minimal processing. Meanwhile you just subsidize agriculture without having to overspend on industry

>> No.13155626

kids spend like retards in college nowadays. at least half the debt they accumulate in college are for food and entertainment.

>> No.13155653

Lol, my daughter in college spends more on rent & food than her tuition & books. I keep telling her that’s why I’m not paying off her debt for her. She lives a better lifestyle than I did when I was working.

>> No.13155681

>pay farmers to sell food
>they over sell
>everything goes to shit because the fields are stripped of their nutrients and farmers fucked up their herds to profit


>government gives everyone food stamps
>says they're for real food only
>kike corporations label doritos as real
>retard niggers live off doritos instead of real food
>farmers who don't sell corn go bankrupt


>Government gives food stamps and says it's for unprocessed meat and veggies only
>farmers get more and more people buying food
>supply v demand, demand skyrockets
>food gets stupid expensive because it's subsidized by the government, a food bubble much like housing and school debt
>bubble pops
>farms collapse
>people starve to death

>> No.13155705
File: 56 KB, 650x491, tfw not vegan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why doesn't the government make them focus on creating these?

>> No.13155709

>everything goes to shit because the fields are stripped of their nutrients and farmers fucked up their herds to profit
oh please, sustainable farming as a practice has been the norm for the past ~500 years and its been perfected down to a science for the past 50, you actually think this is still a problem?

>> No.13155713

>emergency ration

>> No.13155716


>> No.13155742
File: 125 KB, 1344x1263, What's Wrong With Feminism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>though I do agree that gender studies is a little silly to have a whole degree about. It’s a complex subject that’s important to our current society
>https://medium.com/@gore.burnelli/no-women-were-not-oppressed-throughout-history-e719355b79ed >https://www.reddit.com/r/JBPforWomen/comments/89tgwr/woman_have_never_been_an_oppressed_minority_group/

>> No.13155745

In fact the modern petroleum chemical gmo monocrop farming practices are entirely unsustainable. The soil is dead and exists as nothing but a mechanism to hold the root.

>> No.13155776

you're the retard who doesn't realize its a scam for shitty farmers who can't grow anything else. Selling corn for HFCS won't make you a profit WITHOUT THE subsidies.

Meanwhile the same people own the farms and companies that sell HFCS, and both get subsidies.

Conservatives are hoop jumping reality denying retards.

>> No.13155908

Simply because there's nothing else that they can use all the surplus corn for right now. If the situation goes south HFCS will be the last thing they'll think of producing. Alternatively you could always go the libtard route of taxing HFCS, but it's counter productive to tax something that's already subsidized.

>> No.13155916

>there's nothing else that they can use all the surplus corn for right now
you can only make so much corn bread.
Unless you're going to also subsidize chili consumption and corn gas the rate of corn consumption will remain stagnate

>> No.13155918

>What are trades

>> No.13156016

>I’m a fucking retard who has never left a city
Ya, we can tell. There’s lots of great jobs people can get even without a high school diploma. You just wouldn’t want to live where those jobs are located. Faggots like you always demand better paying jobs but you aren’t willing to move to where the work is. No sacrifice, no compromise. Everything you want must be handed to you the way you want it.

>> No.13156030

A dying industry with no future and very little profit to be made.

>> No.13156033

Well this is the most retarded statement I have read this week.

>> No.13156035

All the canned and dry food already in stores helps with those problems

>> No.13156036

rades are a pretty nice alternative to acquiring a massive amount of debt
especially if you have a father or uncles who work in the trade and can let you work with the tools before you need to work with someone else.
the major barrier to enerting trades is having your own tools.

you can also go to school for two years, rack up debt, get 'depressed', fail out and become a drafter or something if you're lucky.
you don't actually need to work at walmart if you don't have a college degree.

>> No.13156046

v sad they won't lower prices because that would damages profits.
we have more bacon and pig belly than ever but it costs 8 dollars a pound because jews are jews.

>> No.13156077

10/10 bait

>> No.13156086

You're a fucking idiot if you think there's no money in trades. Most of them are fighting over new blood. You cunts are just afraid of real work and want to shit post on the internet for 80% of your work day.

>> No.13156147

Well the whole point of agro subsidies is to have a surplus under normal conditions so that extra capacity can still carry over when there's scarcity. They just need to find something to bleed over said surplus so the main market doesn't get saturated

>> No.13156155

Getting automated is what.

>> No.13156162

The issue with trades is the amount of trade jobs a given area can support against the average length of careers for someone in a trade. Furthermore, we're starting to see a rise in "quick fix" companies, that hire on unskilled people, train them to do lower-end tasks, and undercut trade workers by removing a lot of their day to day work. Particularly plumbing, since it's piss easy to teach someone how to install a sink, splice a line, or run a snake and you don't need certs for a lot of the work.

>> No.13156168

>a robot that'll climb on a roof and unfuck your ac unit
>a robot that'll put new shocks on your car
>a robot will look at an instillation problem, call up the insurance agency, ask for a variance on the warranty due to the nature of the feature being modified, then installing a product differently that originally described so as to work in the new conditions.
trades does not mean "weld subframe A to subframe B" on the assembly line every 45s

>> No.13156234

>ac unit

>> No.13156244

commercial AC units are usually mounted on roofs

>> No.13156299

Fuck human rights. Universalist bullshit.

>> No.13156360
File: 412 KB, 715x1024, 'Food With Responses' .. Hungers are associated with energy homeostasis, cholinergic-dopaminregic rewards, neurotrophy, and even rewards from alcohol..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those, specifically, are garbage nutrition.

>About half the protein for a ~150lb. individual, especially if physically active (relevance sourced from examine.com).
>Very limited omega 3, which was evidenced benefiting telomere lengths and thus relevant to building up cellular environments / youth.
>A multi with k2 instead of k1, and multiple-x 100% for some B (B12 having over 1000%; per each of the doses).
>No potassium.
>No magnesium.
>Limited vitamin C.

>if you don’t have a 4 year degree .. menial labor jobs. If .. you think people can just not go to college and still make a decent living you're ..
"No." Examples are games, software, and plenty of others ..

College is overpriced (and the government is often getting the bills).

>But then again, you seem to think that a university should just be a factory that spits out perfectly obedient workers who agree with backwards conservative politics instead of learning how to think for themselves.
The argument being ..

Nutrients are ~cheap.

Public awareness of full nutrition is minimalistic. .. Actual understanding is productive for goals, motivation, and energy.

Agriculture is very capable of supporting demands.

>[Posting lots of blogs with zero (0) summary.]

>[Posting lots of sociology articles with zero (0) summary.]

Minimalistic for nutrients (though powders are obviously available in various stores).

>> No.13156408

I literally just posted the cheapest garbage available to make a facetious comparison and you're a retard if you think I believe either is a good idea

>> No.13156458

Uhhh...corn IS subsidized

>> No.13156532

A). It or the other being cheap garbage is basically irrelevant; the discussion inherently is about full nutrition.
B). You posted it specifically near and after a paragraph on something "soylent-like", which is a full meal replacement – and thought that was "worthy enough for posting".
C). Your projection on the individual's recipe potential is a huge mediocrity.

So, it's obviously better keeping your "adhom potentials" to yourself.

>> No.13156535

Yes you retard the whole point is keeping the subsidies on whatever already has them while avoiding adding other unnecessary ones.

>> No.13156553

wow no wonder people hate tripfags

>> No.13156584

>Say we need to subsidize polenta
>It's corn which already is
>Calls people retarded for pointing this out

Way to miss the point you mongoloid

>> No.13156627

>Nutrients are ~cheap.

>> No.13156631

>Meanwhile you just subsidize agriculture
>Polenta is agriculture
>Being this retarded

>> No.13156637

Wouldn't a 7 month old choke on that shit and die?

>> No.13156641

>calling people bootlickers
kys you fucking statist

>> No.13156650

Nah, veganism is a massive trend and most new converts eat frozen meals twice a day and UberEats from a vegan restaurant every night for dinner. it's absolutely baffling how much money people waste on food.
t. ecology major where probably 75% of colleagues are vegan

>> No.13156660


>> No.13156663

>you need a 4 year degree to work
Lol in just over ten years your degree will be worthless and all the debt you accumulated will still be there
Colleges can't update what they teach fast enough to keep up with the job markets demands, students leave completely unprepared to handle a job and instead of going there you can build up a portfolio or get some experience or diversify your traits

>> No.13156670 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 472x441, Essential Vitamins and Minerals (edited).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>[Repeating the low-status social inference / criticized problem.]
>[Not even inquiring into specifics.]

>> No.13156706

bunnyayumi on twitter

>> No.13156710

No. They dissolve as soon as they touch moisture. Literally designed to be the first hard food a baby eats.

>> No.13156770

It's possible getting fundamental nutrients (amongst ~ 150g protein / day) for $90 / month with *lots* of options for recipes (fewer for less – or, especially, with a little more for flavoring, even similar to what's often / ordinarily prepared).

>> No.13156916

(\\_-~E~-~A-~-~T~- ~-T-~H~-E-~ ~-B-~~-U-~~-G~-~S~-~_//)

>> No.13157012
File: 108 KB, 1200x800, Goomba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a literal teenager who just started her menstrual cycle destroys the republicants.
You can't make his shit up, lol!

>> No.13157075

I ~~ don't see you (eating) any/// bugs

>> No.13157869

It’s like 2300 calories for a dollar

>> No.13157892

More like 2300 grams of salt for a dollar.

>> No.13158674

>dollars all go to monsanto because the government subsdidizes monsanto products and factory farmers who use them

>> No.13158502

>subsidizing farmers
>a good idea
Bro, reddit is 4 blocks down, your boss Hugh Grant would like a word with you.

>> No.13158507

vote with your dollars

>> No.13158581

>it could be cheap food for college students.
a package of these costs the same as fine beef

>> No.13158866

except that you literally did make that up.
She's being so mocked that she's demanding facebook censor criticism of her.

>> No.13159430

>demanding facebook censor criticism of her.
Source? That's pretty retarded

>> No.13159779

The only source for that retardation is /pol/.

>> No.13159796

You mean make herself a laughing stock and made millions of people across the globe realise that while there are impacts of changing climate, the current main push of enviromentalism is nothing to do with saving the planet and everything to do with imposing higher levels of socialism while restricting liberties and property rights of people outside their class.

>> No.13159797

She literally said it.

>> No.13159801

Do you have a citation for that citation?

>> No.13159803
