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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13045895 No.13045895 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13045906

I don't know what a Cornish Pasty is, but it's hilarious that this Harry Howard fellow apparently gets paid to transcribe TV into spammy internet articles.

>> No.13045908

>Schofield, 57, reacted with horror.

Fucking hell. If you're going to make a pie vegetarian and "trendy", stick with the shitty curry potato filling.

>> No.13045909

>I don't know what a Cornish Pasty is
It's like the pathetic yet somehow more famous cousin of a Kentish Pie.

>> No.13045924
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>> No.13045926

That's just an empanada.

>> No.13045949

>makes a more obscure comparison
you're pretty fucking dumb

>> No.13045978

The Cornish Pasty dates to around 1300's.

Clearly the empanada is inspired on the original pie.

>> No.13045980

Oliver you fucking tard. That is indeed disgusting.

Different crust you horrible creature.

>> No.13046014

>make a pie vegetarian
How is adding salad making something vegetarian?

>> No.13046017

It's not the addition of salad, it's the subtraction of meat

>> No.13046247

Disregard, I'm adrubk faggot, please rape my face.

>> No.13046254 [DELETED] 

yeah you can because british "food" is literal garbage anyway, so what difference does it make? None. Maybe only to british "people" but they're basically children anyway

>> No.13046300

Well, kinda. Many cultures figured out the whole "filling surrounded by dough" thing and the Cornish pasty is just that. Empanadas are fried though, right? Pasties are just baked and they're amazing.

>> No.13046302

Unoriginal /int/ post, the post. Please go back there.

>> No.13046323

Pasties are British hot pockets.

>> No.13046360

rent free

>> No.13046444

Empanadas is bread cornish pasty is fkn pastry

>> No.13046446

Britain isn't the one massive fkn culture you retard

>> No.13046461

You are right. Britain has no culture.

>> No.13046471

pasty should be pronounced pAYsty not pAAsty
learn the rules of your own language you fucks

>> No.13046482

You're paysty you basement dwelling virgin.

>> No.13046489

my aunt said I'm allowed to leave the basement and use the upstairs room since my grandpa died, thank you very much!

>> No.13046500

Why didn't your grandpa let you out the basement?

>> No.13046503

The language is called English, so the English get to decide how to pronounce words. If you don't like it, get fucked

>> No.13046514

Bro we are multiculture. Just on my street there are Pakistanis, Indians, polish, Turks, Romanians, Africans, Jamaicans. And everyone lives together without fighting more than once a fortnight.

>> No.13046517

>Inserting a Y for no fucking reason.

>> No.13046528

Imagine saying this and not realizing how much of an insufferable faggot it makes you sound like. Britian is absolutely the country of "My farts dont stink."

>> No.13046530



>> No.13046533


The rules are made up.

>> No.13046534

the empanada was literally introduced to mexico by cornish laborers working in america

>> No.13046545
File: 757 B, 1200x800, 1200px-Flag_of_Cornwall.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First Padstein now Jamie Oliveoil debasing pasties. When shall the freedom fighters of Kernow rise up once again?

>> No.13046551

Believe it or not that explains nothing

>> No.13046556 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13046572

Actually sounds based. Probably could throw together a bangin block party.

>> No.13046579

I dropped out of college even though I was able to go for free until age 24 and he was really disappointed in me for not trying to better myself and squandering an opportunity many people would love to have

>> No.13046610
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How do you deal with the fact that your grandpa died disappointed in you? A-a-asking for a friend.

>> No.13046612


It's only your fault that you have a teenagers understanding of the rules.

>> No.13046689

Are we talking leafy greens salad or some kind of weird bong salad

>> No.13046701

well you I can either live with the regret, or use it as motivation to honor his memory
there is no changing the past but if his dream was for me to be a successful man then I can honor his legacy and in that way he is still alive in some way

it's not about fixing yourself over night, but its about making an earnest attempt to do a little better every day. One day I'll get there

>> No.13046730

Why is it ok for brits to put cream in carbonara for example but not ok for jamie to put salad in a cornish pasty?

>> No.13046788

Is it true that British food was once good, but after World War II they forgot rationing ended?

>> No.13046792

Literally every culture (worth its shit) has some version of a MEAT PIE

>> No.13046808

pasties are nasty. the fridged ones have these weird mint things in them and it's generally dry and bland. tastes like eating dry wall, heated or no

>> No.13046842

empanadas are fried

>> No.13047085

Filling your country with people who have no culture doesn't give you a culture.

>> No.13047103

Once again, British people invent a food, people of other nations change the name and then every ignorant faggot claims it originates in those other nations


Basically every pie

>> No.13047156

These fuckers are truly desperate when they have to go such lengths to get into the media because they're such misarable failures.

>> No.13047289

The Brits invented lasagne?

>> No.13047387
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Luv me pie and mash guvna

>> No.13047674

Salad does not belong inside a Cornish pasty.

>> No.13047707

ehhhhh..... kinda?
Of course, there's no meat, and no tomato, because one is too expensive and the other was totally alien in 1390, so it's actually more like macaroni cheese made with lasagna sheets. But still...

>> No.13048060

Because the first (cream sub for cheese) is similar but different, while the later (lettuce sub for meat) is completely fucking different and not even remotely similar.

>> No.13048094


>> No.13048137

>Bro we are multiculture
That' just the cope way of saying you don't have a culture.

>> No.13048146

Poes law

>> No.13049650

>no liquor
You sir are no fellow countryman of mine

>> No.13050198

Think of it like a flakier Martinshire Turnover

>> No.13050238

A 'Cornish Pasty' is a Cornishman's mother. This is the equivalent of threatening to take her anally.

>> No.13051413

well you're basedy