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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13100355 No.13100355 [Reply] [Original]

Is it necessary to cut out dairy too?

Have you found dairy gives you brain fog?

>> No.13100371

Wow you're dumb.

>> No.13100379

In addition to what?

>> No.13100425

Everything plant or non-animal based

>> No.13100434

Jordan Peterson did it, and he now is under suicide watch. What does that tell you about this """"diet""""?

>> No.13100438

I ask because I did about 70% animal foods for 2 months, and now 99-100% for the last 4 months, but I still have dairy (milk, cream, cheese, etc). So I might cut it out and see if I fare better as I have a suspicion it's giving me brain fog. Especially the cream. But maybe its mostly the proteins that are bad idk.

>> No.13100445

brain fog is from lack of carbs bro

>> No.13100480


it might just be your genetics or that you're out of shape
digesting rich meals with a lot of fat directs tons of blood to your stomach and guts which causes your blood pressure to drop elsewhere, such as your head

>> No.13100485

also you might not be getting enough of certain vitamins, like vitamin c

i don't think liver has enough in it, eskimos eat whale skin which is very rich in it

>> No.13100487

But I felt awesome when I first switched to keto. Anyway I will cut dairy out and see how it goes.

>> No.13100498

I should add that I've only done about 6 months of experiments, this is all tentative. Except for the fact that I feel much better on carnivore/keto. I will probably do only chicken/eggs/butter for at least 2 months. I would eat the ruminants but they cost twice as much or more than chicken where I live.

>> No.13100616

i wan 2 sperm her pusy my friedn. please do the needful and revert to me her contact informations.

>> No.13100639


>> No.13100648

That the elites fear its uptake and will transmit their psychological disruption beams directly at you if you try to help it gain widespread traction.

>> No.13100706


>> No.13100712
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Meatcucks on suicide watch

>> No.13100716

>using tweets and anecdotes in place of real science
are liberals this retarded

>> No.13100719

This is what's known as "toxic masculinity"

>> No.13100729

the liberals are the true radical bruh

>> No.13100749

Yeah you have a regional blood pressure issue.... try cutting cider out of your life bucko. Defoo that devil juice

>> No.13100816

meat taste good

>> No.13100821

Plain meat being pretty flavorless. It's only good with salt and plants. I'd rather have some plain red lentils.

>> No.13100836

Fatty probably ate tons of french fries.

>> No.13100947

Name a carnivorous animal that drinks milk past infancy.

>> No.13100954


>> No.13100958

You risk a mess if you give a cat milk.

>> No.13100981

Cats are lactose intolerant past infancy just like all mammals except European humans who developed a mutation to keep produce lactase into adulthood.

>> No.13100984

Nope. Only some cats. Not even the majority. It's just an exaggerated factoid bespectacled kids like to trot out with a shrill of "ACTUALLY," as if that were any substitute for social adjustment.

>> No.13100988

Ok. Believe what you want but you are wrong so w/e

>> No.13100990

imagine the smell

>> No.13101039

>excuse me but as a meat eater
fuck off

>> No.13101075

Humans of Northern European descent

>> No.13101102

this nigga btfo so hard lmao

>> No.13101284

If dairy isn't giving you digestive problems it's probably not going to give you brain fog either. Brain fog is most likely just from not sleeping enough. As long as your diet is generally good that shouldn't be a concern. Caffeine is okay as long as you aren't relying on it when you feel tired because that's also going to fuck up your sleep and a lot of people do that.

There's nothing wrong with drinking milk, but humans aren't carnivores. We're omnivores. We produce amylase in our saliva to help digest starchy food, we have tastebuds for sweetness, and we have to chew our food. Carnivores don't have/do those things.

>> No.13101286

Imagine being such a faggot that you don't even get a baked potato on the side
>b-but muh carbs it's gonna break my ketosis!
Ketofags, veganfags, carnifags, all the same.

>> No.13101330

Probably supposed to cut out benzos on it too senpai

>> No.13101337

>fat as fuck
>dies of heart attack


>> No.13101362

That he's a rich jew who likes to fuck kids?

>> No.13101365


>> No.13101430

Keto probably makes most people feel better at first because it forces them to cut out junk food. Every person I know who started keto was drinking a shitload of soda and eating junk food all the time, so obviously you'll feel better without eating so much of that stuff. But it's not because carbs are inherently bad or we're carnivores. Whole grains, roots, beans, legumes, and fruit, those are all good sources of carbs with proven health benefits.

>> No.13101442

The thing is, you have to be in a normal functioning physique for this diet! Fat asses with diabetes and numerous of health problems jumping into this and giving us a bad rep!

>> No.13101448

Kys degenerate Mcdonaldcuck, you’re not included in this conversation

>> No.13101455
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If good carbs means fucking up your mental well-being than I’ll pass on “good carbs”

>> No.13101456

>eating vegetarian will kill you
>not eating vegetarian will also kill you
What do I do /ck/?

>> No.13101459

>Is it necessary to cut out dairy too?
Of course. Peterson exclusively eat red meat and only drink water and the occasional bourbon/vodka.

>> No.13101474

>a pre-pubescent child contains 41 micrograms of estrogen
Damn, I better cut back.

>> No.13101480

So basically if you ate a pregnant woman you'd turn into a woman yourself?

>> No.13101483

Hes under suicide watch because he was taking benzos to cope with the fact his wife is dying of cancer

>> No.13101485

You’d probably turn into the average vegan or explode

>> No.13101503

No you idiot, it's right there in the image. You'd turn into soy flour.

>> No.13101590

>chastises untidy rooms as a career
>when his wife is sick he goes on suicide watch
yep, that's some patriarch you got there...

>> No.13103771 [DELETED] 
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You have to take supplements too go- i mean bro.

>> No.13103776


>> No.13103854

wow women really do ruin everything huh

>> No.13103875
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don't you know humans are carnivores bro! its not some fad diet, humans have always been carnivores. carbs are slave food. im a fucking carnivore look at my canines. yes one ribeye steak mr butcher. i like my steaks med rare. im a carnivore btw

>> No.13103916

girl what are you eating and drinking to have to take that much upper respiratory medication
>birth control, antiandrogen, and acne gel
god damn

>> No.13103931
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damn, the tranny kikes have been really afraid lately, attacking Mr Peterson's family and all that coward shit.

My response, dilate and fuck off degenerate.

>> No.13104279

Herpes is normal everyone has it you fucking virgin

>> No.13104294
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>> No.13104305

>American reading comprehension

>> No.13104321

Just a heads up reminder bruuuu,
But this hombre....>>13100712
ALWAYS! ate the baked potatoes with his steak, and now he's gone. Don't make the same mistake he did.

>> No.13104344
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Me to bro, rage the fuck on and long live carnivore tribe!

>> No.13104390

Hi toothless carnist, what up?

>> No.13104472

Both extremes are bad - we've evolved as omnivores so a balance of meat and vegetables is ideal.

>> No.13104610
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>> No.13104631

Wow, Justin Trudeau looks great in drag

>> No.13104646

Lol no

>> No.13104650
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>> No.13104687

Says that you still have less blood flowing to your muscles and your heart is working harder. That could cause some people to still feel tired I guess. But it's just not from less blood to the brain which stays consistent.

>> No.13104691
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Sup veganite....