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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12868384 No.12868384 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>loved carrots my whole life
>realize how easy it is to eat them
>just grate the carrots and eat them with salt and lemon juice
>starts eating it almost everyday for two months
>literally the best part of the meal, God I love carrots so much
>read online that eating too much carrots can turn you orange
>founds out that one carrot per day is enough to let you orange
>I stop eating carrots everyday
>“I tell you the truth, anon—this very night, before the rooster crows, you will deny three times that you even know me.”
I betrayed the carrots God, anons, how do I cope with this feeling? My faith wasn't strong enough

>> No.12868388

you'd do a lot better in life is you weren't a faggot frogposter
autism go home >>>/r9k/

>> No.12868404

who cares if you turn orange just eat your carrots

>> No.12868408

If someone asks you why you're orange, just tell them you're a quarter Oompa Loompa and call them a bigot.

>> No.12868423

orange man bad

>> No.12868553

That place is full of racists and potential shooters, I just want to eat carrots with my /ck/ friends

>> No.12868586

Try to use carrots with orange juice. Had it with lemon today and its just mäh

>> No.12868597

>one carrot per day is enough to let you orange
>let you orange

>> No.12868604

Just go orange look what it did for trump

>> No.12868616

If you hear people murmuring about your color, just tell them you're a late-stage alcoholic.

>> No.12868624

Just let your penus orange and not the rest

>> No.12868634

Orange you glad they let you too?

>> No.12868678

Haha dad you're the best, love you dad :)

>> No.12868681

I’d like to see how orange a man could get on carrots

>> No.12868715

English is my fourth language, forgive me dear anglo gods

orange + orange(carrot) = 0
orange(carrot) = -orange
(orange(carrot))/orange = (-orange)/orange
carrot = -1
Maybe this will anulate the effect, thank you for the ideia, I'll try it tomorrow

>> No.12868733

I'm not a filthy angloid thank god, your english is fine though don't worry I'm just memeing around

>> No.12868742

grated with salt and lemon, that does sound quite nice, maybe even a light seasoning. I gotta get like that. Carrots are feelgood food.

>> No.12868748
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>Maybe this will anulate the effect, thank you for the ideia, I'll try it tomorrow
And OP turns instant whie AF. Nobel price incumming for you

>> No.12868767

wise men have died trying

>> No.12869014
File: 96 KB, 1280x720, index not impressed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you got me pretty curious op so i spent a while researching this because you said 1 carrot per day which I knew was low balling
not a lot of information around but sources all say like 20mg-40mg per day over two week or so to even start the effect mildly
15mg of betacarotene supplement pills are available with directions of 1 per day, marketed as tanning tablets with the full knowledge that people are going to double or triple that
carrots have an average of 6mg
so 3 average sized carrots you might be able to get a mild glow if you did it for a significant amount of time
apparently the supplements are used at times as high as 10 pills a day (150mg) by people with some conditions without turning orange, but it might have to do with how they absorb it I think
then I realized, to start doing that they'd have to see a doctor, and you found out about this from someone you likely showed your hands to

this raised a question to me

anon, as you sure you didn't simply stain your hands while grating the carrots?
>One of the most obvious choices for creating a natural orange dye is carrots. The carrots should be shredded to expose as much surface as possible. It takes about one pound of carrots boiled in water to dye one pound of fabric a rich orange.

>> No.12869086

It's a good observation but I didn't turn orange yet thanks to my chad italian/spanish/nordic/black/mapuche (not necessarily in this order) mestizo genes, but I didn't want to play with the wrath of the carrots god so I run away as fast as I could, he would feel my fear and make me permanently orange as punishment for my lack of faith.
I struggled to find sources too, but I eat BIG carrots, and I didn't know that there are people mocking him taking pills
Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing

>> No.12869208

And I found out about carotenosis because I was aware of the existence of hypervitaminosis and went to research if there was a problem with vitamin A from carrots, and while there is a problem with vitamin A, it doesn't happen by eating carrots alone, but from supplements, then I discovered about the orange thing

>> No.12869221

One a day is definitely not enough. You read that somewhere stupid.

>> No.12869222

>just grate the carrots and eat them with salt and lemon juice
nice. i usually just add some vinegar but it gives it a nice sweet/sour combo that's pretty tasty. just make sure you finely grate them, raw carrot that's too thick gets annoying to eat because of how long it takes to chew.

>> No.12869236

The only person I've ever known that did turn orange was an old hippie who worked at the health food store who drank crazy copious amounts of carrot juice all day every day for years, and he did in fact turn orange. He backed off the consumption a bit and is no longer as orange as he used to be, so you should be fine with your grated carrot snacking. Enjoy, Anon, and don't fret.

>> No.12869242
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yeah you gotta be careful with fat soluble vitamins, water soluble more or less just get urinated out if you overdose on them (its possible to
just remember a d e and k or "a dek"
usually thats caused by over use of supplements, often by old people trying to be 'extra healthy' without a proper understanding
not always the case though
I hadn't realized a large carrot is over double the daily value, it very well could be dangerous long term

this is a particularly interesting situation

>the tolerable upper level of vitamin A intake for a healthy adult human: 10,000 IU
>1 cup grated carrot 110g - 18,376.6 IU
I really never thought of carrots as dangerous before, it's a good thing the body is resilient because I used to eat about a pot of carrots a week
i did see something about carotene counter acting vitamin A which seemed interesting but sadly I don't remember where I saw that and closed everything after I thought you just stained your hands like a dumbass

>> No.12869244

actually no I tried to find it and I must have misread 'converting' while skimming around for orangeman info

>> No.12869291

You dont happen to be my 4th grade teacher eh Mr.Jones?
Mother fugger told us a story how he was in college and drank like 200 oz of ornage products in a day becuase he just had a wild craving and his skin turned kinda ornage yellow.

Thanks Mr.Jones also for letting us play games on your ps1 when we were good.
You badass

>> No.12869349

You don't have any /ck/ friends.

>> No.12869418

How old are you? Cause if youre over 18 you shouldn’t be this stupid. You can only OD on vitamin/minerals in supplement form. You literally can’t if you’re getting it from real whole food sources. I dare you to find me even 1 single study ever that shows someone suffering negative effects from Whole Foods. You can’t and won’t. You only ever suffer the risk of having too much of you supplement.

>> No.12869425


>> No.12869428

eat your fucking carrots you fucked up skin freak. maybe you can join a circus as the human rabbit you fuck

>> No.12869439


I will try vinegar too, but the grate thing is real, once I read that some germans eat carrots as if it was a fruit, I tried once but it took so long to chew that I remembered of an article of a scientific american magazine that I read where the guy argued that humans discovered fire before they start hunting, or else they wouldn't have time to hunt since they would spend 1/3 of the day chewing, and if I remember correctly, he had tested it by eating chimpanzee food

I hope you are right

I've never saw YouTube videos of "diseases" but I really liked this one, I didn't knew about vitamin A "countering" vitamin D

Not me

Yes I have and you are one of them <3

Only if you sign up as the clown

>> No.12869458

if you say so anonymous guy on the internet, i'll certainly take your convenient health advice as an explanation as to why i'm not dead
its pretty hard to get people to sign up to get vitaminosis on purpose for a study though

I'm not nutritionist obviously, but you might not be able to get it from wholefoods if you define as unprocessed plants, I don't know any better that way.
but you certainly can if you eat certain animal livers, specifically arctic animals
the most famous example, polar bear's liver, contains between 24,000 and 35,000 IU per gram, compared to a carrot having 168 IU per gram

>> No.12869469

>once I read that some germans eat carrots as if it was a fruit, I tried once but it took so long to chew
It probably works better if you do it with stuff that was harvested earlier. It's like with celery, the outer stalks are usually really tough and fibrous but the inner smaller stalks don't have much fiber.

>> No.12869472

That’s an insane out of touch example. No one is eating fucking polar bear liver on a daily basis. My point was there’s absolutely no way you can OD on carrots. And again I want to see a study showing people ODing thx to organ meats. Every study ever done uses supplements to show dilaterious effects. Show me a study please.

>> No.12869493

>google pictures of people who ate too much carrot
>only photoshopped results and pictures or doland trump
Yeah I'm going to call bullshit, just eat carrots if you like them dude.

>> No.12869495

inuits eat arctic animals like seal on a daily basis and don't eat the livers
google a study if you want one yourself I don't really give a shit

theres reasons to not eat regular farm animal livers every day that are well documented

>> No.12869500

Add worcestershire sauce too

>> No.12869504

youd have to eat much more than that. if youre so paranoid, take a pic of yourself every friday to see if youre turning slightly orange, THEN stop if its noticable. I have no facts to back this up, but I think youd need to eat several pounds of carrots a day to make even a small difference.

>> No.12869506

Carrots don't even contain Vitamin A, they contain beta-carotene, which is why they *might* turn you orange if you're bad at converting carotene into Vitamin A.
Vitamin A is safe to take as a supplement of 100 000 IU per day as long as you're not deficient in Vitamin D. The main issue with high intakes of Vitamin A is that it can exacerbate a Vitamin D deficiency, and Vitamin D deficiency is pretty widespread.

>> No.12869514

Especially if you don't leave home

>> No.12869536

There’s no studies you retard that’s my point. And if an entire family is eating an animal there is barerly any liver to go around for all of them. And the Inuit definitely no longer eat seal daily and in fact never did. They would fast and have stored meat for long periods. Definitely not eating liver on a daily basis that’s for sure.

>> No.12869544

Have you ever considered applying oil to the carrots, throwing it into some hot oil (not too much you fat fuck), frying it on high heat for about 5-7 minutes, and then applying your salt and citric acid combo?

>> No.12869549

I literally just googled it and it's right there
why are you even doing this

>> No.12869550

It’s funny because
>orange you glad they let you too
Was just a weird shitty play on words and you thought he was judging your bad english

>> No.12869566

This is absolutely true, when my sister was young her favorite baby food was carrot and she literally started to turn orange. Started with her nose and face, don't overdo carrots.

>> No.12869584

No because I don't want to be a fat fuck

>> No.12869758

Post it you liar

>> No.12869768
File: 177 KB, 849x594, 1474684711479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never understood how newfags got misconstrued and tricked into thinking pepe stood for anything. It's just a meme, man. There is no great following or deeper meaning to it.

>> No.12869824

Rinse the carrots a few times after you shred them. You’ll literally see the carotene coming out

>> No.12869836

>won't roast vegetables because vegetables have to be low calorie or they aren't worth it

sounds like you are a fat fuck lol

raw carrots are good too though

>> No.12869875

of course it doesn't mean anything, it's just the standard choice of image for limp dick autists and manchildren who make threads like this

>> No.12869879

See, it was fun while it lasted, for about a month after people started posting the feel good man pictures. Then it just became obnoxious. You've just become obnoxious.

>> No.12869890
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>> No.12869895

>read online that eating too much carrots can turn you orange
But you are them your whole life and it never happened.
You're clearly not at risk.

>> No.12869906


>> No.12869973

It takes more than 1 carrot a day and its different depending on your height and weight and overall how your body handles beta carotenes

>> No.12870001

Based. Don't let the haters get you down, being orange is cool. I myself and quite blue because I have been drinking medicinal silver for quite some time and no one dares say a word to me about it.

>> No.12870039

i eat around 3 carrots a day, every day, and I am not orange.

>> No.12870044

>i eat around 3 carrots a day, every day, and I am not orange.
Hand pics or it didn't happen

>> No.12870062
File: 85 KB, 728x546, aid10139094-v4-728px-Eat-Carrots-Step-2-Version-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of dip for carrots would you recommend?

>> No.12870066

Hummus or peanut sauce

>> No.12870073

That isn’t a study you fucking faggot. Are you stupid?

>> No.12870163

Air because I'm not a manchild.

>> No.12870594

I just eat them raw and without any seasoning, bretty good

>> No.12870719
File: 102 KB, 493x370, 8B043BFE-A738-4AA1-8F94-5EEB643C1B64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a kid just like you who grew up eating carrots.

>”eat a lot of carrots young boy” said his belowed and wise grandma “they’re good for your eyes so that you can see your future clearly”

That kid ate carrot after carrot as he grew up strong day by day.

His name was Donald Trump.

>> No.12870732

>xir doesnt want to become Trump

>> No.12871239

enjoy your day

>> No.12871296

does that depend on if you are able to convert carotens to real vit A ?

>> No.12871317
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chill m9

>> No.12871605

Carrots only turn your palms and soles orange. I've had 1-2lbs a week for years and it's only noticeable sometimes. But people have commented on it occasionally.

>> No.12871712

That's bullshit. I've eaten an absurd amount of carrots in my lifetime and never turned orange. I even grow my own carrots. If it even happens and isn't a myth (heard it a million times due to being a carrot aficionado), you'd probably have to stuff yourself with nothing but carrots all day every day.

Keep eating carrots, my man.

>> No.12872226
File: 45 KB, 540x532, 1565382066505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>realize how easy it is to eat them

>> No.12872395

Are you going to marry a carrot, Lisa?

>> No.12872471

>That place full of racists and potential shooters
>thinkin /ck/ is any different
big oof lol

>> No.12872478

Top kek

>> No.12872526

Roberta Zdar?

>> No.12873309

Yeah they are a virus they're almost everywhere. A vaccine must be created.

>> No.12873318

it is
racism go home >>>/pol/

>> No.12873957

Hi fren. I'm your /ck/ fren

>> No.12874134

/pol/ is simply obnoxious racism
Most of 4chan is just normal racism

>> No.12874525
