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File: 808 KB, 1320x1320, BT_PR_OOV_OO_OrganicExtraVirginOliveOil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13026532 No.13026532 [Reply] [Original]

What should I look for when buying olive oil?

>> No.13026542

You're fine with something not too expensive but not dirt cheap. Unless you are using it for bread dipping then go as high as you want.

>> No.13026550

>extra me olive oil

>> No.13026562

I understand the problem with dirt cheap ones, but why should one avoid expensive olive oil?

>> No.13026565

I disagree. If there is one thing you can't cut corners on it is olive oil.

>> No.13026574

this is wrong

this is correct. Go to your grocery store and pick out literally the most expensive bottle. It will likely be the best quality.

>> No.13026587


If you got the money and don't care go for it, I just have found I can do the same with a mid-range priced bottle. Maybe if we are talking about roasted root veggies or grilled whole birds. But I really don't see the need in a really expensive bottle for day to day use.

>> No.13026599

Just make sure it's from Italy. It will say on the bottle somewhere.

>> No.13026633


Even in extreme poverty there's two things you should never cut corners on: olive oil and coffee.

>> No.13026644

Lots of big olive oil shills here

>> No.13026648

and engine oil

>> No.13026653

avoid anything imported from italy unless it lists a specific region. Trader joes has a fantastic spanish olive oil under their name
First cold press
Make sure it costs a lot if you want to use it without heating it, like finishing salads or other dishes

>> No.13026667

it depends on the ultimate use. I would never use an expensive olive oil to fry a chicken cutlet in, and I would never use generic olive oil to dip bread in

>> No.13026707


>> No.13026791

Frankly, there are too many brands of olive oil. Everything would be much easier if only one producer would be authorised to sell it in the markets.

>> No.13026851

and buttplugs

>> No.13026855


>> No.13026892

Only buy California olive oil. All olive oil from Europe is cut with shit like palm kernel oil if it contains any olive oil at all. "Light" olive oil is 100% unrelated to olives in any way and should be avoided entirely. All "Italian" olive oil is imported from other countries and then relabeled as Italian and is probably half olive oil at best.

>> No.13026939

Anything labeled "organic" is much more likely to actually contain 100% olive oil

>> No.13026962

Unfortunately there is a difference. For masturbation purposes high quality olive oil is silky like a silicone lubricant. Cheap stuff is like jerking off with baby oil.

>> No.13026969


As someone who grew up dirt poor, a "Non corner cut" bottle of olive can cost like, 25-40 bucks.

That's like a week of food for 1 person if you're poor/frugal. Fuck that.

Wait til you have money in your bank before you start whipping out the heirloom olive oil or whatever.

>> No.13026997

>not using grapeseed oil
Fucking disgusting

>> No.13027061
File: 413 KB, 469x514, 1564484591736-k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't jerk off with cold pressed coconut oil

>> No.13027101


>> No.13027186

find one that resembles you so you know its really extra virgin

>> No.13027218
File: 86 KB, 1500x1500, 617jyGHn3ZL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all fucking garbage advice, which is par for the course here.

only good advice.

>> No.13027259

>destination series
fuck those oil jews and their schemes. what can I buy now that's actually from america?

>> No.13027263

No thanks, commie shill

>> No.13027455

I don't know how strict food regulations are in America, but here evoo bottles must specify where the olives used are from.

I'm sure it is in Italy, hence if the bottles are the same as here, Italian evoo is a good choiche.

But if you can't find Italian, just make sure it is legit *extra vergin* and you are good to go

>> No.13027457


>> No.13027883

it doesn't matter what it says on the bottle because the industry is run by the mafia and they lie.

>> No.13027915
File: 233 KB, 620x336, Yes.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13027944

Get the expensive stuff

>> No.13028324

Italian/greek olive oil in a metal can is the best. Dont skimp out a few bucks get the better one too.

>> No.13028473

>>13026532wow just wow
UCLA Davis will have most of the answers you are looking for
Aside from that find something you like and then a few more that you like for other occasions not just an everyday treat

>> No.13028492
File: 41 KB, 427x640, Monaci oil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My parents would always stock up on oil when they went to Italy and have enough to last the year. Everything else tasted like shit.

>> No.13028830

Trader joes kalamata has terrific value, its better than stuff 5x its price

>> No.13028946

Italians use italian brand so I'd think it's good but knowing Italy you can't be sure if they cut it with vegetable oil. Is there some way to find out if it's 100% olive oil? Any scientific studies on different brands?

>> No.13028957
File: 14 KB, 400x640, 977_full_400x640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone knows about this brand?

>> No.13028968

The bottle you posted is actually not California olive oil, they used to be but now it's all south American olive oil, note the word destination on the label.

>> No.13028975

Actually Italy's laws on olive oil specifically allow any olive oil that is imported into Italy to be exported as "Italian" olive oil.

>> No.13028979

get the bottle that says sunflower, you'll thank me later

>> No.13029018

I'm sure I'll live without silly priced experimental gesha lots every day.

>> No.13029345

>american olive oil

OK. If you're used to that shit you better not taste greek, italian or spanish olive oil or else you'd die.

>> No.13029348

IRL most italian premium olive oil is from Spain (Priego - Cordoba), which is the zone where the best olive oil comes from.

>> No.13029367

>knowing how to make olive oil
kek, eat your butter, fatass

>> No.13029490

actually that brand is considered to be the best you can get that you can find in most grocery stores. Of course, trader joes has better stuff imo

>> No.13029516

>greek, italian or spanish olive oil
All countries where olive oil production is run by organized crime and is cut with random garbage like palm kernel oil vegetable oil etc.

>> No.13029568

Not organic will probably be fake

>> No.13029615
File: 1.33 MB, 800x1200, licari-oil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u want this one!

>> No.13029618

>Believing that organic labels mean anything at all

>> No.13029632

You want a small amount in a dark green bottle. Both are for diminishing the taste loss over time.

>> No.13029681 [DELETED] 

Green is the worst color of glass for blocking light, it only blocks ~5% more than clear glass does. Olive oil is in green glass for entirely aesthetic reasons, if they wanted to keep it from light damage they would use brown or purple glass.

>> No.13029708

I disagree, but I can be convinced with a decent source for your information.

>> No.13029716

I guess it depends on the wavelengths in question.

>> No.13029727

We're not discussing beer though, so that source doesn't help me much I'm afraid.

>> No.13029769

The contents of the container does not change the properties of glass.

>> No.13029855

Did you have any information on olive oil or is all your info beer related? You do know beer and olive oil are two (very) different liquids, right?

>> No.13029923

If you actually looked at the fucking graphs in the pdf that I linked you would have seen that I was wrong about the % of light blocked by green glass and you could have moved on with your life.

>> No.13029930
File: 120 KB, 743x1500, Barbera Frantoia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always found this excellent. Just make sure to get the kind that says 'produced in Italy' rather than 'packaged in Italy' -- you want the exclusively Sicilian oil. Best I've had without getting into the really fancy stuff. Peppery, but not too strong or bitter.

>> No.13029972

No longer Californian and noticeably worse.

>> No.13030005


might as well just sue any other oil at that point, olive oil is nice but getting other food is nicer.

>> No.13030139

>sue oil
Do Americans really?

>> No.13030171

Wow, you sure you pull that out of your ass.

I never seen and evoo bottles from Spain in Italy in almost 30 years.

Tuscany, Apulia, Calabria and Liguria produce God tier evoo

>> No.13030183

Because Italy labels all olive oil that is imported and bottled in italy as italian olive oil.

>> No.13030299

Maybe it's a thing that happens to Americans, In Italan food regulations are very strict.
There are cheap brands of evoo that explicitely report, enforced by law, that the olive/oil used are from outside Italy.

It could happen, but not so often.

You have to be a really rare species of retard if you think that you can't find Italian evoo in Italy, where at least 5/20 of the state is famous for their olive production and oil.

Next time you'll try to argue that Eskimos import all of their ice?

stop posting bullshit, please

>> No.13030318

Fuck off dago. Your entire country is a fucking joke of corruption and incompetence, I would be surprised if you even can buy Italian olive oil in Italy.

>> No.13030320

Sourced from Mediterranean or California, but not Italy. That’s how you get legit olive oil, Italians only export diluted shit.

>> No.13030329


To be more precise, producer have to specify by law:
- Origin of the olive used
- Place where the olives were processed.

Other than that, the name "Extravergin olive oil" can be used only for oil produced *exclusively* by mechanical process (no chemical can be used)

Your president appeared on WWE and "Home Alone 2.
Keep talking about which country is a joke.
The whole world makes fun of you

>> No.13030337

Don't fucking buy it as long as you don't have contacts and can get it directly from the producers.
Pretty much every bottle of olive oil you can buy in stores is cut with different or lower quality oils. The entire fucking business is a gigantic racket.

>> No.13030345
File: 40 KB, 387x437, 1516895479537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t-trump! REEEEEEEE
keep coping

>> No.13030355

The other candidate was involved in pedo traffic, apparently

Your country is a joke, deal with it

>> No.13030365

Your country had old Bunga Bunga Berlusconi. I'm fairly certain he banged some underage hookers as well.

>> No.13030367
File: 31 KB, 378x378, sz6wdwxjjge21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uhh sweaty! Americans are like, so 2016

>> No.13030387

it was the exact copy of mr Donald, just less corrupted.
Imagine how bad things are in your country if you end up with a even worse copy of what you made fun of, as president

>> No.13030394

italian cope in between German bailouts

>> No.13030399

Italian olive oil is all mafia adulterated bullshit though

>> No.13030408
File: 75 KB, 300x720, olio-grezzo-naturale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from italy is vague. This is from Italy but made with dregs from various EU countries.

>> No.13030421

fuck that extra virgin shit. buy extra slutty whore

>> No.13030426

M8, I've got Merkel. I'm fucked enough already.
But don't pretend like the construction magnate turned investment banker turned media mogul Berlusconi is any less corrupt than the kike dick sucker from over the pond.

>> No.13030427

> American cope in between medical bills

>> No.13030452

It was way less. It had the whole judicial system actively against.

The worse things he did were some ad personam laws on media because of his television network.

It was really incompetent and corrupted for sure, but he's long gone and nowere near DT

>> No.13030479

>Work only 30 hours per week
>Still mad as fuck
What's your deal Italy

>> No.13030495

i highly recommend buying a bottle like this for olive oil, normal bottles become impossible to open with oily hands and buying this brand gets you some free oil

>> No.13030501

for one of those big 2 litter tins to go on sale

>> No.13030508

>clear glass
>olive oil

>> No.13030520

keep it out of sunlight, same with everything

>> No.13030536

Maybe if you average with unemployed people.
Standard full time contract in Italy are at minimum of 40 h/week

I'm curious of where did you get that from

>> No.13030585

Nobody can actually get full time contract jobs because your economy is shit and employers don't want to give benefits to anyone under 50.

>> No.13030601

If you have a technical degree or do manual job you get full time contract.
If you choose law school, modern literature or philosophy it's your fault you don't get a job.

I had full time in Italy as a computer engineer

>> No.13030639

Jesus christ are you a fucking turkroach?