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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12947492 No.12947492 [Reply] [Original]

>constantly drinking bitter mud water (coffee) while pretending to enjoy it

>> No.12947509

>enjoying things

>> No.12947511

my coffee isn't bitter maam. It tastes really good maam.

>> No.12947514

If you don't like it then don't drink it.

>> No.12947529

>not drinking coffee just for the stimulate effect

>> No.12947792

are you transgender or something?

>> No.12947822
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>getting mad over coffee
the 17th century called, they want their moral panic back

>> No.12947828

>being a retarded weeb

>> No.12947846
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>I don't like it so everybody else must just be pretending

>> No.12947848

You have to be 18 to post here, even on blue boards.

>> No.12947858

Based coffee working this tasteless simp into a seethe

>> No.12947888

post tits

>> No.12947898

>constantly posting unrelated cartoon images because you're a social inadequate and your life is worthless

>> No.12947926
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>> No.12947944
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Tea is superior.

>> No.12947964

gb2 SA, goon

>> No.12948015
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I have recently started calling it Camellia Sinensis bathwater.

>> No.12948154

I enjoy the massive dump after the most.

>> No.12948677

>not injecting straight caffeine into your veins

>> No.12948683
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>continue drinking literal grass juice (tea) and unironically enjoying it


>> No.12948686

Fuck off weeb

>> No.12948722

Where is this anime girl from

>> No.12948743
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Coffee is for cookie cutters

>> No.12948990

Boku no Pico

>> No.12949138

>Bitter mud water

That means you scorched the coffee, you fucking mental defective.

Maybe wait for the water to come to the right temperature instead of pouring boiling water over the grounds.

>> No.12949143
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>constantly espousing conservative beliefs while pretending they aren’t wrong

>> No.12950559

It's just you that has been drinking mud m8

>> No.12950585

Your post is actually a major reason for the decline of the left imo, it’s the arrogance. The lefty doesn’t consider the right to be an opposing view point. Rather than seeing a political spectrum and dichotomy they see a fight against evil where they are ironically permitted to use whatever hypocritical means necessary to win. The right winger can actually ascertain and dissect the lefty’s beliefs while the left can only hope to throw shade.

>> No.12950594
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>> No.12950771

source on the girl pls

>> No.12950778

>i-is that a female girl?

>> No.12950786

no I just like anime

>> No.12951835

Coffee isn't supposed to taste bitter

>> No.12952080
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>pretending to enjoy it
Fuck off
At this point my morning cup is literally the only thing I look forward to in the morning before I have to wagecuck. It's the one and only thing that brings me the slightest semblance of peace of mind, if only for a few minutes.
The toilets clogged in this world of shit.

>> No.12952102

Anime girls are 10x better than these female things

>> No.12952108
File: 69 KB, 746x757, apukaffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not enjoying your coffee with a little hot chocolate powder and plenty milk

Bad form.

>> No.12952109
File: 55 KB, 640x520, stop putting that fucking cat on everything.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this picture is irony as an art form. absolutely exquisite, it will be in museum wings dedicated to the 21st century. bravo

>> No.12952111
File: 271 KB, 1079x1463, Screenshot_20190921-004522_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shhhh no talkie until coffee.

>> No.12952774

based child-pallette poster

>> No.12952905

>stop liking what i don't like!

>> No.12953056
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>> No.12953100

but most coffee drinkers don't enjoy it either?
they drink it because they're addicted and can't function without it.

>> No.12953177

And you say this based on what exactly?

>> No.12954609
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haha you are stupid haha

>> No.12954619

they arent pretending to enjoy it anymore
they built up an addiction over time so now they cant function without it
its like a crackhead taking his first hit of the day

>> No.12954625

Who the fuck told a child-palated dork like you that you can speak in the name of coffee drinkers?

>> No.12954634

get help bro its not too late to save yourself

>> No.12954652
File: 155 KB, 550x805, coffee_facts_and_figures-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your gimmick is not working.

>> No.12954662


>> No.12954663
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I want a girl to look at me like that. That mix of arousal and disgust... Is there any better look than that?

>> No.12954672

there are a lot more factors to death, heart disease, cancer, stroke diabetes, respiratory and kidney disease than how many cups of coffee you drink per day.

>> No.12954683

>Meme black drinkers
Chocolate is bitter as shit until you make it delicious with milk or whatever. Coffee with cream and sugar is delicious and goes great with pastries and breakfast. it's only bitter if you're drinking it black like a meme Lord.

>> No.12954751

Your aversion to bitterness doesn't make the millions of black coffee drinkers worldwide "meme lords".

>> No.12954763


>> No.12954765

>Man, this tastes like shit, I love it!
People who like bitter things are fucking retarded.

>> No.12954777
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coffee is for drug addict losers
me? I drink hot chocolate

>> No.12954786

The whole point is that it doesn't taste like shit to those who drink it, you stupid faggot. Not our fault you haven't grown out of having the taste buds of a child scared of slight bitterness.

>> No.12954812

except this is exactly what the right does as well, it doesn't see a political spectrum it see's right and wrong, and typically they add "God" to their justifications even though their representatives keep getting caught with gay lovers. Meanwhile every time a democrat gets in trouble it's for fucking women

>> No.12954815

This is what the meme Lord does, when confronted with his stupidity: he resorts to accusations of either youth or immaturity. At the tender age of 18, he tells people on the internet that they're just not sophisticated adults like him.
It's okay, kid, I did the same thing when I was your age. Eventually you learn that life's too short to torture yourself so you can think that people think you're cool.

>> No.12954825

I drink black coffee in the intimacy of my home. People from all paths of life have black coffee, absolutely none of which give a shit what child-palated dorks like you think. Go stuff your face with popsicles and gummy bears now.

>> No.12954834

I'll do that. You go chug vinegar and munch on that Finnish lye flavored liquorice.

>> No.12955103

>constantly taking dicks up the ass and guzzling cum until your stomach bursts

>> No.12955321
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Fuck you. That is all

>> No.12955398

> zoe ludicrously OP for quite a while, huge pickrate
> as soon as she's nerfed pickrate goes down the shitter

hope the same thing happens to pyke

>> No.12955443

please somebody tell me the name of the anime, reverse search gives me nothing

>> No.12955514

use trace.moe

>> No.12955679

thanks m8

>> No.12955709

>drinking the watery negro
Disgusting junkies
A man of culture

>> No.12955746
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>be 23 next week
>never even tasted coffee or tea
Am I missing out much

>> No.12955782

not really.

>> No.12956006

You're missing the joy and freedom of life. The simple fact that you abstained from these beverages shows a deeper problem, like you haven't grown up yet, or are tightly bound by the chains that your parents made.

Drink some coffee, or some whiskey, smoke a cigarette. Take this symbolic first step on the road to freedom, not searching for hedonistic pleasures, but for your true destiny. You can't ve free unless you kill your parents.

>> No.12956054
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life is austere training.

>> No.12956058

I'm sure I'm going to kill myself one day. I hope I never have a girlfriend or wife, because I'll kill myself anyway and that will just make her sad.

>> No.12956067

>I hope I never have a girlfriend or wife, because I'll kill myself anyway
you sure it's not because you are a pathetic incel, unable to attract a woman?

>> No.12956072
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absolutely based and hot chocolate-pilled

>> No.12956077

That's a symptom, not the cause. I'm just hoping I never meet some basketcase who will take me anyway. I want the impact of my death to be minimal.

>> No.12956450
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>> No.12956582

Chocolate can be considered a drug by the same definition coffee can, dumb manchild.

>> No.12956587
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delusional addict
get some help you pathetic failure

>> No.12956617

>Chocolate contains several biologically active constituents (methylxanthines, biogenic amines, and cannabinoid-like fatty acids), all of which potentially cause abnormal behaviors and psychological sensations that parallel those of other addictive substances.
You're a clueless retarded AND have the palate of a child. Chocolate even has CAFFEINE itself, you retard. Also coffee drinkers are likely to be healthier than you: >>12954652

>> No.12956622
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>if it has a long name it must be a drug
wow who would have guess drug addicts would be uneducated too

>> No.12956636

>n-not a real drug because it shatters my retarded cope
Nope, it's a drug because it fits the definition by which caffeine can be considered a drug. And again, chocolate contains caffeine itself.
Seethe, fattie.