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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13037543 No.13037543 [Reply] [Original]

why is he complaining about this? It's like he thinks about everything from the perspective of a woman

>> No.13037548

He seems to have liberal beliefs and hasn't a heart filled with hatred towards women and nonwhites. He certainly isn't a part of us masculine virtuous Gods of 4channel. We believe in no race mixing, tradiitional values, and keeping women subservient, like God intended.
You can be damn sure that this soyfuck shares the liberal mentality of whining about everything and complaining about inane shit. For me, this is what is wrong with the world today, too many feminized cucks, when people should be more like me; strong, masculine, virtuous.
I dare say their brains aren't properly developed. We all know who we can thank for that. God, it makes me so furious.

>> No.13037551

Nice samefagging. We all know it's you adam.

>> No.13037555

>but there are 3 ips

>> No.13037557

I'm old enough to know how to refresh my IP.

>> No.13037580

He destroys hotsauce soys, and says that Mexicans and Indians only use so much spice to preserve their rancid meat. How is that not based?

>> No.13037590

he gives a mini lecture in judging how butch men are, and certifying some behaviors as genuine or not according to his eye. This has to be the most incredibly gay thing for a man to think about much less make a video on.

>> No.13037598

"men" who derive their masculinity from spicy food deserve all ridicule coming their way.

>> No.13037600

you're either a woman, gay, tranny or falling towards one of the three.

>> No.13037603
File: 335 KB, 400x600, 1557595337778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy your sriracha

>> No.13037605

not a fan, it doesn't seem to have a long shelf life.

>> No.13037610

the point went over your head

>> No.13037615

There was no point. Just crying about being judged, then judging a guy and calling him "gay" for offending you.

>> No.13037625

keep digging

>> No.13037629
File: 571 KB, 854x480, 1547137010630.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not an argument.

>> No.13037984

There's already a thread up with this fucking faggot. I think there should be a rule, one thread per Jewtube faggot only.

>> No.13038000

He's got a platform for now and is taking the opportunity to address things he's got thoughts on.

>> No.13038083

t. literal soyboy retard aka the jew in these videos.

>> No.13038104

what is he doing, some kind of kike ritual?