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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12982439 No.12982439 [Reply] [Original]

what are some food you crave the most when high?

>> No.12982442

rice with fermented tofu
frozen berries

>> No.12982444


>> No.12982451
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Mother fucking these

>> No.12982459


>> No.12982460

Whatever food causes the most cancer, since I’ll be immune.

>> No.12982462


>> No.12982464

Fried chicken

>> No.12982465

Haha bro

>> No.12982469

Wow you said the thing! Epic!

>> No.12982595
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>> No.12982598

God I miss weed

>> No.12982604
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>> No.12982606

420 YALL WHO 420 HERE? (only cool guys will understand)

>> No.12982631

spicy shrimp instant noodles and iced tea
which is coincidentatly my dinner tonight

>> No.12982661

Look mommy I posted another weed thread

>> No.12982740

Bro no joke fucking nachos man. Swear to god I get doritos sometimes fritos and put some shredded cheese on top with some jalapenos and beans, some tostitos salsa. Dude throw that shit in the microwave for a minute then top with sour cream and some tostitos salsa. I also will sometimes use sriracha and ranch drizzled on top and just fuckin go to town on a whole plate of it though. I have foods that I pair with entertainment though so lately I've been doing that while watching Adult Swim, and like only eat Chipotle when I know I want to watch some fuckin the Office, shit is so funny. I much out when I RIP sativa mostly like green crack or blue dream but usually just pass the fuck out when I hit an indica

>> No.12982750

Your attempt at satire is noted

>> No.12982751

Ma Po Tofu
Healthy pancakes
Rice drenched with curry sauce
and my peanus weanus of course

>> No.12982756


>> No.12982814

>Still having a stigma against weed

Fuck off grandpa

>> No.12982867

Alternating sweet and savory. I inevitably end up going to peanut butter for a middle ground.

>> No.12982927

Mcnuggest with bbq sauce
Fish fingers on bread with blairs orginal death sauce
Chocolate cake

>> No.12982992

Peanut butter and jam for me

>> No.12982996

Kimchi fried rice

>> No.12983044

Anything. I just get hungry.

>> No.12983108

Blooming onions and ribs

>> No.12983118

Ill stigma dick in your mouth, whippersnapper

>> No.12983184

Doritos. Not just any kind of Doritos, there's some that are endemic to Mexico called Pizzerola. I fucking adore those things.

>> No.12983205

Salt vinnegar Chips

>> No.12983207

All of them.

>> No.12983212

It does cure cancer.

>> No.12983213

I love gummy candy. I'll eat gummy worms until I got an upset stomach.

>> No.12983219

Anything fatty and savory. Cheesy steak fries are my favorite.

>> No.12983359

dimsum, all kinds

>> No.12984468

Sometimes I’ll take a pop tart and spread peanut butter and jelly on it

>> No.12984496

Sometimes I lose my appetite. For me it's probably a cup of instant coffee, or booze.
I'd love to see an end to "what foods do you eat when X" threads. Don't pretend that this isn't off topic, otherwise we'd have to put up with vape threads and the like.

>> No.12984860


>> No.12985136

I agree with peanut butter and chocolate cake.

>> No.12985225

Yeah had spicy chili with gouda on sweet raisin bread once and it's my fave sandwich combo. Was high af and didn't realize I used the sweet raisin loaf instead of the sourdough. Happy mistaje, tastes so good even sober. Reminded me of this chick whose mom made these weird spicy meatballs with pine nuts and raisins in them. Hated those though.

>> No.12985283

oreos and milk damn fuck

>> No.12985297

Same anon. But it just makes you so void of goals and energyless.

I switched to the ocassional beer/wine.

>> No.12985315

Fruit and cheese

>> No.12985334

None because I stopped trying to be cool after Junior High school

>> No.12985339

Weed is not cool, it's just self medication for depressed losers line myself.

>> No.12985341

your kind needs to be culled

>> No.12985418
File: 12 KB, 224x216, images(8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up, Reddit.

>> No.12986256

brb bois, hitting the big J now.

>> No.12986265

Why do low iq alcoholics thinks they’re cool for posting this?

>> No.12986281

>uhhh le reddit!!11
Holy shit throw yourself in front of a speeding train IMMEDIATELY you fat fucking neckbeard

>> No.12986336

>calling out fat neckbeards on the 4chan cooking board

>> No.12986351
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who knows.

>> No.12986354

people who smoke are almost always so angry when others call them worthless morons who can't live without their crutch. man, is it ever pathetic - can't they just take a little banter?

>> No.12986362

>ignorant retards keep spouting the same ignorant generalizations and high five eachother like they won a parliament seat in their idiocracy
Gee I don't know why they would be upset at all.

>> No.12987385

I second this. I know it was an attempt to sarcastically make fun of stoners, but it fell way short. You need to be a halfway decent writer to succeed in making a comedic post.

>> No.12987471


>> No.12987484

I agree. Stoners are actually the smartest people in history. Anyone saying weed is has negative impacts is against based TRUMP. We will use their bones are mortar for the wall.

>> No.12987505

Usually chinese food or carby shit.

>> No.12987515



>> No.12987668

Sweet + salty and tons of it.

>> No.12987674

I keep trying to find the nuts they make covered in the fuego powder. They were so good I wish I could find them.

>> No.12987736

don't really crave anything in particular

when i was a a poor student university all i could really eat that didn't require any cooking was cold, uncooked porridge with milk, and i ended up loving it so much that it became my default way to eat porridge

>> No.12987763

This basically

>> No.12988092
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I dont know if it actually tastes different from red but it tastes better when high.

>> No.12988099

Beef stew

>> No.12988102

Wow you smoke that plant! Epic!

>> No.12988119
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Space alien cats know.

>> No.12988487

because blue is the best flavor, dumby

>> No.12988550

Turkey n cheese sandwiches, burgars, fries, the breakfast sampler from IHOP, 50 piece chicken nuggets, and pasta of pretty much every popular style, from carbonara to spaghet, and from hamburger to tuna helper.

>> No.12988596

Raw stuff like cucumber, carrots, jicama, radishes with lime juice, salt, tajin, and hot sauce.
Or fatty and sweet stuff like donuts.

>> No.12990171
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>weed is has negative impacts

>> No.12991938
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