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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 292 KB, 2000x1334, how-to-eat-chinese-hot-pot-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13114974 No.13114974 [Reply] [Original]

Usually it is hard to get it wrong

>> No.13115096

I'm gay by the way.

>> No.13115099

chink shit

>> No.13115214

I'm gay by the way if that matters

>> No.13115235


Thai, Malaysian, Chinese, Japanese, pretty much all southern asian cultures make better food than we do, because they grew up in jungles with food everywhere. All they had to do was learn how to combine it. We have to store, salt, cure, confeit, bury shit in the ground while it rots(Thanks Sweden) and generally pick shit off the ground.

Their food is better than ours, period. Grow up.

>> No.13115239


If Thailand had Roman organization, they'd be USA x 10. We'd be on Mars. I know you morons don't study cultures for shit, but you really should.

>> No.13115241

wow what a hypothetically great culture there

>> No.13115243

You should hypothetically think more about human development.

>> No.13115256
File: 499 KB, 500x240, anigif_enhanced-12982-1464812749-2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Throw everything you think would be good in a stew, paella, or gumbo in plus a turtle.

>> No.13115264


So you've been the Baton Rouge?

>> No.13115274
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yes, wut of it

>> No.13115275


Because they make the best turtle soup, didn't you know that?

>> No.13115295

They make very good reptile based food as well, yes.

>> No.13115394

pretty much everyone

>> No.13115458

I like to pour hot pot up my bum bum

>> No.13115466

Lmao, nigger they never invented soap because they could never spare the fat. Food surplus is part of western culture.

>> No.13115472


And you still eat Pad Thai. I know you're human garbage but don't tell everyone else.

>> No.13115474

How to hot pot

>> No.13115496

You know fat is also difficult to digest without cooking, probably as an antipredation deterrent. That stuff we refine out of it for candles and soap, inedible on its own and tho not technically poison, it can screw with you to swallow a big ol chunk o glycerin. Not all fats have it either btw, mostly just a use for the waxy fat surrounding the kidneys.

>> No.13115689

You need a source of heat, a pan capable of holding about 4” of broth, vegetables, and raw meat of some sort sliced thin.

Because the broth takes on flavor as you cook, your broth can be simple. A basic Jap dashi is basically seaweed, anchovy, and mushroom. Yes faggots will reeee about bonito or how the anchovies should be dried, or how seaweed must be kelp, but fuck them all. It all works fine.

So, make a broth, then strain it. This can be done well ahead of time. Season it just a bit less than you like because it will concentrate.

Get a fuck ton of veggies and whatever meats you have sliced nice and thin. Put them all out on plates spread out. Boil thebroth, then reduce to a low simmer. Put things in; when they’re cooked, fish them out and eat.

In general, I like a wave of mushrooms first because they're a nice appetizer and enrich the broth. Get some onions going too, maybe some shallots and green onions. Take your fucking time, it’s not a race, taste the broth and steer it. Eventually the broth will be so good you could eat/drink it on its own, then you add meat. Cook it to how you like it by swooshing it around with your chopsticks without letting it go, then dipping it in any sauce you have (a very watered down vinegar with a splash of soy is great, experiment), then in your piehole. Or, on top of rice, then the chunk of rice underneath + meat into your /ck/ hole.

Hopefully this provides the basics, let me know if there are any questions.

>> No.13115693
File: 1.34 MB, 468x271, And crime is for.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

REEEEEE Anonu not using katsuobushi is dishonorabruuuuuuu