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File: 38 KB, 450x450, hamms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13036597 No.13036597 [Reply] [Original]

>go through a 30 rack of hamm's every weekend
what hard liquor should I consider getting to save some money? 30 rack is only $11 here, but I'm starting to get a beer gut.

>> No.13036603

Dr. Mcgillicuddy

>> No.13036606

>but I'm starting to get a beer gut.
just eat less

>> No.13036624

beer gut is better than wet brain
don't go down that path

>> No.13036629

>beer gut
Losing this has prove to be a huge fucking challenge. Better to never grow it in the first place. I'm on keto + calorie restriction right now to lose it, so we'll see.

Also for price/quality ratio you're looking at vodka as your best bet. I'd recommend Russian Standard.

>> No.13038309

This stuff is the best

>> No.13038315


>> No.13038329

most cheap spirits are garbage, though evan williams and costco whiskey are okay

>> No.13038332

you ever considered exercise you stupid sack of shit?

>> No.13038363

Stick with the beer, but add cheap vodka to it.
Kick that shit up from 5% to about 20%. I crack the can, take a healthy sip, then refill the empty space with vodka from the freezer.
Taste is nearly the same, super convenient, and you'll be fucked up from like 3 cans only. Also, your friends and family wont notice when you accumulate like 400 empty beer cans.
Trust me, I'm a pro alcoholic.

>> No.13038374
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Switch to soft drugs, cannabis, lsd, mushrooms, a few pills here and there. I find that a big bag of edibles is much better than when I was constantly drinking 24 packs and handles of bottom shelf vodka. Feel better the next day, and don't get so black out fucked up. Like the time I almost burned my gfs apartment down while she was at work because I tried to make ramen and blacked out.

>> No.13038405
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cheap, burns clean, no hangover

for beer been drinking Molson Canadian from COSTCO
$18 for 28 bottles

>> No.13038409


>> No.13038414

I go with Costco vodka and LaCroix, very few calories

>> No.13038421

Arizona Arnold Palmer zero, cheap vodka & a splash of club soda. You're welcome.

>> No.13038748

I've already lost 10 pounds in two weeks, but if it helps your self esteem to yell about the choices of a stranger on the internet, more power to you.

Also weight loss is 90% diet, 10% exercise.

>> No.13038900

No. That is out of the question

>> No.13039045

>lsd, mushrooms, a few pills here and there
real great choice for a supstance abuser

yes I know people have reported quiting addictions shortly after psychedelic experiences

>> No.13039195

>real great choice for a supstance abuser
First off, sarcasm doesn't transmit over the internet well, so best not use it if you cannot use it well, Boomer. Second, the two specific substances he named are almost never abused actually. Psychedelic in general are hardly ever abused since they've been proven to be non-addictive. If you don't know what you're talking about, there is no shame in researching a bit about something before forming an opinion or making a statement.

>> No.13039241

I've done around 15 drugs inclunding meth and every popular psychedelic and some rcs, I understand where you're coming from when you say that things like mdma or clasic psychedelics aren't addicting and I think it has a lot to do with them working on serotonin mostly instead of dopamine, and for mushrooms it makes sense that for example addictive fungi might have been picked to extinction by hunter-gatherers

anyway this shit makes it so that they are basically impossible to get addicted to which seems to be borne out by studies and is consistent with my experience but some people I know in real life and see on the internet are total fucking morons who abuse shit like mdma regularly god knows how they do it they even take up to a gram or two a night

and I've also had experiences of trying to abuse psychedelics cause I had nothing else to drug myself with obviously I didn't continue because the hightened emotional state of the trip made me feel really bad about what I had done as tends to happen with degens who take psychedelics but I can easily imagine some stupid chav bisexualfag named jeff abusing psychedelics cause he's just that retarded and has no conscientiousness

tldr maybe you shouldn't recommend drugs to anyone

>> No.13039248

>wet brain

Care to expound, my dude?

>> No.13039258

did you know alcohol is neurotoxic

>> No.13039275

>weight loss is 90% diet, 10% exercise.

>> No.13039294

Diet includes caloric intake buddy.

>> No.13039301

>tldr maybe you shouldn't recommend drugs to anyone
On the contrary, I would recommend them to everyone.

>> No.13039317

just smoke weed faggot

>> No.13039360
File: 24 KB, 232x266, ebin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bottom shelf vodka if you wanna be a champion

>> No.13039397

Typical fat fuck. Any excuse to avoid exercise.

>> No.13039408
File: 116 KB, 1000x796, What-You-Need-to-Know-About-Wet-Brain-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen final stage in a scarecrow of a man who lost all control over most all of his functions, speech, continence, the ability to even understand his surroundings.
His system was hardwired just to scrounge and obtain alcohol or whatever though.

>> No.13039410

Well fuck... I do now. Why has no one told me this before? This is so unfair. Now on top of everything I have to have fucking brain damage the rest of my life like a retard.

>> No.13039505

neurotoxicity does not have to equal literal retardation like you think of when you think of brain damage, you'd need lots of abuse before you got noticeably dumb, which is why most people can get away with not knowing this

I do not want to sound like an internet psychonaut but yes alcohol is a hard drug, not as addictive as stimulants and opioids but still

isn't it a bit immature to assume everyone would be better off trying drugs?

>> No.13039771

Sloppy strawman you're building there, anon. Why are you so upset at a strangers choice of diet plan, especially when it seems to be yielding benefits for him? 10 pounds in 2 weeks is actually pretty darn good.

>> No.13039777

>isn't it a bit immature to assume everyone would be better off trying drugs?
You're right. Everyone with an IQ at or above 120 should do drugs.

>> No.13039820
File: 178 KB, 600x602, 1570508121745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>isn't it a bit immature to assume everyone would be better off trying drugs?
"Drugs" are just medicine the government and corporations don't want you to have because they will either:
>eat into their profit margin
>decrease productivity

The term "drugs" itself is an umbrella derogatory term meant to instill irrational hatred in the public of any substance the government/corporations has banned for either of the two reasons cited above.

>> No.13039848

>10 pounds in 2 weeks
Said every person ever on a meme diet. You won’t sustain it and smart idea picking a diet that fucks with your kidneys after being an alcohol. Real genius.

>> No.13040564
File: 572 KB, 2270x1277, otter mode.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you want to kill a beer gut, swim more.

>> No.13040575

Heaven Williams