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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 42 KB, 749x470, Impossible-foods-burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12793932 No.12793932 [Reply] [Original]

>fake meat
>costs more than real made
>made from texture vegetable protein which is dirt cheap
So why don't the people these are marketed to just buy a bag/can of legumes?

>> No.12793938

Quit pozzing up this board with your faggot soyfood

>> No.12795293

because being vegan isnt about saving the planet, saving animals or hating meat.
being vegan is being able to #hashtag show that you're morally superior than everyone else and casual attention whoring.

>> No.12795301

Just eating lentils won't be as satisfying because they're higher in carbs/fiber. It's why bean burgers usually suck too, because you're trying to replace something that's mostly protein and fat with something higher in carbs that's going on bread. We crave food high in protein and the only way to really get that from plants is with some processing.

>> No.12795669
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>> No.12795851
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>being this delusional

>> No.12795900
File: 701 KB, 1280x800, 1562441339659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks so much for these templates vegancuck. I'm going to have so much fun with this thanks in advance ..

>> No.12796508
File: 64 KB, 800x450, 8fbe6d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>proof by example
>spamming fallacies because no valid arguments
Carnism makes you retarded, confirmed

>> No.12796685

Literal boomers, go back to facebook.

>> No.12796698

I hate the 'but the animal rights' argument. It's a retarded argument because most livestock got basically nothing going on in their heads. Pigs are the only one with a relatively high intelligence.

I have considered veganism/vegetarianism because of how dogshit the livestock industry is for the world. The world's hunger for a largely meat based diet fucks with our water, means natural landscapes get converted to pasture, impact our health by breeding antibiotic resistant bacteria, and more.

Also the amount of meat we consume in our diets, at least for americans, is a huge reason there is an american heart health crisis.

>> No.12796751
File: 159 KB, 1500x1125, 20161004-beyond-burger-18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These burgers really aren't made for vegans, they're for people that are experimenting with eating less meat. I know some long time vegans and they get grossed out by the texture. Vegans aren't really buying these.

They're also expensive because production hasn't quite hit the scale that it needs to in order to be cheaper than beef and because they can kind of get away with charging that much for now until there's an inevitable over-saturation in a few years. The government not subsidizing the industry like they do with beef is also a major factor at least for now.

Source: have worked in the food industry for like a decade now.

>> No.12796766

>It's a retarded argument because most livestock got basically nothing going on in their heads.
You've clearly never been around cows. Or even sheep and goats. They're real dumb, but saying that they're brainless or implying that they can't feel miserable is ignorant. Just to make it clear, I'm not a vegan nor do I think I ever will be, I've killed and butchered animals and fish before and have a pretty good feeling that I know a bit about this sort of thing.

>> No.12796823

>So why don't the people these are marketed to just buy a bag/can of legumes?
They are not very protein dense. Can't buy textured pea protein as a consumer, only soy.

>> No.12796846

if you're not an omnivore supporting lab-grown meat, you're a retard. vegans and carnivores both need to fuck off.

>> No.12796855

Consider hanging yourself.

>> No.12796951

eating meat is not good for you or your mind. It leads you to believe eating meat is normal. That much is certain.

The way modern food works makes it even more devious. Most people no longer farm, much less hunt, or raise slaughter animals. You raise kids who love puppies and horses and kitties and all animals, then take them to mcdonalds where they eat their favorite hamburger and chicken nuggets packaged up with the facade of a fun-time and a toy. You buy a packaged steak at the grocery store. You're almost entirely distanced by the process and means behind delivery. It breeds a real life delusion so insane that not even saturday-morning cartoon villainy can match it.

Eating meat is not natural. The meme of eating flesh is an embodiment of sickness and evil that has gone great lengths to disguise the consumption of meat as anything but what it really is.
Consumption of the dead.

existing as an abomination.

>> No.12796957

Humans possess canine teeth. Checkmate.

>> No.12796967

ok satan.

>> No.12796988

don't worry, their unnatural diet will off them soon enough

>> No.12796995

This is true, I bet a long term vegan would be put off by something that so closely resembled meat. Conventional veggie burgers looks and feel nothing like meat, they're just something you can eat at a cook out and not feel left out.

>> No.12797007

Carnism is a brainwashing death cult that has the benefit of being the vast majority of the populace and starting the brainwashing from infancy. Ironically, they're so brainwashed they don't even realize it and believe vegans are the brainwashed when in reality they've broken out of the carnist fog.

>> No.12797030

so do pandas. All they eat is bamboo.

>> No.12797053

ah yes, the animal so dumb it needs human help to procreate

>> No.12797079

Wow that sure is a bunch of baseless assertions. Almost like you have no arguments, so you make up for it by pushing the emotional narrative as if it gives your position any validity.

>> No.12797085

please get your facts out of here this is a reactionary retard thread

>> No.12797962


>> No.12798020

This. OP is retarded.

>> No.12798023

because people who want to eat less meat are unable to detach themselves from meat as a qualia. carnism lives rent free in everyone's mind due to its prominence and deep entrenchment in society. you can sort fad grifters from more sincere vege/vegans by seeing who eats this. the ones who impulsively made radical dietary changes are still in the meat-umwelt and therefore still crave its qualia. sincere vegans have had their preferences weaned more gradually and have weaker cravings. people who eat this are totally insincere sham vege/vegans, but not for obvious reasons

>> No.12798282

The predictable reaction of any projecting retard is to disregard any argument, so congrats to you.

Cruelty, murder, mutilation, bloody bones, guts, death, eating the dead, with a smile.
Let it sink in. Quit squirming. Accept you've lived like a complete psychopath. Accept your behaviour is that of a mindless horror abomination, like a zombie craving flesh.

>> No.12798292

More to do with only eating bamboo than not eating meat. Tree branches aren't exactly food.

>> No.12798383

Why is this shit in the meat cases?

>> No.12798737

That's still appealing to emotions. I was kinda hoping you'd have the balls to claim some form of objective morality and say any killing is wrong, but no, you doubled down on "it's bad because it's icky"
Now I doubt you chose a diet (well, political ideology) because you think meat is gross, which means you would be disingenuous so I can't assume you have any integrity. That would match with most of the far leftist ideologies. So I think I can guess that you must be a retarded ideologue.

>> No.12798786

This. I think the moral argument is shit. I would also eat a dog or cat if it was socialy acceptable. I think being overly cruel is unnecissay, but i dont think cultivating livestock is any different than one predetory hunting its prey. The only quibble I might have is if a creature has the ability to reason to the level of sentience and logic. If you do it for other reasons fine.

>> No.12798798

This. I aint vegan, and eat beef semi regularly, but if i want some more vegie in my diet, but want something a little more umami i eat this. If i want a beef burger i eat a beef burger.

>> No.12798914

I'm not a vegan, but maybe they don't want to kill animals and eat them? I can understand not wanting to eat meat but I like it too much. I'd be vegetarian if I could.

>> No.12798919
File: 1.41 MB, 1300x1800, 1561928460003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is "carnism?"

>> No.12798931
File: 47 KB, 703x368, 1560117734084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell the Lions.

>> No.12798944
File: 63 KB, 1324x696, 1548685832090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only thing you've broken out of is reality.

You have made a clean break.

>> No.12799179

See, the vegan is well aware of how pathetic the label "vegan" is. In retaliation the vegan seeks to deride others, however it is difficult to mock "normal" so the vegan must invent a new word. Much like "cis".

>> No.12799210
File: 504 KB, 2489x1227, okbuddyretard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cherry picking mentally ill people to support your argument
Look, I don't think veganism is the healthiest diet, especially if you like muscle mass and healthy joints, but let's not get all retarded and say that all vegans are caricature idiots that you've posted. I know some pretty healthy vegans and unless you know them fairly well you wouldn't even know they're vegans.

Not to mention there are actually vegan athletes. I wouldn't do it, it seems to be like doing it on European Extreme mode, but it's been done. We know enough about nutrition and the way the body works these days that it can be done.

But no, let's just pretend the people you disagree with are all mentally ill degenerates, because we can't handle handle complex ideas and we have the emotional intelligence of a rotten potato, right?

>> No.12799255

>a level-headed response from anon
Thank god

>> No.12799301

I think these are a good idea, strictly for the sake of efficiency. Cut out the middle man (cow) and go straight to the plant, saving an order of magnitude of energy.

But yeah, holy hell, they really should only be half the price of actual meat considering how much less work and energy it takes to make them.

I will switch to plant burgers the day they're cheaper than the cheapest ground meat at my local Walmart.

>> No.12799344

You lying sack of shit, You know some vegans? Bullshit. They're rare as fuck but you just happen to know some, like 4 or 6?

Also nutrition is still massively under studied and massively misunderstood. In other words no one knows fuck all about it. People still think eating fat makes you fat, dietary cholesterol is linked to blood cholesterol. etc. et fucking cetera.

Veganism is absolutely a mental disorder akin to any other phobia. All the signs are there. It must be eradicated at all cost.

>> No.12799347

>if I don't buy the already killed animal the animal won't be killed

>inb4 it's so less animals are killed in the future
>I and my death cult matter and will surely affect the revenue of meat producers just by not eating, it's totally not empty virtue signaling, it's not like they deploy in batches and stay within their planned margins of revenue

>> No.12799349 [DELETED] 

Why are they all niggers?

>> No.12799354

Even though they're the most unhealthy ultra processed food there ever was? The worst on the entire menu? There's more ingredients than there are posts in /s?

>> No.12799375


The funny thing is that going vegan won't save animals or save the environment.

>> No.12799396


Why the fuck would I support a less efficient, lower quality product that still requires killing baby cows for their fetal bovine serum to grow the cells.

>> No.12799403
File: 85 KB, 490x279, 1550530072302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a close vegan friend, another fairly close acquaintance, I used to date a vegan girl a couple years ago and have worked with a few vegans in the past and currently work with one that I know of.

>In other words no one knows fuck all about it.
This just isn't true. Ask any person that eats a healthy, varied diet, excercises and feels good. They seem to know something about it. Your shitty double negatives can go fuck themselves.

>Veganism is absolutely a mental disorder akin to any other phobia.
It's not. It's just a choice that people make regarding what they eat. You sound like you have some problems and insecurities yourself, so I wouldn't throw around the term "mental disorder" so william nilliam.

>> No.12799439

Yup, because I literally want to fucking die. I actually ate one and It was pretty gud, I don't give a fuck if it's healthy or unhealthy, if it's cheap and tastes ok, it's going inside me.

>> No.12799682


>> No.12799707


>> No.12800586

>hasn't quite hit the scale that it needs to in order to be cheaper than beef
anon TVP is a byproduct of animal feed its used manly by prisons and the most shittiest fastfood places IE BK's "chicken" nuggets as a protein filler
its cheap as fuck because its soy/pea and has been heavily used already for 30 years

I just bought 5 lb of the stuff in 1 lb boxes that was on sale for 1.50$ from some eco hipster brand wholesale 50 lb bags are dirt fucking cheap

>> No.12800630

They don't bother fractioning soy for animal feed, they just grind it up into soy meal.

Soy protein concentrate is a food product and the most expensive fraction of the soy ... everything else is a byproduct.

>> No.12800653

Consider sucking my cock

>> No.12800778
File: 992 KB, 1280x800, 1563045631802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are a leftist/liberal, go vegan by all means please.

>> No.12800959
File: 104 KB, 1009x748, proof by example aka gatis aka toothless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy your low test carnicuck

>> No.12800973

There's no point in trying to have a rational discussion with this guy. I don't know if he's legitimately autistic or a falseflagger, but he's been posting the same pictures and saying the exact same shit for months.

>> No.12801145

It's about multi billion dollar corporations making easy money.

>> No.12801261

Except vegans cause more animal death (including humans due to poor nutrition jej) than carnivores. Compare hundreds of small mammals, reptiles and birds deaths per kilo of grain to one or two cows per year.

>> No.12801382

Farm animals are fed grains and soybeans (in fact most soybeans and grain are grown for animal feed) which cause the death of muh little critters as well. So the hands of your carnist death cult are coated in far more blood than the vegans. Thx for proving vegans correct!

>> No.12801427

It's not just textured vegetable proteins. It also contains real "blood". The blood doesn't come from animals though. They found a fway to produce this shit called 'heme' (greek for Blood, like in hemoglobin) using a soy hemoprotein and yeast. I think this plant-based blood is what's driving the costs up.

>> No.12801845

Only approximately 10% of total food consumed by ruminants is grain if we're talking about commercially produced meat in the US. Please, consult some actual sources on the subject prior to posting, thanks.

>> No.12802474


so vegans/vegetarians can pretend to be "one of the gang" when eating with their carnivorous co-workers rather than with a giant arrow pointing to them that screams FAGGOT when they order some shitty salad instead

>> No.12802510

Because lentils arent the same. Just because someone doesnt eat meat doesnt mean they dont like it. Getting something to resemble a burger in looks and taste is pretty hard at home so people buy these as a treat.

>> No.12802714

>More than 90 million acres of land are planted to corn, with the majority of the crop grown in the Heartland region. Most of the crop is used as the main energy ingredient in livestock feed.


>Some 70 to 80% of grain produced in the United States is fed to livestock 4
>Half the water consumed in the U.S. is used to grow grain for cattle feed. 5
>A gallon of gasoline is required to produce a pound of grain-fed beef. 6

>Around 70 percent of the world’s soy is fed directly to livestock and only six percent of soy is turned into human food, which is mostly consumed in Asia. The rest of soy is turned into soybean oil.


I hate it when I'm forced to embarass brainwashed ,death cult, bloodlusting carnists so completely - nah, not really! You've been literally btfo!

>> No.12803831

I admire your dedication Anon, even thought we both know we're gonna have the same thread with the same idiots tomorrow, the day after, and so on for the rest of our lives.

>> No.12803844

lol, heme isn't blood - it's from a root, and it therefore plant-based

like all the vegan burgers use heme now, not just impossible, but also beyond meat and lightlife, probably a bunch of other brands as well with their own version
then they started putting chunks of coconut oil as the fat like meat fat

heme gives it that irony flavor and red color

>> No.12803897

Because keto/low carb is master diet

>> No.12803905

it's just the popular as fuck meme rn
in the 90s it was the atkins diet

>> No.12803933

The low carb diet has existed a lot longer than that
A 19th century Scottish Doctor used low carb diets to treat diabetes
Although I like the Atkins diet/ it is not as advanced as keto

>> No.12803950

i just meant as far as trendiness is concerned
i knew it had been around a while, although i didn't know how far back

i keep seeing magazines in the grocery store with special "keto" issues and a bunch of products advertising "keto" in health food stores
this one magazine even talked about the carnivore diet and jordan peterson, kek

>> No.12803964

I’ve seen great results with keto, although I also understand why people do carnivore diet.

>> No.12803987

>the government doesn't subsidize soy
>it does subsidize beef
You are retarded. You have it precisely ass backwards.

>> No.12804541

Try a couple years now. It's a literal mental disorder. Sadly he does it 16 hours a day too. He also false flags vegan threads to spam Gatis videos.

>> No.12804555

It's the step between meat and lab grown meat from the DNA of a perfect cow.