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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13023835 No.13023835 [Reply] [Original]

Who eats this shit?

>> No.13023837

It's a pretty common recipe.

>> No.13023858

You know that mayonnaise is just oil, eggs, and vinegar?

>> No.13023864

Makes sense. All mayo is is egg yolk and oil and lemon or vinegar.

>> No.13023897

no it fucking isn't

>> No.13023899

Just search for "chocolate cake mayonnaise" and scream in agonized terror as the avalanche of results blows you the fuck out.

>> No.13023901

haef goukm hum fpr naeldig

>> No.13023906

do americans really?

>> No.13023909

>vinegar in my chocolate cake, yum!

>> No.13023915

What do you think activates sodium bicarbonate?

>> No.13023925

A little bit of sourness shouldn't be a problem. Sour cream cakes are awesome.

>> No.13023926
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>> No.13023930

Trump supporters. They will gobble up everything ;).

>> No.13023938

Would it be any more unhealthy than a normal cake? It's just oil instead of butter.

>> No.13023939

what sodium bicarbonate, the one already included in the cake mix?
I guess some other ingredient in the cake mix (cream of tartar or some shit)

>> No.13023973

Now dip your finger in cream of tartar and find out how it tastes (spoiler: vinegar).

>> No.13023992

it can even be slightly heathier, but it would probably have a much worse taste and texture.
Usually cake mixes are supposed to be prepared with melted butter. When you are baking something you can't substitute a fat rich in saturated fatty acids like butter (solid at room temperature) with an oil and expect it to turn out just as good.

>> No.13023997

but if you add vinegar to the already present cream of tartar you risk having an actually discernible tangy flavor

>> No.13024010

My family makes red velvet cake with baking soda and vinegar. It's actually really good and causes it to have nice big pockets in it and it's really fluffy but still moist.

>> No.13024479

>but it would probably have a much worse taste and texture
Chocolate mayonnaise cake is amazingly soft, fluffy, and delicious. I was skeptical too but it's really great. I guarantee you'd enjoy it.

>> No.13024490
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>> No.13024495

>mayo cake

>> No.13024496

Must be fake

>> No.13024521

this is a 100% purely flyover only-in-the-midwest kind of thing

>> No.13024523

I can't believe so many people on this board are uneducated on mayonnaise cake.

>> No.13024525

discovering america was mistake

>> No.13024527

Yeah, you'd think this is a cooking board.

>> No.13024542

my ex-gf mom would make velveeta brownies like it was something to be proud of

>> No.13024577


>> No.13024727

Boomers. My mother would make cakes like this from time to time. As odd as it sounds to mix mayo into chocolate cake, its surprisingly tasty.

>> No.13024729
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>> No.13024743

Have you ever heard of a wacky cake? They contain vinegar and are almost always chocolate-flavored.

>> No.13024781

>visits a cooking board
>knows fuck all about cooking
lmaoing at ur life

>> No.13024785
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>as odd as it sounds to mix oil and eggs into cake batter

>> No.13024854

Portillo's makes a famous chocolate cake, and they use mayo.

>> No.13024879
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I'll see your mayonnaise and raise you one mixed greens

>> No.13024885
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>> No.13024905

do americans really do this shit?

>> No.13024910

That actually sounds good.

>> No.13024911

Theres also chalk in your cake too, faggot.

>> No.13024915

>non-binary parental unit, I posted it again! Will you give non-gender specific familial affection now?

>> No.13024920

What, like chocolate cheese brownies?
I'm terrified but actually kinda wanna try those.

>> No.13025894

go back to your fast food thread cooklet

>> No.13025916

Lol. Inb4 /Pol/

>> No.13025928

Nope. It's Depression-era cooking when there was rationing of eggs.
Housewives found that mayo worked well in cakes and kept them moist.
My grandmother used to make this all the time and it tasted okay.

>> No.13025944

Is it from that time? I always assumed it was a 50s-60s discovery because grocery stores were finally basically everywhere.

>> No.13025962

Most 50s weird cooking shit has its derivations in the Great Depression. The Chicago hot dog was an attempt to give people a full meal from a hot god.
Goofy jello molds with shredded carrots & celery were to use up veggies that were going bad.

>> No.13025979
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>> No.13027011


As someone who comes to /ck/ to learn about food please inform me if this guy is actually a cooklet or you're baiting him, I genuinely don't know.

>> No.13027039

Sounds disgusting but I got a bunch of mayo I don't use in my fridge, a box of cake mix and nothing but olive oil

Considering the ingredients are mostly similar maybe it'll turn it alright subbed 1 for 1 on volume

>> No.13027041

Reminds me of that stretch of 95 through NC/SC that is nothing but advertisements for Glory canned vegetables. Their collards are pretty great in a pinch.

>> No.13027043

Acids are used in soda leavened cakes. Multiple types of acid can be useful because they can activate sodium bicarbonate at different stages. There isn't enough vinegar in mayonnaise to make a difference unless you're using too much mayonnaise. It's used to make emulsification easier, not for flavour, although it does in fact add flavour to the mayonnaise.

>> No.13027050

pretty sure Jack did this in a video

>> No.13027053

The small amount of vinegar from the mayo is not going to be obviously noticeable in that particular recipe.

>> No.13027058

You'll learn nothing about cooking from /ck/ - or at least little about turning whole foods into a greater sum than the parts.
90% of the threads celebrate this or that corporate packaged obeseogenic food made by some bean counter

>> No.13027068

Spoiler: Mayo is just eggs and oil. Mayo is just fucking 'non-fancy' aeoli

Also Spoiler: Guess what naturally goes great in a cake? Yup, eggs and oil.

Sorry you have to accept that fact.

>> No.13027120

No, they're serious. Leavening, or rise in baked goods like cakes that do not use yeast is produced by subjecting sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), an alkaline, to an acid. There must also be a liquid component to the batter for it to occur. The white vinegar in commercial mayonnaise may not be the most delicious acid to activate the bubble action of the sodium bicarbonate, but it'll work fine. Boxed cake mixes usually contain baking powder, which is comprized of sodium bicarbonate, a dry acid powder (like cream of tartar) and cornstarch (to prevent clumping and premature mixing of the two in humid atmospheric conditions. Literally, just add water to activate the CO2 bubble reaction of bicarb + acid.

So because cakes do not use high-gluten flours which were kneaded to encourage elastic CO2 bubble-trapping action with the yeast fermentation action (breads), the frozen-in-time airy crumb texture of chemically leavened baked goods of cakes rely on eggs in the mixture to hold the gas pockets in the matrix.

Fats in batter make a cake moist and denser. Egg whites provide structure, egg yolks provide richness and density, they both fulfill the role of moisture. There are a lot of ingredients that overlap chemical requirements for the sciency part to work out, so you'll end up being able to use lots of random interesting replacement ingredients if you're clever.

t. erstwhile commercial baker

>> No.13027510


5 star post

>> No.13027517

>these are the average posters on /ck/ judging you

>> No.13027711

Jello molds came into prominence as a form of conspicuous consumption with the rise of home refrigeration.

>> No.13027726


is it true the best way to make boxed cake mix is replace the oil with butter, water with milk, and add an extra egg? how about replacing some of the mix with pudding powder like ragussa says?

>> No.13027739

Lmao just bake the fucking cake bigot!

>> No.13028166

Replacing some of the cake mix with pudding powder won't necessarily make the finished product better. You're really just adding sugar and some cornstarch (a pack of pudding mix is ~4/5th sugar).

>> No.13028216
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>> No.13028285

ck.... if you're posting here... and you think making a cake with mayo is in anyway disgusting.... you probably shouldn't be here. you faggots call yourselves cooking enthusiasts. do you really think it makes the cake taste like mayo? its just a regular fucking cake but more moist. god damn brainlet zoomer retards.

>> No.13028293

A long time ago when Ja/ck/ made a mayo cake I tried explaining to them that mayo is made up of the same ingredients that go into a cake anyway. I guess if you don't actually understand what mayo is made from you'll be repulsed by it but it's hard to get people to listen when they think you're eating a cake that tastes like mayo.

>> No.13028424
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Mayo cake
That's racest.

>> No.13028449

>Coming to/ck/ to learn about food
Anon, i...

>> No.13028459

>doesn’t know what red velvet is

>> No.13028918

... in the land of the free.