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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12888529 No.12888529[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Let’s sprinkle some nutritional yeast on this chia seed sludge and eat it.

>> No.12888595

Carnitards be like: cancer and heart attack.

>> No.12888601

How is yeast vegan

>> No.12888685

The argument is if it lacks a central nervous system it is ok to eat it. Otherwise they wouldn’t be able to eat anything, basically all vegetables have living bacteria and yeast on them.

Veganism is a mental disorder.

>> No.12888701

Nootch is really good though.
Chia pudding is a fucking meme, it's gross

>> No.12888977

Why don't vegans eat oysters then, when they don't have central nervous systems?

>> No.12888987

Because they're large enough to be recognized as a living being by their arbitrary standard

>> No.12889013

Stay btfo broccoli faggot

>> No.12889125


>> No.12889169

And cacao nibs!

>> No.12889312

Hey! Stfu, I hate vegans and love cocoa nibs. They are my go to binge snack since I quit smoking.

>> No.12889387

Some vegans do.
>but then they're not vegan
They don't give a shit what people like you think.

>> No.12889422

look, most vegans are ideologues, they put an idea about themselves and food above objective reality. the truth is moving towards a more plant centered diet, more whole foods, and less processed foods, is absolutely the way to go. some foods that are raw and/or vegan are fabulous.
refried beans
salads with vinagrette dressing
chips salsa
spanish rice
lentil soup
so just reduce meat by 33%, add more wonderful tasty veggies like artichokes, asparagus, brussel sprouts, get some extra virgin olive oil, try making whole grain dishes, try sprouted breads

>> No.12889425

Cant we just recognize that a mix of meat and vegetables are the best.
Roast chicken with potatoes and carrots for example.
Or a simple hamburger with cucumber (or pickles) a nice salad and maybe a tomato slice.
Chop Suey with the chicken and broccoli, some chestnuts and other good things.
Why must we discuss how retarded people are, cant we just discuss food?

>> No.12889428

cacao nibs are amazing. if you tolerate sugar, you can stuff them in a date. and, they dont melt so you can hike with them or put them in your car. anyone who doesnt acclimate to them is a weakling. alpha males can eat nibs all day long.

>> No.12889501

Fuck off carnist centrist attempting to compromise. You picked your blood slaked, rotting flesh slagged teeth position when you decided torturing animals was a pleasurable experience. You're literally worse than a cigarette smoker.

>> No.12889514

I mean, even as a carnivore I would not eat any fish that I got with your bait.

>> No.12889515
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*At least the animals are happy

>> No.12889799
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Did you say heart attack?

>> No.12889817
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Good because we also don't give a fuck about vegans.

Disclaimer- I do experience lols each time an vegan dies in a new funny way.

>> No.12889868 [DELETED] 

I have your personal information Toothless

>> No.12890719

Audible kek a

>> No.12891144

Sounds good, I should try this.

>> No.12891929

Refried beans and Spanish rice cooked without lard are awful and flavorless. Lentil soup without stock made from ham hocks is a fucking travesty and you should feel ashamed for suggesting it.

>> No.12891951

>Spanish rice
That's make with chicken stock you retard and refried beans traditionally have lard in them

>> No.12891956

carnists be like "let's add a shit-ton of spices and herbs to this flavourless hunk of animal flesh in order to make it edible"

>> No.12891957

t. 7 year old

>> No.12891958

yeast is a fungus.

>> No.12891966

If vegans cared about fellow human beings half as much as they white knight fucking cows and chickens, the world would be a much better place.

>> No.12891974

Oh yes, the environment is awful because vegans aren’t eating enough meat to take up so much land to pollute

>> No.12891975

it's weird because the only things that have ever hurt my anus were plant foods.
i'm pretty sure meat and dairy are quite fully digestible so they don't leave much poop residue at all

>> No.12892054

vegans be like "lets make remake this thing we hate but made with beans or soy instead so we can spice it up the same way carnists do"

>> No.12892107
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Tried this shit once because we had it in house and I wanted an excuse to flirt with the vegan waitress, the entire next day I had bubble guts for 9 hours accompanied by the most horrendous smelling sharts I've ever produced in my entire life, I was physically repulsed by my own body running to the bathroom every fifteen minutes to see if I blasted greasy mist inside my pants again (I just threw away my underwear at the beginning of my shift).

>> No.12892114
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Meant this

>> No.12892230
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Maybe they call it "impossible" because it will be impossible for these vegan zombies to be healthy if they consume these ultra-processed chemical slop "burgers."

Vegans are coming to terms with sacrificing their health, (due to the deficient vegan diet) "for the animals" and their antifa cult.

>> No.12892262

Fungi are not vegan though, only plants are vegan

>> No.12892377

Are you joking?

If anything, vegans use more spices than anyone to masquerade the horrible taste of their food.

As for me, only salt is enough. All else is optional.

>> No.12892422

I ate vegan tacos at an event and proceeded to have indigestion and bloating for almost a week. Never eating vegan shit again.