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12998338 No.12998338 [Reply] [Original]

why do americans have to add sugar to everything?

>> No.12998346
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>> No.12998361
File: 96 KB, 960x720, Pure-Leaf-Line-of-Teas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless you've been in a coma since 1993 you'd immediately recognize that the blue outline is clearly the particular flavor of this iced tea brand (which I don't think I've even ever tried). Sweet tea is a Southern US thing.

>> No.12998406

>Sweet tea is a Southern US thing

It is. but the big brand bottled shit like pure leaf or arizona or brisk taste nothing like what is actually normally consumed in the south. As a southerner that drinks too much sweet tea, they honestly taste like a different drink altogether.

Also yes many places have bad tea that should otherwise be good based on locale and clientele but for whatever reason, the tea is shit. Also, oddly enough, Mexican restaurants tend to have good sweet tea in the south, at least in my experience. The usual thing they fuck up is they use too much sugar.

>> No.12998461

Actually the "southern" version of Pure Leaf is purple labeled, 'Extra Sweet Tea'.
It's as gross as it sounds.

>> No.12998468

How do I make good, authentic Southern sweet tea at home, bhagwan? What makes a sweet tea good?

>> No.12998513

Use enough sugar to make the tea sweet but not cloying, and use more tea instead of trying to steep the tea you have for longer. Unless it's an herbal/green/white tea with low tannins, in which case it's hard to mess up. But classic black tea will be disgusting and unfixable if you steep it for too long.

>> No.12998573


>> No.12998660

This is probably pretty true. I used to steep my tea pretty long when i made my own and didnt really like it. My gf at one time made tea by microwaving water to boiling point and dumping it on some ice cubes and a tea bag with some sugar added. It wasnt good tea, but it beats syrupy shit the big brands push out/

>> No.12998710

>authentic Southern sweet tea at home

get a big 2 gallon glass jug
put about 4 cups of white sugar in it
about 15 Lipton tea bags
fill it up with water
put it on the porch in the sun for the day
give it some stirs through the day to dissolve the sugar.
By evening you have "authentic" southern sweet tea

If you're a Florida heathen, you might add some cut up lemons

>> No.12998978
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>> No.12998997


>> No.12999649
